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Created December 7, 2016 15:38
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EC2 Reserved Instance auditing
import boto.ec2
def get_running_instances(region):
ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region)
instances = [i for r in ec2.get_all_reservations() for i in r.instances]
return filter(lambda i: i.state == 'running', instances)
def get_reserved_instances(region):
ec2 = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(region)
reserved_instances = ec2.get_all_reserved_instances()
return filter(lambda i: i.state == 'active', reserved_instances)
def get_ri_table(running_instances, reserved_instances):
table = {}
for i in running_instances:
key = (i.vpc_id is not None, i.placement, i.instance_type)
if key not in table:
table[key] = {'running': 0, 'reserved': 0}
table[key]['running'] += 1
for ri in reserved_instances:
key = ('VPC' in ri.description, ri.availability_zone, ri.instance_type)
if key not in table:
table[key] = {'running': 0, 'reserved': 0}
table[key]['reserved'] += ri.instance_count
return table
def print_ri_table(table, header):
header_template = "{5} {0:18} {6}|{5} {1:15} {6}|{5} {2:10} {6}|{5} {3:10} {6}|{5} {4:10}{6}"
row_template = "{5} {0:18} {6}|{5} {1:15} {6}|{5} {2:10d} {6}|{5} {3:10d} {6}|{5} {4:10d}{6}"
keys = table.keys()
print "\033[1;37;49m {0} \033[00m\n".format(header)
print header_template.format("Availability Zone", "Instance Type", "RIs", "Instances", "Diff", "\033[1;37;49m", "\033[00m")
print "-" * 78
for key in keys:
value = table[key]
diff = value['reserved'] - value['running']
color = "\033[0;37;49m"
if diff < 0:
color = "\033[0;31;49m"
elif diff > 0:
color = "\033[0;34;49m"
print row_template.format(key[1], key[2], value['reserved'], value['running'], diff, color, "\033[00m")
def main():
running_instances = get_running_instances('us-east-1')
reserved_instances = get_reserved_instances('us-east-1')
table = get_ri_table(running_instances, reserved_instances)
print_ri_table({x:y for x,y in table.iteritems() if x[0] == False}, 'EC2-Classic')
print "\n"
print_ri_table({x:y for x,y in table.iteritems() if x[0] == True}, 'EC2-VPC')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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