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Created March 19, 2023 18:45
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How to create a correct Bearer Token to use with Apple Music Api, or App Store Connect API.
const fs = require('fs')
const jose = require('jose')
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')
let privateKey = fs.readFileSync('./AuthKey_949A39XT34.p8', 'utf8');
let credentials = {
/* obtained by creating a key by linking existing music kit identifier
create this in -> Account -> Program resources -> Keys,
you must first create identifier because you create a key with existing identifier.
privateKey: privateKey,
/* A identifier or public key i believe.
create this in -> Account -> Program resources -> Identifers.
Create identifier with musicKit &OR shazam kit consents checkboxed.
musicKitIdentifier: '0L23456789',
/* enroll in apple developer account program -> Account -> MemberShip Details -> TeamId
issuerTeamId: "0123456FU9"
* @param {Object} credentials Apple Music credentials. Consists of a key containing MusicKit privileges, the team ID of developer account and the ID of the key
* @param {string} credentials.key A valid key generated from developer console that has MusicKit permissions
* @param {string} credentials.keyId ID of the credentials.key
* @param {string} credentials.teamId ID of the team that credentials.key belongs to
function ExerraSign(){
if (!credentials || !credentials.privateKey || !credentials.issuerTeamId || !credentials.musicKitIdentifier) {
throw new Error("No credentials supplied")
return jwt.sign({}, credentials.privateKey, {
algorithm: 'ES256',
expiresIn: '180d',
issuer: credentials.issuerTeamId,
header: {
alg: 'ES256',
kid: credentials.musicKitIdentifier
async function joseSign() {
const {
issuerTeamId, musicKitIdentifier, privateKey
} = credentials
const algorithm = 'ES256'
const ecPrivateKey = await jose.importPKCS8(privateKey, algorithm)
const payload = {
iss: issuerTeamId,
iat: Math.round( / 1000),
exp: Math.round( / 1000) + 1200
const jwt = await new jose.SignJWT(payload)
alg: "ES256",
kid: musicKitIdentifier,
typ: "JWT"
return jwt;
module.exports = {
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I authored Jose sign. I copy and pasted exxera sign from their git repo.

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