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단위 테스트 - 6장 단위 테스트 스타일
public class AuditManager
private readonly int _maxEntriesPerFile;
private readonly string _directoryName;
public AuditManager(int maxEntriesPerFile, string directoryName)
_maxEntriesPerFile = maxEntriesPerFile;
_directoryName = directoryName;
public void AddRecord(string visitoirName, DataTime timeOfVisit)
string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(_directoryName);
(int index, string path)[] sorted = SortByIndex(filePaths);
string newRecord = visitorNAme + ‘;’ + timeOfVisit;
if (sorted.Length == 0)
string newFile = Path.Combine(_directoryName, “audit_1.txt”)
File.WriteAllText(newFile, newRecord);
(int currentFileIndex, string currnetFilePath) = sorted.Last();
List<string> lines = File.ReadAllLines(currentFilePath).ToList();
if (lines.Count < _maxEntriesPerFile)
string newContent = string.Join("\r\n", lines);
File.WriteAllTExt(currentFilePAth, newContent);
int newIndex = currentFileIndex + 1;
string newName = $"audit_{newIndex}.txt";
string newFile = Path.Combine(_directoryName, newName);
File.WriteAllText(newFile, newRecord);
public class AuditManager
private readonly int _maxEntriesPerFile;
private readonly string _directoryName;
private readonly IFileSystem _fileSystem;
public AuditManager(
int maxEntriesPerFile,
string directoryName,
IfFileSystem fileSystem)
_maxEntriesPerFile = maxEntriesPerFile;
_directoryName = directoryName;
_fileSystem = fileSystem;
public void AddRecord(string visitoirName, DataTime timeOfVisit)
string[] filePaths = _fileSystem.GetFiles(_directoryName);
(int index, string path)[] sorted = SortByIndex(filePaths);
string newRecord = visitorNAme + ‘;’ + timeOfVisit;
if (sorted.Length == 0)
string newFile = Path.Combine(_directoryName, “audit_1.txt”)
_fileSystem.WriteAllText(newFile, newRecord);
(int currentFileIndex, string currnetFilePath) = sorted.Last();
List<string> lines = _fileSystem.ReadAllLines(currentFilePath).ToList();
if (lines.Count < _maxEntriesPerFile)
string newContent = string.Join("\r\n", lines);
_fileSystem.WriteAllTExt(currentFilePAth, newContent);
int newIndex = currentFileIndex + 1;
string newName = $"audit_{newIndex}.txt";
string newFile = Path.Combine(_directoryName, newName);
_fileSystem.WriteAllText(newFile, newRecord);
public void A_new_file_is_created_when_the_current_file_overflows()
var fileSystemMock = new Mock<IFileSystem>();
.Setup(x => x.GetFiles("audits"))
.Returns(new String[]
.Setup(x => x.ReadAllLines(@"audits\audit_2.txt"))
.Returns(new List<string>
"Peter; 2019-04-06T16:30:00",
"Jane; 2019-04-06T16:40:00",
"Jack; 2019-04-06T17:00:00",
var sut = new AuditManager(3, "audits", fileSystemMock.Object);
sut.AddRecord("Alice", DateTime.Parse("2019-04-16T18:00:00"));
fileSystemMock.Verify(x => x.WriteAllText(
public class FileContent
public readonly string FileName;
publllic readonly string[] Lines;
publlic FileContent(string fileName, string[] lines)
FileName = fileName;
Lines = lines;
public class FileContent
public readonly string FileName;
publllic readonly string NewContent;
publlic FileContent(string fileName, string newContent)
FileName = fileName;
NewContent = newContent;
public class Persister
public FileContent[] ReadDirectory(string direcctoryName)
return Directory
.Select(x => new FileContent(
public void ApplyUpdate(string directoryName, FileUpdate updadte)
string filePath = Path.Combine(directoryName, update.FileName);
File.WriteAllText(filePath, update.NewContent);
public class AuditManager
private readonly int _maxEntriesPerFile;
public AuditManager(int maxEntriesPerFile)
_maxEntriesPerFile = maxEntriesPerFile;
public FileUpdate AddRecord(
FileContent[] files,
string visitorName,
DateTime tiemOfVisit)
(int index, FileContent file)[] sorted = SortByIndex(files);
string newRecord = visitorNAme + ‘;’ + timeOfVisit;
if (sorted.Length == 0)
return new FileUpdate(
"audit_1.txt", newRecord);
(int currentFileIndex, FileContent currentFile) = sorted.Last();
List<string> lines = currentFile.Lines.ToList();
if (lines.Count < _maxEntriesPerFile)
string newContent = string.Join("\r\n", lines);
return new FileUpdate(
currentFile.FileName, newContent);
int newIndex = currentFileIndex + 1;
string newName = $"audit_{newIndex}.txt";
return new FileUpdate(
newName, newRecord);
public class ApplicationService
private readonly string _directoryName;
private readonly AuditManager _auditManager;
private readonly Persister _persister;
public ApplicationService(
string directoryName, int maxEntriesPerFile)
_directoryName = directoryName;
_auditManager = new AuditManager(maxEntiresPerFile);
_persister = new Persister();
public void AddRecord(string visitorName, DateTime timeOfVisit)
FileContent[] files = _persister.ReadDirectory(_directoryName);
FileUpdate update = _auditManager.AddRecord(
files, visitorName, timeOfVisit);
_persister.ApplyUpdate(_directoryNAme, update);
public void A_new_file_is_created_when_the_current_file_overflows()
var sut = new AuditManager(3);
var files = new FileContent[]
new FileContent("audit_1".txt, new String[0]),
new FileContent("audit_2".txt, new String[]
"Peter; 2019-04-06T16:30:00",
"Jane; 2019-04-06T16:40:00",
"Jack; 2019-04-06T17:00:00"
FileUpdate update = sut.AddRecord(
files, "Alice", DateTime.parse("2019-04-06T18:00:00"));
Assert.Equal("audit_3.txt", update.FileName);
Assert.Equal("Alice;2019-04-06T18:00:00", update.NewContent);
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