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Last active July 17, 2023 13:23
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ulisp-mode (wip)
(define-minor-mode ulisp-mode
"Simple uLisp mode that overrides slime-eval-* with lisp-eval-* equivalents,
and can automatically update dynamic fn-refs for call-c-fun"
:init-value nil
:lighter " uLisp"
:keymap nil
(if ulisp-mode
(setq dc/previous-i-l-p inferior-lisp-program)
(setq inferior-lisp-program "cu -l /dev/ttyACM0 -s 9600")
(setq comint-process-echoes t)
(defadvice slime-eval-defun (around lisp-eval-defun activate)
(lisp-eval-defun (ad-get-arg 0)))
(defadvice slime-eval-region (around lisp-eval-region activate)
(lisp-eval-region (ad-get-arg 0) (ad-get-arg 1)))
(defadvice slime-eval-buffer (around lisp-eval-buffer activate)
(defadvice slime-eval-last-expression (around lisp-eval-last-sexp activate)
(defun find-project-directory ()
"Find the project directory containing the current buffer's file."
(let ((dir (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))))
(while (and dir (not (file-exists-p (expand-file-name ".git" dir))))
(setq dir (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))
(defun kebab-to-camel (str)
(let ((case-fold-search nil))
"-\\([a-z]\\)" (lambda (match) (upcase (substring match 1))) str t)))
(defun camel-to-kebab (str)
"Convert camelCase string STR to kebab-case."
(let ((case-fold-search nil))
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\([a-z]\\)\\([A-Z]\\)" "\\1-\\2" str t))))
(defun extract-defvars ()
(goto-char (point-min))
(let (result)
(while (re-search-forward "(defvar \\(.*?\\) \\(#x[0-9a-gA-F]+\\))" nil t)
(let ((defvar-name (substring-no-properties (match-string 1)))
(address (substring-no-properties (match-string 2))))
(push (cons defvar-name address) result)))
(defun find-closest-match (fn-name nm-output old-address)
(let ((matches (find-matching-addresses fn-name nm-output old-address)))
(when matches
(setq matches (sort matches (lambda (a b)
(or (< (nth 2 a) (nth 2 b))
(and (= (nth 2 a) (nth 2 b)) (< (nth 3 a) (nth 3 b)))))))
(let ((closest-match (car matches)))
(nth 1 closest-match)))))
(defun find-matching-addresses (fn-name nm-output old-address)
(let (matches)
(insert nm-output)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward "\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\) \\(\\S-+\\) \\(\\(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:]*\\)?\\)" nil t)
(let* ((address (match-string 1))
(symbol-type (match-string 2))
(full-fn-name (match-string 3))
(base-fn-name (replace-regexp-in-string ".* " "" full-fn-name))
(class-name (car (split-string base-fn-name "::")))
(method-name (or (cadr (split-string base-fn-name "::"))
(name-distance (string-distance fn-name method-name))
(address-distance (if (string= old-address "#xg")
(abs (- (string-to-number address 16)
(string-to-number (string-replace "#x" "" old-address) 16))))))
(push (list class-name address name-distance address-distance
method-name old-address base-fn-name) matches)))
(when matches
(setq matches (sort matches (lambda (a b)
(or (< (nth 2 a) (nth 2 b))
(and (= (nth 2 a) (nth 2 b)) (< (nth 3 a) (nth 3 b))))))))
(defun update-defvars ()
"Update defvars with the corresponding addresses using `nm` command.
Display alternative matches with name-distance of 0 as comments."
(let* ((project-dir (find-project-directory))
(defvars (extract-defvars)))
(dolist (defvar defvars)
(let* ((defvar-name (car defvar))
(old-address (cdr defvar))
(fn-name (kebab-to-camel defvar-name))
(nm-output (shell-command-to-string
(concat "nm " project-dir
".pio/build/pico/firmware.elf --demangle | grep " fn-name)))
(new-address (concat "#x" (find-closest-match fn-name nm-output old-address)))
(alternative-matches (find-matching-addresses fn-name nm-output old-address)))
(when new-address
(replace-string old-address new-address nil (point-min) (point-max))
(when alternative-matches
(insert-alternative-matches-comments alternative-matches)))))))))
(defun kill-current-comment ()
(let* ((existing-comment-start (search-backward " ; " (line-beginning-position) t))
(existing-comment-end (line-end-position)))
(when (and existing-comment-start
(<= existing-comment-start existing-comment-end))
(delete-region existing-comment-start existing-comment-end))))
(defun insert-alternative-matches-comments (alternative-matches)
"Insert comments for alternative matches with name-distance of 0.
Include function name and addresses."
(let ((closest-match-fuzzy? (< 2 (nth 2 (car alternative-matches))))
(alt-matches (cdr (seq-take-while (lambda (match) (> 2 (nth 2 match))) alternative-matches))))
(insert (concat " ; " (caar alternative-matches)))
(insert " - Alts: ")
(insert (mapconcat (lambda (m) (format "%s #x%s" (car m) (cadr m)) ) alt-matches)))
(insert " ; Opts: \n(\n")
(insert (mapconcat (lambda (m) (format "(defvar %s #x%s) ; %s\n"
(camel-to-kebab (nth 4 m))
(cadr m)
(car (last m))) ) alternative-matches))
(insert ")")
(message "simple-list-mode enabled"))
(progn (setq inferior-lisp-program dc/previous-i-f-p)
(message "simple-list-mode disabled"))
(ad-disable-advice 'slime-eval-defun 'around 'lisp-eval-defun)
(ad-activate 'slime-eval-defun)
(ad-disable-advice 'slime-eval-region 'around 'lisp-eval-region)
(ad-activate 'slime-eval-region)
(ad-disable-advice 'slime-eval-buffer 'around 'lisp-eval-buffer)
(ad-activate 'slime-eval-buffer)
(ad-disable-advice 'slime-eval-last-expression 'around 'lisp-eval-last-expression)
(ad-activate 'slime-eval-last-expression)))
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Also, here is a wip call-c-fun variant for calling methods of a specific instance:

(defvar tft #x20030b74)
(defvar fillscreen #x10012635)
(call-c-method tft fillscreen 20)
using MethodPtr = uint32_t (*)(void*);

object *fn_call_c_method(object *args, object *env) {
    (void) env;
    void* inst;
    MethodPtr pAddr;

    object *arg = first(args);
    if (checkinteger(arg) && checkinteger(second(args))) {
        inst = reinterpret_cast<void*>(checkinteger(arg));
        pAddr = reinterpret_cast<MethodPtr>(checkinteger(second(args)));
    } else {
        return nil;

    object *ret;
    object *fun_args = cdr(cdr(args));
    int arg_len = listlength(fun_args);
    printf("addr=%p arg_len=%d\n", pAddr, arg_len);

    std::function<object*(void*)> method = [pAddr](void* instance) {
       int ret = reinterpret_cast<int (*)(void*)>(pAddr)(instance);
        return number(ret);

    switch (arg_len) {
        case 0: {
            ret = method(inst);
        case 1: {
            void* arg1 = get_value(first(fun_args));
             ret = std::bind(method, inst)(arg1);
        case 2: {
            void* arg1 = get_value(first(fun_args));
            void* arg2 = get_value(second(fun_args));
            ret = std::bind(method, inst)(arg1, arg2);
        case 3: {
            void* arg1 = get_value(first(fun_args));
            void* arg2 = get_value(second(fun_args));
            void* arg3 = get_value(third(fun_args));
            ret = std::bind(method, inst)(arg1, arg2, arg3);

            error(toomanyargs, args);
            return nil;

    return ret;

// Symbol names
const char string_call_c_method[] PROGMEM = "call-c-method";

// Documentation strings

const char doc_call_c_method[] PROGMEM = "(call-c-method class-address method-address arg0 arg1 ...)\n"
"call a c class method with args";

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