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Last active January 2, 2018 06:57
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  • Save developer-anuragsingh/02e3b74ef41f3b247ff9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save developer-anuragsingh/02e3b74ef41f3b247ff9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function create_cpt($cpt_name) {
$cpt_name = ucwords(strtolower(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $cpt_name) ));
$single = ucfirst($cpt_name);
$textdomain = strtolower(str_replace(" ", "_", $single)); // Sanitize slug
$cap_type = 'post';
$last_character = substr($single, -1);
if ($last_character === 'y') {
$plural = substr_replace($single, 'ies', -1);
}if ($last_character === 'y') {
$plural = substr_replace($single, 'ies', -1);
else {
$plural = $single.'s'; // add 's' to convert singular name to plural
$opts['can_export'] = TRUE;
$opts['capability_type'] = $cap_type;
$opts['description'] = '';
$opts['exclude_from_search'] = FALSE;
$opts['has_archive'] = FALSE;
$opts['hierarchical'] = FALSE;
$opts['map_meta_cap'] = TRUE;
$opts['menu_icon'] = 'dashicons-admin-post';
$opts['menu_position'] = 25;
$opts['public'] = TRUE;
$opts['publicly_querable'] = TRUE;
$opts['query_var'] = TRUE;
$opts['register_meta_box_cb'] = '';
$opts['rewrite'] = FALSE;
$opts['show_in_admin_bar'] = TRUE; // Define For 'Top Menu' bar
$opts['show_in_menu'] = TRUE;
$opts['show_in_nav_menu'] = TRUE;
$opts['show_ui'] = TRUE;
$opts['supports'] = array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail' );
$opts['taxonomies'] = array();
$opts['capabilities']['delete_others_posts'] = "delete_others_{$cap_type}s";
$opts['capabilities']['delete_post'] = "delete_{$cap_type}";
$opts['capabilities']['delete_posts'] = "delete_{$cap_type}s";
$opts['capabilities']['delete_private_posts'] = "delete_private_{$cap_type}s";
$opts['capabilities']['delete_published_posts'] = "delete_published_{$cap_type}s";
$opts['capabilities']['edit_others_posts'] = "edit_others_{$cap_type}s";
$opts['capabilities']['edit_post'] = "edit_{$cap_type}";
$opts['capabilities']['edit_posts'] = "edit_{$cap_type}s";
$opts['capabilities']['edit_private_posts'] = "edit_private_{$cap_type}s";
$opts['capabilities']['edit_published_posts'] = "edit_published_{$cap_type}s";
$opts['capabilities']['publish_posts'] = "publish_{$cap_type}s";
$opts['capabilities']['read_post'] = "read_{$cap_type}";
$opts['capabilities']['read_private_posts'] = "read_private_{$cap_type}s";
$opts['labels']['add_new'] = __( "Add New {$single}", $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['add_new_item'] = __( "Add New {$single}", $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['all_items'] = __( $plural, $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['edit_item'] = __( "Edit {$single}" , $textdomain);
$opts['labels']['menu_name'] = __( $plural, $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['name'] = __( $plural, $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['name_admin_bar'] = __( $single, $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['new_item'] = __( "New {$single}", $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['not_found'] = __( "No {$plural} Found", $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['not_found_in_trash'] = __( "No {$plural} Found in Trash", $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['parent_item_colon'] = __( "Parent {$plural} :", $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['search_items'] = __( "Search {$plural}", $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['singular_name'] = __( $single, $textdomain );
$opts['labels']['view_item'] = __( "View {$single}", $textdomain );
$opts['rewrite']['ep_mask'] = EP_PERMALINK;
$opts['rewrite']['feeds'] = FALSE;
$opts['rewrite']['pages'] = TRUE;
$opts['rewrite']['slug'] = __( strtolower( $plural ), $textdomain );
$opts['rewrite']['with_front'] = FALSE;
register_post_type( strtolower( $cpt_name ), $opts );
add_action('init', 'create_cpt');
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