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Created July 11, 2016 21:46
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# Matar todos os processos por palavra chave
# Kill A lot of process by keyword
# ps auxf (Só para identar os processos por hierarquia)
# ps auxf (Just list all process orderly by hierarchy)
# grep worker (Grep ué, filtra os resultados pela palavra chave)
# grep worker (Filter output by informated keyword)
# awk (Pega a coluna de acordo com os headers, exemplo: awk {print $1} = primeira coluna de output)
# awk (get informated column by command head, example: awk {print $1} = first column from output)
# xargs (Pega a saida dos comandos anteriores, e itera no comando exposto via argumento)
# xargs (Get previous output, and iterate with command informated after xargs)
ps auxf | grep worker | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
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