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Created November 2, 2017 22:16
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(ns study-clojure.core
(:require [ :as io])
(:import (java.util Date))
(defn now []
"the dot of 'Date.' means instanciate 'now' in Java.
same like (new java.util.Date)"
(defn home-path []
"get user home directory"
(System/getProperty "user.home"))
(defmulti rand* (fn [min max] [(class min) (class max)]))
(defmethod rand* [Long Long] [min max]
(long (+ (rand (- (inc max) min)) min)))
(defmethod rand* [Double Double] [min max]
(+ (rand (- (inc max) min)) min))
;; atom cache
(defn create []
"create map of atom."
(atom {}))
(defn get_ [cache key]
(@cache key))
(defn set_
([cache value-map] (swap! cache merge value-map))
([cache key value] (swap! cache assoc key value)))
(defn read-file [filepath]
(with-open [rdr (io/reader filepath)]
(doseq [str (line-seq rdr)]
(println str))))
(defn read-file2 [filepath f]
(with-open [rdr (io/reader filepath)]
(doall (map f (line-seq rdr)))))
(defn renew-file [filepath]
(if (.exists (io/as-file filepath))
(io/delete-file filepath))
(with-open [w (io/writer filepath)]
(.write w (str (now) "\n"))
(.write w (str "hellox"))))
; Sandbox
(defn factorial [n]
(if (<= n 1N)
(* n (factorial (dec n)))))
(defn sample-if-let [n]
"if-let sample"
(if-let [v n] v "no data."))
; tail recursion
(defn tail-recursion-loop [max-count]
(loop [n 1]
(if (< n max-count)
(print (str n ","))
(recur (inc n)))
(println "Done."))))
(defn fizzbuzz [n]
(loop [i 1]
(if (<= i n)
(print (cond
(and (zero? (mod i 3)) (zero? (mod i 5))) "fizzbuzz"
(zero? (mod i 3)) "fizz"
(zero? (mod i 5)) "buzz"
:else i))
(print " ")
(recur (inc i))))))
(defn cond-test [n]
(< n 10) "n<10"
(< n 20) "n<20"
:else "n>=20"))
(defn destruct-map []
"exercise destruct and map"
(let [fruits {:name "apple" :quantity 50 :taste "good"}]
(let [{s :name, q :quantity} fruits]
(print s ",q=" q))))
(defn hello-map []
"% is argument placeholder. # is lamda."
(let [fruits '("apple" "orange" "melon")]
(map #(* (count %) 2) fruits)))
(defn vlen [v]
"count vector length."
(loop [l v, c 0]
(if (empty? l)
(recur (rest l) (inc c)))))
(defn test1 []
(every? even? (map #(* % 2) (range 1000000)))
(some nil? [1 2 nil])))
;; take & drop
(defn take-drop []
[:xxx :yyy :zzz]
(drop 2)
(take 5)))
(defn fact2 [n]
(apply * (take n (iterate inc 1))))
(defn fact3 [n]
(iterate inc 1)
(take n)
(apply *)))
;; protocol
;; type and interface.
(defprotocol Compass
(direction [c])
(left [c])
(right [c]))
(def directions [:north :east :south :west])
(defn turn [base amount]
; reminder
(rem (+ base amount) (count directions)))
(defrecord SimpleCompass [bearing]
Compass ; protocol name.
(direction [_]
(directions bearing))
(left [_]
(SimpleCompass. (turn bearing 3)))
(right [_]
(SimpleCompass. (turn bearing 1)))
Object ; protocol
(toString [this] (str "[" (direction this) "]")))
; macro at first time.
(defmacro unless [test body] (list 'if (list 'not test) body))
(defn -main
[& args]
(let [filepath "c:\\tmp\\hello_clojure.txt"]
(renew-file filepath)
(read-file2 filepath println))
(println "Hello, World!")
(print "What's your name?")
(let [v (read-line)]
(print v))))
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