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Last active August 22, 2022 15:40
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Simple but better structs for Python :)
import struct
class BetterStructMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, clsname, superclasses, attributedict):
if clsname != 'BetterStruct':
fields = attributedict['__fields__']
field_types = [ _[0] for _ in fields ]
field_names = [ _[1] for _ in fields if _[1] is not None ]
size = 0
for fielddef in fields:
t = fielddef[0]
n = fielddef[1]
if isinstance(t, str):
size += struct.Struct(t).size
size += t.size
attributedict['__names__'] = field_names
attributedict['size'] = size
return type.__new__(cls, clsname, superclasses, attributedict)
class BetterStruct(metaclass=BetterStructMeta):
def __init__(self, **kwds):
for fielddef in self.__fields__:
t = fielddef[0]
n = fielddef[1]
if n is None:
setattr(self, n, None)
if isinstance(t, str):
if t[-1] == 's':
setattr(self, n, b'')
elif t in ('Q', 'I', 'H', 'B'):
setattr(self, n, 0)
for n, v in kwds.items():
if n not in self.__names__:
raise KeyError("attribute name '%s' unknown" % n)
setattr(self, n, v)
def unpack_from(cls, buffer, offset=0):
if len(buffer) - offset < cls.size:
raise ValueError("unpack_from requires a buffer of at least %d bytes; %d available" % (cls.size, len(buffer) - offset))
fields = []
for fielddef in cls.__fields__:
t = fielddef[0]
n = fielddef[1]
if isinstance(t, str):
s = struct.Struct(t)
size = s.size
if n is not None:
value = s.unpack_from(buffer, offset)[0]
if t[-1] == 's' and len(fielddef) > 2 and fielddef[2]:
value = value.rstrip(b"\0")
size = t.size
if n is not None:
fields.append(t.unpack_from(buffer, offset))
offset += size
instance = cls()
for n, v in zip(cls.__names__, fields):
setattr(instance, n, v)
except AttributeError:
return instance
def read_from(cls, fp):
data =
if not data:
return None
if len(data) < cls.size:
raise ValueError("insufficient data read from the file object")
return cls.unpack_from(data)
def pack(self):
data = bytearray()
for fielddef in self.__fields__:
t = fielddef[0]
n = fielddef[1]
if n is not None:
v = getattr(self, n)
if isinstance(t, str):
return data
def write(self, fp):
def __str__(self):
return '(' + ', '.join([ "'%s': %s" % (n, repr(getattr(self, n))) for n in self.__names__ if n is not None ]) + ')'
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
# Example structure definition
class ImageHeader(BetterStruct):
__endian__ = '<'
__fields__ = [
('20s', 'hash'),
('4s', 'signature'),
('B', 'major_rev'),
('B', 'minor_rev'),
('H', 'flags'),
('I', 'total_blocks'),
('I', 'first_boot_tag_block'),
('I', 'first_boot_section_id'),
('H', 'key_count'),
('H', 'key_dict_block'),
('H', 'header_blocks'),
('H', 'section_count'),
('H', 'section_header_size'),
('2x', None), # for padding etc
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