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Created May 22, 2020 08:00
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Parcels App React JS code
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var __DEV__ = false, __BUNDLE_START_TIME__ = this.nativePerformanceNow ? nativePerformanceNow() :, process = this.process || {};
process.env = process.env || {};
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';
!function (r) {
'use strict';
r.__r = o, r.__d = function (r, n, i) {
if (null != e[n])
e[n] = {
dependencyMap: i,
factory: r,
hasError: !1,
importedAll: t,
importedDefault: t,
isInitialized: !1,
publicModule: { exports: {} }
}, r.__c = i, r.__registerSegment = function (r, e) {
v[r] = e;
var e = i(), t = {}, n = {}.hasOwnProperty;
function i() {
return e = Object.create(null);
function o(r) {
var t = r, n = e[t];
return n && n.isInitialized ? n.publicModule.exports : d(t, n);
function l(r) {
var n = r;
if (e[n] && e[n].importedDefault !== t)
return e[n].importedDefault;
var i = o(n), l = i && i.__esModule ? i.default : i;
return e[n].importedDefault = l;
function u(r) {
var i = r;
if (e[i] && e[i].importedAll !== t)
return e[i].importedAll;
var l, u = o(i);
if (u && u.__esModule)
l = u;
else {
if (l = {}, u)
for (var a in u), a) && (l[a] = u[a]);
l.default = u;
return e[i].importedAll = l;
o.importDefault = l, o.importAll = u;
var a = !1;
function d(e, t) {
if (!a && r.ErrorUtils) {
var n;
a = !0;
try {
n = h(e, t);
} catch (e) {
return a = !1, n;
return h(e, t);
var c = 16, f = 65535;
function p(r) {
return {
segmentId: r >>> c,
localId: r & f
o.unpackModuleId = p, o.packModuleId = function (r) {
return (r.segmentId << c) + r.localId;
var s = [];
o.registerHook = function (r) {
var e = { cb: r };
return s.push(e), {
release: function () {
for (var r = 0; r < s.length; ++r)
if (s[r] === e) {
s.splice(r, 1);
var v = [];
function h(t, n) {
if (!n && v.length > 0) {
var i = p(t), a = i.segmentId, d = i.localId, c = v[a];
null != c && (c(d), n = e[t]);
var f = r.nativeRequire;
if (!n && f) {
var h = p(t), g = h.segmentId;
f(h.localId, g), n = e[t];
if (!n)
throw Error('Requiring unknown module "' + t + '".');
if (n.hasError)
throw m(t, n.error);
n.isInitialized = !0;
var I = n, _ = I.factory, w = I.dependencyMap;
try {
var y = n.publicModule;
if ( = t, s.length > 0)
for (var M = 0; M < s.length; ++M)
s[M].cb(t, y);
return _(r, o, l, u, y, y.exports, w), n.factory = void 0, n.dependencyMap = void 0, y.exports;
} catch (r) {
throw n.hasError = !0, n.error = r, n.isInitialized = !1, n.publicModule.exports = void 0, r;
function m(r, e) {
return Error('Requiring module "' + r + '", which threw an exception: ' + e);
}('undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : this);
'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window && window, 'function' != typeof Object.assign && Object.defineProperty(Object, 'assign', {
value: function (e, n) {
'use strict';
if (null == e)
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
for (var t = Object(e), o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var r = arguments[o];
if (null != r)
for (var i in r), i) && (t[i] = r[i]);
return t;
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
!function (n) {
var r = function () {
function n(n, r) {
return n;
function r(n) {
var r = {};
return n.forEach(function (n, e) {
r[n] = !0;
}), r;
function e(n, e, l) {
var c = t(n, e);
if (c)
return c;
var f = Object.keys(e), g = r(f);
if (v(e) && (f.indexOf('message') >= 0 || f.indexOf('description') >= 0))
return o(e);
if (0 === f.length) {
if (h(e)) {
var s = ? ': ' + : '';
return n.stylize('[Function' + s + ']', 'special');
if (p(e))
return n.stylize(, 'regexp');
if (y(e))
return n.stylize(, 'date');
if (v(e))
return o(e);
var d, b, j = '', m = !1, z = [
(d = e, Array.isArray(d) && (m = !0, z = [
]), h(e)) && (j = ' [Function' + ( ? ': ' + : '') + ']');
return p(e) && (j = ' ' +, y(e) && (j = ' ' +, v(e) && (j = ' ' + o(e)), 0 !== f.length || m && 0 != e.length ? l < 0 ? p(e) ? n.stylize(, 'regexp') : n.stylize('[Object]', 'special') : (n.seen.push(e), b = m ? i(n, e, l, g, f) : (r) {
return u(n, e, l, g, r, m);
}), n.seen.pop(), a(b, j, z)) : z[0] + j + z[1];
function t(n, r) {
if (g(r))
return n.stylize('undefined', 'undefined');
if ('string' == typeof r) {
var e = '\'' + JSON.stringify(r).replace(/^"|"$/g, '').replace(/'/g, '\\\'').replace(/\\"/g, '"') + '\'';
return n.stylize(e, 'string');
return f(r) ? n.stylize('' + r, 'number') : l(r) ? n.stylize('' + r, 'boolean') : c(r) ? n.stylize('null', 'null') : void 0;
function o(n) {
return '[' + + ']';
function i(n, r, e, t, o) {
for (var i = [], a = 0, l = r.length; a < l; ++a)
b(r, String(a)) ? i.push(u(n, r, e, t, String(a), !0)) : i.push('');
return o.forEach(function (o) {
o.match(/^\d+$/) || i.push(u(n, r, e, t, o, !0));
}), i;
function u(n, r, t, o, i, u) {
var a, l, f;
if ((f = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, i) || { value: r[i] }).get ? l = f.set ? n.stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special') : n.stylize('[Getter]', 'special') : f.set && (l = n.stylize('[Setter]', 'special')), b(o, i) || (a = '[' + i + ']'), l || (n.seen.indexOf(f.value) < 0 ? (l = c(t) ? e(n, f.value, null) : e(n, f.value, t - 1)).indexOf('\n') > -1 && (l = u ? l.split('\n').map(function (n) {
return ' ' + n;
}).join('\n').substr(2) : '\n' + l.split('\n').map(function (n) {
return ' ' + n;
}).join('\n')) : l = n.stylize('[Circular]', 'special')), g(a)) {
if (u && i.match(/^\d+$/))
return l;
(a = JSON.stringify('' + i)).match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/) ? (a = a.substr(1, a.length - 2), a = n.stylize(a, 'name')) : (a = a.replace(/'/g, '\\\'').replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/(^"|"$)/g, '\''), a = n.stylize(a, 'string'));
return a + ': ' + l;
function a(n, r, e) {
return n.reduce(function (n, r) {
return 0, r.indexOf('\n') >= 0 && 0, n + r.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, '').length + 1;
}, 0) > 60 ? e[0] + ('' === r ? '' : r + '\n ') + ' ' + n.join(',\n ') + ' ' + e[1] : e[0] + r + ' ' + n.join(', ') + ' ' + e[1];
function l(n) {
return 'boolean' == typeof n;
function c(n) {
return null === n;
function f(n) {
return 'number' == typeof n;
function g(n) {
return void 0 === n;
function p(n) {
return s(n) && '[object RegExp]' === d(n);
function s(n) {
return 'object' == typeof n && null !== n;
function y(n) {
return s(n) && '[object Date]' === d(n);
function v(n) {
return s(n) && ('[object Error]' === d(n) || n instanceof Error);
function h(n) {
return 'function' == typeof n;
function d(n) {
function b(n, r) {
return, r);
return function (r, t) {
return e({
seen: [],
stylize: n
}, r, t.depth);
}(), e = '(index)', t = {
trace: 0,
info: 1,
warn: 2,
error: 3
}, o = [];
o[t.trace] = 'debug', o[] = 'log', o[t.warn] = 'warning', o[t.error] = 'error';
var i = 1;
function u(e) {
return function () {
var u;
u = 1 === arguments.length && 'string' == typeof arguments[0] ? arguments[0] :, function (n) {
return r(n, { depth: 10 });
}).join(', ');
var a = e;
'Warning: ' === u.slice(0, 9) && a >= t.error && (a = t.warn), n.__inspectorLog && n.__inspectorLog(o[a], u, [], i), g.length && (u = p('', u)), n.nativeLoggingHook(u, a);
function a(n, r) {
return Array.apply(null, Array(r)).map(function () {
return n;
var l = '\u2502', c = '\u2510', f = '\u2518', g = [];
function p(n, r) {
return g.join('') + n + ' ' + (r || '');
if (n.nativeLoggingHook) {
n.console = {
error: u(t.error),
info: u(,
log: u(,
warn: u(t.warn),
trace: u(t.trace),
debug: u(t.trace),
table: function (r) {
if (!Array.isArray(r)) {
var o = r;
for (var i in r = [], o)
if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var u = o[i];
u[e] = i, r.push(u);
if (0 !== r.length) {
var l = Object.keys(r[0]).sort(), c = [], f = [];
l.forEach(function (n, e) {
f[e] = n.length;
for (var t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var o = (r[t][n] || '?').toString();
c[t] = c[t] || [], c[t][e] = o, f[e] = Math.max(f[e], o.length);
for (var g = y( (n) {
return a('-', n).join('');
}), '-'), p = [
], s = 0; s < r.length; s++)
n.nativeLoggingHook('\n' + p.join('\n'),;
} else
function y(n, r) {
var e = (n, r) {
return n + a(' ', f[r] - n.length).join('');
return r = r || ' ', e.join(r + '|' + r);
group: function (r) {
n.nativeLoggingHook(p(c, r),, g.push(l);
groupEnd: function () {
g.pop(), n.nativeLoggingHook(p(f),;
groupCollapsed: function (r) {
n.nativeLoggingHook(p(f, r),, g.push(l);
} else if (!n.console) {
var s = n.print || function () {
n.console = {
error: s,
info: s,
log: s,
warn: s,
trace: s,
debug: s,
table: s
}('undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : this);
!function (n) {
var r = 0, t = function (n) {
throw n;
}, u = {
setGlobalHandler: function (n) {
t = n;
getGlobalHandler: function () {
return t;
reportError: function (n) {
t && t(n);
reportFatalError: function (n) {
t && t(n, !0);
applyWithGuard: function (n, t, o) {
try {
return r++, n.apply(t, o);
} catch (n) {
} finally {
return null;
applyWithGuardIfNeeded: function (n, r, t) {
return u.inGuard() ? n.apply(r, t) : (u.applyWithGuard(n, r, t), null);
inGuard: function () {
return r;
guard: function (n, r, t) {
if ('function' != typeof n)
return console.warn('A function must be passed to ErrorUtils.guard, got ', n), null;
return r = r || || '<generated guard>', function () {
return u.applyWithGuard(n, t || this, arguments, null, r);
n.ErrorUtils = u;
}('undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : this);
!function (e) {
if (void 0 === Number.EPSILON && Object.defineProperty(Number, 'EPSILON', { value: Math.pow(2, -52) }), void 0 === Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER && Object.defineProperty(Number, 'MAX_SAFE_INTEGER', { value: Math.pow(2, 53) - 1 }), void 0 === Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER && Object.defineProperty(Number, 'MIN_SAFE_INTEGER', { value: -(Math.pow(2, 53) - 1) }), !Number.isNaN) {
var r = e.isNaN;
Object.defineProperty(Number, 'isNaN', {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
value: function (e) {
return 'number' == typeof e && r(e);
writable: !0
}('undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window ? window : this);
'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window && window, String.prototype.startsWith || (String.prototype.startsWith = function (t) {
'use strict';
if (null == this)
throw TypeError();
var r = String(this), n = arguments.length > 1 && Number(arguments[1]) || 0, i = Math.min(Math.max(n, 0), r.length);
return r.indexOf(String(t), n) === i;
}), String.prototype.endsWith || (String.prototype.endsWith = function (t) {
'use strict';
if (null == this)
throw TypeError();
var r = String(this), n = r.length, i = String(t), e = arguments.length > 1 ? Number(arguments[1]) || 0 : n, o = Math.min(Math.max(e, 0), n) - i.length;
return !(o < 0) && r.lastIndexOf(i, o) === o;
}), String.prototype.repeat || (String.prototype.repeat = function (t) {
'use strict';
if (null == this)
throw TypeError();
var r = String(this);
if ((t = Number(t) || 0) < 0 || t === 1 / 0)
throw RangeError();
if (1 === t)
return r;
for (var n = ''; t;)
1 & t && (n += r), (t >>= 1) && (r += r);
return n;
}), String.prototype.includes || (String.prototype.includes = function (t, r) {
'use strict';
return 'number' != typeof r && (r = 0), !(r + t.length > this.length) && -1 !== this.indexOf(t, r);
}), String.prototype.codePointAt || (String.prototype.codePointAt = function (t) {
if (null == this)
throw TypeError();
var r = String(this), n = r.length, i = t ? Number(t) : 0;
if (Number.isNaN(i) && (i = 0), !(i < 0 || i >= n)) {
var e, o = r.charCodeAt(i);
return o >= 55296 && o <= 56319 && n > i + 1 && (e = r.charCodeAt(i + 1)) >= 56320 && e <= 57343 ? 1024 * (o - 55296) + e - 56320 + 65536 : o;
}), String.prototype.padEnd || (String.prototype.padEnd = function (t, r) {
return t >>= 0, r = String(void 0 !== r ? r : ' '), this.length > t ? String(this) : ((t -= this.length) > r.length && (r += r.repeat(t / r.length)), String(this) + r.slice(0, t));
}), String.prototype.padStart || (String.prototype.padStart = function (t, r) {
return t >>= 0, r = String(void 0 !== r ? r : ' '), this.length > t ? String(this) : ((t -= this.length) > r.length && (r += r.repeat(t / r.length)), r.slice(0, t) + String(this));
!function (e) {
function r(e, r) {
if (null == this)
throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.findIndex called on null or undefined');
if ('function' != typeof e)
throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function');
for (var n = Object(this), t = n.length >>> 0, o = 0; o < t; o++)
if (, n[o], o, n))
return o;
return -1;
Array.prototype.findIndex || Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'findIndex', {
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0,
value: r
}), Array.prototype.find || Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'find', {
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0,
value: function (e, n) {
if (null == this)
throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.find called on null or undefined');
var t =, e, n);
return -1 === t ? void 0 : this[t];
}), Array.prototype.includes || Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'includes', {
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0,
value: function (e) {
var r = Object(this), n = parseInt(r.length) || 0;
if (0 === n)
return !1;
var t, o, i = parseInt(arguments[1]) || 0;
for (i >= 0 ? t = i : (t = n + i) < 0 && (t = 0); t < n;) {
if (e === (o = r[t]) || e != e && o != o)
return !0;
return !1;
}('undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window && window);
'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window && window, Array.from || (Array.from = function (n) {
if (null == n)
throw new TypeError('Object is null or undefined');
var o, e, t = arguments[1], r = arguments[2], f = this, i = Object(n), l = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator', u = 'function' == typeof t, y = 0;
if ('function' == typeof i[l]) {
o = 'function' == typeof f ? new f() : [];
for (var a, c = i[l](); !(a =;)
e = a.value, u && (e =, e, y)), o[y] = e, y += 1;
return o.length = y, o;
var d = i.length;
for ((isNaN(d) || d < 0) && (d = 0), o = 'function' == typeof f ? new f(d) : new Array(d); y < d;)
e = i[y], u && (e =, e, y)), o[y] = e, y += 1;
return o.length = y, o;
'undefined' != typeof global ? global : 'undefined' != typeof window && window, function () {
'use strict';
var e = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
'function' != typeof Object.entries && (Object.entries = function (n) {
if (null == n)
throw new TypeError('Object.entries called on non-object');
var t = [];
for (var o in n), o) && t.push([
return t;
}), 'function' != typeof Object.values && (Object.values = function (n) {
if (null == n)
throw new TypeError('Object.values called on non-object');
var t = [];
for (var o in n), o) && t.push(n[o]);
return t;
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
}, 0, [1]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var t = r(d[0]), o = t(r(d[1])), n = t(r(d[2])), l = r(d[3]), c = (t(r(d[4])), r(d[5])), f = r(d[6]), u = r(d[7]), s = t(r(d[8])), p = t(r(d[9])), b = t(r(d[10])), y = t(r(d[11])), P = t(r(d[12])), h = t(r(d[13])), O = t(r(d[14])), S = t(r(d[15])), w = t(r(d[16])), x = t(r(d[17])), B = (t(r(d[18])), t(r(d[19])), t(r(d[20]))), v = r(d[21]), C = t(r(d[22])), j = t(r(d[23])), k = t(r(d[24]));
function A(t, o) {
var n = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var l = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
o && (l = l.filter(function (o) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, o).enumerable;
})), n.push.apply(n, l);
return n;
function E(t) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var l = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? A(l, !0).forEach(function (n) {
(0, o.default)(t, n, l[n]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(l)) : A(l).forEach(function (o) {
Object.defineProperty(t, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(l, o));
return t;
var T = new u.Configuration();
function D(t) {
return (0, j.default)(function (o) {
return n.default.createElement(k.default, {
forceInset: {
top: 10,
bottom: 'always'
style: N.safeArea
}, n.default.createElement(t, o), n.default.createElement(l.View, { style: N.fixBackground }));
}, t);
T.handlePromiseRejections = !1, T.notifyReleaseStages = ['production'], new u.Client(T).leaveBreadcrumb('App Started'), [
].forEach(function (t) {
console[t] = function () {
}), l.Text.defaultProps = l.Text.defaultProps || {}, l.Text.defaultProps.allowFontScaling = !1;
var L = 'ios' === l.Platform.OS && C.default.hasNotch(), R = {
initialRouteName: 'ParcelList',
defaultNavigationOptions: {
headerStyle: E({ backgroundColor: x.default.topBar },{ ios: { borderBottomWidth: 0 } })),
headerTintColor: x.default.topBarTint,
headerTitleStyle: E({
color: x.default.topBarTint,
fontSize: 16
ios: {
textAlign: 'left',
marginLeft: -20,
flex: 1
android: {
textAlign: 'left',
marginLeft: -10,
flex: 1
L && (R.cardStyle = { shadowColor: 'transparent' });
var I = (0, f.createStackNavigator)({
ParcelList: { screen: s.default },
ParcelDetails: { screen: p.default },
Barcode: { screen: b.default },
BarcodeScanner: { screen: S.default },
BarcodeList: { screen: w.default },
Import: { screen: y.default },
Shops: { screen: P.default },
RussianPostImport: { screen: h.default },
Browser: { screen: O.default }
}, R);
(0, v.trackAppOpen)(), B.default.start(), l.AppRegistry.registerComponent('Parcels', function () {
return L ? D((0, c.createAppContainer)(I)) : (0, c.createAppContainer)(I);
var N = l.StyleSheet.create({
safeArea: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: x.default.safeAreaBackground
fixBackground: {
backgroundColor: x.default.listViewBackground,
position: 'absolute',
bottom: 0,
right: 0,
left: 0,
height: 34,
zIndex: -1000
}, 1, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function (n) {
return n && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n };
}, 2, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function (n, t, u) {
return t in n ? Object.defineProperty(n, t, {
value: u,
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}) : n[t] = u, n;
}, 3, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = r(d[0]);
}, 4, [5]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = 'function' == typeof Symbol && ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for'), o = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.element') : 60103, u = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.portal') : 60106, f = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.fragment') : 60107, l = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.strict_mode') : 60108, c = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.profiler') : 60114, p = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.provider') : 60109, y = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.context') : 60110, s = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.concurrent_mode') : 60111, v = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.forward_ref') : 60112, b = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.suspense') : 60113, S = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.memo') : 60115, h = n ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.lazy') : 60116, _ = 'function' == typeof Symbol && ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator');
function k(t, n, o, u, f, l, c, p) {
if (!t) {
if (t = void 0, void 0 === n)
t = Error('Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.');
else {
var y = [
], s = 0;
(t = Error(n.replace(/%s/g, function () {
return y[s++];
}))).name = 'Invariant Violation';
throw t.framesToPop = 1, t;
function $(t) {
for (var n = arguments.length - 1, o = '' + t, u = 0; u < n; u++)
o += '&args[]=' + encodeURIComponent(arguments[u + 1]);
k(!1, 'Minified React error #' + t + '; visit %s for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. ', o);
var x = {
isMounted: function () {
return !1;
enqueueForceUpdate: function () {
enqueueReplaceState: function () {
enqueueSetState: function () {
}, C = {};
function w(t, n, o) {
this.props = t, this.context = n, this.refs = C, this.updater = o || x;
function P() {
function R(t, n, o) {
this.props = t, this.context = n, this.refs = C, this.updater = o || x;
w.prototype.isReactComponent = {}, w.prototype.setState = function (t, n) {
'object' != typeof t && 'function' != typeof t && null != t && $('85'), this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, t, n, 'setState');
}, w.prototype.forceUpdate = function (t) {
this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, t, 'forceUpdate');
}, P.prototype = w.prototype;
var E = R.prototype = new P();
E.constructor = R, t(E, w.prototype), E.isPureReactComponent = !0;
var j = { current: null }, O = { current: null }, A = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, I = {
key: !0,
ref: !0,
__self: !0,
__source: !0
function M(t, n, u) {
var f = void 0, l = {}, c = null, p = null;
if (null != n)
for (f in void 0 !== n.ref && (p = n.ref), void 0 !== n.key && (c = '' + n.key), n), f) && !I.hasOwnProperty(f) && (l[f] = n[f]);
var y = arguments.length - 2;
if (1 === y)
l.children = u;
else if (1 < y) {
for (var s = Array(y), v = 0; v < y; v++)
s[v] = arguments[v + 2];
l.children = s;
if (t && t.defaultProps)
for (f in y = t.defaultProps)
void 0 === l[f] && (l[f] = y[f]);
return {
$$typeof: o,
type: t,
key: c,
ref: p,
props: l,
_owner: O.current
function U(t, n) {
return {
$$typeof: o,
type: t.type,
key: n,
ref: t.ref,
props: t.props,
_owner: t._owner
function q(t) {
return 'object' == typeof t && null !== t && t.$$typeof === o;
function F(t) {
var n = {
'=': '=0',
':': '=2'
return '$' + ('' + t).replace(/[=:]/g, function (t) {
return n[t];
var L = /\/+/g, V = [];
function D(t, n, o, u) {
if (V.length) {
var f = V.pop();
return f.result = t, f.keyPrefix = n, f.func = o, f.context = u, f.count = 0, f;
return {
result: t,
keyPrefix: n,
func: o,
context: u,
count: 0
function T(t) {
t.result = null, t.keyPrefix = null, t.func = null, t.context = null, t.count = 0, 10 > V.length && V.push(t);
function N(t, n, f, l) {
var c = typeof t;
'undefined' !== c && 'boolean' !== c || (t = null);
var p = !1;
if (null === t)
p = !0;
switch (c) {
case 'string':
case 'number':
p = !0;
case 'object':
switch (t.$$typeof) {
case o:
case u:
p = !0;
if (p)
return f(l, t, '' === n ? '.' + B(t, 0) : n), 1;
if (p = 0, n = '' === n ? '.' : n + ':', Array.isArray(t))
for (var y = 0; y < t.length; y++) {
var s = n + B(c = t[y], y);
p += N(c, s, f, l);
else if (null === t || 'object' != typeof t ? s = null : s = 'function' == typeof (s = _ && t[_] || t['@@iterator']) ? s : null, 'function' == typeof s)
for (t =, y = 0; !(c =;)
p += N(c = c.value, s = n + B(c, y++), f, l);
'object' === c && $('31', '[object Object]' === (f = '' + t) ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(t).join(', ') + '}' : f, '');
return p;
function z(t, n, o) {
return null == t ? 0 : N(t, '', n, o);
function B(t, n) {
return 'object' == typeof t && null !== t && null != t.key ? F(t.key) : n.toString(36);
function H(t, n) {, n, t.count++);
function W(t, n, o) {
var u = t.result, f = t.keyPrefix;
t =, n, t.count++), Array.isArray(t) ? Y(t, u, o, function (t) {
return t;
}) : null != t && (q(t) && (t = U(t, f + (!t.key || n && n.key === t.key ? '' : ('' + t.key).replace(L, '$&/') + '/') + o)), u.push(t));
function Y(t, n, o, u, f) {
var l = '';
null != o && (l = ('' + o).replace(L, '$&/') + '/'), z(t, W, n = D(n, l, u, f)), T(n);
function G() {
var t = j.current;
return null === t && $('307'), t;
var J = {
Children: {
map: function (t, n, o) {
if (null == t)
return t;
var u = [];
return Y(t, u, null, n, o), u;
forEach: function (t, n, o) {
if (null == t)
return t;
z(t, H, n = D(null, null, n, o)), T(n);
count: function (t) {
return z(t, function () {
return null;
}, null);
toArray: function (t) {
var n = [];
return Y(t, n, null, function (t) {
return t;
}), n;
only: function (t) {
return q(t) || $('143'), t;
createRef: function () {
return { current: null };
Component: w,
PureComponent: R,
createContext: function (t, n) {
return void 0 === n && (n = null), (t = {
$$typeof: y,
_calculateChangedBits: n,
_currentValue: t,
_currentValue2: t,
_threadCount: 0,
Provider: null,
Consumer: null
}).Provider = {
$$typeof: p,
_context: t
}, t.Consumer = t;
forwardRef: function (t) {
return {
$$typeof: v,
render: t
lazy: function (t) {
return {
$$typeof: h,
_ctor: t,
_status: -1,
_result: null
memo: function (t, n) {
return {
$$typeof: S,
type: t,
compare: void 0 === n ? null : n
useCallback: function (t, n) {
return G().useCallback(t, n);
useContext: function (t, n) {
return G().useContext(t, n);
useEffect: function (t, n) {
return G().useEffect(t, n);
useImperativeHandle: function (t, n, o) {
return G().useImperativeHandle(t, n, o);
useDebugValue: function () {
useLayoutEffect: function (t, n) {
return G().useLayoutEffect(t, n);
useMemo: function (t, n) {
return G().useMemo(t, n);
useReducer: function (t, n, o) {
return G().useReducer(t, n, o);
useRef: function (t) {
return G().useRef(t);
useState: function (t) {
return G().useState(t);
Fragment: f,
StrictMode: l,
Suspense: b,
createElement: M,
cloneElement: function (n, u, f) {
(null === n || void 0 === n) && $('267', n);
var l = void 0, c = t({}, n.props), p = n.key, y = n.ref, s = n._owner;
if (null != u) {
void 0 !== u.ref && (y = u.ref, s = O.current), void 0 !== u.key && (p = '' + u.key);
var v = void 0;
for (l in n.type && n.type.defaultProps && (v = n.type.defaultProps), u), l) && !I.hasOwnProperty(l) && (c[l] = void 0 === u[l] && void 0 !== v ? v[l] : u[l]);
if (1 === (l = arguments.length - 2))
c.children = f;
else if (1 < l) {
v = Array(l);
for (var b = 0; b < l; b++)
v[b] = arguments[b + 2];
c.children = v;
return {
$$typeof: o,
type: n.type,
key: p,
ref: y,
props: c,
_owner: s
createFactory: function (t) {
var n = M.bind(null, t);
return n.type = t, n;
isValidElement: q,
version: '16.8.3',
unstable_ConcurrentMode: s,
unstable_Profiler: c,
ReactCurrentDispatcher: j,
ReactCurrentOwner: O,
assign: t
}, K = { default: J }, Q = K && J || K;
m.exports = Q.default || Q;
}, 5, [6]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, o = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, c = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
function f(t) {
if (null === t || void 0 === t)
throw new TypeError('Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined');
return Object(t);
m.exports = function () {
try {
if (!Object.assign)
return !1;
var n = new String('abc');
if (n[5] = 'de', '5' === Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n)[0])
return !1;
for (var o = {}, c = 0; c < 10; c++)
o['_' + String.fromCharCode(c)] = c;
if ('0123456789' !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o).map(function (t) {
return o[t];
return !1;
var f = {};
return 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst'.split('').forEach(function (t) {
f[t] = t;
}), 'abcdefghijklmnopqrst' === Object.keys(t({}, f)).join('');
} catch (t) {
return !1;
}() ? Object.assign : function (t, u) {
for (var s, b, l = f(t), p = 1; p < arguments.length; p++) {
for (var j in s = Object(arguments[p])), j) && (l[j] = s[j]);
if (n) {
b = n(s);
for (var O = 0; O < b.length; O++), b[O]) && (l[b[O]] = s[b[O]]);
return l;
}, 6, [7]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
function t() {
return m.exports = t = Object.assign || function (t) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var o = arguments[n];
for (var p in o), p) && (t[p] = o[p]);
return t;
}, t.apply(this, arguments);
m.exports = t;
}, 7, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]);
m.exports = {
get AccessibilityInfo() {
return r(d[2]);
get ActivityIndicator() {
return r(d[3]);
get ART() {
return r(d[4]);
get Button() {
return r(d[5]);
get CheckBox() {
return r(d[6]);
get DatePickerIOS() {
return r(d[7]);
get DrawerLayoutAndroid() {
return r(d[8]);
get FlatList() {
return r(d[9]);
get Image() {
return r(d[10]);
get ImageBackground() {
return r(d[11]);
get ImageEditor() {
return r(d[12]);
get ImageStore() {
return n('imagestore-deprecation', 'ImageStore is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. To get a base64-encoded string from a local image use either of the following third-party libraries:* expo-file-system: `readAsStringAsync(filepath, \'base64\')`* react-native-fs: `readFile(filepath, \'base64\')`'), r(d[13]);
get InputAccessoryView() {
return r(d[14]);
get KeyboardAvoidingView() {
return r(d[15]);
get ListView() {
return n('listview-deprecation', 'ListView is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See for more information'), r(d[16]);
get MaskedViewIOS() {
return n('maskedviewios-moved', 'MaskedViewIOS has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. It can now be installed and imported from \'@react-native-community/masked-view\' instead of \'react-native\'. See'), r(d[17]);
get Modal() {
return r(d[18]);
get Picker() {
return r(d[19]);
get PickerIOS() {
return r(d[20]);
get ProgressBarAndroid() {
return r(d[21]);
get ProgressViewIOS() {
return r(d[22]);
get SafeAreaView() {
return r(d[23]);
get ScrollView() {
return r(d[24]);
get SectionList() {
return r(d[25]);
get SegmentedControlIOS() {
return r(d[26]);
get Slider() {
return n('slider-moved', 'Slider has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. It can now be installed and imported from \'@react-native-community/slider\' instead of \'react-native\'. See'), r(d[27]);
get SnapshotViewIOS() {
return r(d[28]);
get Switch() {
return r(d[29]);
get RefreshControl() {
return r(d[30]);
get StatusBar() {
return r(d[31]);
get SwipeableFlatList() {
return r(d[32]);
get SwipeableListView() {
return n('swipablelistview-deprecation', 'ListView and SwipeableListView are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See for more information'), r(d[33]);
get Text() {
return r(d[34]);
get TextInput() {
return r(d[35]);
get ToolbarAndroid() {
return r(d[36]);
get Touchable() {
return r(d[37]);
get TouchableHighlight() {
return r(d[38]);
get TouchableNativeFeedback() {
return r(d[39]);
get TouchableOpacity() {
return r(d[40]);
get TouchableWithoutFeedback() {
return r(d[41]);
get View() {
return r(d[42]);
get ViewPagerAndroid() {
return n('viewpager-moved', 'ViewPagerAndroid has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. It can now be installed and imported from \'@react-native-community/viewpager\' instead of \'react-native\'. See'), r(d[43]);
get VirtualizedList() {
return r(d[44]);
get WebView() {
return n('webview-moved', 'WebView has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. It can now be installed and imported from \'react-native-webview\' instead of \'react-native\'. See'), r(d[45]);
get ActionSheetIOS() {
return r(d[46]);
get Alert() {
return r(d[47]);
get AlertIOS() {
return n('alert-ios', 'AlertIOS is deprecated. Use the `Alert` module directly instead.'), r(d[47]);
get Animated() {
return r(d[48]);
get AppRegistry() {
return r(d[49]);
get AppState() {
return r(d[50]);
get AsyncStorage() {
return n('async-storage-moved', 'Async Storage has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. It can now be installed and imported from \'@react-native-community/async-storage\' instead of \'react-native\'. See'), r(d[51]);
get BackHandler() {
return r(d[52]);
get CameraRoll() {
return r(d[53]);
get Clipboard() {
return r(d[54]);
get DatePickerAndroid() {
return r(d[55]);
get DeviceInfo() {
return r(d[56]);
get Dimensions() {
return r(d[57]);
get Easing() {
return r(d[58]);
get findNodeHandle() {
return r(d[59]).findNodeHandle;
get I18nManager() {
return r(d[60]);
get ImagePickerIOS() {
return r(d[61]);
get InteractionManager() {
return r(d[62]);
get Keyboard() {
return r(d[63]);
get LayoutAnimation() {
return r(d[64]);
get Linking() {
return r(d[65]);
get NativeEventEmitter() {
return r(d[66]);
get NetInfo() {
return n('netinfo-moved', 'NetInfo has been extracted from react-native core and will be removed in a future release. It can now be installed and imported from \'@react-native-community/netinfo\' instead of \'react-native\'. See'), r(d[67]);
get PanResponder() {
return r(d[68]);
get PermissionsAndroid() {
return r(d[69]);
get PixelRatio() {
return r(d[70]);
get PushNotificationIOS() {
return r(d[71]);
get Settings() {
return r(d[72]);
get Share() {
return r(d[73]);
get StatusBarIOS() {
return r(d[74]);
get StyleSheet() {
return r(d[75]);
get Systrace() {
return r(d[76]);
get TimePickerAndroid() {
return r(d[77]);
get ToastAndroid() {
return r(d[78]);
get TVEventHandler() {
return r(d[79]);
get UIManager() {
return r(d[80]);
get unstable_batchedUpdates() {
return r(d[59]).unstable_batchedUpdates;
get UTFSequence() {
return r(d[81]);
get Vibration() {
return r(d[82]);
get VibrationIOS() {
return r(d[83]);
get YellowBox() {
return r(d[84]);
get DeviceEventEmitter() {
return r(d[85]);
get NativeAppEventEmitter() {
return r(d[86]);
get NativeModules() {
return r(d[87]);
get Platform() {
return r(d[88]);
get processColor() {
return r(d[89]);
get requireNativeComponent() {
return r(d[90]);
get takeSnapshot() {
return r(d[91]);
get ColorPropType() {
return r(d[92]);
get EdgeInsetsPropType() {
return r(d[93]);
get PointPropType() {
return r(d[94]);
get ViewPropTypes() {
return r(d[95]);
get BackAndroid() {
t(!1, 'BackAndroid is deprecated and has been removed from this package. Use BackHandler instead');
get Navigator() {
t(!1, 'Navigator is deprecated and has been removed from this package. It can now be installed and imported from `react-native-deprecated-custom-components` instead of `react-native`. Learn about alternative navigation solutions at');
get NavigatorIOS() {
t(!1, 'NavigatorIOS is deprecated and has been removed from this package. Learn about alternative navigation solutions at');
}, 8, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function (n, o, t, f, s, u, c, l) {
if (!n) {
var v;
if (void 0 === o)
v = new Error('Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.');
else {
var p = [
], h = 0;
(v = new Error(o.replace(/%s/g, function () {
return p[h++];
}))).name = 'Invariant Violation';
throw v.framesToPop = 1, v;
}, 9, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = {};
m.exports = function (c, o) {
n[c] || (t(!1, o), n[c] = !0);
}, 10, [11]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = t;
}, 11, [12]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
function t(t) {
return function () {
return t;
var n = function () {
n.thatReturns = t, n.thatReturnsFalse = t(!1), n.thatReturnsTrue = t(!0), n.thatReturnsNull = t(null), n.thatReturnsThis = function () {
return this;
}, n.thatReturnsArgument = function (t) {
return t;
}, m.exports = n;
}, 12, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), c = r(d[2]), s = n.AccessibilityInfo, o = new Map(), u = {
fetch: function () {
return new Promise(function (n, t) {
s.isTouchExplorationEnabled(function (t) {
addEventListener: function (n, c) {
var s = t.addListener('touchExplorationDidChange', function (n) {
o.set(c, s);
removeEventListener: function (n, t) {
var c = o.get(t);
c && (c.remove(), o.delete(t));
setAccessibilityFocus: function (n) {
c.sendAccessibilityEvent(n, c.AccessibilityEventTypes.typeViewFocused);
m.exports = u;
}, 13, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]);
function f(n, u) {
if (!n)
return null;
var f = o(n, 5), s = f[0], h = f[1], y = f[2], C = f[3], p = f[4];
if (l(!s.startsWith('RCT') && !s.startsWith('RK'), 'Module name prefixes should\'ve been stripped by the native side but wasn\'t for ' + s), !h && !y)
return { name: s };
var M = {};
return y && y.forEach(function (n, t) {
var o = C && v(C, t), f = p && v(p, t);
l(!o || !f, 'Cannot have a method that is both async and a sync hook');
var s = o ? 'promise' : f ? 'sync' : 'async';
M[n] = c(u, t, s);
}), t(M, h), null == M.getConstants ? M.getConstants = function () {
return h;
} : console.warn('Unable to define method \'getConstants()\' on NativeModule \'' + s + '\'. NativeModule \'' + s + '\' already has a constant or method called \'getConstants\'. Please remove it.'), {
name: s,
module: M
function s(n, t) {
l(g.nativeRequireModuleConfig, 'Can\'t lazily create module without nativeRequireModuleConfig');
var o = f(g.nativeRequireModuleConfig(n), t);
return o && o.module;
function c(n, t, o) {
var f = null;
return (f = 'promise' === o ? function () {
for (var o = arguments.length, l = new Array(o), f = 0; f < o; f++)
l[f] = arguments[f];
return new Promise(function (o, f) {
u.enqueueNativeCall(n, t, l, function (n) {
return o(n);
}, function (n) {
return f(h(n));
} : 'sync' === o ? function () {
for (var o = arguments.length, u = new Array(o), l = 0; l < o; l++)
u[l] = arguments[l];
return g.nativeCallSyncHook(n, t, u);
} : function () {
for (var o = arguments.length, f = new Array(o), s = 0; s < o; s++)
f[s] = arguments[s];
var c = f.length > 0 ? f[f.length - 1] : null, v = f.length > 1 ? f[f.length - 2] : null, h = 'function' == typeof c, y = 'function' == typeof v;
y && l(h, 'Cannot have a non-function arg after a function arg.');
var C = h ? c : null, p = y ? v : null, M = h + y;
f = f.slice(0, f.length - M), u.enqueueNativeCall(n, t, f, p, C);
}).type = o, f;
function v(n, t) {
return -1 !== n.indexOf(t);
function h(o) {
var u = o || {}, l = u.message, f = n(u, ['message']), s = new Error(l);
return s.framesToPop = 1, t(s, f);
g.__fbGenNativeModule = f;
var y = {};
if (g.nativeModuleProxy)
y = g.nativeModuleProxy;
else if (!g.nativeExtensions) {
var C = g.__fbBatchedBridgeConfig;
l(C, '__fbBatchedBridgeConfig is not set, cannot invoke native modules');
var p = r(d[5]);
(C.remoteModuleConfig || []).forEach(function (n, t) {
var o = f(n, t);
o && (o.module ? y[] = o.module : p(y,, {
get: function () {
return s(, t);
m.exports = y;
}, 14, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = function (n, o) {
if (null == n)
return {};
var l, p, b = t(n, o);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var c = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n);
for (p = 0; p < c.length; p++)
l = c[p], o.indexOf(l) >= 0 ||, l) && (b[l] = n[l]);
return b;
}, 15, [16]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function (n, t) {
if (null == n)
return {};
var f, u, o = {}, c = Object.keys(n);
for (u = 0; u < c.length; u++)
f = c[u], t.indexOf(f) >= 0 || (o[f] = n[f]);
return o;
}, 16, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]);
m.exports = function (u, c) {
return n(u) || t(u, c) || o();
}, 17, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function (n) {
if (Array.isArray(n))
return n;
}, 18, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function (t, o) {
if (('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator') in Object(t) || '[object Arguments]' === {
var n = [], l = !0, f = !1, u = void 0;
try {
for (var y, c = t['function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'](); !(l = (y = && (n.push(y.value), !o || n.length !== o); l = !0);
} catch (t) {
f = !0, u = t;
} finally {
try {
l || null == c.return || c.return();
} finally {
if (f)
throw u;
return n;
}, 19, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function () {
throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance');
}, 20, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = new (r(d[0]))();
Object.defineProperty(g, '__fbBatchedBridge', {
configurable: !0,
value: t
}), m.exports = t;
}, 21, [22]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), u = r(d[1]), l = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), n = r(d[4]), h = (r(d[5]), r(d[6])), o = r(d[7]), c = function () {
function c() {
u(this, c), this._lazyCallableModules = {}, this._queue = [
], this._successCallbacks = {}, this._failureCallbacks = {}, this._callID = 0, this._lastFlush = 0, this._eventLoopStartTime =, this._immediatesCallback = null, this.callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue = this.callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue.bind(this), this.callFunctionReturnResultAndFlushedQueue = this.callFunctionReturnResultAndFlushedQueue.bind(this), this.flushedQueue = this.flushedQueue.bind(this), this.invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue = this.invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue.bind(this);
return l(c, [
key: 'callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue',
value: function (t, u, l) {
var s = this;
return this.__guard(function () {
s.__callFunction(t, u, l);
}), this.flushedQueue();
key: 'callFunctionReturnResultAndFlushedQueue',
value: function (t, u, l) {
var s, n = this;
return this.__guard(function () {
s = n.__callFunction(t, u, l);
}), [
key: 'invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue',
value: function (t, u) {
var l = this;
return this.__guard(function () {
l.__invokeCallback(t, u);
}), this.flushedQueue();
key: 'flushedQueue',
value: function () {
var t = this;
this.__guard(function () {
var u = this._queue;
return this._queue = [
], u[0].length ? u : null;
key: 'getEventLoopRunningTime',
value: function () {
return - this._eventLoopStartTime;
key: 'registerCallableModule',
value: function (t, u) {
this._lazyCallableModules[t] = function () {
return u;
key: 'registerLazyCallableModule',
value: function (t, u) {
var l, s = u;
this._lazyCallableModules[t] = function () {
return s && (l = s(), s = null), l;
key: 'getCallableModule',
value: function (t) {
var u = this._lazyCallableModules[t];
return u ? u() : null;
key: 'enqueueNativeCall',
value: function (t, u, l, s, h) {
(s || h) && (s && l.push(this._callID << 1), h && l.push(this._callID << 1 | 1), this._successCallbacks[this._callID] = h, this._failureCallbacks[this._callID] = s), this._callID++, this._queue[0].push(t), this._queue[1].push(u), this._queue[2].push(l);
var o =;
if (g.nativeFlushQueueImmediate && o - this._lastFlush >= 5) {
var c = this._queue;
this._queue = [
], this._lastFlush = o, g.nativeFlushQueueImmediate(c);
n.counterEvent('pending_js_to_native_queue', this._queue[0].length), this.__spy && this.__spy({
type: 1,
module: t + '',
method: u,
args: l
key: 'createDebugLookup',
value: function (t, u, l) {
key: 'setImmediatesCallback',
value: function (t) {
this._immediatesCallback = t;
key: '__guard',
value: function (t) {
if (this.__shouldPauseOnThrow())
try {
} catch (t) {
key: '__shouldPauseOnThrow',
value: function () {
return 'undefined' != typeof DebuggerInternal && !0 === DebuggerInternal.shouldPauseOnThrow;
key: '__callImmediates',
value: function () {
n.beginEvent('JSTimers.callImmediates()'), null != this._immediatesCallback && this._immediatesCallback(), n.endEvent();
key: '__callFunction',
value: function (t, u, l) {
this._lastFlush =, this._eventLoopStartTime = this._lastFlush, this.__spy ? n.beginEvent(t + '.' + u + '(' + o(l) + ')') : n.beginEvent(t + '.' + u + '(...)'), this.__spy && this.__spy({
type: 0,
module: t,
method: u,
args: l
var s = this.getCallableModule(t);
h(!!s, 'Module %s is not a registered callable module (calling %s)', t, u), h(!!s[u], 'Method %s does not exist on module %s', u, t);
var c = s[u].apply(s, l);
return n.endEvent(), c;
key: '__invokeCallback',
value: function (u, l) {
this._lastFlush =, this._eventLoopStartTime = this._lastFlush;
var s = u >>> 1, n = 1 & u ? this._successCallbacks[s] : this._failureCallbacks[s];
n && (delete this._successCallbacks[s], delete this._failureCallbacks[s], n.apply(void 0, t(l)));
], [{
key: 'spy',
value: function (t) {
c.prototype.__spy = !0 === t ? function (t) {
console.log((0 === t.type ? 'N->JS' : 'JS->N') + ' : ' + (t.module ? t.module + '.' : '') + t.method + '(' + JSON.stringify(t.args) + ')');
} : !1 === t ? null : t;
}]), c;
m.exports = c;
}, 22, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]);
m.exports = function (u) {
return n(u) || t(u) || o();
}, 23, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function (n) {
if (Array.isArray(n)) {
for (var t = 0, f = new Array(n.length); t < n.length; t++)
f[t] = n[t];
return f;
}, 24, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function (t) {
if (('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator') in Object(t) || '[object Arguments]' ===
return Array.from(t);
}, 25, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function () {
throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance');
}, 26, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function (n, o) {
if (!(n instanceof o))
throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
}, 27, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
function n(n, t) {
for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
var u = t[o];
u.enumerable = u.enumerable || !1, u.configurable = !0, 'value' in u && (u.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(n, u.key, u);
m.exports = function (t, o, u) {
return o && n(t.prototype, o), u && n(t, u), t;
}, 28, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = g.ErrorUtils;
}, 29, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = !1, t = 0, c = {
installReactHook: function () {
setEnabled: function (t) {
n !== t && (n = t);
isEnabled: function () {
return n;
beginEvent: function (t, c) {
n && (t = 'function' == typeof t ? t() : t, g.nativeTraceBeginSection(131072, t, c));
endEvent: function () {
n && g.nativeTraceEndSection(131072);
beginAsyncEvent: function (c) {
var o = t;
return n && (t++, c = 'function' == typeof c ? c() : c, g.nativeTraceBeginAsyncSection(131072, c, o)), o;
endAsyncEvent: function (t, c) {
n && (t = 'function' == typeof t ? t() : t, g.nativeTraceEndAsyncSection(131072, t, c));
counterEvent: function (t, c) {
n && (t = 'function' == typeof t ? t() : t, g.nativeTraceCounter && g.nativeTraceCounter(131072, t, c));
m.exports = c;
}, 30, [9]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function (t) {
return t;
}, 31, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function (t) {
var n, f = typeof t;
if (void 0 === t)
n = 'undefined';
else if (null === t)
n = 'null';
else if ('string' === f)
n = '"' + t + '"';
else if ('function' === f)
try {
n = t.toString();
} catch (t) {
n = '[function unknown]';
try {
n = JSON.stringify(t);
} catch (f) {
if ('function' == typeof t.toString)
try {
n = t.toString();
} catch (t) {
return n || '["' + f + '" failed to stringify]';
}, 32, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function (t, n, u) {
var b, c = u.get, o = !1 !== u.enumerable, f = !1 !== u.writable, l = !1;
function s(u) {
b = u, l = !0, Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
value: u,
configurable: !0,
enumerable: o,
writable: f
Object.defineProperty(t, n, {
get: function () {
return l || (l = !0, s(c())), b;
set: s,
configurable: !0,
enumerable: o
}, 33, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), h = r(d[7]), v = function (v) {
function p() {
var n;
t(this, p);
var u = new h();
return (n = s(this, o(p).call(this, u))).sharedSubscriber = u, n;
return c(p, l), n(p, [
key: 'addListener',
value: function (t, n, s) {
return u(o(p.prototype), 'addListener', this).call(this, t, n, s);
key: 'removeAllListeners',
value: function (t) {
u(o(p.prototype), 'removeAllListeners', this).call(this, t);
key: 'removeSubscription',
value: function (t) {
t.emitter !== this ? t.emitter.removeSubscription(t) : u(o(p.prototype), 'removeSubscription', this).call(this, t);
]), p;
m.exports = new v();
}, 34, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]);
m.exports = function (o, c) {
return !c || 'object' !== n(c) && 'function' != typeof c ? t(o) : c;
}, 35, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
function o(t) {
return (o = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' == typeof ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator') ? function (o) {
return typeof o;
} : function (o) {
return o && 'function' == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.prototype : '@@prototype') ? 'symbol' : typeof o;
function t(n) {
return 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'symbol' === o('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator') ? m.exports = t = function (t) {
return o(t);
} : m.exports = t = function (t) {
return t && 'function' == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.prototype : '@@prototype') ? 'symbol' : o(t);
}, t(n);
m.exports = t;
}, 36, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function (n) {
if (void 0 === n)
throw new ReferenceError('this hasn\'t been initialised - super() hasn\'t been called');
return n;
}, 37, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
function t(o) {
return m.exports = t = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (t) {
return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t);
}, t(o);
m.exports = t;
}, 38, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var t = r(d[0]);
function n(c, f, o) {
return 'undefined' != typeof Reflect && Reflect.get ? m.exports = n = Reflect.get : m.exports = n = function (n, c, f) {
var o = t(n, c);
if (o) {
var u = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, c);
return u.get ? : u.value;
}, n(c, f, o || c);
m.exports = n;
}, 39, [40]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = function (n, o) {
for (; !, o) && null !== (n = t(n)););
return n;
}, 40, [38]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = function (o, n) {
if ('function' != typeof n && null !== n)
throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function');
o.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: o,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), n && t(o, n);
}, 41, [42]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
function t(o, n) {
return m.exports = t = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (t, o) {
return t.__proto__ = o, t;
}, t(o, n);
m.exports = t;
}, 42, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), o = r(d[4]), c = function () {
return !0;
}, b = function () {
function b(n) {
t(this, b), this._subscriber = n || new u();
return n(b, [
key: 'addListener',
value: function (t, n, u) {
return this._subscriber.addSubscription(t, new s(this, this._subscriber, n, u));
key: 'once',
value: function (t, n, s) {
var u = this;
return this.addListener(t, function () {
for (var t = arguments.length, o = new Array(t), c = 0; c < t; c++)
o[c] = arguments[c];
n.apply(s, o);
key: 'removeAllListeners',
value: function (t) {
key: 'removeCurrentListener',
value: function () {
o(!!this._currentSubscription, 'Not in an emitting cycle; there is no current subscription'), this.removeSubscription(this._currentSubscription);
key: 'removeSubscription',
value: function (t) {
o(t.emitter === this, 'Subscription does not belong to this emitter.'), this._subscriber.removeSubscription(t);
key: 'listeners',
value: function (t) {
var n = this._subscriber.getSubscriptionsForType(t);
return n ? n.filter(c).map(function (t) {
return t.listener;
}) : [];
key: 'emit',
value: function (t) {
var n = this._subscriber.getSubscriptionsForType(t);
if (n) {
for (var s = 0, u = n.length; s < u; s++) {
var o = n[s];
o && o.listener && (this._currentSubscription = o, o.listener.apply(o.context,, 1)));
this._currentSubscription = null;
key: 'removeListener',
value: function (t, n) {
var s = this._subscriber.getSubscriptionsForType(t);
if (s)
for (var u = 0, o = s.length; u < o; u++) {
var c = s[u];
c && c.listener === n && c.remove();
]), b;
m.exports = b;
}, 43, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]), h = function (h) {
function v(n, u, c, h) {
var f;
return t(this, v), (f = s(this, o(v).call(this, u))).emitter = n, f.listener = c, f.context = h, f;
return u(v, c), n(v, [{
key: 'remove',
value: function () {
}]), v;
m.exports = h;
}, 44, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), n = function () {
function n(s) {
t(this, n), this.subscriber = s;
return s(n, [{
key: 'remove',
value: function () {
}]), n;
m.exports = n;
}, 45, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var s = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), o = function () {
function o() {
s(this, o), this._subscriptionsForType = {}, this._currentSubscription = null;
return t(o, [
key: 'addSubscription',
value: function (s, t) {
n(t.subscriber === this, 'The subscriber of the subscription is incorrectly set.'), this._subscriptionsForType[s] || (this._subscriptionsForType[s] = []);
var o = this._subscriptionsForType[s].length;
return this._subscriptionsForType[s].push(t), t.eventType = s, t.key = o, t;
key: 'removeAllSubscriptions',
value: function (s) {
void 0 === s ? this._subscriptionsForType = {} : delete this._subscriptionsForType[s];
key: 'removeSubscription',
value: function (s) {
var t = s.eventType, n = s.key, o = this._subscriptionsForType[t];
o && delete o[n];
key: 'getSubscriptionsForType',
value: function (s) {
return this._subscriptionsForType[s];
]), o;
m.exports = o;
}, 46, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = (r(d[1]), r(d[2]), r(d[3])), o = r(d[4]), s = n.UIManager, c = {};
o(s, 'UIManager is undefined. The native module config is probably incorrect.'), s.__takeSnapshot = s.takeSnapshot, s.takeSnapshot = function () {
o(!1, 'UIManager.takeSnapshot should not be called directly. Use ReactNative.takeSnapshot instead.');
var f = new Set();
function u(o) {
var f = s[o];
f.Manager && (c[o] = f, t(f, 'Constants', {
get: function () {
var t = n[f.Manager], o = {};
return t && Object.keys(t).forEach(function (n) {
var s = t[n];
'function' != typeof s && (o[n] = s);
}), o;
}), t(f, 'Commands', {
get: function () {
var t = n[f.Manager], o = {}, s = 0;
return t && Object.keys(t).forEach(function (n) {
'function' == typeof t[n] && (o[n] = s++);
}), o;
(s.getViewManagerConfig = function (n) {
if (void 0 === c[n] && s.getConstantsForViewManager)
try {
c[n] = s.getConstantsForViewManager(n);
} catch (t) {
c[n] = null;
var t = c[n];
if (t)
return t;
if (s.lazilyLoadView && !f.has(n)) {
var o = s.lazilyLoadView(n);
f.add(n), o.viewConfig && (s[n] = o.viewConfig, u(n));
return c[n];
}, s.ViewManagerNames) && ((g.__residual ? g.__residual : function (n, t) {
for (var o = arguments.length, s = new Array(o > 2 ? o - 2 : 0), c = 2; c < o; c++)
s[c - 2] = arguments[c];
return t.apply(void 0, s);
})('void', function (n, t) {
n.ViewManagerNames.forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, {
get: function () {
return n.getConstantsForViewManager(o);
}, s, t), g.__makePartial && g.__makePartial(s));
m.exports = s;
}, 47, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = {
OS: 'android',
get Version() {
var n = t.PlatformConstants;
return n && n.Version;
get isTesting() {
return !1;
get isTV() {
var n = t.PlatformConstants;
return n && 'tv' === n.uiMode;
select: function (t) {
return 'android' in t ? : t.default;
m.exports = n;
}, 48, [14]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = [
}, 49, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]);
function o(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, s);
return o;
function s(n) {
for (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) {
var c = null != arguments[s] ? arguments[s] : {};
s % 2 ? o(c, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, c[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(c)) : o(c).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, t));
return n;
var c = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), y = (r(d[6]), r(d[7])), p = c.forwardRef(function (t, o) {
var p, h = t.onLayout, O =, b = n(t, [
switch (t.size) {
case 'small':
p = f.sizeSmall;
case 'large':
p = f.sizeLarge;
p = {
height: t.size,
width: t.size
var w = s({}, b, {
ref: o,
style: p,
styleAttr: 'Normal',
indeterminate: !0
return c.createElement(u, {
onLayout: h,
style: l.compose(f.container, O)
}, c.createElement(y, w));
p.displayName = 'ActivityIndicator', p.defaultProps = {
animating: !0,
color: null,
hidesWhenStopped: !0,
size: 'small'
var f = l.create({
container: {
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center'
sizeSmall: {
width: 20,
height: 20
sizeLarge: {
width: 36,
height: 36
m.exports = p;
}, 50, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = r(d[0]);
}, 51, [4]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
function o(t, o) {
var n = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var c = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
o && (c = c.filter(function (o) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, o).enumerable;
})), n.push.apply(n, c);
return n;
function n(n) {
for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
var l = null != arguments[c] ? arguments[c] : {};
c % 2 ? o(l, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, l[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(l)) : o(l).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(l, t));
return n;
var c = r(d[1]), l = r(d[2]), s = (r(d[3]), r(d[4])), u = c.roundToNearestPixel(0.4);
0 === u && (u = 1 / c.get());
var p = {
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0
m.exports = {
hairlineWidth: u,
absoluteFill: p,
absoluteFillObject: p,
compose: function (t, o) {
return null != t && null != o ? [
] : null != t ? t : o;
flatten: s,
setStyleAttributePreprocessor: function (t, o) {
var c;
if (!0 === l[t])
c = {};
else {
if ('object' != typeof l[t])
return void console.error(t + ' is not a valid style attribute');
c = l[t];
l[t] = n({}, c, { process: o });
create: function (t) {
return t;
}, 52, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), u = r(d[2]), o = function () {
function o() {
t(this, o);
return n(o, null, [
key: 'get',
value: function () {
return u.get('window').scale;
key: 'getFontScale',
value: function () {
return u.get('window').fontScale || o.get();
key: 'getPixelSizeForLayoutSize',
value: function (t) {
return Math.round(t * o.get());
key: 'roundToNearestPixel',
value: function (t) {
var n = o.get();
return Math.round(t * n) / n;
key: 'startDetecting',
value: function () {
]), o;
m.exports = o;
}, 53, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), c = (r(d[4]), r(d[5])), l = r(d[6]), v = new o(), h = !1, u = {}, f = function () {
function o() {
t(this, o);
return s(o, null, [
key: 'set',
value: function (t) {
if (t && t.windowPhysicalPixels) {
var s = (t = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t))).windowPhysicalPixels;
t.window = {
width: s.width / s.scale,
height: s.height / s.scale,
scale: s.scale,
fontScale: s.fontScale
var o = t.screenPhysicalPixels;
t.screen = {
width: o.width / o.scale,
height: o.height / o.scale,
scale: o.scale,
fontScale: o.fontScale
}, delete t.screenPhysicalPixels, delete t.windowPhysicalPixels;
n(u, t), h ? v.emit('change', {
window: u.window,
screen: u.screen
}) : h = !0;
key: 'get',
value: function (n) {
return l(u[n], 'No dimension set for key ' + n), u[n];
key: 'addEventListener',
value: function (n, t) {
l('change' === n, 'Trying to subscribe to unknown event: "%s"', n), v.addListener(n, t);
key: 'removeEventListener',
value: function (n, t) {
l('change' === n, 'Trying to remove listener for unknown event: "%s"', n), v.removeListener(n, t);
]), o;
}(), w = g.nativeExtensions && g.nativeExtensions.DeviceInfo && g.nativeExtensions.DeviceInfo.Dimensions, y = !0;
w || (w = r(d[7]).Dimensions, y = !1);
l(w, 'Either DeviceInfo native extension or DeviceInfo Native Module must be registered'), f.set(w), y || c.addListener('didUpdateDimensions', function (n) {
}), m.exports = f;
}, 54, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]).DeviceInfo;
r(d[1])(t, 'DeviceInfo native module is not installed correctly'), m.exports = t;
}, 55, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]);
function t(o, t) {
var n = Object.keys(o);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var c = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(o);
t && (c = c.filter(function (t) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, t).enumerable;
})), n.push.apply(n, c);
return n;
for (var n = r(d[1]), c = r(d[2]), l = r(d[3]), s = r(d[4]), b = r(d[5]), f = r(d[6]), p = {}, O = 0, u = Object.keys(function (n) {
for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
var l = null != arguments[c] ? arguments[c] : {};
c % 2 ? t(l, !0).forEach(function (t) {
o(n, t, l[t]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(l)) : t(l).forEach(function (o) {
Object.defineProperty(n, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(l, o));
return n;
}({}, l, {}, c, {}, n)); O < u.length; O++) {
p[u[O]] = !0;
p.transform = { process: b }, p.shadowOffset = { diff: f };
var y = { process: s };
p.backgroundColor = y, p.borderBottomColor = y, p.borderColor = y, p.borderLeftColor = y, p.borderRightColor = y, p.borderTopColor = y, p.borderStartColor = y, p.borderEndColor = y, p.color = y, p.shadowColor = y, p.textDecorationColor = y, p.tintColor = y, p.textShadowColor = y, p.overlayColor = y, m.exports = p;
}, 56, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
function o(t, o) {
var n = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var b = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
o && (b = b.filter(function (o) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, o).enumerable;
})), n.push.apply(n, b);
return n;
var n = r(d[1]), b = r(d[2]), c = r(d[3]), u = function (n) {
for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) {
var c = null != arguments[b] ? arguments[b] : {};
b % 2 ? o(c, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, c[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(c)) : o(c).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, t));
return n;
}({}, b, {}, r(d[4]), {}, r(d[5]), {
resizeMode: c.oneOf([
backfaceVisibility: c.oneOf([
backgroundColor: n,
borderColor: n,
borderWidth: c.number,
borderRadius: c.number,
overflow: c.oneOf([
tintColor: n,
opacity: c.number,
overlayColor: c.string,
borderTopLeftRadius: c.number,
borderTopRightRadius: c.number,
borderBottomLeftRadius: c.number,
borderBottomRightRadius: c.number
m.exports = u;
}, 57, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), f = function (f, l, o, b, t, u) {
var s = l[o];
return void 0 === s || null === s ? f ? new Error('Required ' + t + ' `' + (u || o) + '` was not specified in `' + b + '`.') : void 0 : 'number' != typeof s && null === n(s) ? new Error('Invalid ' + t + ' `' + (u || o) + '` supplied to `' + b + '`: ' + s + '\nValid color formats are\n - \'#f0f\' (#rgb)\n - \'#f0fc\' (#rgba)\n - \'#ff00ff\' (#rrggbb)\n - \'#ff00ff00\' (#rrggbbaa)\n - \'rgb(255, 255, 255)\'\n - \'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)\'\n - \'hsl(360, 100%, 100%)\'\n - \'hsla(360, 100%, 100%, 1.0)\'\n - \'transparent\'\n - \'red\'\n - 0xff00ff00 (0xrrggbbaa)\n') : void 0;
}, l = f.bind(null, !1);
l.isRequired = f.bind(null, !0), m.exports = l;
}, 58, [59]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
function l(l, n, t) {
return t < 0 && (t += 1), t > 1 && (t -= 1), t < 0.16666666666666666 ? l + 6 * (n - l) * t : t < 0.5 ? n : t < 0.6666666666666666 ? l + (n - l) * (0.6666666666666666 - t) * 6 : l;
function n(n, t, o) {
var u = o < 0.5 ? o * (1 + t) : o + t - o * t, s = 2 * o - u, h = l(s, u, n + 0.3333333333333333), c = l(s, u, n), b = l(s, u, n - 0.3333333333333333);
return Math.round(255 * h) << 24 | Math.round(255 * c) << 16 | Math.round(255 * b) << 8;
var t, o = '[-+]?\\d*\\.?\\d+', u = '[-+]?\\d*\\.?\\d+%';
function s() {
for (var l = arguments.length, n = new Array(l), t = 0; t < l; t++)
n[t] = arguments[t];
return '\\(\\s*(' + n.join(')\\s*,\\s*(') + ')\\s*\\)';
function h(l) {
var n = parseInt(l, 10);
return n < 0 ? 0 : n > 255 ? 255 : n;
function c(l) {
return (parseFloat(l) % 360 + 360) % 360 / 360;
function b(l) {
var n = parseFloat(l);
return n < 0 ? 0 : n > 1 ? 255 : Math.round(255 * n);
function p(l) {
var n = parseFloat(l);
return n < 0 ? 0 : n > 100 ? 1 : n / 100;
var y = {
transparent: 0,
aliceblue: 4042850303,
antiquewhite: 4209760255,
aqua: 16777215,
aquamarine: 2147472639,
azure: 4043309055,
beige: 4126530815,
bisque: 4293182719,
black: 255,
blanchedalmond: 4293643775,
blue: 65535,
blueviolet: 2318131967,
brown: 2771004159,
burlywood: 3736635391,
burntsienna: 3934150143,
cadetblue: 1604231423,
chartreuse: 2147418367,
chocolate: 3530104575,
coral: 4286533887,
cornflowerblue: 1687547391,
cornsilk: 4294499583,
crimson: 3692313855,
cyan: 16777215,
darkblue: 35839,
darkcyan: 9145343,
darkgoldenrod: 3095792639,
darkgray: 2846468607,
darkgreen: 6553855,
darkgrey: 2846468607,
darkkhaki: 3182914559,
darkmagenta: 2332068863,
darkolivegreen: 1433087999,
darkorange: 4287365375,
darkorchid: 2570243327,
darkred: 2332033279,
darksalmon: 3918953215,
darkseagreen: 2411499519,
darkslateblue: 1211993087,
darkslategray: 793726975,
darkslategrey: 793726975,
darkturquoise: 13554175,
darkviolet: 2483082239,
deeppink: 4279538687,
deepskyblue: 12582911,
dimgray: 1768516095,
dimgrey: 1768516095,
dodgerblue: 512819199,
firebrick: 2988581631,
floralwhite: 4294635775,
forestgreen: 579543807,
fuchsia: 4278255615,
gainsboro: 3705462015,
ghostwhite: 4177068031,
gold: 4292280575,
goldenrod: 3668254975,
gray: 2155905279,
green: 8388863,
greenyellow: 2919182335,
grey: 2155905279,
honeydew: 4043305215,
hotpink: 4285117695,
indianred: 3445382399,
indigo: 1258324735,
ivory: 4294963455,
khaki: 4041641215,
lavender: 3873897215,
lavenderblush: 4293981695,
lawngreen: 2096890111,
lemonchiffon: 4294626815,
lightblue: 2916673279,
lightcoral: 4034953471,
lightcyan: 3774873599,
lightgoldenrodyellow: 4210742015,
lightgray: 3553874943,
lightgreen: 2431553791,
lightgrey: 3553874943,
lightpink: 4290167295,
lightsalmon: 4288707327,
lightseagreen: 548580095,
lightskyblue: 2278488831,
lightslategray: 2005441023,
lightslategrey: 2005441023,
lightsteelblue: 2965692159,
lightyellow: 4294959359,
lime: 16711935,
limegreen: 852308735,
linen: 4210091775,
magenta: 4278255615,
maroon: 2147483903,
mediumaquamarine: 1724754687,
mediumblue: 52735,
mediumorchid: 3126187007,
mediumpurple: 2473647103,
mediumseagreen: 1018393087,
mediumslateblue: 2070474495,
mediumspringgreen: 16423679,
mediumturquoise: 1221709055,
mediumvioletred: 3340076543,
midnightblue: 421097727,
mintcream: 4127193855,
mistyrose: 4293190143,
moccasin: 4293178879,
navajowhite: 4292783615,
navy: 33023,
oldlace: 4260751103,
olive: 2155872511,
olivedrab: 1804477439,
orange: 4289003775,
orangered: 4282712319,
orchid: 3664828159,
palegoldenrod: 4008225535,
palegreen: 2566625535,
paleturquoise: 2951671551,
palevioletred: 3681588223,
papayawhip: 4293907967,
peachpuff: 4292524543,
peru: 3448061951,
pink: 4290825215,
plum: 3718307327,
powderblue: 2967529215,
purple: 2147516671,
rebeccapurple: 1714657791,
red: 4278190335,
rosybrown: 3163525119,
royalblue: 1097458175,
saddlebrown: 2336560127,
salmon: 4202722047,
sandybrown: 4104413439,
seagreen: 780883967,
seashell: 4294307583,
sienna: 2689740287,
silver: 3233857791,
skyblue: 2278484991,
slateblue: 1784335871,
slategray: 1887473919,
slategrey: 1887473919,
snow: 4294638335,
springgreen: 16744447,
steelblue: 1182971135,
tan: 3535047935,
teal: 8421631,
thistle: 3636451583,
tomato: 4284696575,
turquoise: 1088475391,
violet: 4001558271,
wheat: 4125012991,
white: 4294967295,
whitesmoke: 4126537215,
yellow: 4294902015,
yellowgreen: 2597139199
m.exports = function (l) {
var k, f = (void 0 === t && (t = {
rgb: new RegExp('rgb' + s(o, o, o)),
rgba: new RegExp('rgba' + s(o, o, o, o)),
hsl: new RegExp('hsl' + s(o, u, u)),
hsla: new RegExp('hsla' + s(o, u, u, o)),
hex3: /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex4: /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex6: /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{6})$/,
hex8: /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{8})$/
}), t);
return 'number' == typeof l ? l >>> 0 === l && l >= 0 && l <= 4294967295 ? l : null : (k = f.hex6.exec(l)) ? parseInt(k[1] + 'ff', 16) >>> 0 : y.hasOwnProperty(l) ? y[l] : (k = f.rgb.exec(l)) ? (h(k[1]) << 24 | h(k[2]) << 16 | h(k[3]) << 8 | 255) >>> 0 : (k = f.rgba.exec(l)) ? (h(k[1]) << 24 | h(k[2]) << 16 | h(k[3]) << 8 | b(k[4])) >>> 0 : (k = f.hex3.exec(l)) ? parseInt(k[1] + k[1] + k[2] + k[2] + k[3] + k[3] + 'ff', 16) >>> 0 : (k = f.hex8.exec(l)) ? parseInt(k[1], 16) >>> 0 : (k = f.hex4.exec(l)) ? parseInt(k[1] + k[1] + k[2] + k[2] + k[3] + k[3] + k[4] + k[4], 16) >>> 0 : (k = f.hsl.exec(l)) ? (255 | n(c(k[1]), p(k[2]), p(k[3]))) >>> 0 : (k = f.hsla.exec(l)) ? (n(c(k[1]), p(k[2]), p(k[3])) | b(k[4])) >>> 0 : null;
}, 59, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = {
display: n.oneOf([
width: n.oneOfType([
height: n.oneOfType([
start: n.oneOfType([
end: n.oneOfType([
top: n.oneOfType([
left: n.oneOfType([
right: n.oneOfType([
bottom: n.oneOfType([
minWidth: n.oneOfType([
maxWidth: n.oneOfType([
minHeight: n.oneOfType([
maxHeight: n.oneOfType([
margin: n.oneOfType([
marginVertical: n.oneOfType([
marginHorizontal: n.oneOfType([
marginTop: n.oneOfType([
marginBottom: n.oneOfType([
marginLeft: n.oneOfType([
marginRight: n.oneOfType([
marginStart: n.oneOfType([
marginEnd: n.oneOfType([
padding: n.oneOfType([
paddingVertical: n.oneOfType([
paddingHorizontal: n.oneOfType([
paddingTop: n.oneOfType([
paddingBottom: n.oneOfType([
paddingLeft: n.oneOfType([
paddingRight: n.oneOfType([
paddingStart: n.oneOfType([
paddingEnd: n.oneOfType([
borderWidth: n.number,
borderTopWidth: n.number,
borderStartWidth: n.number,
borderEndWidth: n.number,
borderRightWidth: n.number,
borderBottomWidth: n.number,
borderLeftWidth: n.number,
position: n.oneOf([
flexDirection: n.oneOf([
flexWrap: n.oneOf([
justifyContent: n.oneOf([
alignItems: n.oneOf([
alignSelf: n.oneOf([
alignContent: n.oneOf([
overflow: n.oneOf([
flex: n.number,
flexGrow: n.number,
flexShrink: n.number,
flexBasis: n.oneOfType([
aspectRatio: n.number,
zIndex: n.number,
direction: n.oneOf([
m.exports = t;
}, 60, [61]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = r(d[0])();
}, 61, [62]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]);
function t() {
function o() {
o.resetWarningCache = t, m.exports = function () {
function p(t, o, p, c, s, y) {
if (y !== n) {
var f = new Error('Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. Read more at');
throw = 'Invariant Violation', f;
function c() {
return p;
p.isRequired = p;
var s = {
array: p,
bool: p,
func: p,
number: p,
object: p,
string: p,
symbol: p,
any: p,
arrayOf: c,
element: p,
elementType: p,
instanceOf: c,
node: p,
objectOf: c,
oneOf: c,
oneOfType: c,
shape: c,
exact: c,
checkPropTypes: o,
resetWarningCache: t
return s.PropTypes = s, s;
}, 62, [63]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
}, 63, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var s = r(d[0]), h = r(d[1]), o = {
shadowColor: s,
shadowOffset: h.shape({
width: h.number,
height: h.number
shadowOpacity: h.number,
shadowRadius: h.number
m.exports = o;
}, 64, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), n = {
transform: t.arrayOf(t.oneOfType([
t.shape({ perspective: t.number }),
t.shape({ rotate: t.string }),
t.shape({ rotateX: t.string }),
t.shape({ rotateY: t.string }),
t.shape({ rotateZ: t.string }),
t.shape({ scale: t.number }),
t.shape({ scaleX: t.number }),
t.shape({ scaleY: t.number }),
t.shape({ translateX: t.number }),
t.shape({ translateY: t.number }),
t.shape({ skewX: t.string }),
t.shape({ skewY: t.string })
transformMatrix: function (t, s, n) {
if (t[s])
return new Error('The transformMatrix style property is deprecated. Use `transform: [{ matrix: ... }]` instead.');
decomposedMatrix: function (t, s, n) {
if (t[s])
return new Error('The decomposedMatrix style property is deprecated. Use `transform: [...]` instead.');
scaleX: s(t.number, 'Use the transform prop instead.'),
scaleY: s(t.number, 'Use the transform prop instead.'),
rotation: s(t.number, 'Use the transform prop instead.'),
translateX: s(t.number, 'Use the transform prop instead.'),
translateY: s(t.number, 'Use the transform prop instead.')
m.exports = n;
}, 65, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]);
m.exports = function (t, o) {
return function (c, u, p) {
n.getViewManagerConfig(p) || void 0 === c[u] || console.warn('`' + u + '` supplied to `' + p + '` has been deprecated. ' + o);
for (var s = arguments.length, f = new Array(s > 3 ? s - 3 : 0), l = 3; l < s; l++)
f[l - 3] = arguments[l];
return t.apply(void 0, [
}, 66, [47]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
function n(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var l = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (l = l.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, l);
return o;
var o = r(d[1]), l = r(d[2]), c = function (o) {
for (var l = 1; l < arguments.length; l++) {
var c = null != arguments[l] ? arguments[l] : {};
l % 2 ? n(c, !0).forEach(function (n) {
t(o, n, c[n]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(c)) : n(c).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(o, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, t));
return o;
}({}, r(d[3]), {
color: o,
fontFamily: l.string,
fontSize: l.number,
fontStyle: l.oneOf([
fontWeight: l.oneOf([
fontVariant: l.arrayOf(l.oneOf([
textShadowOffset: l.shape({
width: l.number,
height: l.number
textShadowRadius: l.number,
textShadowColor: o,
letterSpacing: l.number,
lineHeight: l.number,
textAlign: l.oneOf([
textAlignVertical: l.oneOf([
includeFontPadding: l.bool,
textDecorationLine: l.oneOf([
'underline line-through'
textDecorationStyle: l.oneOf([
textDecorationColor: o,
textTransform: l.oneOf([
writingDirection: l.oneOf([
m.exports = c;
}, 67, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]);
function t(o, t) {
var b = Object.keys(o);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(o);
t && (n = n.filter(function (t) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, t).enumerable;
})), b.push.apply(b, n);
return b;
var b = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), s = function (b) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var u = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? t(u, !0).forEach(function (t) {
o(b, t, u[t]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(b, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(u)) : t(u).forEach(function (o) {
Object.defineProperty(b, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(u, o));
return b;
}({}, n, {}, r(d[4]), {}, r(d[5]), {
backfaceVisibility: u.oneOf([
backgroundColor: b,
borderColor: b,
borderTopColor: b,
borderRightColor: b,
borderBottomColor: b,
borderLeftColor: b,
borderStartColor: b,
borderEndColor: b,
borderRadius: u.number,
borderTopLeftRadius: u.number,
borderTopRightRadius: u.number,
borderTopStartRadius: u.number,
borderTopEndRadius: u.number,
borderBottomLeftRadius: u.number,
borderBottomRightRadius: u.number,
borderBottomStartRadius: u.number,
borderBottomEndRadius: u.number,
borderStyle: u.oneOf([
borderWidth: u.number,
borderTopWidth: u.number,
borderRightWidth: u.number,
borderBottomWidth: u.number,
borderLeftWidth: u.number,
opacity: u.number,
elevation: u.number
m.exports = s;
}, 68, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[1]);
m.exports = function (t) {
if (void 0 === t || null === t)
return t;
var u = n(t);
return null !== u && void 0 !== u ? (u = (u << 24 | u >>> 8) >>> 0, u |= 0) : void 0;
}, 69, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
r(d[0]), r(d[1]), r(d[2]), r(d[3]);
m.exports = function (t) {
return t;
}, 70, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = {
createIdentityMatrix: function () {
return [
createCopy: function (t) {
return [
createOrthographic: function (t, n, o, u, s, c) {
return [
2 / (n - t),
2 / (u - o),
-2 / (c - s),
-(n + t) / (n - t),
-(u + o) / (u - o),
-(c + s) / (c - s),
createFrustum: function (t, n, o, u, s, c) {
var v = 1 / (n - t), f = 1 / (u - o), h = 1 / (s - c);
return [
s * v * 2,
s * f * 2,
(n + t) * v,
(u + o) * f,
(c + s) * h,
c * s * h * 2,
createPerspective: function (t, n, o, u) {
var s = 1 / Math.tan(t / 2), c = 1 / (o - u);
return [
s / n,
(u + o) * c,
u * o * c * 2,
createTranslate2d: function (t, n) {
var u = o.createIdentityMatrix();
return o.reuseTranslate2dCommand(u, t, n), u;
reuseTranslate2dCommand: function (t, n, o) {
t[12] = n, t[13] = o;
reuseTranslate3dCommand: function (t, n, o, u) {
t[12] = n, t[13] = o, t[14] = u;
createScale: function (t) {
var n = o.createIdentityMatrix();
return o.reuseScaleCommand(n, t), n;
reuseScaleCommand: function (t, n) {
t[0] = n, t[5] = n;
reuseScale3dCommand: function (t, n, o, u) {
t[0] = n, t[5] = o, t[10] = u;
reusePerspectiveCommand: function (t, n) {
t[11] = -1 / n;
reuseScaleXCommand: function (t, n) {
t[0] = n;
reuseScaleYCommand: function (t, n) {
t[5] = n;
reuseScaleZCommand: function (t, n) {
t[10] = n;
reuseRotateXCommand: function (t, n) {
t[5] = Math.cos(n), t[6] = Math.sin(n), t[9] = -Math.sin(n), t[10] = Math.cos(n);
reuseRotateYCommand: function (t, n) {
t[0] = Math.cos(n), t[2] = -Math.sin(n), t[8] = Math.sin(n), t[10] = Math.cos(n);
reuseRotateZCommand: function (t, n) {
t[0] = Math.cos(n), t[1] = Math.sin(n), t[4] = -Math.sin(n), t[5] = Math.cos(n);
createRotateZ: function (t) {
var n = o.createIdentityMatrix();
return o.reuseRotateZCommand(n, t), n;
reuseSkewXCommand: function (t, n) {
t[4] = Math.tan(n);
reuseSkewYCommand: function (t, n) {
t[1] = Math.tan(n);
multiplyInto: function (t, n, o) {
var u = n[0], s = n[1], c = n[2], v = n[3], f = n[4], h = n[5], M = n[6], l = n[7], C = n[8], p = n[9], x = n[10], T = n[11], y = n[12], S = n[13], D = n[14], P = n[15], q = o[0], X = o[1], Y = o[2], I = o[3];
t[0] = q * u + X * f + Y * C + I * y, t[1] = q * s + X * h + Y * p + I * S, t[2] = q * c + X * M + Y * x + I * D, t[3] = q * v + X * l + Y * T + I * P, q = o[4], X = o[5], Y = o[6], I = o[7], t[4] = q * u + X * f + Y * C + I * y, t[5] = q * s + X * h + Y * p + I * S, t[6] = q * c + X * M + Y * x + I * D, t[7] = q * v + X * l + Y * T + I * P, q = o[8], X = o[9], Y = o[10], I = o[11], t[8] = q * u + X * f + Y * C + I * y, t[9] = q * s + X * h + Y * p + I * S, t[10] = q * c + X * M + Y * x + I * D, t[11] = q * v + X * l + Y * T + I * P, q = o[12], X = o[13], Y = o[14], I = o[15], t[12] = q * u + X * f + Y * C + I * y, t[13] = q * s + X * h + Y * p + I * S, t[14] = q * c + X * M + Y * x + I * D, t[15] = q * v + X * l + Y * T + I * P;
determinant: function (n) {
var o = t(n, 16), u = o[0], s = o[1], c = o[2], v = o[3], f = o[4], h = o[5], M = o[6], l = o[7], C = o[8], p = o[9], x = o[10], T = o[11], y = o[12], S = o[13], D = o[14], P = o[15];
return v * M * p * y - c * l * p * y - v * h * x * y + s * l * x * y + c * h * T * y - s * M * T * y - v * M * C * S + c * l * C * S + v * f * x * S - u * l * x * S - c * f * T * S + u * M * T * S + v * h * C * D - s * l * C * D - v * f * p * D + u * l * p * D + s * f * T * D - u * h * T * D - c * h * C * P + s * M * C * P + c * f * p * P - u * M * p * P - s * f * x * P + u * h * x * P;
inverse: function (n) {
var u = o.determinant(n);
if (!u)
return n;
var s = t(n, 16), c = s[0], v = s[1], f = s[2], h = s[3], M = s[4], l = s[5], C = s[6], p = s[7], x = s[8], T = s[9], y = s[10], S = s[11], D = s[12], P = s[13], q = s[14], X = s[15];
return [
(C * S * P - p * y * P + p * T * q - l * S * q - C * T * X + l * y * X) / u,
(h * y * P - f * S * P - h * T * q + v * S * q + f * T * X - v * y * X) / u,
(f * p * P - h * C * P + h * l * q - v * p * q - f * l * X + v * C * X) / u,
(h * C * T - f * p * T - h * l * y + v * p * y + f * l * S - v * C * S) / u,
(p * y * D - C * S * D - p * x * q + M * S * q + C * x * X - M * y * X) / u,
(f * S * D - h * y * D + h * x * q - c * S * q - f * x * X + c * y * X) / u,
(h * C * D - f * p * D - h * M * q + c * p * q + f * M * X - c * C * X) / u,
(f * p * x - h * C * x + h * M * y - c * p * y - f * M * S + c * C * S) / u,
(l * S * D - p * T * D + p * x * P - M * S * P - l * x * X + M * T * X) / u,
(h * T * D - v * S * D - h * x * P + c * S * P + v * x * X - c * T * X) / u,
(v * p * D - h * l * D + h * M * P - c * p * P - v * M * X + c * l * X) / u,
(h * l * x - v * p * x - h * M * T + c * p * T + v * M * S - c * l * S) / u,
(C * T * D - l * y * D - C * x * P + M * y * P + l * x * q - M * T * q) / u,
(v * y * D - f * T * D + f * x * P - c * y * P - v * x * q + c * T * q) / u,
(f * l * D - v * C * D - f * M * P + c * C * P + v * M * q - c * l * q) / u,
(v * C * x - f * l * x + f * M * T - c * C * T - v * M * y + c * l * y) / u
transpose: function (t) {
return [
multiplyVectorByMatrix: function (n, o) {
var u = t(n, 4), s = u[0], c = u[1], v = u[2], f = u[3];
return [
s * o[0] + c * o[4] + v * o[8] + f * o[12],
s * o[1] + c * o[5] + v * o[9] + f * o[13],
s * o[2] + c * o[6] + v * o[10] + f * o[14],
s * o[3] + c * o[7] + v * o[11] + f * o[15]
v3Length: function (t) {
return Math.sqrt(t[0] * t[0] + t[1] * t[1] + t[2] * t[2]);
v3Normalize: function (t, n) {
var u = 1 / (n || o.v3Length(t));
return [
t[0] * u,
t[1] * u,
t[2] * u
v3Dot: function (t, n) {
return t[0] * n[0] + t[1] * n[1] + t[2] * n[2];
v3Combine: function (t, n, o, u) {
return [
o * t[0] + u * n[0],
o * t[1] + u * n[1],
o * t[2] + u * n[2]
v3Cross: function (t, n) {
return [
t[1] * n[2] - t[2] * n[1],
t[2] * n[0] - t[0] * n[2],
t[0] * n[1] - t[1] * n[0]
quaternionToDegreesXYZ: function (n, u, s) {
var c = t(n, 4), v = c[0], f = c[1], h = c[2], M = c[3], l = v * v, C = f * f, p = h * h, x = v * f + h * M, T = M * M + l + C + p, y = 180 / Math.PI;
return x > 0.49999 * T ? [
2 * Math.atan2(v, M) * y,
] : x < -0.49999 * T ? [
-2 * Math.atan2(v, M) * y,
] : [
o.roundTo3Places(Math.atan2(2 * v * M - 2 * f * h, 1 - 2 * l - 2 * p) * y),
o.roundTo3Places(Math.atan2(2 * f * M - 2 * v * h, 1 - 2 * C - 2 * p) * y),
o.roundTo3Places(Math.asin(2 * v * f + 2 * h * M) * y)
roundTo3Places: function (t) {
var n = t.toString().split('e');
return 0.001 * Math.round(n[0] + 'e' + (n[1] ? +n[1] - 3 : 3));
decomposeMatrix: function (t) {
n(16 === t.length, 'Matrix decomposition needs a list of 3d matrix values, received %s', t);
var u = [], s = [], c = [], v = [], f = [];
if (t[15]) {
for (var h = [], M = [], l = 0; l < 4; l++) {
for (var C = 0; C < 4; C++) {
var p = t[4 * l + C] / t[15];
h[l].push(p), M.push(3 === C ? 0 : p);
if (M[15] = 1, o.determinant(M)) {
if (0 !== h[0][3] || 0 !== h[1][3] || 0 !== h[2][3]) {
var x = [
], T = o.inverse(M), y = o.transpose(T);
u = o.multiplyVectorByMatrix(x, y);
} else
u[0] = u[1] = u[2] = 0, u[3] = 1;
for (var S = 0; S < 3; S++)
f[S] = h[3][S];
for (var D = [], P = 0; P < 3; P++)
D[P] = [
c[0] = o.v3Length(D[0]), D[0] = o.v3Normalize(D[0], c[0]), v[0] = o.v3Dot(D[0], D[1]), D[1] = o.v3Combine(D[1], D[0], 1, -v[0]), v[0] = o.v3Dot(D[0], D[1]), D[1] = o.v3Combine(D[1], D[0], 1, -v[0]), c[1] = o.v3Length(D[1]), D[1] = o.v3Normalize(D[1], c[1]), v[0] /= c[1], v[1] = o.v3Dot(D[0], D[2]), D[2] = o.v3Combine(D[2], D[0], 1, -v[1]), v[2] = o.v3Dot(D[1], D[2]), D[2] = o.v3Combine(D[2], D[1], 1, -v[2]), c[2] = o.v3Length(D[2]), D[2] = o.v3Normalize(D[2], c[2]), v[1] /= c[2], v[2] /= c[2];
var q, X = o.v3Cross(D[1], D[2]);
if (o.v3Dot(D[0], X) < 0)
for (var Y = 0; Y < 3; Y++)
c[Y] *= -1, D[Y][0] *= -1, D[Y][1] *= -1, D[Y][2] *= -1;
return s[0] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 + D[0][0] - D[1][1] - D[2][2], 0)), s[1] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 - D[0][0] + D[1][1] - D[2][2], 0)), s[2] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 - D[0][0] - D[1][1] + D[2][2], 0)), s[3] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 + D[0][0] + D[1][1] + D[2][2], 0)), D[2][1] > D[1][2] && (s[0] = -s[0]), D[0][2] > D[2][0] && (s[1] = -s[1]), D[1][0] > D[0][1] && (s[2] = -s[2]), {
rotationDegrees: q = s[0] < 0.001 && s[0] >= 0 && s[1] < 0.001 && s[1] >= 0 ? [
o.roundTo3Places(180 * Math.atan2(D[0][1], D[0][0]) / Math.PI)
] : o.quaternionToDegreesXYZ(s, h, D),
perspective: u,
quaternion: s,
scale: c,
skew: v,
translation: f,
rotate: q[2],
rotateX: q[0],
rotateY: q[1],
scaleX: c[0],
scaleY: c[1],
translateX: f[0],
translateY: f[1]
m.exports = o;
}, 71, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = {
width: void 0,
height: void 0
m.exports = function (h, n) {
return (h = h || t) !== (n = n || t) && (h.width !== n.width || h.height !== n.height);
}, 72, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), u = (r(d[2]), r(d[3]), r(d[4]), r(d[5]), function () {
function u() {
t(this, u);
return n(u, null, [
key: 'validateStyleProp',
value: function (t, n, u) {
key: 'validateStyle',
value: function (t, n) {
key: 'addValidStylePropTypes',
value: function (t) {
]), u;
m.exports = u;
}, 73, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function t(n) {
if (null !== n && 'object' == typeof n) {
if (!Array.isArray(n))
return n;
for (var f = {}, o = 0, u = n.length; o < u; ++o) {
var c = t(n[o]);
if (c)
for (var s in c)
f[s] = c[s];
return f;
}, 74, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
r(d[0]), r(d[1]), r(d[2]);
var t = r(d[3]), s = (r(d[4]), t);
m.exports = s;
}, 75, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = t.createContext(!1);
}, 76, [51]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[1])('RCTView');
m.exports = t;
}, 77, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t;
t = r(d[0]), m.exports = t;
}, 78, [79]);
__d(function (e, t, n, r, i, a, l) {
'use strict';
var o = t(l[0]);
var u = t(l[2]), s = t(l[3]), c = t(l[4]), f = t(l[5]), d = t(l[6]), p = t(l[7]), m = t(l[8]), h = t(l[9]), g = t(l[10]);
function v(e, t, n, r, i, a, l, o) {
if (!e) {
if (e = void 0, void 0 === t)
e = Error('Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.');
else {
var u = [
], s = 0;
(e = Error(t.replace(/%s/g, function () {
return u[s++];
}))).name = 'Invariant Violation';
throw e.framesToPop = 1, e;
function y(e, t, n, r, i, a, l, o, u) {
var s =, 3);
try {
t.apply(n, s);
} catch (e) {
var b = !1, T = null, x = !1, S = null, k = {
onError: function (e) {
b = !0, T = e;
function P(e, t, n, r, i, a, l, o, u) {
b = !1, T = null, y.apply(k, arguments);
function E(e, t, n, r, i, a, l, o, u) {
if (P.apply(this, arguments), b) {
if (b) {
var s = T;
b = !1, T = null;
} else
v(!1, 'clearCaughtError was called but no error was captured. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), s = void 0;
x || (x = !0, S = s);
var _ = null, C = {};
function R() {
if (_)
for (var e in C) {
var t = C[e], n = _.indexOf(e);
if (v(-1 < n, 'EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugins that do not exist in the plugin ordering, `%s`.', e), !N[n])
for (var r in v(t.extractEvents, 'EventPluginRegistry: Event plugins must implement an `extractEvents` method, but `%s` does not.', e), N[n] = t, n = t.eventTypes) {
var i = void 0, a = n[r], l = t, o = r;
v(!z.hasOwnProperty(o), 'EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same event name, `%s`.', o), z[o] = a;
var u = a.phasedRegistrationNames;
if (u) {
for (i in u)
u.hasOwnProperty(i) && w(u[i], l);
i = !0;
} else
a.registrationName ? (w(a.registrationName, l), i = !0) : i = !1;
v(i, 'EventPluginRegistry: Failed to publish event `%s` for plugin `%s`.', r, e);
function w(e, t) {
v(!U[e], 'EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same registration name, `%s`.', e), U[e] = t;
var N = [], z = {}, U = {}, I = null, A = null, D = null;
function M(e, t, n) {
var r = e.type || 'unknown-event';
e.currentTarget = D(n), E(r, t, void 0, e), e.currentTarget = null;
function W(e) {
var t = e._dispatchListeners, n = e._dispatchInstances;
return v(!Array.isArray(t), 'executeDirectDispatch(...): Invalid `event`.'), e.currentTarget = t ? D(n) : null, t = t ? t(e) : null, e.currentTarget = null, e._dispatchListeners = null, e._dispatchInstances = null, t;
function O(e, t) {
return v(null != t, 'accumulateInto(...): Accumulated items must not be null or undefined.'), null == e ? t : Array.isArray(e) ? Array.isArray(t) ? (e.push.apply(e, t), e) : (e.push(t), e) : Array.isArray(t) ? [e].concat(t) : [
function j(e, t, n) {
Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(t, n) : e &&, e);
var F = null;
function H(e) {
if (e) {
var t = e._dispatchListeners, n = e._dispatchInstances;
if (Array.isArray(t))
for (var r = 0; r < t.length && !e.isPropagationStopped(); r++)
M(e, t[r], n[r]);
t && M(e, t, n);
e._dispatchListeners = null, e._dispatchInstances = null, e.isPersistent() || e.constructor.release(e);
var B = function (e) {
v(!_, 'EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugin ordering more than once. You are likely trying to load more than one copy of React.'), _ =, R();
}, Q = function (e) {
var t, n = !1;
for (t in e)
if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
var r = e[t];
C.hasOwnProperty(t) && C[t] === r || (v(!C[t], 'EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject two different event plugins using the same name, `%s`.', t), C[t] = r, n = !0);
n && R();
function V(e, t) {
var n = e.stateNode;
if (!n)
return null;
var r = I(n);
if (!r)
return null;
n = r[t];
switch (t) {
case 'onClick':
case 'onClickCapture':
case 'onDoubleClick':
case 'onDoubleClickCapture':
case 'onMouseDown':
case 'onMouseDownCapture':
case 'onMouseMove':
case 'onMouseMoveCapture':
case 'onMouseUp':
case 'onMouseUpCapture':
(r = !r.disabled) || (r = !('button' === (e = e.type) || 'input' === e || 'select' === e || 'textarea' === e)), e = !r;
break e;
e = !1;
return e ? null : (v(!n || 'function' == typeof n, 'Expected `%s` listener to be a function, instead got a value of `%s` type.', t, typeof n), n);
function L(e) {
do {
e = e.return;
} while (e && 5 !== e.tag);
return e || null;
function Y(e, t, n) {
for (var r = []; e;)
r.push(e), e = L(e);
for (e = r.length; 0 < e--;)
t(r[e], 'captured', n);
for (e = 0; e < r.length; e++)
t(r[e], 'bubbled', n);
function X(e, t, n) {
(t = V(e, n.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames[t])) && (n._dispatchListeners = O(n._dispatchListeners, t), n._dispatchInstances = O(n._dispatchInstances, e));
function $(e) {
e && e.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames && Y(e._targetInst, X, e);
function q(e) {
if (e && e.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames) {
var t = e._targetInst;
Y(t = t ? L(t) : null, X, e);
function G(e) {
if (e && e.dispatchConfig.registrationName) {
var t = e._targetInst;
if (t && e && e.dispatchConfig.registrationName) {
var n = V(t, e.dispatchConfig.registrationName);
n && (e._dispatchListeners = O(e._dispatchListeners, n), e._dispatchInstances = O(e._dispatchInstances, t));
function J() {
return !0;
function K() {
return !1;
function Z(e, t, n, r) {
for (var i in this.dispatchConfig = e, this._targetInst = t, this.nativeEvent = n, e = this.constructor.Interface)
e.hasOwnProperty(i) && ((t = e[i]) ? this[i] = t(n) : 'target' === i ? = r : this[i] = n[i]);
return this.isDefaultPrevented = (null != n.defaultPrevented ? n.defaultPrevented : !1 === n.returnValue) ? J : K, this.isPropagationStopped = K, this;
function ee(e, t, n, r) {
if (this.eventPool.length) {
var i = this.eventPool.pop();
return, e, t, n, r), i;
return new this(e, t, n, r);
function te(e) {
v(e instanceof this, 'Trying to release an event instance into a pool of a different type.'), e.destructor(), 10 > this.eventPool.length && this.eventPool.push(e);
function ne(e) {
e.eventPool = [], e.getPooled = ee, e.release = te;
o(Z.prototype, {
preventDefault: function () {
this.defaultPrevented = !0;
var e = this.nativeEvent;
e && (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : 'unknown' != typeof e.returnValue && (e.returnValue = !1), this.isDefaultPrevented = J);
stopPropagation: function () {
var e = this.nativeEvent;
e && (e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : 'unknown' != typeof e.cancelBubble && (e.cancelBubble = !0), this.isPropagationStopped = J);
persist: function () {
this.isPersistent = J;
isPersistent: K,
destructor: function () {
var e, t = this.constructor.Interface;
for (e in t)
this[e] = null;
this.nativeEvent = this._targetInst = this.dispatchConfig = null, this.isPropagationStopped = this.isDefaultPrevented = K, this._dispatchInstances = this._dispatchListeners = null;
}), Z.Interface = {
type: null,
target: null,
currentTarget: function () {
return null;
eventPhase: null,
bubbles: null,
cancelable: null,
timeStamp: function (e) {
return e.timeStamp ||;
defaultPrevented: null,
isTrusted: null
}, Z.extend = function (e) {
function t() {
function n() {
return r.apply(this, arguments);
var r = this;
t.prototype = r.prototype;
var i = new t();
return o(i, n.prototype), n.prototype = i, n.prototype.constructor = n, n.Interface = o({}, r.Interface, e), n.extend = r.extend, ne(n), n;
}, ne(Z);
var re = Z.extend({
touchHistory: function () {
return null;
function ie(e) {
return 'topTouchStart' === e;
function ae(e) {
return 'topTouchMove' === e;
var le = ['topTouchStart'], oe = ['topTouchMove'], ue = [
], se = [], ce = {
touchBank: se,
numberActiveTouches: 0,
indexOfSingleActiveTouch: -1,
mostRecentTimeStamp: 0
function fe(e) {
return e.timeStamp || e.timestamp;
function de(e) {
return v(null != (e = e.identifier), 'Touch object is missing identifier.'), e;
function pe(e) {
var t = de(e), n = se[t];
n ? (n.touchActive = !0, n.startPageX = e.pageX, n.startPageY = e.pageY, n.startTimeStamp = fe(e), n.currentPageX = e.pageX, n.currentPageY = e.pageY, n.currentTimeStamp = fe(e), n.previousPageX = e.pageX, n.previousPageY = e.pageY, n.previousTimeStamp = fe(e)) : (n = {
touchActive: !0,
startPageX: e.pageX,
startPageY: e.pageY,
startTimeStamp: fe(e),
currentPageX: e.pageX,
currentPageY: e.pageY,
currentTimeStamp: fe(e),
previousPageX: e.pageX,
previousPageY: e.pageY,
previousTimeStamp: fe(e)
}, se[t] = n), ce.mostRecentTimeStamp = fe(e);
function me(e) {
var t = se[de(e)];
t ? (t.touchActive = !0, t.previousPageX = t.currentPageX, t.previousPageY = t.currentPageY, t.previousTimeStamp = t.currentTimeStamp, t.currentPageX = e.pageX, t.currentPageY = e.pageY, t.currentTimeStamp = fe(e), ce.mostRecentTimeStamp = fe(e)) : console.error('Cannot record touch move without a touch start.\nTouch Move: %s\n', 'Touch Bank: %s', ge(e), ve());
function he(e) {
var t = se[de(e)];
t ? (t.touchActive = !1, t.previousPageX = t.currentPageX, t.previousPageY = t.currentPageY, t.previousTimeStamp = t.currentTimeStamp, t.currentPageX = e.pageX, t.currentPageY = e.pageY, t.currentTimeStamp = fe(e), ce.mostRecentTimeStamp = fe(e)) : console.error('Cannot record touch end without a touch start.\nTouch End: %s\n', 'Touch Bank: %s', ge(e), ve());
function ge(e) {
return JSON.stringify({
identifier: e.identifier,
pageX: e.pageX,
pageY: e.pageY,
timestamp: fe(e)
function ve() {
var e = JSON.stringify(se.slice(0, 20));
return 20 < se.length && (e += ' (original size: ' + se.length + ')'), e;
var ye = {
recordTouchTrack: function (e, t) {
if (ae(e))
else if (ie(e))
t.changedTouches.forEach(pe), ce.numberActiveTouches = t.touches.length, 1 === ce.numberActiveTouches && (ce.indexOfSingleActiveTouch = t.touches[0].identifier);
else if (('topTouchEnd' === e || 'topTouchCancel' === e) && (t.changedTouches.forEach(he), ce.numberActiveTouches = t.touches.length, 1 === ce.numberActiveTouches))
for (e = 0; e < se.length; e++)
if (null != (t = se[e]) && t.touchActive) {
ce.indexOfSingleActiveTouch = e;
touchHistory: ce
function be(e, t) {
return v(null != t, 'accumulate(...): Accumulated items must be not be null or undefined.'), null == e ? t : Array.isArray(e) ? e.concat(t) : Array.isArray(t) ? [e].concat(t) : [
var Te = null, xe = 0;
function Se(e, t) {
var n = Te;
Te = e, null !== Pe.GlobalResponderHandler && Pe.GlobalResponderHandler.onChange(n, e, t);
var ke = {
startShouldSetResponder: {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: 'onStartShouldSetResponder',
captured: 'onStartShouldSetResponderCapture'
dependencies: le
scrollShouldSetResponder: {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: 'onScrollShouldSetResponder',
captured: 'onScrollShouldSetResponderCapture'
dependencies: ['topScroll']
selectionChangeShouldSetResponder: {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: 'onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponder',
captured: 'onSelectionChangeShouldSetResponderCapture'
dependencies: ['topSelectionChange']
moveShouldSetResponder: {
phasedRegistrationNames: {
bubbled: 'onMoveShouldSetResponder',
captured: 'onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture'
dependencies: oe
responderStart: {
registrationName: 'onResponderStart',
dependencies: le
responderMove: {
registrationName: 'onResponderMove',
dependencies: oe
responderEnd: {
registrationName: 'onResponderEnd',
dependencies: ue
responderRelease: {
registrationName: 'onResponderRelease',
dependencies: ue
responderTerminationRequest: {
registrationName: 'onResponderTerminationRequest',
dependencies: []
responderGrant: {
registrationName: 'onResponderGrant',
dependencies: []
responderReject: {
registrationName: 'onResponderReject',
dependencies: []
responderTerminate: {
registrationName: 'onResponderTerminate',
dependencies: []
}, Pe = {
_getResponder: function () {
return Te;
eventTypes: ke,
extractEvents: function (e, t, n, r) {
if (ie(e))
xe += 1;
else if ('topTouchEnd' === e || 'topTouchCancel' === e) {
if (!(0 <= xe))
return console.error('Ended a touch event which was not counted in `trackedTouchCount`.'), null;
if (ye.recordTouchTrack(e, n), t && ('topScroll' === e && !n.responderIgnoreScroll || 0 < xe && 'topSelectionChange' === e || ie(e) || ae(e))) {
var i = ie(e) ? ke.startShouldSetResponder : ae(e) ? ke.moveShouldSetResponder : 'topSelectionChange' === e ? ke.selectionChangeShouldSetResponder : ke.scrollShouldSetResponder;
if (Te)
e: {
for (var a = Te, l = 0, o = a; o; o = L(o))
o = 0;
for (var u = t; u; u = L(u))
for (; 0 < l - o;)
a = L(a), l--;
for (; 0 < o - l;)
t = L(t), o--;
for (; l--;) {
if (a === t || a === t.alternate)
break e;
a = L(a), t = L(t);
a = null;
a = t;
t = a === Te, (a = re.getPooled(i, a, n, r)).touchHistory = ye.touchHistory, j(a, t ? q : $);
e: {
if (i = a._dispatchListeners, t = a._dispatchInstances, Array.isArray(i)) {
for (l = 0; l < i.length && !a.isPropagationStopped(); l++)
if (i[l](a, t[l])) {
i = t[l];
break e;
} else if (i && i(a, t)) {
i = t;
break e;
i = null;
a._dispatchInstances = null, a._dispatchListeners = null, a.isPersistent() || a.constructor.release(a), i && i !== Te ? (a = void 0, (t = re.getPooled(ke.responderGrant, i, n, r)).touchHistory = ye.touchHistory, j(t, G), l = !0 === W(t), Te ? ((o = re.getPooled(ke.responderTerminationRequest, Te, n, r)).touchHistory = ye.touchHistory, j(o, G), u = !o._dispatchListeners || W(o), o.isPersistent() || o.constructor.release(o), u ? ((o = re.getPooled(ke.responderTerminate, Te, n, r)).touchHistory = ye.touchHistory, j(o, G), a = be(a, [
]), Se(i, l)) : ((i = re.getPooled(ke.responderReject, i, n, r)).touchHistory = ye.touchHistory, j(i, G), a = be(a, i))) : (a = be(a, t), Se(i, l)), i = a) : i = null;
} else
i = null;
if (a = Te && ie(e), t = Te && ae(e), l = Te && ('topTouchEnd' === e || 'topTouchCancel' === e), (a = a ? ke.responderStart : t ? ke.responderMove : l ? ke.responderEnd : null) && ((a = re.getPooled(a, Te, n, r)).touchHistory = ye.touchHistory, j(a, G), i = be(i, a)), a = Te && 'topTouchCancel' === e, e = Te && !a && ('topTouchEnd' === e || 'topTouchCancel' === e))
e: {
if ((e = n.touches) && 0 !== e.length)
for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++)
if (null !== (l = e[t].target) && void 0 !== l && 0 !== l) {
o = A(l);
t: {
for (l = Te; o;) {
if (l === o || l === o.alternate) {
l = !0;
break t;
o = L(o);
l = !1;
if (l) {
e = !1;
break e;
e = !0;
return (e = a ? ke.responderTerminate : e ? ke.responderRelease : null) && ((n = re.getPooled(e, Te, n, r)).touchHistory = ye.touchHistory, j(n, G), i = be(i, n), Se(null)), i;
GlobalResponderHandler: null,
injection: {
injectGlobalResponderHandler: function (e) {
Pe.GlobalResponderHandler = e;
}, Ee = {
eventTypes: u.eventTypes,
extractEvents: function (e, t, n, r) {
if (null == t)
return null;
var i = u.customBubblingEventTypes[e], a = u.customDirectEventTypes[e];
if (v(i || a, 'Unsupported top level event type "%s" dispatched', e), e = Z.getPooled(i || a, t, n, r), i)
j(e, $);
else {
if (!a)
return null;
j(e, G);
return e;
]), Q({
ResponderEventPlugin: Pe,
ReactNativeBridgeEventPlugin: Ee
var _e = {}, Ce = {};
function Re(e) {
return _e[e] || null;
var we = null, Ne = null;
function ze(e) {
if (e = A(e)) {
v(!1, 'setRestoreImplementation() needs to be called to handle a target for controlled events. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
var t = I(e.stateNode);
null(e.stateNode, e.type, t);
function Ue(e, t) {
return e(t);
function Ie() {
var Ae = !1;
function De(e, t) {
if (Ae)
return e(t);
Ae = !0;
try {
return Ue(e, t);
} finally {
if (Ae = !1, (null !== we || null !== Ne) && (Ie(), we && (t = we, e = Ne, Ne = we = null, ze(t), e)))
for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++)
var Me = {};
function We(e, t, n) {
var r = n || Me, i = Re(e);
De(function () {
for (var e =, n = null, a = 0; a < N.length; a++) {
var l = N[a];
l && (l = l.extractEvents(t, i, r, e)) && (n = O(n, l));
if (null !== (e = n) && (F = O(F, e)), e = F, F = null, e && (j(e, H), v(!F, 'processEventQueue(): Additional events were enqueued while processing an event queue. Support for this has not yet been implemented.'), x))
throw e = S, x = !1, S = null, e;
receiveEvent: function (e, t, n) {
We(e, t, n);
receiveTouches: function (e, t, n) {
if ('topTouchEnd' === e || 'topTouchCancel' === e) {
for (var r = [], i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
var a = n[i];
r.push(t[a]), t[a] = null;
for (i = n = 0; i < t.length; i++)
null !== (a = t[i]) && (t[n++] = a);
t.length = n;
} else
for (r = [], i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
for (n = 0; n < r.length; n++) {
(i = r[n]).changedTouches = r, i.touches = t, a = null;
var l =;
null === l || void 0 === l || 1 > l || (a = l), We(a, e, i);
}), I = function (e) {
return Ce[e._nativeTag] || null;
}, A = Re, D = function (e) {
var t = e.stateNode._nativeTag;
return void 0 === t && (t = e.stateNode.canonical._nativeTag), v(t, 'All native instances should have a tag.'), t;
}, Pe.injection.injectGlobalResponderHandler({
onChange: function (e, t, n) {
null !== t ? s.setJSResponder(t.stateNode._nativeTag, n) : s.clearJSResponder();
Oe.hasOwnProperty('ReactCurrentDispatcher') || (Oe.ReactCurrentDispatcher = { current: null });
var je = 'function' == typeof Symbol && ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for'), Fe = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.element') : 60103, He = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.portal') : 60106, Be = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.fragment') : 60107, Qe = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.strict_mode') : 60108, Ve = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.profiler') : 60114, Le = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.provider') : 60109, Ye = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.context') : 60110, Xe = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.concurrent_mode') : 60111, $e = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.forward_ref') : 60112, qe = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.suspense') : 60113, Ge = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.memo') : 60115, Je = je ? ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.for : '@@for')('react.lazy') : 60116, Ke = 'function' == typeof Symbol && ('function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator');
function Ze(e) {
return null === e || 'object' != typeof e ? null : 'function' == typeof (e = Ke && e[Ke] || e['@@iterator']) ? e : null;
function et(e) {
if (null == e)
return null;
if ('function' == typeof e)
return e.displayName || || null;
if ('string' == typeof e)
return e;
switch (e) {
case Xe:
return 'ConcurrentMode';
case Be:
return 'Fragment';
case He:
return 'Portal';
case Ve:
return 'Profiler';
case Qe:
return 'StrictMode';
case qe:
return 'Suspense';
if ('object' == typeof e)
switch (e.$$typeof) {
case Ye:
return 'Context.Consumer';
case Le:
return 'Context.Provider';
case $e:
var t = e.render;
return t = t.displayName || || '', e.displayName || ('' !== t ? 'ForwardRef(' + t + ')' : 'ForwardRef');
case Ge:
return et(e.type);
case Je:
if (e = 1 === e._status ? e._result : null)
return et(e);
return null;
function tt(e) {
var t = e;
if (e.alternate)
for (; t.return;)
t = t.return;
else {
if (0 != (2 & t.effectTag))
return 1;
for (; t.return;)
if (0 != (2 & (t = t.return).effectTag))
return 1;
return 3 === t.tag ? 2 : 3;
function nt(e) {
v(2 === tt(e), 'Unable to find node on an unmounted component.');
function rt(e) {
var t = e.alternate;
if (!t)
return v(3 !== (t = tt(e)), 'Unable to find node on an unmounted component.'), 1 === t ? null : e;
for (var n = e, r = t;;) {
var i = n.return, a = i ? i.alternate : null;
if (!i || !a)
if (i.child === a.child) {
for (var l = i.child; l;) {
if (l === n)
return nt(i), e;
if (l === r)
return nt(i), t;
l = l.sibling;
v(!1, 'Unable to find node on an unmounted component.');
if (n.return !== r.return)
n = i, r = a;
else {
l = !1;
for (var o = i.child; o;) {
if (o === n) {
l = !0, n = i, r = a;
if (o === r) {
l = !0, r = i, n = a;
o = o.sibling;
if (!l) {
for (o = a.child; o;) {
if (o === n) {
l = !0, n = a, r = i;
if (o === r) {
l = !0, r = a, n = i;
o = o.sibling;
v(l, 'Child was not found in either parent set. This indicates a bug in React related to the return pointer. Please file an issue.');
v(n.alternate === r, 'Return fibers should always be each others\' alternates. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
return v(3 === n.tag, 'Unable to find node on an unmounted component.'), n.stateNode.current === n ? e : t;
function it(e) {
if (!(e = rt(e)))
return null;
for (var t = e;;) {
if (5 === t.tag || 6 === t.tag)
return t;
if (t.child)
t.child.return = t, t = t.child;
else {
if (t === e)
for (; !t.sibling;) {
if (!t.return || t.return === e)
return null;
t = t.return;
t.sibling.return = t.return, t = t.sibling;
return null;
var at = {}, lt = null, ot = 0;
function ut(e, t, n) {
if (Array.isArray(t))
for (var r = t.length; r-- && 0 < ot;)
ut(e, t[r], n);
else if (t && 0 < ot)
for (r in lt)
if (lt[r]) {
var i = t[r];
if (void 0 !== i) {
var a = n[r];
a && ('function' == typeof i && (i = !0), void 0 === i && (i = null), 'object' != typeof a ? e[r] = i : 'function' != typeof a.diff && 'function' != typeof a.process || (i = 'function' == typeof a.process ? a.process(i) : i, e[r] = i), lt[r] = !1, ot--);
function st(e, t, n, r) {
if (!e && t === n)
return e;
if (!t || !n)
return n ? ct(e, n, r) : t ? ft(e, t, r) : e;
if (!Array.isArray(t) && !Array.isArray(n))
return dt(e, t, n, r);
if (Array.isArray(t) && Array.isArray(n)) {
var i, a = t.length < n.length ? t.length : n.length;
for (i = 0; i < a; i++)
e = st(e, t[i], n[i], r);
for (; i < t.length; i++)
e = ft(e, t[i], r);
for (; i < n.length; i++)
e = ct(e, n[i], r);
return e;
return Array.isArray(t) ? dt(e, p(t), n, r) : dt(e, t, p(n), r);
function ct(e, t, n) {
if (!t)
return e;
if (!Array.isArray(t))
return dt(e, at, t, n);
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
e = ct(e, t[r], n);
return e;
function ft(e, t, n) {
if (!t)
return e;
if (!Array.isArray(t))
return dt(e, t, at, n);
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
e = ft(e, t[r], n);
return e;
function dt(e, t, n, r) {
var i, a;
for (a in n)
if (i = r[a]) {
var l = t[a], o = n[a];
'function' == typeof o && (o = !0, 'function' == typeof l && (l = !0)), void 0 === o && (o = null, void 0 === l && (l = null)), lt && (lt[a] = !1), e && void 0 !== e[a] ? 'object' != typeof i ? e[a] = o : 'function' != typeof i.diff && 'function' != typeof i.process || (i = 'function' == typeof i.process ? i.process(o) : o, e[a] = i) : l !== o && ('object' != typeof i ? ('object' != typeof o || null === o || d(l, o)) && ((e || (e = {}))[a] = o) : 'function' == typeof i.diff || 'function' == typeof i.process ? (void 0 === l || ('function' == typeof i.diff ? i.diff(l, o) : 'object' != typeof o || null === o || d(l, o))) && (i = 'function' == typeof i.process ? i.process(o) : o, (e || (e = {}))[a] = i) : (lt = null, ot = 0, e = st(e, l, o, i), 0 < ot && e && (ut(e, o, i), lt = null)));
for (var u in t)
void 0 === n[u] && (!(i = r[u]) || e && void 0 !== e[u] || void 0 !== (l = t[u]) && ('object' != typeof i || 'function' == typeof i.diff || 'function' == typeof i.process ? ((e || (e = {}))[u] = null, lt || (lt = {}), lt[u] || (lt[u] = !0, ot++)) : e = ft(e, l, i)));
return e;
function pt(e, t) {
return function () {
if (t && ('boolean' != typeof e.__isMounted || e.__isMounted))
return t.apply(e, arguments);
var mt = function () {
function e(t, n) {
if (!(this instanceof e))
throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
this._nativeTag = t, this._children = [], this.viewConfig = n;
return e.prototype.blur = function () {
}, e.prototype.focus = function () {
}, e.prototype.measure = function (e) {
s.measure(this._nativeTag, pt(this, e));
}, e.prototype.measureInWindow = function (e) {
s.measureInWindow(this._nativeTag, pt(this, e));
}, e.prototype.measureLayout = function (e, t, n) {
s.measureLayout(this._nativeTag, e, pt(this, n), pt(this, t));
}, e.prototype.setNativeProps = function (e) {
null != (e = dt(null, at, e, this.viewConfig.validAttributes)) && s.updateView(this._nativeTag, this.viewConfig.uiViewClassName, e);
}, e;
}(), ht = 'object' == typeof performance && 'function' == typeof ? function () {
} : function () {
}, gt = null, vt = 0;
function yt() {
vt = ht() + 5;
var e = gt;
gt = null, null !== e && e();
function bt(e) {
return gt = e, setTimeout(yt, 1);
function Tt() {
v(!1, 'The current renderer does not support hydration. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
var xt = {}, St = 3;
function kt() {
var e = St;
return 1 == e % 10 && (e += 2), St = e + 2, e;
function Pt(e) {
if ('number' == typeof e)
delete _e[e], delete Ce[e];
else {
var t = e._nativeTag;
delete _e[t], delete Ce[t], e._children.forEach(Pt);
function Et(e) {
if (0 === e._children.length)
return !1;
var t = (e) {
return 'number' == typeof e ? e : e._nativeTag;
return s.setChildren(e._nativeTag, t), !1;
var _t = setTimeout, Ct = clearTimeout;
function Rt(e, t, n, r, i) {
t = e.viewConfig, Ce[e._nativeTag] = i, null != (r = dt(null, r, i, t.validAttributes)) && s.updateView(e._nativeTag, t.uiViewClassName, r);
var wt = /^(.*)[\\\/]/;
function Nt(e) {
var t = '';
do {
switch (e.tag) {
case 3:
case 4:
case 6:
case 7:
case 10:
case 9:
var n = '';
break e;
var r = e._debugOwner, i = e._debugSource, a = et(e.type);
n = null, r && (n = et(r.type)), r = a, a = '', i ? a = ' (at ' + i.fileName.replace(wt, '') + ':' + i.lineNumber + ')' : n && (a = ' (created by ' + n + ')'), n = '\n in ' + (r || 'Unknown') + a;
t += n, e = e.return;
} while (e);
return t;
new Set();
var zt = [], Ut = -1;
function It(e) {
0 > Ut || (e.current = zt[Ut], zt[Ut] = null, Ut--);
function At(e, t) {
zt[++Ut] = e.current, e.current = t;
var Dt = {}, Mt = { current: Dt }, Wt = { current: !1 }, Ot = Dt;
function jt(e, t) {
var n = e.type.contextTypes;
if (!n)
return Dt;
var r = e.stateNode;
if (r && r.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === t)
return r.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext;
var i, a = {};
for (i in n)
a[i] = t[i];
return r && ((e = e.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = t, e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = a), a;
function Ft(e) {
return null !== (e = e.childContextTypes) && void 0 !== e;
function Ht(e) {
It(Wt), It(Mt);
function Bt(e) {
It(Wt), It(Mt);
function Qt(e, t, n) {
v(Mt.current === Dt, 'Unexpected context found on stack. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), At(Mt, t), At(Wt, n);
function Vt(e, t, n) {
var r = e.stateNode;
if (e = t.childContextTypes, 'function' != typeof r.getChildContext)
return n;
for (var i in r = r.getChildContext())
v(i in e, '%s.getChildContext(): key "%s" is not defined in childContextTypes.', et(t) || 'Unknown', i);
return o({}, n, r);
function Lt(e) {
var t = e.stateNode;
return t = t && t.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext || Dt, Ot = Mt.current, At(Mt, t), At(Wt, Wt.current), !0;
function Yt(e, t, n) {
var r = e.stateNode;
v(r, 'Expected to have an instance by this point. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), n ? (t = Vt(e, t, Ot), r.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = t, It(Wt), It(Mt), At(Mt, t)) : It(Wt), At(Wt, n);
var Xt = null, $t = null;
function qt(e) {
return function (t) {
try {
return e(t);
} catch (e) {
function Gt(e) {
if ('undefined' == typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__)
return !1;
if (t.isDisabled || !t.supportsFiber)
return !0;
try {
var n = t.inject(e);
Xt = qt(function (e) {
return t.onCommitFiberRoot(n, e);
}), $t = qt(function (e) {
return t.onCommitFiberUnmount(n, e);
} catch (e) {
return !0;
function Jt(e, t, n, r) {
this.tag = e, this.key = n, this.sibling = this.child = this.return = this.stateNode = this.type = this.elementType = null, this.index = 0, this.ref = null, this.pendingProps = t, this.contextDependencies = this.memoizedState = this.updateQueue = this.memoizedProps = null, this.mode = r, this.effectTag = 0, this.lastEffect = this.firstEffect = this.nextEffect = null, this.childExpirationTime = this.expirationTime = 0, this.alternate = null;
function Kt(e, t, n, r) {
return new Jt(e, t, n, r);
function Zt(e) {
return !(!(e = e.prototype) || !e.isReactComponent);
function en(e) {
if ('function' == typeof e)
return Zt(e) ? 1 : 0;
if (void 0 !== e && null !== e) {
if ((e = e.$$typeof) === $e)
return 11;
if (e === Ge)
return 14;
return 2;
function tn(e, t) {
var n = e.alternate;
return null === n ? ((n = Kt(e.tag, t, e.key, e.mode)).elementType = e.elementType, n.type = e.type, n.stateNode = e.stateNode, n.alternate = e, e.alternate = n) : (n.pendingProps = t, n.effectTag = 0, n.nextEffect = null, n.firstEffect = null, n.lastEffect = null), n.childExpirationTime = e.childExpirationTime, n.expirationTime = e.expirationTime, n.child = e.child, n.memoizedProps = e.memoizedProps, n.memoizedState = e.memoizedState, n.updateQueue = e.updateQueue, n.contextDependencies = e.contextDependencies, n.sibling = e.sibling, n.index = e.index, n.ref = e.ref, n;
function nn(e, t, n, r, i, a) {
var l = 2;
if (r = e, 'function' == typeof e)
Zt(e) && (l = 1);
else if ('string' == typeof e)
l = 5;
switch (e) {
case Be:
return rn(n.children, i, a, t);
case Xe:
return an(n, 3 | i, a, t);
case Qe:
return an(n, 2 | i, a, t);
case Ve:
return (e = Kt(12, n, t, 4 | i)).elementType = Ve, e.type = Ve, e.expirationTime = a, e;
case qe:
return (e = Kt(13, n, t, i)).elementType = qe, e.type = qe, e.expirationTime = a, e;
if ('object' == typeof e && null !== e)
switch (e.$$typeof) {
case Le:
l = 10;
break e;
case Ye:
l = 9;
break e;
case $e:
l = 11;
break e;
case Ge:
l = 14;
break e;
case Je:
l = 16, r = null;
break e;
v(!1, 'Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s', null == e ? e : typeof e, '');
return (t = Kt(l, n, t, i)).elementType = e, t.type = r, t.expirationTime = a, t;
function rn(e, t, n, r) {
return (e = Kt(7, e, r, t)).expirationTime = n, e;
function an(e, t, n, r) {
return e = Kt(8, e, r, t), t = 0 == (1 & t) ? Qe : Xe, e.elementType = t, e.type = t, e.expirationTime = n, e;
function ln(e, t, n) {
return (e = Kt(6, e, null, t)).expirationTime = n, e;
function on(e, t, n) {
return (t = Kt(4, null !== e.children ? e.children : [], e.key, t)).expirationTime = n, t.stateNode = {
containerInfo: e.containerInfo,
pendingChildren: null,
implementation: e.implementation
}, t;
function un(e, t) {
e.didError = !1;
var n = e.earliestPendingTime;
0 === n ? e.earliestPendingTime = e.latestPendingTime = t : n < t ? e.earliestPendingTime = t : e.latestPendingTime > t && (e.latestPendingTime = t), dn(t, e);
function sn(e, t) {
if (e.didError = !1, 0 === t)
e.earliestPendingTime = 0, e.latestPendingTime = 0, e.earliestSuspendedTime = 0, e.latestSuspendedTime = 0, e.latestPingedTime = 0;
else {
t < e.latestPingedTime && (e.latestPingedTime = 0);
var n = e.latestPendingTime;
0 !== n && (n > t ? e.earliestPendingTime = e.latestPendingTime = 0 : e.earliestPendingTime > t && (e.earliestPendingTime = e.latestPendingTime)), 0 === (n = e.earliestSuspendedTime) ? un(e, t) : t < e.latestSuspendedTime ? (e.earliestSuspendedTime = 0, e.latestSuspendedTime = 0, e.latestPingedTime = 0, un(e, t)) : t > n && un(e, t);
dn(0, e);
function cn(e, t) {
e.didError = !1, e.latestPingedTime >= t && (e.latestPingedTime = 0);
var n = e.earliestPendingTime, r = e.latestPendingTime;
n === t ? e.earliestPendingTime = r === t ? e.latestPendingTime = 0 : r : r === t && (e.latestPendingTime = n), n = e.earliestSuspendedTime, r = e.latestSuspendedTime, 0 === n ? e.earliestSuspendedTime = e.latestSuspendedTime = t : n < t ? e.earliestSuspendedTime = t : r > t && (e.latestSuspendedTime = t), dn(t, e);
function fn(e, t) {
var n = e.earliestPendingTime;
return e = e.earliestSuspendedTime, n > t && (t = n), e > t && (t = e), t;
function dn(e, t) {
var n = t.earliestSuspendedTime, r = t.latestSuspendedTime, i = t.earliestPendingTime, a = t.latestPingedTime;
0 === (i = 0 !== i ? i : a) && (0 === e || r < e) && (i = r), 0 !== (e = i) && n > e && (e = n), t.nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn = i, t.expirationTime = e;
function pn(e, t) {
return e === t && (0 !== e || 1 / e == 1 / t) || e != e && t != t;
var mn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
function hn(e, t) {
if (pn(e, t))
return !0;
if ('object' != typeof e || null === e || 'object' != typeof t || null === t)
return !1;
var n = Object.keys(e), r = Object.keys(t);
if (n.length !== r.length)
return !1;
for (r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
if (!, n[r]) || !pn(e[n[r]], t[n[r]]))
return !1;
return !0;
function gn(e, t) {
if (e && e.defaultProps)
for (var n in t = o({}, t), e = e.defaultProps)
void 0 === t[n] && (t[n] = e[n]);
return t;
function vn(e) {
var t = e._result;
switch (e._status) {
case 1:
return t;
case 2:
case 0:
throw t;
switch (e._status = 0, (t = (t = e._ctor)()).then(function (t) {
0 === e._status && (t = t.default, e._status = 1, e._result = t);
}, function (t) {
0 === e._status && (e._status = 2, e._result = t);
}), e._status) {
case 1:
return e._result;
case 2:
throw e._result;
throw e._result = t, t;
var yn = new f.Component().refs;
function bn(e, t, n, r) {
n = null === (n = n(r, t = e.memoizedState)) || void 0 === n ? t : o({}, t, n), e.memoizedState = n, null !== (r = e.updateQueue) && 0 === e.expirationTime && (r.baseState = n);
var Tn = {
isMounted: function (e) {
return !!(e = e._reactInternalFiber) && 2 === tt(e);
enqueueSetState: function (e, t, n) {
e = e._reactInternalFiber;
var r = Ia(), i = ai(r = aa(r, e));
i.payload = t, void 0 !== n && null !== n && (i.callback = n), Zi(), oi(e, i), sa(e, r);
enqueueReplaceState: function (e, t, n) {
e = e._reactInternalFiber;
var r = Ia(), i = ai(r = aa(r, e));
i.tag = Zr, i.payload = t, void 0 !== n && null !== n && (i.callback = n), Zi(), oi(e, i), sa(e, r);
enqueueForceUpdate: function (e, t) {
e = e._reactInternalFiber;
var n = Ia(), r = ai(n = aa(n, e));
r.tag = ei, void 0 !== t && null !== t && (r.callback = t), Zi(), oi(e, r), sa(e, n);
function xn(e, t, n, r, i, a, l) {
return 'function' == typeof (e = e.stateNode).shouldComponentUpdate ? e.shouldComponentUpdate(r, a, l) : !t.prototype || !t.prototype.isPureReactComponent || (!hn(n, r) || !hn(i, a));
function Sn(e, t, n) {
var r = !1, i = Dt, a = t.contextType;
return 'object' == typeof a && null !== a ? a = Jr(a) : (i = Ft(t) ? Ot : Mt.current, a = (r = null !== (r = t.contextTypes) && void 0 !== r) ? jt(e, i) : Dt), t = new t(n, a), e.memoizedState = null !== t.state && void 0 !== t.state ? t.state : null, t.updater = Tn, e.stateNode = t, t._reactInternalFiber = e, r && ((e = e.stateNode).__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = i, e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = a), t;
function kn(e, t, n, r) {
e = t.state, 'function' == typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps && t.componentWillReceiveProps(n, r), 'function' == typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(n, r), t.state !== e && Tn.enqueueReplaceState(t, t.state, null);
function Pn(e, t, n, r) {
var i = e.stateNode;
i.props = n, i.state = e.memoizedState, i.refs = yn;
var a = t.contextType;
'object' == typeof a && null !== a ? i.context = Jr(a) : (a = Ft(t) ? Ot : Mt.current, i.context = jt(e, a)), null !== (a = e.updateQueue) && (fi(e, a, n, i, r), i.state = e.memoizedState), 'function' == typeof (a = t.getDerivedStateFromProps) && (bn(e, t, a, n), i.state = e.memoizedState), 'function' == typeof t.getDerivedStateFromProps || 'function' == typeof i.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || 'function' != typeof i.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && 'function' != typeof i.componentWillMount || (t = i.state, 'function' == typeof i.componentWillMount && i.componentWillMount(), 'function' == typeof i.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && i.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(), t !== i.state && Tn.enqueueReplaceState(i, i.state, null), null !== (a = e.updateQueue) && (fi(e, a, n, i, r), i.state = e.memoizedState)), 'function' == typeof i.componentDidMount && (e.effectTag |= 4);
var En = Array.isArray;
function _n(e, t, n) {
if (null !== (e = n.ref) && 'function' != typeof e && 'object' != typeof e) {
if (n._owner) {
var r = void 0;
(n = n._owner) && (v(1 === n.tag, 'Function components cannot have refs. Did you mean to use React.forwardRef()?'), r = n.stateNode), v(r, 'Missing owner for string ref %s. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.', e);
var i = '' + e;
return null !== t && null !== t.ref && 'function' == typeof t.ref && t.ref._stringRef === i ? t.ref : ((t = function (e) {
var t = r.refs;
t === yn && (t = r.refs = {}), null === e ? delete t[i] : t[i] = e;
})._stringRef = i, t);
v('string' == typeof e, 'Expected ref to be a function, a string, an object returned by React.createRef(), or null.'), v(n._owner, 'Element ref was specified as a string (%s) but no owner was set. This could happen for one of the following reasons:\n1. You may be adding a ref to a function component\n2. You may be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component\'s render method\n3. You have multiple copies of React loaded\nSee for more information.', e);
return e;
function Cn(e, t) {
'textarea' !== e.type && v(!1, 'Objects are not valid as a React child (found: %s).%s', '[object Object]' === ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(t).join(', ') + '}' : t, '');
function Rn(e) {
function t(t, n) {
if (e) {
var r = t.lastEffect;
null !== r ? (r.nextEffect = n, t.lastEffect = n) : t.firstEffect = t.lastEffect = n, n.nextEffect = null, n.effectTag = 8;
function n(n, r) {
if (!e)
return null;
for (; null !== r;)
t(n, r), r = r.sibling;
return null;
function r(e, t) {
for (e = new Map(); null !== t;)
null !== t.key ? e.set(t.key, t) : e.set(t.index, t), t = t.sibling;
return e;
function i(e, t, n) {
return (e = tn(e, t)).index = 0, e.sibling = null, e;
function a(t, n, r) {
return t.index = r, e ? null !== (r = t.alternate) ? (r = r.index) < n ? (t.effectTag = 2, n) : r : (t.effectTag = 2, n) : n;
function l(t) {
return e && null === t.alternate && (t.effectTag = 2), t;
function o(e, t, n, r) {
return null === t || 6 !== t.tag ? ((t = ln(n, e.mode, r)).return = e, t) : ((t = i(t, n)).return = e, t);
function u(e, t, n, r) {
return null !== t && t.elementType === n.type ? ((r = i(t, n.props)).ref = _n(e, t, n), r.return = e, r) : ((r = nn(n.type, n.key, n.props, null, e.mode, r)).ref = _n(e, t, n), r.return = e, r);
function s(e, t, n, r) {
return null === t || 4 !== t.tag || t.stateNode.containerInfo !== n.containerInfo || t.stateNode.implementation !== n.implementation ? ((t = on(n, e.mode, r)).return = e, t) : ((t = i(t, n.children || [])).return = e, t);
function c(e, t, n, r, a) {
return null === t || 7 !== t.tag ? ((t = rn(n, e.mode, r, a)).return = e, t) : ((t = i(t, n)).return = e, t);
function f(e, t, n) {
if ('string' == typeof t || 'number' == typeof t)
return (t = ln('' + t, e.mode, n)).return = e, t;
if ('object' == typeof t && null !== t) {
switch (t.$$typeof) {
case Fe:
return (n = nn(t.type, t.key, t.props, null, e.mode, n)).ref = _n(e, null, t), n.return = e, n;
case He:
return (t = on(t, e.mode, n)).return = e, t;
if (En(t) || Ze(t))
return (t = rn(t, e.mode, n, null)).return = e, t;
Cn(e, t);
return null;
function d(e, t, n, r) {
var i = null !== t ? t.key : null;
if ('string' == typeof n || 'number' == typeof n)
return null !== i ? null : o(e, t, '' + n, r);
if ('object' == typeof n && null !== n) {
switch (n.$$typeof) {
case Fe:
return n.key === i ? n.type === Be ? c(e, t, n.props.children, r, i) : u(e, t, n, r) : null;
case He:
return n.key === i ? s(e, t, n, r) : null;
if (En(n) || Ze(n))
return null !== i ? null : c(e, t, n, r, null);
Cn(e, n);
return null;
function p(e, t, n, r, i) {
if ('string' == typeof r || 'number' == typeof r)
return o(t, e = e.get(n) || null, '' + r, i);
if ('object' == typeof r && null !== r) {
switch (r.$$typeof) {
case Fe:
return e = e.get(null === r.key ? n : r.key) || null, r.type === Be ? c(t, e, r.props.children, i, r.key) : u(t, e, r, i);
case He:
return s(t, e = e.get(null === r.key ? n : r.key) || null, r, i);
if (En(r) || Ze(r))
return c(t, e = e.get(n) || null, r, i, null);
Cn(t, r);
return null;
function m(i, l, o, u) {
for (var s = null, c = null, m = l, h = l = 0, g = null; null !== m && h < o.length; h++) {
m.index > h ? (g = m, m = null) : g = m.sibling;
var v = d(i, m, o[h], u);
if (null === v) {
null === m && (m = g);
e && m && null === v.alternate && t(i, m), l = a(v, l, h), null === c ? s = v : c.sibling = v, c = v, m = g;
if (h === o.length)
return n(i, m), s;
if (null === m) {
for (; h < o.length; h++)
(m = f(i, o[h], u)) && (l = a(m, l, h), null === c ? s = m : c.sibling = m, c = m);
return s;
for (m = r(i, m); h < o.length; h++)
(g = p(m, i, h, o[h], u)) && (e && null !== g.alternate && m.delete(null === g.key ? h : g.key), l = a(g, l, h), null === c ? s = g : c.sibling = g, c = g);
return e && m.forEach(function (e) {
return t(i, e);
}), s;
function h(i, l, o, u) {
var s = Ze(o);
v('function' == typeof s, 'An object is not an iterable. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), v(null != (o =, 'An iterable object provided no iterator.');
for (var c = s = null, m = l, h = l = 0, g = null, y =; null !== m && !y.done; h++, y = {
m.index > h ? (g = m, m = null) : g = m.sibling;
var b = d(i, m, y.value, u);
if (null === b) {
m || (m = g);
e && m && null === b.alternate && t(i, m), l = a(b, l, h), null === c ? s = b : c.sibling = b, c = b, m = g;
if (y.done)
return n(i, m), s;
if (null === m) {
for (; !y.done; h++, y =
null !== (y = f(i, y.value, u)) && (l = a(y, l, h), null === c ? s = y : c.sibling = y, c = y);
return s;
for (m = r(i, m); !y.done; h++, y =
null !== (y = p(m, i, h, y.value, u)) && (e && null !== y.alternate && m.delete(null === y.key ? h : y.key), l = a(y, l, h), null === c ? s = y : c.sibling = y, c = y);
return e && m.forEach(function (e) {
return t(i, e);
}), s;
return function (e, r, a, o) {
var u = 'object' == typeof a && null !== a && a.type === Be && null === a.key;
u && (a = a.props.children);
var s = 'object' == typeof a && null !== a;
if (s)
switch (a.$$typeof) {
case Fe:
e: {
for (s = a.key, u = r; null !== u;) {
if (u.key === s) {
if (7 === u.tag ? a.type === Be : u.elementType === a.type) {
n(e, u.sibling), (r = i(u, a.type === Be ? a.props.children : a.props)).ref = _n(e, u, a), r.return = e, e = r;
break e;
n(e, u);
t(e, u), u = u.sibling;
a.type === Be ? ((r = rn(a.props.children, e.mode, o, a.key)).return = e, e = r) : ((o = nn(a.type, a.key, a.props, null, e.mode, o)).ref = _n(e, r, a), o.return = e, e = o);
return l(e);
case He:
e: {
for (u = a.key; null !== r;) {
if (r.key === u) {
if (4 === r.tag && r.stateNode.containerInfo === a.containerInfo && r.stateNode.implementation === a.implementation) {
n(e, r.sibling), (r = i(r, a.children || [])).return = e, e = r;
break e;
n(e, r);
t(e, r), r = r.sibling;
(r = on(a, e.mode, o)).return = e, e = r;
return l(e);
if ('string' == typeof a || 'number' == typeof a)
return a = '' + a, null !== r && 6 === r.tag ? (n(e, r.sibling), (r = i(r, a)).return = e, e = r) : (n(e, r), (r = ln(a, e.mode, o)).return = e, e = r), l(e);
if (En(a))
return m(e, r, a, o);
if (Ze(a))
return h(e, r, a, o);
if (s && Cn(e, a), void 0 === a && !u)
switch (e.tag) {
case 1:
case 0:
v(!1, '%s(...): Nothing was returned from render. This usually means a return statement is missing. Or, to render nothing, return null.', (o = e.type).displayName || || 'Component');
return n(e, r);
var wn = Rn(!0), Nn = Rn(!1), zn = {}, Un = { current: zn }, In = { current: zn }, An = { current: zn };
function Dn(e) {
return v(e !== zn, 'Expected host context to exist. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), e;
function Mn(e, t) {
At(An, t), At(In, e), At(Un, zn), It(Un), At(Un, { isInAParentText: !1 });
function Wn(e) {
It(Un), It(In), It(An);
function On(e) {
var t = Dn(Un.current), n = e.type;
n = 'AndroidTextInput' === n || 'RCTMultilineTextInputView' === n || 'RCTSinglelineTextInputView' === n || 'RCTText' === n || 'RCTVirtualText' === n, t !== (n = t.isInAParentText !== n ? { isInAParentText: n } : t) && (At(In, e), At(Un, n));
function jn(e) {
In.current === e && (It(Un), It(In));
var Fn = 0, Hn = 2, Bn = 4, Qn = 8, Vn = 16, Ln = 32, Yn = 64, Xn = 128, $n = Oe.ReactCurrentDispatcher, qn = 0, Gn = null, Jn = null, Kn = null, Zn = null, er = null, tr = null, nr = 0, rr = null, ir = 0, ar = !1, lr = null, or = 0;
function ur() {
v(!1, 'Hooks can only be called inside the body of a function component. (');
function sr(e, t) {
if (null === t)
return !1;
for (var n = 0; n < t.length && n < e.length; n++)
if (!pn(e[n], t[n]))
return !1;
return !0;
function cr(e, t, n, r, i, a) {
if (qn = a, Gn = t, Kn = null !== e ? e.memoizedState : null, $n.current = null === Kn ? kr : Pr, t = n(r, i), ar) {
do {
ar = !1, or += 1, Kn = null !== e ? e.memoizedState : null, tr = Zn, rr = er = Jn = null, $n.current = Pr, t = n(r, i);
} while (ar);
lr = null, or = 0;
return $n.current = Sr, (e = Gn).memoizedState = Zn, e.expirationTime = nr, e.updateQueue = rr, e.effectTag |= ir, e = null !== Jn && null !==, qn = 0, tr = er = Zn = Kn = Jn = Gn = null, nr = 0, rr = null, ir = 0, v(!e, 'Rendered fewer hooks than expected. This may be caused by an accidental early return statement.'), t;
function fr() {
$n.current = Sr, qn = 0, tr = er = Zn = Kn = Jn = Gn = null, nr = 0, rr = null, ir = 0, ar = !1, lr = null, or = 0;
function dr() {
var e = {
memoizedState: null,
baseState: null,
queue: null,
baseUpdate: null,
next: null
return null === er ? Zn = er = e : er = = e, er;
function pr() {
if (null !== tr)
tr = (er = tr).next, Kn = null !== (Jn = Kn) ? : null;
else {
v(null !== Kn, 'Rendered more hooks than during the previous render.');
var e = {
memoizedState: (Jn = Kn).memoizedState,
baseState: Jn.baseState,
queue: Jn.queue,
baseUpdate: Jn.baseUpdate,
next: null
er = null === er ? Zn = e : = e, Kn =;
return er;
function mr(e, t) {
return 'function' == typeof t ? t(e) : t;
function hr(e) {
var t = pr(), n = t.queue;
if (v(null !== n, 'Should have a queue. This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), 0 < or) {
var r = n.dispatch;
if (null !== lr) {
var i = lr.get(n);
if (void 0 !== i) {
var a = t.memoizedState;
do {
a = e(a, i.action), i =;
} while (null !== i);
return pn(a, t.memoizedState) || (zr = !0), t.memoizedState = a, t.baseUpdate === n.last && (t.baseState = a), n.eagerReducer = e, n.eagerState = a, [
return [
r = n.last;
var l = t.baseUpdate;
if (a = t.baseState, null !== l ? (null !== r && ( = null), r = : r = null !== r ? : null, null !== r) {
var o = i = null, u = r, s = !1;
do {
var c = u.expirationTime;
c < qn ? (s || (s = !0, o = l, i = a), c > nr && (nr = c)) : a = u.eagerReducer === e ? u.eagerState : e(a, u.action), l = u, u =;
} while (null !== u && u !== r);
s || (o = l, i = a), pn(a, t.memoizedState) || (zr = !0), t.memoizedState = a, t.baseUpdate = o, t.baseState = i, n.eagerReducer = e, n.eagerState = a;
return [
function gr(e, t, n, r) {
return e = {
tag: e,
create: t,
destroy: n,
deps: r,
next: null
}, null === rr ? (rr = { lastEffect: null }).lastEffect = = e : null === (t = rr.lastEffect) ? rr.lastEffect = = e : (n =, = e, = n, rr.lastEffect = e), e;
function vr(e, t, n, r) {
var i = dr();
ir |= e, i.memoizedState = gr(t, n, void 0, void 0 === r ? null : r);
function yr(e, t, n, r) {
var i = pr();
r = void 0 === r ? null : r;
var a = void 0;
if (null !== Jn) {
var l = Jn.memoizedState;
if (a = l.destroy, null !== r && sr(r, l.deps))
return void gr(Fn, n, a, r);
ir |= e, i.memoizedState = gr(t, n, a, r);
function br(e, t) {
return 'function' == typeof t ? (e = e(), t(e), function () {
}) : null !== t && void 0 !== t ? (e = e(), t.current = e, function () {
t.current = null;
}) : void 0;
function Tr() {
function xr(e, t, n) {
v(25 > or, 'Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.');
var r = e.alternate;
if (e === Gn || null !== r && r === Gn)
if (ar = !0, e = {
expirationTime: qn,
action: n,
eagerReducer: null,
eagerState: null,
next: null
}, null === lr && (lr = new Map()), void 0 === (n = lr.get(t)))
lr.set(t, e);
else {
for (t = n; null !==;)
t =; = e;
else {
var i = Ia(), a = {
expirationTime: i = aa(i, e),
action: n,
eagerReducer: null,
eagerState: null,
next: null
}, l = t.last;
if (null === l) = a;
else {
var o =;
null !== o && ( = o), = a;
if (t.last = a, 0 === e.expirationTime && (null === r || 0 === r.expirationTime) && null !== (r = t.eagerReducer))
try {
var u = t.eagerState, s = r(u, n);
if (a.eagerReducer = r, a.eagerState = s, pn(s, u))
} catch (e) {
sa(e, i);
var Sr = {
readContext: Jr,
useCallback: ur,
useContext: ur,
useEffect: ur,
useImperativeHandle: ur,
useLayoutEffect: ur,
useMemo: ur,
useReducer: ur,
useRef: ur,
useState: ur,
useDebugValue: ur
}, kr = {
readContext: Jr,
useCallback: function (e, t) {
return dr().memoizedState = [
void 0 === t ? null : t
], e;
useContext: Jr,
useEffect: function (e, t) {
return vr(516, 192, e, t);
useImperativeHandle: function (e, t, n) {
return n = null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n.concat([e]) : null, vr(4, 36, br.bind(null, t, e), n);
useLayoutEffect: function (e, t) {
return vr(4, 36, e, t);
useMemo: function (e, t) {
var n = dr();
return t = void 0 === t ? null : t, e = e(), n.memoizedState = [
], e;
useReducer: function (e, t, n) {
var r = dr();
return t = void 0 !== n ? n(t) : t, r.memoizedState = r.baseState = t, e = (e = r.queue = {
last: null,
dispatch: null,
eagerReducer: e,
eagerState: t
}).dispatch = xr.bind(null, Gn, e), [
useRef: function (e) {
return e = { current: e }, dr().memoizedState = e;
useState: function (e) {
var t = dr();
return 'function' == typeof e && (e = e()), t.memoizedState = t.baseState = e, e = (e = t.queue = {
last: null,
dispatch: null,
eagerReducer: mr,
eagerState: e
}).dispatch = xr.bind(null, Gn, e), [
useDebugValue: Tr
}, Pr = {
readContext: Jr,
useCallback: function (e, t) {
var n = pr();
t = void 0 === t ? null : t;
var r = n.memoizedState;
return null !== r && null !== t && sr(t, r[1]) ? r[0] : (n.memoizedState = [
], e);
useContext: Jr,
useEffect: function (e, t) {
return yr(516, 192, e, t);
useImperativeHandle: function (e, t, n) {
return n = null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n.concat([e]) : null, yr(4, 36, br.bind(null, t, e), n);
useLayoutEffect: function (e, t) {
return yr(4, 36, e, t);
useMemo: function (e, t) {
var n = pr();
t = void 0 === t ? null : t;
var r = n.memoizedState;
return null !== r && null !== t && sr(t, r[1]) ? r[0] : (e = e(), n.memoizedState = [
], e);
useReducer: hr,
useRef: function () {
return pr().memoizedState;
useState: function (e) {
return hr(mr);
useDebugValue: Tr
}, Er = null, _r = null, Cr = !1;
function Rr(e, t) {
switch (e.tag) {
case 5:
return null !== (t = Tt(e.type, e.pendingProps)) && (e.stateNode = t, !0);
case 6:
return null !== (t = Tt(e.pendingProps)) && (e.stateNode = t, !0);
case 13:
return !1;
function wr(e) {
if (Cr) {
var t = _r;
if (t) {
var n = t;
if (!Rr(e, t)) {
if (!(t = Tt()) || !Rr(e, t))
return e.effectTag |= 2, Cr = !1, void (Er = e);
var r = Er, i = Kt(5, null, null, 0);
i.elementType = 'DELETED', i.type = 'DELETED', i.stateNode = n, i.return = r, i.effectTag = 8, null !== r.lastEffect ? (r.lastEffect.nextEffect = i, r.lastEffect = i) : r.firstEffect = r.lastEffect = i;
Er = e, _r = Tt();
} else
e.effectTag |= 2, Cr = !1, Er = e;
var Nr = Oe.ReactCurrentOwner, zr = !1;
function Ur(e, t, n, r) {
t.child = null === e ? Nn(t, null, n, r) : wn(t, e.child, n, r);
function Ir(e, t, n, r, i) {
n = n.render;
var a = t.ref;
return Gr(t, i), r = cr(e, t, n, r, a, i), null === e || zr ? (t.effectTag |= 1, Ur(e, t, r, i), t.child) : (t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue, t.effectTag &= -517, e.expirationTime <= i && (e.expirationTime = 0), Br(e, t, i));
function Ar(e, t, n, r, i, a) {
if (null === e) {
var l = n.type;
return 'function' != typeof l || Zt(l) || void 0 !== l.defaultProps || null !== || void 0 !== n.defaultProps ? ((e = nn(n.type, null, r, null, t.mode, a)).ref = t.ref, e.return = t, t.child = e) : (t.tag = 15, t.type = l, Dr(e, t, l, r, i, a));
return l = e.child, i < a && (i = l.memoizedProps, (n = null !== (n = ? n : hn)(i, r) && e.ref === t.ref) ? Br(e, t, a) : (t.effectTag |= 1, (e = tn(l, r)).ref = t.ref, e.return = t, t.child = e);
function Dr(e, t, n, r, i, a) {
return null !== e && hn(e.memoizedProps, r) && e.ref === t.ref && (zr = !1, i < a) ? Br(e, t, a) : Wr(e, t, n, r, a);
function Mr(e, t) {
var n = t.ref;
(null === e && null !== n || null !== e && e.ref !== n) && (t.effectTag |= 128);
function Wr(e, t, n, r, i) {
var a = Ft(n) ? Ot : Mt.current;
return a = jt(t, a), Gr(t, i), n = cr(e, t, n, r, a, i), null === e || zr ? (t.effectTag |= 1, Ur(e, t, n, i), t.child) : (t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue, t.effectTag &= -517, e.expirationTime <= i && (e.expirationTime = 0), Br(e, t, i));
function Or(e, t, n, r, i) {
if (Ft(n)) {
var a = !0;
} else
a = !1;
if (Gr(t, i), null === t.stateNode)
null !== e && (e.alternate = null, t.alternate = null, t.effectTag |= 2), Sn(t, n, r), Pn(t, n, r, i), r = !0;
else if (null === e) {
var l = t.stateNode, o = t.memoizedProps;
l.props = o;
var u = l.context, s = n.contextType;
'object' == typeof s && null !== s ? s = Jr(s) : s = jt(t, s = Ft(n) ? Ot : Mt.current);
var c = n.getDerivedStateFromProps, f = 'function' == typeof c || 'function' == typeof l.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate;
f || 'function' != typeof l.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && 'function' != typeof l.componentWillReceiveProps || (o !== r || u !== s) && kn(t, l, r, s), ni = !1;
var d = t.memoizedState;
u = l.state = d;
var p = t.updateQueue;
null !== p && (fi(t, p, r, l, i), u = t.memoizedState), o !== r || d !== u || Wt.current || ni ? ('function' == typeof c && (bn(t, n, c, r), u = t.memoizedState), (o = ni || xn(t, n, o, r, d, u, s)) ? (f || 'function' != typeof l.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && 'function' != typeof l.componentWillMount || ('function' == typeof l.componentWillMount && l.componentWillMount(), 'function' == typeof l.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && l.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()), 'function' == typeof l.componentDidMount && (t.effectTag |= 4)) : ('function' == typeof l.componentDidMount && (t.effectTag |= 4), t.memoizedProps = r, t.memoizedState = u), l.props = r, l.state = u, l.context = s, r = o) : ('function' == typeof l.componentDidMount && (t.effectTag |= 4), r = !1);
} else
l = t.stateNode, o = t.memoizedProps, l.props = t.type === t.elementType ? o : gn(t.type, o), u = l.context, 'object' == typeof (s = n.contextType) && null !== s ? s = Jr(s) : s = jt(t, s = Ft(n) ? Ot : Mt.current), (f = 'function' == typeof (c = n.getDerivedStateFromProps) || 'function' == typeof l.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) || 'function' != typeof l.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && 'function' != typeof l.componentWillReceiveProps || (o !== r || u !== s) && kn(t, l, r, s), ni = !1, u = t.memoizedState, d = l.state = u, null !== (p = t.updateQueue) && (fi(t, p, r, l, i), d = t.memoizedState), o !== r || u !== d || Wt.current || ni ? ('function' == typeof c && (bn(t, n, c, r), d = t.memoizedState), (c = ni || xn(t, n, o, r, u, d, s)) ? (f || 'function' != typeof l.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && 'function' != typeof l.componentWillUpdate || ('function' == typeof l.componentWillUpdate && l.componentWillUpdate(r, d, s), 'function' == typeof l.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && l.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(r, d, s)), 'function' == typeof l.componentDidUpdate && (t.effectTag |= 4), 'function' == typeof l.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate && (t.effectTag |= 256)) : ('function' != typeof l.componentDidUpdate || o === e.memoizedProps && u === e.memoizedState || (t.effectTag |= 4), 'function' != typeof l.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || o === e.memoizedProps && u === e.memoizedState || (t.effectTag |= 256), t.memoizedProps = r, t.memoizedState = d), l.props = r, l.state = d, l.context = s, r = c) : ('function' != typeof l.componentDidUpdate || o === e.memoizedProps && u === e.memoizedState || (t.effectTag |= 4), 'function' != typeof l.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || o === e.memoizedProps && u === e.memoizedState || (t.effectTag |= 256), r = !1);
return jr(e, t, n, r, a, i);
function jr(e, t, n, r, i, a) {
Mr(e, t);
var l = 0 != (64 & t.effectTag);
if (!r && !l)
return i && Yt(t, n, !1), Br(e, t, a);
r = t.stateNode, Nr.current = t;
var o = l && 'function' != typeof n.getDerivedStateFromError ? null : r.render();
return t.effectTag |= 1, null !== e && l ? (t.child = wn(t, e.child, null, a), t.child = wn(t, null, o, a)) : Ur(e, t, o, a), t.memoizedState = r.state, i && Yt(t, n, !0), t.child;
function Fr(e) {
var t = e.stateNode;
t.pendingContext ? Qt(0, t.pendingContext, t.pendingContext !== t.context) : t.context && Qt(0, t.context, !1), Mn(e, t.containerInfo);
function Hr(e, t, n) {
var r = t.mode, i = t.pendingProps, a = t.memoizedState;
if (0 == (64 & t.effectTag)) {
a = null;
var l = !1;
} else
a = { timedOutAt: null !== a ? a.timedOutAt : 0 }, l = !0, t.effectTag &= -65;
if (null === e)
if (l) {
var o = i.fallback;
e = rn(null, r, 0, null), 0 == (1 & t.mode) && (e.child = null !== t.memoizedState ? t.child.child : t.child), r = rn(o, r, n, null), e.sibling = r, (n = e).return = r.return = t;
} else
n = r = Nn(t, null, i.children, n);
null !== e.memoizedState ? (o = (r = e.child).sibling, l ? (n = i.fallback, i = tn(r, r.pendingProps), 0 == (1 & t.mode) && ((l = null !== t.memoizedState ? t.child.child : t.child) !== r.child && (i.child = l)), r = i.sibling = tn(o, n, o.expirationTime), n = i, i.childExpirationTime = 0, n.return = r.return = t) : n = r = wn(t, r.child, i.children, n)) : (o = e.child, l ? (l = i.fallback, (i = rn(null, r, 0, null)).child = o, 0 == (1 & t.mode) && (i.child = null !== t.memoizedState ? t.child.child : t.child), (r = i.sibling = rn(l, r, n, null)).effectTag |= 2, n = i, i.childExpirationTime = 0, n.return = r.return = t) : r = n = wn(t, o, i.children, n)), t.stateNode = e.stateNode;
return t.memoizedState = a, t.child = n, r;
function Br(e, t, n) {
if (null !== e && (t.contextDependencies = e.contextDependencies), t.childExpirationTime < n)
return null;
if (v(null === e || t.child === e.child, 'Resuming work not yet implemented.'), null !== t.child) {
for (n = tn(e = t.child, e.pendingProps, e.expirationTime), t.child = n, n.return = t; null !== e.sibling;)
e = e.sibling, (n = n.sibling = tn(e, e.pendingProps, e.expirationTime)).return = t;
n.sibling = null;
return t.child;
function Qr(e, t, n) {
var r = t.expirationTime;
if (null !== e) {
if (e.memoizedProps !== t.pendingProps || Wt.current)
zr = !0;
else if (r < n) {
switch (zr = !1, t.tag) {
case 3:
case 5:
case 1:
Ft(t.type) && Lt(t);
case 4:
Mn(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo);
case 10:
$r(t, t.memoizedProps.value);
case 13:
if (null !== t.memoizedState)
return 0 !== (r = t.child.childExpirationTime) && r >= n ? Hr(e, t, n) : null !== (t = Br(e, t, n)) ? t.sibling : null;
return Br(e, t, n);
} else
zr = !1;
switch (t.expirationTime = 0, t.tag) {
case 2:
r = t.elementType, null !== e && (e.alternate = null, t.alternate = null, t.effectTag |= 2), e = t.pendingProps;
var i = jt(t, Mt.current);
if (Gr(t, n), i = cr(null, t, r, e, i, n), t.effectTag |= 1, 'object' == typeof i && null !== i && 'function' == typeof i.render && void 0 === i.$$typeof) {
if (t.tag = 1, fr(), Ft(r)) {
var a = !0;
} else
a = !1;
t.memoizedState = null !== i.state && void 0 !== i.state ? i.state : null;
var l = r.getDerivedStateFromProps;
'function' == typeof l && bn(t, r, l, e), i.updater = Tn, t.stateNode = i, i._reactInternalFiber = t, Pn(t, r, e, n), t = jr(null, t, r, !0, a, n);
} else
t.tag = 0, Ur(null, t, i, n), t = t.child;
return t;
case 16:
switch (i = t.elementType, null !== e && (e.alternate = null, t.alternate = null, t.effectTag |= 2), a = t.pendingProps, e = vn(i), t.type = e, i = t.tag = en(e), a = gn(e, a), l = void 0, i) {
case 0:
l = Wr(null, t, e, a, n);
case 1:
l = Or(null, t, e, a, n);
case 11:
l = Ir(null, t, e, a, n);
case 14:
l = Ar(null, t, e, gn(e.type, a), r, n);
v(!1, 'Element type is invalid. Received a promise that resolves to: %s. Lazy element type must resolve to a class or function.%s', e, '');
return l;
case 0:
return r = t.type, i = t.pendingProps, Wr(e, t, r, i = t.elementType === r ? i : gn(r, i), n);
case 1:
return r = t.type, i = t.pendingProps, Or(e, t, r, i = t.elementType === r ? i : gn(r, i), n);
case 3:
return Fr(t), v(null !== (r = t.updateQueue), 'If the root does not have an updateQueue, we should have already bailed out. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), i = null !== (i = t.memoizedState) ? i.element : null, fi(t, r, t.pendingProps, null, n), (r = t.memoizedState.element) === i ? t = Br(e, t, n) : (Ur(e, t, r, n), t = t.child), t;
case 5:
return On(t), null === e && wr(t), r = t.pendingProps.children, Mr(e, t), Ur(e, t, r, n), t = t.child;
case 6:
return null === e && wr(t), null;
case 13:
return Hr(e, t, n);
case 4:
return Mn(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo), r = t.pendingProps, null === e ? t.child = wn(t, null, r, n) : Ur(e, t, r, n), t.child;
case 11:
return r = t.type, i = t.pendingProps, Ir(e, t, r, i = t.elementType === r ? i : gn(r, i), n);
case 7:
return Ur(e, t, t.pendingProps, n), t.child;
case 8:
case 12:
return Ur(e, t, t.pendingProps.children, n), t.child;
case 10:
e: {
if (r = t.type._context, i = t.pendingProps, l = t.memoizedProps, $r(t, a = i.value), null !== l) {
var o = l.value;
if (0 === (a = pn(o, a) ? 0 : 0 | ('function' == typeof r._calculateChangedBits ? r._calculateChangedBits(o, a) : 1073741823))) {
if (l.children === i.children && !Wt.current) {
t = Br(e, t, n);
break e;
} else
for (null !== (o = t.child) && (o.return = t); null !== o;) {
var u = o.contextDependencies;
if (null !== u) {
l = o.child;
for (var s = u.first; null !== s;) {
if (s.context === r && 0 != (s.observedBits & a)) {
1 === o.tag && ((s = ai(n)).tag = ei, oi(o, s)), o.expirationTime < n && (o.expirationTime = n), null !== (s = o.alternate) && s.expirationTime < n && (s.expirationTime = n), s = n;
for (var c = o.return; null !== c;) {
var f = c.alternate;
if (c.childExpirationTime < s)
c.childExpirationTime = s, null !== f && f.childExpirationTime < s && (f.childExpirationTime = s);
else {
if (!(null !== f && f.childExpirationTime < s))
f.childExpirationTime = s;
c = c.return;
u.expirationTime < n && (u.expirationTime = n);
s =;
} else
l = 10 === o.tag && o.type === t.type ? null : o.child;
if (null !== l)
l.return = o;
for (l = o; null !== l;) {
if (l === t) {
l = null;
if (null !== (o = l.sibling)) {
o.return = l.return, l = o;
l = l.return;
o = l;
Ur(e, t, i.children, n), t = t.child;
return t;
case 9:
return i = t.type, r = (a = t.pendingProps).children, Gr(t, n), r = r(i = Jr(i, a.unstable_observedBits)), t.effectTag |= 1, Ur(e, t, r, n), t.child;
case 14:
return a = gn(i = t.type, t.pendingProps), Ar(e, t, i, a = gn(i.type, a), r, n);
case 15:
return Dr(e, t, t.type, t.pendingProps, r, n);
case 17:
return r = t.type, i = t.pendingProps, i = t.elementType === r ? i : gn(r, i), null !== e && (e.alternate = null, t.alternate = null, t.effectTag |= 2), t.tag = 1, Ft(r) ? (e = !0, Lt(t)) : e = !1, Gr(t, n), Sn(t, r, i), Pn(t, r, i, n), jr(null, t, r, !0, e, n);
v(!1, 'Unknown unit of work tag. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
var Vr = { current: null }, Lr = null, Yr = null, Xr = null;
function $r(e, t) {
var n = e.type._context;
At(Vr, n._currentValue), n._currentValue = t;
function qr(e) {
var t = Vr.current;
It(Vr), e.type._context._currentValue = t;
function Gr(e, t) {
Lr = e, Xr = Yr = null;
var n = e.contextDependencies;
null !== n && n.expirationTime >= t && (zr = !0), e.contextDependencies = null;
function Jr(e, t) {
return Xr !== e && !1 !== t && 0 !== t && ('number' == typeof t && 1073741823 !== t || (Xr = e, t = 1073741823), t = {
context: e,
observedBits: t,
next: null
}, null === Yr ? (v(null !== Lr, 'Context can only be read while React is rendering. In classes, you can read it in the render method or getDerivedStateFromProps. In function components, you can read it directly in the function body, but not inside Hooks like useReducer() or useMemo().'), Yr = t, Lr.contextDependencies = {
first: t,
expirationTime: 0
}) : Yr = = t), e._currentValue;
var Kr = 0, Zr = 1, ei = 2, ti = 3, ni = !1;
function ri(e) {
return {
baseState: e,
firstUpdate: null,
lastUpdate: null,
firstCapturedUpdate: null,
lastCapturedUpdate: null,
firstEffect: null,
lastEffect: null,
firstCapturedEffect: null,
lastCapturedEffect: null
function ii(e) {
return {
baseState: e.baseState,
firstUpdate: e.firstUpdate,
lastUpdate: e.lastUpdate,
firstCapturedUpdate: null,
lastCapturedUpdate: null,
firstEffect: null,
lastEffect: null,
firstCapturedEffect: null,
lastCapturedEffect: null
function ai(e) {
return {
expirationTime: e,
tag: Kr,
payload: null,
callback: null,
next: null,
nextEffect: null
function li(e, t) {
null === e.lastUpdate ? e.firstUpdate = e.lastUpdate = t : ( = t, e.lastUpdate = t);
function oi(e, t) {
var n = e.alternate;
if (null === n) {
var r = e.updateQueue, i = null;
null === r && (r = e.updateQueue = ri(e.memoizedState));
} else
r = e.updateQueue, i = n.updateQueue, null === r ? null === i ? (r = e.updateQueue = ri(e.memoizedState), i = n.updateQueue = ri(n.memoizedState)) : r = e.updateQueue = ii(i) : null === i && (i = n.updateQueue = ii(r));
null === i || r === i ? li(r, t) : null === r.lastUpdate || null === i.lastUpdate ? (li(r, t), li(i, t)) : (li(r, t), i.lastUpdate = t);
function ui(e, t) {
var n = e.updateQueue;
null === (n = null === n ? e.updateQueue = ri(e.memoizedState) : si(e, n)).lastCapturedUpdate ? n.firstCapturedUpdate = n.lastCapturedUpdate = t : ( = t, n.lastCapturedUpdate = t);
function si(e, t) {
var n = e.alternate;
return null !== n && t === n.updateQueue && (t = e.updateQueue = ii(t)), t;
function ci(e, t, n, r, i, a) {
switch (n.tag) {
case Zr:
return 'function' == typeof (e = n.payload) ?, r, i) : e;
case ti:
e.effectTag = -2049 & e.effectTag | 64;
case Kr:
if (null === (i = 'function' == typeof (e = n.payload) ?, r, i) : e) || void 0 === i)
return o({}, r, i);
case ei:
ni = !0;
return r;
function fi(e, t, n, r, i) {
ni = !1;
for (var a = (t = si(e, t)).baseState, l = null, o = 0, u = t.firstUpdate, s = a; null !== u;) {
var c = u.expirationTime;
c < i ? (null === l && (l = u, a = s), o < c && (o = c)) : (s = ci(e, 0, u, s, n, r), null !== u.callback && (e.effectTag |= 32, u.nextEffect = null, null === t.lastEffect ? t.firstEffect = t.lastEffect = u : (t.lastEffect.nextEffect = u, t.lastEffect = u))), u =;
for (c = null, u = t.firstCapturedUpdate; null !== u;) {
var f = u.expirationTime;
f < i ? (null === c && (c = u, null === l && (a = s)), o < f && (o = f)) : (s = ci(e, 0, u, s, n, r), null !== u.callback && (e.effectTag |= 32, u.nextEffect = null, null === t.lastCapturedEffect ? t.firstCapturedEffect = t.lastCapturedEffect = u : (t.lastCapturedEffect.nextEffect = u, t.lastCapturedEffect = u))), u =;
null === l && (t.lastUpdate = null), null === c ? t.lastCapturedUpdate = null : e.effectTag |= 32, null === l && null === c && (a = s), t.baseState = a, t.firstUpdate = l, t.firstCapturedUpdate = c, e.expirationTime = o, e.memoizedState = s;
function di(e, t, n) {
null !== t.firstCapturedUpdate && (null !== t.lastUpdate && ( = t.firstCapturedUpdate, t.lastUpdate = t.lastCapturedUpdate), t.firstCapturedUpdate = t.lastCapturedUpdate = null), pi(t.firstEffect, n), t.firstEffect = t.lastEffect = null, pi(t.firstCapturedEffect, n), t.firstCapturedEffect = t.lastCapturedEffect = null;
function pi(e, t) {
for (; null !== e;) {
var n = e.callback;
if (null !== n) {
e.callback = null;
var r = t;
v('function' == typeof n, 'Invalid argument passed as callback. Expected a function. Instead received: %s', n),;
e = e.nextEffect;
function mi(e, t) {
return {
value: e,
source: t,
stack: Nt(t)
var hi = void 0, gi = void 0, vi = void 0, yi = void 0;
function bi(e) {
var t = e.componentStack, n = e.error;
if (n instanceof Error) {
e = n.message;
var r =;
try {
n.message = (e ? r + ': ' + e : r) + '\n\nThis error is located at:' + t;
} catch (e) {
} else
n = 'string' == typeof n ? Error(n + '\n\nThis error is located at:' + t) : Error('Unspecified error at:' + t);
g.handleException(n, !1);
hi = function (e, t) {
for (var n = t.child; null !== n;) {
if (5 === n.tag || 6 === n.tag)
else if (4 !== n.tag && null !== n.child) {
n.child.return = n, n = n.child;
if (n === t)
for (; null === n.sibling;) {
if (null === n.return || n.return === t)
n = n.return;
n.sibling.return = n.return, n = n.sibling;
}, gi = function () {
}, vi = function (e, t, n, r) {
e.memoizedProps !== r && (Dn(Un.current), t.updateQueue = xt) && (t.effectTag |= 4);
}, yi = function (e, t, n, r) {
n !== r && (t.effectTag |= 4);
var Ti = 'function' == typeof WeakSet ? WeakSet : Set;
function xi(e, t) {
var n = t.source, r = t.stack;
null === r && null !== n && (r = Nt(n)), t = {
componentName: null !== n ? et(n.type) : null,
componentStack: null !== r ? r : '',
error: t.value,
errorBoundary: null,
errorBoundaryName: null,
errorBoundaryFound: !1,
willRetry: !1
}, null !== e && 1 === e.tag && (t.errorBoundary = e.stateNode, t.errorBoundaryName = et(e.type), t.errorBoundaryFound = !0, t.willRetry = !0);
try {
} catch (e) {
setTimeout(function () {
throw e;
function Si(e) {
var t = e.ref;
if (null !== t)
if ('function' == typeof t)
try {
} catch (t) {
ia(e, t);
t.current = null;
function ki(e, t, n) {
if (null !== (n = null !== (n = n.updateQueue) ? n.lastEffect : null)) {
var r = n =;
do {
if ((r.tag & e) !== Fn) {
var i = r.destroy;
r.destroy = void 0, void 0 !== i && i();
(r.tag & t) !== Fn && (i = r.create, r.destroy = i()), r =;
} while (r !== n);
function Pi(e, t) {
for (var n = e;;) {
if (5 === n.tag) {
var r = n.stateNode;
if (t) {
var i = r.viewConfig, a = dt(null, at, { style: { display: 'none' } }, i.validAttributes);
s.updateView(r._nativeTag, i.uiViewClassName, a);
} else {
r = n.stateNode, a = n.memoizedProps, i = r.viewConfig, a = dt(null, o({}, a, {
style: [,
{ display: 'none' }
}), a, i.validAttributes), s.updateView(r._nativeTag, i.uiViewClassName, a);
} else {
if (6 === n.tag)
throw Error('Not yet implemented.');
if (13 === n.tag && null !== n.memoizedState) {
(r = n.child.sibling).return = n, n = r;
if (null !== n.child) {
n.child.return = n, n = n.child;
if (n === e)
for (; null === n.sibling;) {
if (null === n.return || n.return === e)
n = n.return;
n.sibling.return = n.return, n = n.sibling;
function Ei(e) {
switch ('function' == typeof $t && $t(e), e.tag) {
case 0:
case 11:
case 14:
case 15:
var t = e.updateQueue;
if (null !== t && null !== (t = t.lastEffect)) {
var n = t =;
do {
var r = n.destroy;
if (void 0 !== r) {
var i = e;
try {
} catch (e) {
ia(i, e);
n =;
} while (n !== t);
case 1:
if (Si(e), 'function' == typeof (t = e.stateNode).componentWillUnmount)
try {
t.props = e.memoizedProps, t.state = e.memoizedState, t.componentWillUnmount();
} catch (t) {
ia(e, t);
case 5:
case 4:
function _i(e) {
return 5 === e.tag || 3 === e.tag || 4 === e.tag;
function Ci(e) {
e: {
for (var t = e.return; null !== t;) {
if (_i(t)) {
var n = t;
break e;
t = t.return;
v(!1, 'Expected to find a host parent. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), n = void 0;
var r = t = void 0;
switch (n.tag) {
case 5:
t = n.stateNode, r = !1;
case 3:
case 4:
t = n.stateNode.containerInfo, r = !0;
v(!1, 'Invalid host parent fiber. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
16 & n.effectTag && (n.effectTag &= -17);
for (n = e;;) {
for (; null === n.sibling;) {
if (null === n.return || _i(n.return)) {
n = null;
break e;
n = n.return;
for (n.sibling.return = n.return, n = n.sibling; 5 !== n.tag && 6 !== n.tag && 18 !== n.tag;) {
if (2 & n.effectTag)
continue t;
if (null === n.child || 4 === n.tag)
continue t;
n.child.return = n, n = n.child;
if (!(2 & n.effectTag)) {
n = n.stateNode;
break e;
for (var i = e;;) {
if (5 === i.tag || 6 === i.tag)
if (n)
if (r)
v('number' != typeof t, 'Container does not support insertBefore operation');
else {
var a = t, l = i.stateNode, o = n, u = a._children, c = u.indexOf(l);
0 <= c ? (u.splice(c, 1), o = u.indexOf(o), u.splice(o, 0, l), s.manageChildren(a._nativeTag, [c], [o], [], [], [])) : (c = u.indexOf(o), u.splice(c, 0, l), s.manageChildren(a._nativeTag, [], [], ['number' == typeof l ? l : l._nativeTag], [c], []));
r ? (a = i.stateNode, s.setChildren(t, ['number' == typeof a ? a : a._nativeTag])) : (a = t, u = 'number' == typeof (l = i.stateNode) ? l : l._nativeTag, 0 <= (o = (c = a._children).indexOf(l)) ? (c.splice(o, 1), c.push(l), s.manageChildren(a._nativeTag, [o], [c.length - 1], [], [], [])) : (c.push(l), s.manageChildren(a._nativeTag, [], [], [u], [c.length - 1], [])));
else if (4 !== i.tag && null !== i.child) {
i.child.return = i, i = i.child;
if (i === e)
for (; null === i.sibling;) {
if (null === i.return || i.return === e)
i = i.return;
i.sibling.return = i.return, i = i.sibling;
function Ri(e) {
for (var t = e, n = !1, r = void 0, i = void 0;;) {
if (!n) {
n = t.return;
for (;;) {
switch (v(null !== n, 'Expected to find a host parent. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), n.tag) {
case 5:
r = n.stateNode, i = !1;
break e;
case 3:
case 4:
r = n.stateNode.containerInfo, i = !0;
break e;
n = n.return;
n = !0;
if (5 === t.tag || 6 === t.tag) {
for (var a = t, l = a;;)
if (Ei(l), null !== l.child && 4 !== l.tag)
l.child.return = l, l = l.child;
else {
if (l === a)
for (; null === l.sibling;) {
if (null === l.return || l.return === a)
break e;
l = l.return;
l.sibling.return = l.return, l = l.sibling;
if (i)
a = r, Pt(t.stateNode), s.manageChildren(a, [], [], [], [], [0]);
else {
a = r;
var o = t.stateNode;
Pt(o), o = (l = a._children).indexOf(o), l.splice(o, 1), s.manageChildren(a._nativeTag, [], [], [], [], [o]);
} else if (4 === t.tag) {
if (null !== t.child) {
r = t.stateNode.containerInfo, i = !0, t.child.return = t, t = t.child;
} else if (Ei(t), null !== t.child) {
t.child.return = t, t = t.child;
if (t === e)
for (; null === t.sibling;) {
if (null === t.return || t.return === e)
4 === (t = t.return).tag && (n = !1);
t.sibling.return = t.return, t = t.sibling;
function wi(e, t) {
switch (t.tag) {
case 0:
case 11:
case 14:
case 15:
ki(Bn, Qn, t);
case 1:
case 5:
var n = t.stateNode;
if (null != n) {
var r = t.memoizedProps;
e = null !== e ? e.memoizedProps : r;
var i = t.updateQueue;
t.updateQueue = null, null !== i && Rt(n, i, 0, e, r);
case 6:
v(null !== t.stateNode, 'This should have a text node initialized. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), s.updateView(t.stateNode, 'RCTRawText', { text: t.memoizedProps });
case 3:
case 12:
case 13:
if (n = t.memoizedState, r = void 0, e = t, null === n ? r = !1 : (r = !0, e = t.child, 0 === n.timedOutAt && (n.timedOutAt = Ia())), null !== e && Pi(e, r), null !== (n = t.updateQueue)) {
t.updateQueue = null;
var a = t.stateNode;
null === a && (a = t.stateNode = new Ti()), n.forEach(function (e) {
var n = oa.bind(null, t, e);
a.has(e) || (a.add(e), e.then(n, n));
case 17:
v(!1, 'This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
var Ni = 'function' == typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map;
function zi(e, t, n) {
(n = ai(n)).tag = ti, n.payload = { element: null };
var r = t.value;
return n.callback = function () {
Fa(r), xi(e, t);
}, n;
function Ui(e, t, n) {
(n = ai(n)).tag = ti;
var r = e.type.getDerivedStateFromError;
if ('function' == typeof r) {
var i = t.value;
n.payload = function () {
return r(i);
var a = e.stateNode;
return null !== a && 'function' == typeof a.componentDidCatch && (n.callback = function () {
'function' != typeof r && (null === Xi ? Xi = new Set([this]) : Xi.add(this));
var n = t.value, i = t.stack;
xi(e, t), this.componentDidCatch(n, { componentStack: null !== i ? i : '' });
}), n;
function Ii(e) {
switch (e.tag) {
case 1:
Ft(e.type) && Ht();
var t = e.effectTag;
return 2048 & t ? (e.effectTag = -2049 & t | 64, e) : null;
case 3:
return Wn(), Bt(), v(0 == (64 & (t = e.effectTag)), 'The root failed to unmount after an error. This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), e.effectTag = -2049 & t | 64, e;
case 5:
return jn(e), null;
case 13:
return 2048 & (t = e.effectTag) ? (e.effectTag = -2049 & t | 64, e) : null;
case 18:
return null;
case 4:
return Wn(), null;
case 10:
return qr(e), null;
return null;
var Ai = Oe.ReactCurrentDispatcher, Di = Oe.ReactCurrentOwner, Mi = !1, Wi = null, Oi = null, ji = 0, Fi = -1, Hi = !1, Bi = null, Qi = !1, Vi = null, Li = null, Yi = null, Xi = null;
function $i() {
if (null !== Wi)
for (var e = Wi.return; null !== e;) {
var t = e;
switch (t.tag) {
case 1:
var n = t.type.childContextTypes;
null !== n && void 0 !== n && Ht();
case 3:
Wn(), Bt();
case 5:
case 4:
case 10:
e = e.return;
Oi = null, ji = 0, Fi = -1, Hi = !1, Wi = null;
function qi() {
for (; null !== Bi;) {
var e = Bi.effectTag;
if (128 & e) {
var t = Bi.alternate;
null !== t && (null !== (t = t.ref) && ('function' == typeof t ? t(null) : t.current = null));
switch (14 & e) {
case 2:
Ci(Bi), Bi.effectTag &= -3;
case 6:
Ci(Bi), Bi.effectTag &= -3, wi(Bi.alternate, Bi);
case 4:
wi(Bi.alternate, Bi);
case 8:
Ri(e = Bi), e.return = null, e.child = null, e.memoizedState = null, e.updateQueue = null, null !== (e = e.alternate) && (e.return = null, e.child = null, e.memoizedState = null, e.updateQueue = null);
Bi = Bi.nextEffect;
function Gi() {
for (; null !== Bi;) {
if (256 & Bi.effectTag)
e: {
var e = Bi.alternate, t = Bi;
switch (t.tag) {
case 0:
case 11:
case 15:
ki(Hn, Fn, t);
break e;
case 1:
if (256 & t.effectTag && null !== e) {
var n = e.memoizedProps, r = e.memoizedState;
t = (e = t.stateNode).getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(t.elementType === t.type ? n : gn(t.type, n), r), e.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = t;
break e;
case 3:
case 5:
case 6:
case 4:
case 17:
break e;
v(!1, 'This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
Bi = Bi.nextEffect;
function Ji(e, t) {
for (; null !== Bi;) {
var n = Bi.effectTag;
if (36 & n) {
var r = Bi.alternate, i = Bi, a = t;
switch (i.tag) {
case 0:
case 11:
case 15:
ki(Vn, Ln, i);
case 1:
var l = i.stateNode;
if (4 & i.effectTag)
if (null === r)
else {
var o = i.elementType === i.type ? r.memoizedProps : gn(i.type, r.memoizedProps);
l.componentDidUpdate(o, r.memoizedState, l.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate);
null !== (r = i.updateQueue) && di(0, r, l);
case 3:
if (null !== (l = i.updateQueue)) {
if (r = null, null !== i.child)
switch (i.child.tag) {
case 5:
r = i.child.stateNode;
case 1:
r = i.child.stateNode;
di(0, l, r);
case 5:
case 6:
case 4:
case 12:
case 13:
case 17:
v(!1, 'This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
128 & n && (null !== (i = Bi.ref) && (a = Bi.stateNode, 'function' == typeof i ? i(a) : i.current = a)), 512 & n && (Vi = e), Bi = Bi.nextEffect;
function Ki(e, t) {
Yi = Li = Vi = null;
var n = ma;
ma = !0;
do {
if (512 & t.effectTag) {
var r = !1, i = void 0;
try {
var a = t;
ki(Xn, Fn, a), ki(Fn, Yn, a);
} catch (e) {
r = !0, i = e;
r && ia(t, i);
t = t.nextEffect;
} while (null !== t);
ma = n, 0 !== (n = e.expirationTime) && Aa(e, n), Ta || ma || Wa(1073741823, !1);
function Zi() {
null !== Li && (gt = null, clearTimeout(Li));
null !== Yi && Yi();
function ea(e, t) {
Qi = Mi = !0, v(e.current !== t, 'Cannot commit the same tree as before. This is probably a bug related to the return field. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
var n = e.pendingCommitExpirationTime;
v(0 !== n, 'Cannot commit an incomplete root. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), e.pendingCommitExpirationTime = 0;
var r = t.expirationTime, i = t.childExpirationTime;
for (sn(e, i > r ? i : r), Di.current = null, r = void 0, 1 < t.effectTag ? null !== t.lastEffect ? (t.lastEffect.nextEffect = t, r = t.firstEffect) : r = t : r = t.firstEffect, Bi = r; null !== Bi;) {
i = !1;
var a = void 0;
try {
} catch (e) {
i = !0, a = e;
i && (v(null !== Bi, 'Should have next effect. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), ia(Bi, a), null !== Bi && (Bi = Bi.nextEffect));
for (Bi = r; null !== Bi;) {
i = !1, a = void 0;
try {
} catch (e) {
i = !0, a = e;
i && (v(null !== Bi, 'Should have next effect. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), ia(Bi, a), null !== Bi && (Bi = Bi.nextEffect));
for (e.current = t, Bi = r; null !== Bi;) {
i = !1, a = void 0;
try {
Ji(e, n);
} catch (e) {
i = !0, a = e;
i && (v(null !== Bi, 'Should have next effect. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), ia(Bi, a), null !== Bi && (Bi = Bi.nextEffect));
if (null !== r && null !== Vi) {
var l = Ki.bind(null, e, r);
Li = h.unstable_runWithPriority(h.unstable_NormalPriority, function () {
return bt(l);
}), Yi = l;
Mi = Qi = !1, 'function' == typeof Xt && Xt(t.stateNode), n = t.expirationTime, 0 === (t = (t = t.childExpirationTime) > n ? t : n) && (Xi = null), Ua(e, t);
function ta(e) {
for (;;) {
var t = e.alternate, n = e.return, r = e.sibling;
if (0 == (1024 & e.effectTag)) {
Wi = e;
e: {
var i = t, a = ji, l = (t = e).pendingProps;
switch (t.tag) {
case 2:
case 16:
case 15:
case 0:
case 1:
Ft(t.type) && Ht();
case 3:
Wn(), Bt(), (l = t.stateNode).pendingContext && (l.context = l.pendingContext, l.pendingContext = null), null !== i && null !== i.child || (t.effectTag &= -3), gi(t);
case 5:
jn(t), a = Dn(An.current);
var o = t.type;
if (null !== i && null != t.stateNode)
vi(i, t, o, l, a), i.ref !== t.ref && (t.effectTag |= 128);
else if (l) {
i = Dn(Un.current);
var c = t, f = kt(), d = u.get(o);
v('RCTView' !== o || !i.isInAParentText, 'Nesting of <View> within <Text> is not currently supported.');
var p = dt(null, at, l, d.validAttributes);
s.createView(f, d.uiViewClassName, a, p), d = new mt(f, d), _e[f] = c, Ce[f] = l, hi(d, t, !1, !1), Et(d) && (t.effectTag |= 4), t.stateNode = d, null !== t.ref && (t.effectTag |= 128);
} else
v(null !== t.stateNode, 'We must have new props for new mounts. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
case 6:
i && null != t.stateNode ? yi(i, t, i.memoizedProps, l) : ('string' != typeof l && v(null !== t.stateNode, 'We must have new props for new mounts. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), i = Dn(An.current), a = t, v((o = Dn(Un.current)).isInAParentText, 'Text strings must be rendered within a <Text> component.'), o = kt(), s.createView(o, 'RCTRawText', i, { text: l }), _e[o] = t, a.stateNode = o);
case 11:
case 13:
if (l = t.memoizedState, 0 != (64 & t.effectTag)) {
t.expirationTime = a, Wi = t;
break e;
l = null !== l, a = null !== i && null !== i.memoizedState, null !== i && !l && a && (null !== (o = i.child.sibling) && (null !== (i = t.firstEffect) ? (t.firstEffect = o, o.nextEffect = i) : (t.firstEffect = t.lastEffect = o, o.nextEffect = null), o.effectTag = 8)), (l || a) && (t.effectTag |= 4);
case 7:
case 8:
case 12:
case 4:
Wn(), gi(t);
case 10:
case 9:
case 14:
case 17:
Ft(t.type) && Ht();
case 18:
v(!1, 'Unknown unit of work tag. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
Wi = null;
if (t = e, 1 === ji || 1 !== t.childExpirationTime) {
for (l = 0, a = t.child; null !== a;)
o = a.expirationTime, i = a.childExpirationTime, o > l && (l = o), i > l && (l = i), a = a.sibling;
t.childExpirationTime = l;
if (null !== Wi)
return Wi;
null !== n && 0 == (1024 & n.effectTag) && (null === n.firstEffect && (n.firstEffect = e.firstEffect), null !== e.lastEffect && (null !== n.lastEffect && (n.lastEffect.nextEffect = e.firstEffect), n.lastEffect = e.lastEffect), 1 < e.effectTag && (null !== n.lastEffect ? n.lastEffect.nextEffect = e : n.firstEffect = e, n.lastEffect = e));
} else {
if (null !== (e = Ii(e)))
return e.effectTag &= 1023, e;
null !== n && (n.firstEffect = n.lastEffect = null, n.effectTag |= 1024);
if (null !== r)
return r;
if (null === n)
e = n;
return null;
function na(e) {
var t = Qr(e.alternate, e, ji);
return e.memoizedProps = e.pendingProps, null === t && (t = ta(e)), Di.current = null, t;
function ra(e, t) {
v(!Mi, 'renderRoot was called recursively. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), Zi(), Mi = !0;
var n = Ai.current;
Ai.current = Sr;
var r = e.nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn;
r === ji && e === Oi && null !== Wi || ($i(), ji = r, Wi = tn((Oi = e).current, null), e.pendingCommitExpirationTime = 0);
for (var i = !1;;) {
try {
if (t)
for (; null !== Wi && !(vt <= ht());)
Wi = na(Wi);
for (; null !== Wi;)
Wi = na(Wi);
} catch (t) {
if (Xr = Yr = Lr = null, fr(), null === Wi)
i = !0, Fa(t);
else {
v(null !== Wi, 'Failed to replay rendering after an error. This is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue with a reproducing case to help us find it.');
var a = Wi, l = a.return;
if (null !== l) {
e: {
var o = e, u = l, s = a, c = t;
if (l = ji, s.effectTag |= 1024, s.firstEffect = s.lastEffect = null, null !== c && 'object' == typeof c && 'function' == typeof c.then) {
var f = c;
c = u;
var d = -1, p = -1;
do {
if (13 === c.tag) {
var m = c.alternate;
if (null !== m && null !== (m = m.memoizedState)) {
p = 10 * (1073741822 - m.timedOutAt);
'number' == typeof (m = c.pendingProps.maxDuration) && (0 >= m ? d = 0 : (-1 === d || m < d) && (d = m));
c = c.return;
} while (null !== c);
c = u;
do {
if ((m = 13 === c.tag) && (m = void 0 !== c.memoizedProps.fallback && null === c.memoizedState), m) {
if (null === (u = c.updateQueue) ? ((u = new Set()).add(f), c.updateQueue = u) : u.add(f), 0 == (1 & c.mode)) {
c.effectTag |= 64, s.effectTag &= -1957, 1 === s.tag && (null === s.alternate ? s.tag = 17 : ((l = ai(1073741823)).tag = ei, oi(s, l))), s.expirationTime = 1073741823;
break e;
u = l;
var h = (s = o).pingCache;
null === h ? (h = s.pingCache = new Ni(), m = new Set(), h.set(f, m)) : void 0 === (m = h.get(f)) && (m = new Set(), h.set(f, m)), m.has(u) || (m.add(u), s = la.bind(null, s, f, u), f.then(s, s)), -1 === d ? o = 1073741823 : (-1 === p && (p = 10 * (1073741822 - fn(o, l)) - 5000), o = p + d), 0 <= o && Fi < o && (Fi = o), c.effectTag |= 2048, c.expirationTime = l;
break e;
c = c.return;
} while (null !== c);
c = Error((et(s.type) || 'A React component') + ' suspended while rendering, but no fallback UI was specified.\n\nAdd a <Suspense fallback=...> component higher in the tree to provide a loading indicator or placeholder to display.' + Nt(s));
Hi = !0, c = mi(c, s), o = u;
do {
switch (o.tag) {
case 3:
o.effectTag |= 2048, o.expirationTime = l, ui(o, l = zi(o, c, l));
break e;
case 1:
if (d = c, p = o.type, s = o.stateNode, 0 == (64 & o.effectTag) && ('function' == typeof p.getDerivedStateFromError || null !== s && 'function' == typeof s.componentDidCatch && (null === Xi || !Xi.has(s)))) {
o.effectTag |= 2048, o.expirationTime = l, ui(o, l = Ui(o, d, l));
break e;
o = o.return;
} while (null !== o);
Wi = ta(a);
i = !0, Fa(t);
if (Mi = !1, Ai.current = n, Xr = Yr = Lr = null, fr(), i)
Oi = null, e.finishedWork = null;
else if (null !== Wi)
e.finishedWork = null;
else {
if (v(null !== (n = e.current.alternate), 'Finished root should have a work-in-progress. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), Oi = null, Hi) {
if (i = e.latestPendingTime, a = e.latestSuspendedTime, l = e.latestPingedTime, 0 !== i && i < r || 0 !== a && a < r || 0 !== l && l < r)
return cn(e, r), void Na(e, n, r, e.expirationTime, -1);
if (!e.didError && t)
return e.didError = !0, r = e.nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn = r, t = e.expirationTime = 1073741823, void Na(e, n, r, t, -1);
t && -1 !== Fi ? (cn(e, r), (t = 10 * (1073741822 - fn(e, r))) < Fi && (Fi = t), t = 10 * (1073741822 - Ia()), t = Fi - t, Na(e, n, r, e.expirationTime, 0 > t ? 0 : t)) : (e.pendingCommitExpirationTime = r, e.finishedWork = n);
function ia(e, t) {
for (var n = e.return; null !== n;) {
switch (n.tag) {
case 1:
var r = n.stateNode;
if ('function' == typeof n.type.getDerivedStateFromError || 'function' == typeof r.componentDidCatch && (null === Xi || !Xi.has(r)))
return oi(n, e = Ui(n, e = mi(t, e), 1073741823)), void sa(n, 1073741823);
case 3:
return oi(n, e = zi(n, e = mi(t, e), 1073741823)), void sa(n, 1073741823);
n = n.return;
3 === e.tag && (oi(e, n = zi(e, n = mi(t, e), 1073741823)), sa(e, 1073741823));
function aa(e, t) {
var n = h.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel(), r = void 0;
if (0 == (1 & t.mode))
r = 1073741823;
else if (Mi && !Qi)
r = ji;
else {
switch (n) {
case h.unstable_ImmediatePriority:
r = 1073741823;
case h.unstable_UserBlockingPriority:
r = 1073741822 - 10 * (1 + ((1073741822 - e + 15) / 10 | 0));
case h.unstable_NormalPriority:
r = 1073741822 - 25 * (1 + ((1073741822 - e + 500) / 25 | 0));
case h.unstable_LowPriority:
case h.unstable_IdlePriority:
r = 1;
v(!1, 'Unknown priority level. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
null !== Oi && r === ji && --r;
return n === h.unstable_UserBlockingPriority && (0 === va || r < va) && (va = r), r;
function la(e, t, n) {
var r = e.pingCache;
null !== r && r.delete(t), null !== Oi && ji === n ? Oi = null : (t = e.earliestSuspendedTime, r = e.latestSuspendedTime, 0 !== t && n <= t && n >= r && (e.didError = !1, (0 === (t = e.latestPingedTime) || t > n) && (e.latestPingedTime = n), dn(n, e), 0 !== (n = e.expirationTime) && Aa(e, n)));
function oa(e, t) {
var n = e.stateNode;
null !== n && n.delete(t), null !== (e = ua(e, t = aa(t = Ia(), e))) && (un(e, t), 0 !== (t = e.expirationTime) && Aa(e, t));
function ua(e, t) {
e.expirationTime < t && (e.expirationTime = t);
var n = e.alternate;
null !== n && n.expirationTime < t && (n.expirationTime = t);
var r = e.return, i = null;
if (null === r && 3 === e.tag)
i = e.stateNode;
for (; null !== r;) {
if (n = r.alternate, r.childExpirationTime < t && (r.childExpirationTime = t), null !== n && n.childExpirationTime < t && (n.childExpirationTime = t), null === r.return && 3 === r.tag) {
i = r.stateNode;
r = r.return;
return i;
function sa(e, t) {
null !== (e = ua(e, t)) && (!Mi && 0 !== ji && t > ji && $i(), un(e, t), Mi && !Qi && Oi === e || Aa(e, e.expirationTime), _a > Ea && (_a = 0, v(!1, 'Maximum update depth exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops.')));
var ca = null, fa = null, da = 0, pa = void 0, ma = !1, ha = null, ga = 0, va = 0, ya = !1, ba = null, Ta = !1, xa = null, Sa = ht(), ka = 1073741822 - (Sa / 10 | 0), Pa = ka, Ea = 50, _a = 0, Ca = null;
function Ra() {
ka = 1073741822 - ((ht() - Sa) / 10 | 0);
function wa(e, t) {
if (0 !== da) {
if (t < da)
null !== pa && (e = pa, gt = null, clearTimeout(e));
da = t, e = ht() - Sa, pa = bt(Ma);
function Na(e, t, n, r, i) {
e.expirationTime = r, 0 !== i || vt <= ht() ? 0 < i && (e.timeoutHandle = _t(za.bind(null, e, t, n), i)) : (e.pendingCommitExpirationTime = n, e.finishedWork = t);
function za(e, t, n) {
e.pendingCommitExpirationTime = n, e.finishedWork = t, Ra(), Pa = ka, v(!ma, 'work.commit(): Cannot commit while already rendering. This likely means you attempted to commit from inside a lifecycle method.'), ha = e, ga = n, Oa(e, n, !1), Wa(1073741823, !1);
function Ua(e, t) {
e.expirationTime = t, e.finishedWork = null;
function Ia() {
return ma ? Pa : (Da(), 0 !== ga && 1 !== ga || (Ra(), Pa = ka), Pa);
function Aa(e, t) {
null === e.nextScheduledRoot ? (e.expirationTime = t, null === fa ? (ca = fa = e, e.nextScheduledRoot = e) : (fa = fa.nextScheduledRoot = e).nextScheduledRoot = ca) : t > e.expirationTime && (e.expirationTime = t), ma || Ta || (1073741823 === t ? Wa(1073741823, !1) : wa(e, t));
function Da() {
var e = 0, t = null;
if (null !== fa)
for (var n = fa, r = ca; null !== r;) {
var i = r.expirationTime;
if (0 === i) {
if (v(null !== n && null !== fa, 'Should have a previous and last root. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), r === r.nextScheduledRoot) {
ca = fa = r.nextScheduledRoot = null;
if (r === ca)
ca = i = r.nextScheduledRoot, fa.nextScheduledRoot = i, r.nextScheduledRoot = null;
else {
if (r === fa) {
(fa = n).nextScheduledRoot = ca, r.nextScheduledRoot = null;
n.nextScheduledRoot = r.nextScheduledRoot, r.nextScheduledRoot = null;
r = n.nextScheduledRoot;
} else {
if (i > e && (e = i, t = r), r === fa)
if (1073741823 === e)
n = r, r = r.nextScheduledRoot;
ha = t, ga = e;
function Ma(e) {
if (e && null !== ca) {
Ra(), e = ca;
do {
var t = e.expirationTime;
0 !== t && ka <= t && (e.nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn = ka), e = e.nextScheduledRoot;
} while (e !== ca);
Wa(0, !0);
function Wa(e, t) {
if (Da(), t)
for (Ra(), Pa = ka; null !== ha && 0 !== ga && e <= ga && !(vt <= ht() && ka > ga);)
Oa(ha, ga, ka > ga), Da(), Ra(), Pa = ka;
for (; null !== ha && 0 !== ga && e <= ga;)
Oa(ha, ga, !1), Da();
if (t && (da = 0, pa = null), 0 !== ga && wa(ha, ga), _a = 0, Ca = null, null !== xa)
for (e = xa, xa = null, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
var n = e[t];
try {
} catch (e) {
ya || (ya = !0, ba = e);
if (ya)
throw e = ba, ba = null, ya = !1, e;
function Oa(e, t, n) {
if (v(!ma, 'performWorkOnRoot was called recursively. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), ma = !0, n) {
var r = e.finishedWork;
null !== r ? ja(e, r, t) : (e.finishedWork = null, -1 !== (r = e.timeoutHandle) && (e.timeoutHandle = -1, Ct(r)), ra(e, n), null !== (r = e.finishedWork) && (vt <= ht() ? e.finishedWork = r : ja(e, r, t)));
} else
null !== (r = e.finishedWork) ? ja(e, r, t) : (e.finishedWork = null, -1 !== (r = e.timeoutHandle) && (e.timeoutHandle = -1, Ct(r)), ra(e, n), null !== (r = e.finishedWork) && ja(e, r, t));
ma = !1;
function ja(e, t, n) {
var r = e.firstBatch;
if (null !== r && r._expirationTime >= n && (null === xa ? xa = [r] : xa.push(r), r._defer))
return e.finishedWork = t, void (e.expirationTime = 0);
e.finishedWork = null, e === Ca ? _a++ : (Ca = e, _a = 0), h.unstable_runWithPriority(h.unstable_ImmediatePriority, function () {
ea(e, t);
function Fa(e) {
v(null !== ha, 'Should be working on a root. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), ha.expirationTime = 0, ya || (ya = !0, ba = e);
function Ha(e) {
var t = e._reactInternalFiber;
return void 0 === t && ('function' == typeof e.render ? v(!1, 'Unable to find node on an unmounted component.') : v(!1, 'Argument appears to not be a ReactComponent. Keys: %s', Object.keys(e))), null === (e = it(t)) ? null : e.stateNode;
function Ba(e, t, n, r) {
var i = t.current, a = Ia();
i = aa(a, i), a = t.current;
if (n) {
n = n._reactInternalFiber;
t: {
v(2 === tt(n) && 1 === n.tag, 'Expected subtree parent to be a mounted class component. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.');
var l = n;
do {
switch (l.tag) {
case 3:
l = l.stateNode.context;
break t;
case 1:
if (Ft(l.type)) {
l = l.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext;
break t;
l = l.return;
} while (null !== l);
v(!1, 'Found unexpected detached subtree parent. This error is likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'), l = void 0;
if (1 === n.tag) {
var o = n.type;
if (Ft(o)) {
n = Vt(n, o, l);
break e;
n = l;
} else
n = Dt;
return null === t.context ? t.context = n : t.pendingContext = n, t = r, (r = ai(i)).payload = { element: e }, null !== (t = void 0 === t ? null : t) && (r.callback = t), Zi(), oi(a, r), sa(a, i), i;
function Qa(e, t, n) {
var r = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null;
return {
$$typeof: He,
key: null == r ? null : '' + r,
children: e,
containerInfo: t,
implementation: n
function Va(e, t) {
if ('function' != typeof t && null !== t)
throw new TypeError('Super expression must either be null or a function, not ' + typeof t);
e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: e,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : e.__proto__ = t);
var La;
function Ya(e) {
return null == e ? null : 'number' == typeof e ? e : e._nativeTag ? e._nativeTag : e.canonical && e.canonical._nativeTag ? e.canonical._nativeTag : null == (e = Ha(e)) ? e : e.canonical ? e.canonical._nativeTag : e._nativeTag;
La = function () {
v(!1, 'getInspectorDataForViewTag() is not available in production');
}, Ue = function (e, t) {
var n = Ta;
Ta = !0;
try {
return e(t);
} finally {
(Ta = n) || ma || Wa(1073741823, !1);
}, Ie = function () {
ma || 0 === va || (Wa(va, !1), va = 0);
var Xa, $a, qa = new Map(), Ga = {
NativeComponent: function (e, t) {
return function (n) {
function r() {
if (!(this instanceof r))
throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
var e = n.apply(this, arguments);
if (!this)
throw new ReferenceError('this hasn\'t been initialised - super() hasn\'t been called');
return !e || 'object' != typeof e && 'function' != typeof e ? this : e;
return Va(r, n), r.prototype.blur = function () {
}, r.prototype.focus = function () {
}, r.prototype.measure = function (t) {
s.measure(e(this), pt(this, t));
}, r.prototype.measureInWindow = function (t) {
s.measureInWindow(e(this), pt(this, t));
}, r.prototype.measureLayout = function (t, n, r) {
s.measureLayout(e(this), t, pt(this, r), pt(this, n));
}, r.prototype.setNativeProps = function (e) {
var n = void 0;
try {
n = t(this);
} catch (e) {
if (null != n) {
var r = n._nativeTag || n.canonical._nativeTag;
n = n.viewConfig || n.canonical.viewConfig, null != (e = dt(null, at, e, n.validAttributes)) && s.updateView(r, n.uiViewClassName, e);
}, r;
}(Ya, Ha),
findNodeHandle: Ya,
setNativeProps: function (e, t) {
null != e._nativeTag && (null != (t = dt(null, at, t, e.viewConfig.validAttributes)) && s.updateView(e._nativeTag, e.viewConfig.uiViewClassName, t));
render: function (e, t, n) {
var r = qa.get(t);
if (!r) {
var i = {
current: r = Kt(3, null, null, 0),
containerInfo: t,
pendingChildren: null,
pingCache: null,
earliestPendingTime: 0,
latestPendingTime: 0,
earliestSuspendedTime: 0,
latestSuspendedTime: 0,
latestPingedTime: 0,
didError: !1,
pendingCommitExpirationTime: 0,
finishedWork: null,
timeoutHandle: -1,
context: null,
pendingContext: null,
hydrate: !1,
nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn: 0,
expirationTime: 0,
firstBatch: null,
nextScheduledRoot: null
r = r.stateNode = i, qa.set(t, r);
Ba(e, r, null, n);
if (e = r.current, e.child)
switch (e.child.tag) {
case 5:
e = e.child.stateNode;
break e;
e = e.child.stateNode;
e = null;
return e;
unmountComponentAtNode: function (e) {
var t = qa.get(e);
t && Ba(null, t, null, function () {
unmountComponentAtNodeAndRemoveContainer: function (e) {
Ga.unmountComponentAtNode(e), s.removeRootView(e);
createPortal: function (e, t) {
return Qa(e, t, null, 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null);
unstable_batchedUpdates: De,
NativeMethodsMixin: function (e, t) {
return {
measure: function (t) {
s.measure(e(this), pt(this, t));
measureInWindow: function (t) {
s.measureInWindow(e(this), pt(this, t));
measureLayout: function (t, n, r) {
s.measureLayout(e(this), t, pt(this, r), pt(this, n));
setNativeProps: function (e) {
var n = void 0;
try {
n = t(this);
} catch (e) {
if (null != n) {
var r = n._nativeTag || n.canonical._nativeTag;
n = n.viewConfig || n.canonical.viewConfig, null != (e = dt(null, at, e, n.validAttributes)) && s.updateView(r, n.uiViewClassName, e);
focus: function () {
blur: function () {
}(Ya, Ha),
computeComponentStackForErrorReporting: function (e) {
return (e = Re(e)) ? Nt(e) : '';
$a = (Xa = {
findFiberByHostInstance: Re,
getInspectorDataForViewTag: La,
bundleType: 0,
version: '16.8.3',
rendererPackageName: 'react-native-renderer'
}).findFiberByHostInstance, Gt(o({}, Xa, {
overrideProps: null,
currentDispatcherRef: Oe.ReactCurrentDispatcher,
findHostInstanceByFiber: function (e) {
return null === (e = it(e)) ? null : e.stateNode;
findFiberByHostInstance: function (e) {
return $a ? $a(e) : null;
var Ja = { default: Ga }, Ka = Ja && Ga || Ja;
i.exports = Ka.default || Ka;
}, 79, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t =;
r(d[0]), r(d[1]), r(d[2]), r(d[3]), r(d[4]), r(d[5]), r(d[6]), r(d[7]), r(d[8]), r(d[9]), r(d[10]), r(d[11]), r(d[12]);
var n = r(d[13]);
n.markPoint('initializeCore_start', n.currentTimestamp() - ( - t)), n.markPoint('initializeCore_end');
}, 80, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
void 0 === g.GLOBAL && (g.GLOBAL = g), void 0 === g.window && (g.window = g), g.process = g.process || {}, g.process.env = g.process.env || {}, g.process.env.NODE_ENV || (g.process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production');
}, 81, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]).polyfillGlobal, n = r(d[1]);
n('Map') && t('Map', function () {
return r(d[2]);
}), n('Set') && t('Set', function () {
return r(d[3]);
}, 82, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var l = r(d[0]);
function o(o, t, n) {
var c = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, t), b = c || {}, f = b.enumerable, u = b.writable, p = b.configurable;
!c || p ? l(o, t, {
get: n,
enumerable: !1 !== f,
writable: !1 !== u
}) : console.error('Failed to set polyfill. ' + t + ' is not configurable.');
m.exports = {
polyfillObjectProperty: o,
polyfillGlobal: function (l, t) {
o(g, l, t);
}, 83, [33]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
function n(n) {
var t = g[n];
if (null == t)
return !0;
if ('function' != typeof g.Symbol)
return !0;
var o = t.prototype;
return null == t || 'function' != typeof t || 'function' != typeof o.clear || 0 !== new t().size || 'function' != typeof o.keys || 'function' != typeof o.forEach;
var t = {};
m.exports = function (o) {
var f = t[o];
return void 0 !== f ? f : (f = n(o), t[o] = f, f);
}, 84, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), u = (r(d[3]), r(d[4]));
m.exports = function (s, l) {
if (!o('Map'))
return s.Map;
var p = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, f = 'key', c = 'value', h = 'key+value', v = '$map_', _ = function () {
function o(n) {
if (t(this, o), !E(this))
throw new TypeError('Wrong map object type.');
if (x(this), null != n)
for (var s, l = u(n); !(s =;) {
if (!E(s.value))
throw new TypeError('Expected iterable items to be pair objects.');
this.set(s.value[0], s.value[1]);
return n(o, [
key: 'clear',
value: function () {
key: 'has',
value: function (t) {
var n = b(this, t);
return !(null == n || !this._mapData[n]);
key: 'set',
value: function (t, n) {
var o = b(this, t);
return null != o && this._mapData[o] ? this._mapData[o][1] = n : (I(this, t, o = this._mapData.push([
]) - 1), this.size += 1), this;
key: 'get',
value: function (t) {
var n = b(this, t);
return null == n ? void 0 : this._mapData[n][1];
key: 'delete',
value: function (t) {
var n = b(this, t);
return !(null == n || !this._mapData[n]) && (I(this, t, void 0), this._mapData[n] = void 0, this.size -= 1, !0);
key: 'entries',
value: function () {
return new y(this, h);
key: 'keys',
value: function () {
return new y(this, f);
key: 'values',
value: function () {
return new y(this, c);
key: 'forEach',
value: function (t, n) {
if ('function' != typeof t)
throw new TypeError('Callback must be callable.');
for (var o = t.bind(n || void 0), u = this._mapData, s = 0; s < u.length; s++) {
var l = u[s];
null != l && o(l[1], l[0], this);
]), o;
_.prototype[u.ITERATOR_SYMBOL] = _.prototype.entries;
var y = function () {
function o(n, u) {
if (t(this, o), !E(n) || !n._mapData)
throw new TypeError('Object is not a map.');
if (-1 === [
throw new Error('Invalid iteration kind.');
this._map = n, this._nextIndex = 0, this._kind = u;
return n(o, [{
key: 'next',
value: function () {
if (!this instanceof _)
throw new TypeError('Expected to be called on a MapIterator.');
var t = this._map, n = this._nextIndex, o = this._kind;
if (null == t)
return k(void 0, !0);
for (var u = t._mapData; n < u.length;) {
var s = u[n];
if (n += 1, this._nextIndex = n, s) {
if (o === f)
return k(s[0], !1);
if (o === c)
return k(s[1], !1);
if (o)
return k(s, !1);
return this._map = void 0, k(void 0, !0);
}]), o;
function b(t, n) {
if (E(n)) {
var o = A(n);
return t._objectIndex[o];
var u = v + n;
return 'string' == typeof n ? t._stringIndex[u] : t._otherIndex[u];
function I(t, n, o) {
var u = null == o;
if (E(n)) {
var s = A(n);
u ? delete t._objectIndex[s] : t._objectIndex[s] = o;
} else {
var l = v + n;
'string' == typeof n ? u ? delete t._stringIndex[l] : t._stringIndex[l] = o : u ? delete t._otherIndex[l] : t._otherIndex[l] = o;
function x(t) {
t._mapData = [], t._objectIndex = {}, t._stringIndex = {}, t._otherIndex = {}, t.size = 0;
function E(t) {
return null != t && ('object' == typeof t || 'function' == typeof t);
function k(t, n) {
return {
value: t,
done: n
y.prototype[u.ITERATOR_SYMBOL] = function () {
return this;
var w = function () {
try {
return Object.defineProperty({}, 'x', {}), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
function O(t) {
return !w || Object.isExtensible(t);
var j, D, T, L, M, A = (j = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, D = '__MAP_POLYFILL_INTERNAL_HASH__', T = 0, L = [], M = [], function (t) {
if (, D))
return t[D];
if (!w &&, 'propertyIsEnumerable') &&, D))
return t.propertyIsEnumerable[D];
if (O(t)) {
if (w)
return Object.defineProperty(t, D, {
enumerable: !1,
writable: !1,
configurable: !1,
value: ++T
}), T;
if (t.propertyIsEnumerable)
return t.propertyIsEnumerable = function () {
return j.apply(this, arguments);
}, t.propertyIsEnumerable[D] = ++T;
var n = L.indexOf(t);
return n < 0 && (n = L.length, L[n] = t, M[n] = ++T), M[n];
return _;
}(Function('return this')());
}, 85, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function () {
return 'f' + (1073741824 * Math.random()).toString(16).replace('.', '');
}, 86, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), u = 'function' == typeof Symbol && 'function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator', s = Array.prototype[u] && String.prototype[u] ? function (t) {
return t[u]();
} : function () {
var t = function () {
function t(o, u) {
if (n(this, t), !Array.isArray(o))
throw new TypeError('Object is not an Array');
this._iteratedObject = o, this._kind = u, this._nextIndex = 0;
return o(t, [
key: 'next',
value: function () {
if (!this instanceof t)
throw new TypeError('Object is not an ArrayIterator');
if (null == this._iteratedObject)
return h(void 0, !0);
var n = this._iteratedObject, o = this._iteratedObject.length, u = this._nextIndex, s = this._kind;
return u >= o ? (this._iteratedObject = void 0, h(void 0, !0)) : (this._nextIndex = u + 1, 'key' === s ? h(u, !1) : 'value' === s ? h(n[u], !1) : 'key+value' === s ? h([
], !1) : void 0);
key: '@@iterator',
value: function () {
return this;
]), t;
}(), s = function () {
function t(o) {
if (n(this, t), 'string' != typeof o)
throw new TypeError('Object is not a string');
this._iteratedString = o, this._nextIndex = 0;
return o(t, [
key: 'next',
value: function () {
if (!this instanceof t)
throw new TypeError('Object is not a StringIterator');
if (null == this._iteratedString)
return h(void 0, !0);
var n, o = this._nextIndex, u = this._iteratedString, s = u.length;
if (o >= s)
return this._iteratedString = void 0, h(void 0, !0);
var c = u.charCodeAt(o);
if (c < 55296 || c > 56319 || o + 1 === s)
n = u[o];
else {
var f = u.charCodeAt(o + 1);
n = f < 56320 || f > 57343 ? u[o] : u[o] + u[o + 1];
return this._nextIndex = o + n.length, h(n, !1);
key: '@@iterator',
value: function () {
return this;
]), t;
function h(t, n) {
return {
value: t,
done: n
return function (n, o) {
return 'string' == typeof n ? new s(n) : Array.isArray(n) ? new t(n, o || 'value') : n[u]();
t(s, {
KIND_KEY: 'key',
KIND_VALUE: 'value',
KIND_KEY_VAL: 'key+value',
}), m.exports = s;
}, 87, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), o = r(d[4]);
m.exports = function (h) {
if (!u('Set'))
return h.Set;
var l = function () {
function s(n) {
if (t(this, s), null == this || 'object' != typeof this && 'function' != typeof this)
throw new TypeError('Wrong set object type.');
if (p(this), null != n)
for (var u, h = o(n); !(u =;)
return n(s, [
key: 'add',
value: function (t) {
return this._map.set(t, t), this.size = this._map.size, this;
key: 'clear',
value: function () {
key: 'delete',
value: function (t) {
var n = this._map.delete(t);
return this.size = this._map.size, n;
key: 'entries',
value: function () {
return this._map.entries();
key: 'forEach',
value: function (t) {
for (var n, s = arguments[1], u = this._map.keys(); !(n =;), n.value, n.value, this);
key: 'has',
value: function (t) {
return this._map.has(t);
key: 'values',
value: function () {
return this._map.values();
]), s;
function p(t) {
t._map = new s(), t.size = t._map.size;
return l.prototype[o.ITERATOR_SYMBOL] = l.prototype.values, l.prototype.keys = l.prototype.values, l;
}(Function('return this')());
}, 88, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
if (g.__RCTProfileIsProfiling) {
var t = r(d[0]);
t.installReactHook(), t.setEnabled(!0);
}, 89, [30]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]);
if (o.installConsoleErrorReporter(), !g.__fbDisableExceptionsManager) {
r(d[1]).setGlobalHandler(function (t, n) {
try {
o.handleException(t, n);
} catch (o) {
throw console.log('Failed to print error: ', o.message), t;
}, 90, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = 0;
function n(n, s) {
var l = r(d[0]).ExceptionsManager;
if (l) {
var c = r(d[1])(n), t = ++o, p = null == n.jsEngine ? n.message : n.message + ', js engine: ' + n.jsEngine;
s ? l.reportFatalException(p, c, t) : l.reportSoftException(p, c, t);
function s() {
if (console._errorOriginal.apply(console, arguments), console.reportErrorsAsExceptions)
if (arguments[0] && arguments[0].stack)
n(arguments[0], !1);
else {
var o = r(d[2]), s =, o).join(', ');
if ('"Warning: ' === s.slice(0, 10))
var l = new Error('console.error: ' + s);
l.framesToPop = 1, n(l, !1);
m.exports = {
handleException: function (o, s) {
o.message || (o = new Error(o)), console._errorOriginal ? console._errorOriginal(o.message) : console.error(o.message), n(o, s);
installConsoleErrorReporter: function () {
console._errorOriginal || (console._errorOriginal = console.error.bind(console), console.error = s, void 0 === console.reportErrorsAsExceptions && (console.reportErrorsAsExceptions = !0));
}, 91, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function (t) {
if (!t || !t.stack)
return [];
for (var s = r(d[0]), o = Array.isArray(t.stack) ? t.stack : s.parse(t.stack), f = 'number' == typeof t.framesToPop ? t.framesToPop : 0; f--;)
return o;
}, 92, [93]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var n, l;
n = this, l = function (n) {
'use strict';
var l = '<unknown>';
var u = /^\s*at (.*?) ?\(((?:file|https?|blob|chrome-extension|native|eval|webpack|<anonymous>|\/).*?)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i, t = /\((\S*)(?::(\d+))(?::(\d+))\)/;
function o(n) {
var o = u.exec(n);
if (!o)
return null;
var c = o[2] && 0 === o[2].indexOf('native'), s = o[2] && 0 === o[2].indexOf('eval'), f = t.exec(o[2]);
return s && null != f && (o[2] = f[1], o[3] = f[2], o[4] = f[3]), {
file: c ? null : o[2],
methodName: o[1] || l,
arguments: c ? [o[2]] : [],
lineNumber: o[3] ? +o[3] : null,
column: o[4] ? +o[4] : null
var c = /^\s*at (?:((?:\[object object\])?.+) )?\(?((?:file|ms-appx|https?|webpack|blob):.*?):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i;
function s(n) {
var u = c.exec(n);
return u ? {
file: u[2],
methodName: u[1] || l,
arguments: [],
lineNumber: +u[3],
column: u[4] ? +u[4] : null
} : null;
var f = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?(?:^|@)((?:file|https?|blob|chrome|webpack|resource|\[native).*?|[^@]*bundle)(?::(\d+))?(?::(\d+))?\s*$/i, v = /(\S+) line (\d+)(?: > eval line \d+)* > eval/i;
function b(n) {
var u = f.exec(n);
if (!u)
return null;
var t = u[3] && u[3].indexOf(' > eval') > -1, o = v.exec(u[3]);
return t && null != o && (u[3] = o[1], u[4] = o[2], u[5] = null), {
file: u[3],
methodName: u[1] || l,
arguments: u[2] ? u[2].split(',') : [],
lineNumber: u[4] ? +u[4] : null,
column: u[5] ? +u[5] : null
var p = /^\s*(?:([^@]*)(?:\((.*?)\))?@)?(\S.*?):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\s*$/i;
function x(n) {
var u = p.exec(n);
return u ? {
file: u[3],
methodName: u[1] || l,
arguments: [],
lineNumber: +u[4],
column: u[5] ? +u[5] : null
} : null;
var h = /^\s*at (?:((?:\[object object\])?.+(?: \[as \S+\])?) )?\(?(.*?):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?\)?\s*$/i;
function N(n) {
var u = h.exec(n);
return u ? {
file: u[2],
methodName: u[1] || l,
arguments: [],
lineNumber: +u[3],
column: u[4] ? +u[4] : null
} : null;
n.parse = function (n) {
return n.split('\n').reduce(function (n, l) {
var u = o(l) || s(l) || b(l) || N(l) || x(l);
return u && n.push(u), n;
}, []);
}, Object.defineProperty(n, '__esModule', { value: !0 });
}, 'object' == typeof e && void 0 !== m ? l(e) : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define(['exports'], l) : l((n = n || self).stackTraceParser = {});
}, 93, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
}, 94, [95]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]).PlatformConstants, n = r(d[1]);
function o(t) {
return t.major + '.' + t.minor + '.' + t.patch + (null !== t.prerelease ? '-' + t.prerelease : '');
e.checkVersions = function () {
if (t) {
var s = t.reactNativeVersion;
n.version.major === s.major && n.version.minor === s.minor || console.error('React Native version mismatch.\n\nJavaScript version: ' + o(n.version) + '\nNative version: ' + o(s) + '\n\nMake sure that you have rebuilt the native code. If the problem persists try clearing the Watchman and packager caches with `watchman watch-del-all && react-native start --reset-cache`.');
}, 95, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
e.version = {
major: 0,
minor: 59,
patch: 10,
prerelease: null
}, 96, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
(0, r(d[0]).polyfillGlobal)('Promise', function () {
return r(d[1]);
}, 97, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
r(d[1]), t.prototype.finally = function (t) {
return this.then(t, t);
}, m.exports = t;
}, 98, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]);
m.exports = n;
var t = h(!0), o = h(!1), f = h(null), u = h(void 0), c = h(0), l = h('');
function h(t) {
var o = new n(n._61);
return o._81 = 1, o._65 = t, o;
n.resolve = function (v) {
if (v instanceof n)
return v;
if (null === v)
return f;
if (void 0 === v)
return u;
if (!0 === v)
return t;
if (!1 === v)
return o;
if (0 === v)
return c;
if ('' === v)
return l;
if ('object' == typeof v || 'function' == typeof v)
try {
var p = v.then;
if ('function' == typeof p)
return new n(p.bind(v));
} catch (t) {
return new n(function (n, o) {
return h(v);
}, n.all = function (t) {
var o =;
return new n(function (t, f) {
if (0 === o.length)
return t([]);
var u = o.length;
function c(l, h) {
if (h && ('object' == typeof h || 'function' == typeof h)) {
if (h instanceof n && h.then === n.prototype.then) {
for (; 3 === h._81;)
h = h._65;
return 1 === h._81 ? c(l, h._65) : (2 === h._81 && f(h._65), void h.then(function (n) {
c(l, n);
}, f));
var v = h.then;
if ('function' == typeof v)
return void new n(v.bind(h)).then(function (n) {
c(l, n);
}, f);
o[l] = h, 0 == --u && t(o);
for (var l = 0; l < o.length; l++)
c(l, o[l]);
}, n.reject = function (t) {
return new n(function (n, o) {
}, n.race = function (t) {
return new n(function (o, f) {
t.forEach(function (t) {
n.resolve(t).then(o, f);
}, n.prototype.catch = function (n) {
return this.then(null, n);
}, 99, [100]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
function n() {
var t = null, o = {};
function u(n) {
try {
return n.then;
} catch (n) {
return t = n, o;
function f(n, u) {
try {
return n(u);
} catch (n) {
return t = n, o;
function c(n, u, f) {
try {
n(u, f);
} catch (n) {
return t = n, o;
function _(t) {
if ('object' != typeof this)
throw new TypeError('Promises must be constructed via new');
if ('function' != typeof t)
throw new TypeError('not a function');
this._45 = 0, this._81 = 0, this._65 = null, this._54 = null, t !== n && b(t, this);
function s(t, o, u) {
return new t.constructor(function (f, c) {
var s = new _(n);
s.then(f, c), l(t, new w(o, u, s));
function l(n, t) {
for (; 3 === n._81;)
n = n._65;
if (_._10 && _._10(n), 0 === n._81)
return 0 === n._45 ? (n._45 = 1, void (n._54 = t)) : 1 === n._45 ? (n._45 = 2, void (n._54 = [
])) : void n._54.push(t);
h(n, t);
function h(n, u) {
setImmediate(function () {
var c = 1 === n._81 ? u.onFulfilled : u.onRejected;
if (null !== c) {
var _ = f(c, n._65);
_ === o ? v(u.promise, t) : p(u.promise, _);
} else
1 === n._81 ? p(u.promise, n._65) : v(u.promise, n._65);
function p(n, f) {
if (f === n)
return v(n, new TypeError('A promise cannot be resolved with itself.'));
if (f && ('object' == typeof f || 'function' == typeof f)) {
var c = u(f);
if (c === o)
return v(n, t);
if (c === n.then && f instanceof _)
return n._81 = 3, n._65 = f, void y(n);
if ('function' == typeof c)
return void b(c.bind(f), n);
n._81 = 1, n._65 = f, y(n);
function v(n, t) {
n._81 = 2, n._65 = t, _._97 && _._97(n, t), y(n);
function y(n) {
if (1 === n._45 && (l(n, n._54), n._54 = null), 2 === n._45) {
for (var t = 0; t < n._54.length; t++)
l(n, n._54[t]);
n._54 = null;
function w(n, t, o) {
this.onFulfilled = 'function' == typeof n ? n : null, this.onRejected = 'function' == typeof t ? t : null, this.promise = o;
function b(n, u) {
var f = !1, _ = c(n, function (n) {
f || (f = !0, p(u, n));
}, function (n) {
f || (f = !0, v(u, n));
f || _ !== o || (f = !0, v(u, t));
m.exports = _, _._10 = null, _._97 = null, _._61 = n, _.prototype.then = function (t, o) {
if (this.constructor !== _)
return s(this, t, o);
var u = new _(n);
return l(this, new w(t, o, u)), u;
}, 100, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = t, t.prototype.done = function (t, n) {
(arguments.length ? this.then.apply(this, arguments) : this).then(null, function (t) {
setTimeout(function () {
throw t;
}, 0);
}, 101, [100]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
(0, r(d[0]).polyfillGlobal)('regeneratorRuntime', function () {
return delete g.regeneratorRuntime, r(d[1]);
}, 102, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
!function (t) {
'use strict';
var n, o = Object.prototype, c = o.hasOwnProperty, u = 'function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, h = u.iterator || '@@iterator', f = u.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator', s = u.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag', l = 'object' == typeof m, p = t.regeneratorRuntime;
if (p)
l && (m.exports = p);
else {
(p = t.regeneratorRuntime = l ? m.exports : {}).wrap = O;
var y = 'suspendedStart', v = 'suspendedYield', w = 'executing', L = 'completed', x = {}, E = {};
E[h] = function () {
return this;
var b = Object.getPrototypeOf, _ = b && b(b(q([])));
_ && _ !== o &&, h) && (E = _);
var j = P.prototype = G.prototype = Object.create(E);
N.prototype = j.constructor = P, P.constructor = N, P[s] = N.displayName = 'GeneratorFunction', p.isGeneratorFunction = function (t) {
var n = 'function' == typeof t && t.constructor;
return !!n && (n === N || 'GeneratorFunction' === (n.displayName ||;
}, p.mark = function (t) {
return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, P) : (t.__proto__ = P, s in t || (t[s] = 'GeneratorFunction')), t.prototype = Object.create(j), t;
}, p.awrap = function (t) {
return { __await: t };
}, F(S.prototype), S.prototype[f] = function () {
return this;
}, p.AsyncIterator = S, p.async = function (t, n, o, c) {
var u = new S(O(t, n, o, c));
return p.isGeneratorFunction(n) ? u : (t) {
return t.done ? t.value :;
}, F(j), j[s] = 'Generator', j[h] = function () {
return this;
}, j.toString = function () {
return '[object Generator]';
}, p.keys = function (t) {
var n = [];
for (var o in t)
return n.reverse(), function o() {
for (; n.length;) {
var c = n.pop();
if (c in t)
return o.value = c, o.done = !1, o;
return o.done = !0, o;
}, p.values = q, Y.prototype = {
constructor: Y,
reset: function (t) {
if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = n, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = 'next', this.arg = n, this.tryEntries.forEach(R), !t)
for (var o in this)
't' === o.charAt(0) &&, o) && !isNaN(+o.slice(1)) && (this[o] = n);
stop: function () {
this.done = !0;
var t = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
if ('throw' === t.type)
throw t.arg;
return this.rval;
dispatchException: function (t) {
if (this.done)
throw t;
var o = this;
function u(c, u) {
return s.type = 'throw', s.arg = t, = c, u && (o.method = 'next', o.arg = n), !!u;
for (var h = this.tryEntries.length - 1; h >= 0; --h) {
var f = this.tryEntries[h], s = f.completion;
if ('root' === f.tryLoc)
return u('end');
if (f.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
var l =, 'catchLoc'), p =, 'finallyLoc');
if (l && p) {
if (this.prev < f.catchLoc)
return u(f.catchLoc, !0);
if (this.prev < f.finallyLoc)
return u(f.finallyLoc);
} else if (l) {
if (this.prev < f.catchLoc)
return u(f.catchLoc, !0);
} else {
if (!p)
throw new Error('try statement without catch or finally');
if (this.prev < f.finallyLoc)
return u(f.finallyLoc);
abrupt: function (t, n) {
for (var o = this.tryEntries.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) {
var u = this.tryEntries[o];
if (u.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < u.finallyLoc) {
var h = u;
h && ('break' === t || 'continue' === t) && h.tryLoc <= n && n <= h.finallyLoc && (h = null);
var f = h ? h.completion : {};
return f.type = t, f.arg = n, h ? (this.method = 'next', = h.finallyLoc, x) : this.complete(f);
complete: function (t, n) {
if ('throw' === t.type)
throw t.arg;
return 'break' === t.type || 'continue' === t.type ? = t.arg : 'return' === t.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = t.arg, this.method = 'return', = 'end') : 'normal' === t.type && n && ( = n), x;
finish: function (t) {
for (var n = this.tryEntries.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) {
var o = this.tryEntries[n];
if (o.finallyLoc === t)
return this.complete(o.completion, o.afterLoc), R(o), x;
catch: function (t) {
for (var n = this.tryEntries.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) {
var o = this.tryEntries[n];
if (o.tryLoc === t) {
var c = o.completion;
if ('throw' === c.type) {
var u = c.arg;
return u;
throw new Error('illegal catch attempt');
delegateYield: function (t, o, c) {
return this.delegate = {
iterator: q(t),
resultName: o,
nextLoc: c
}, 'next' === this.method && (this.arg = n), x;
function O(t, n, o, c) {
var u = n && n.prototype instanceof G ? n : G, h = Object.create(u.prototype), f = new Y(c || []);
return h._invoke = T(t, o, f), h;
function k(t, n, o) {
try {
return {
type: 'normal',
arg:, o)
} catch (t) {
return {
type: 'throw',
arg: t
function G() {
function N() {
function P() {
function F(t) {
].forEach(function (n) {
t[n] = function (t) {
return this._invoke(n, t);
function S(t) {
function n(o, u, h, f) {
var s = k(t[o], t, u);
if ('throw' !== s.type) {
var l = s.arg, p = l.value;
return p && 'object' == typeof p &&, '__await') ? Promise.resolve(p.__await).then(function (t) {
n('next', t, h, f);
}, function (t) {
n('throw', t, h, f);
}) : Promise.resolve(p).then(function (t) {
l.value = t, h(l);
}, f);
var o;
this._invoke = function (t, c) {
function u() {
return new Promise(function (o, u) {
n(t, c, o, u);
return o = o ? o.then(u, u) : u();
function T(t, n, o) {
var c = y;
return function (u, h) {
if (c === w)
throw new Error('Generator is already running');
if (c === L) {
if ('throw' === u)
throw h;
return z();
for (o.method = u, o.arg = h;;) {
var f = o.delegate;
if (f) {
var s = I(f, o);
if (s) {
if (s === x)
return s;
if ('next' === o.method)
o.sent = o._sent = o.arg;
else if ('throw' === o.method) {
if (c === y)
throw c = L, o.arg;
} else
'return' === o.method && o.abrupt('return', o.arg);
c = w;
var l = k(t, n, o);
if ('normal' === l.type) {
if (c = o.done ? L : v, l.arg === x)
return {
value: l.arg,
done: o.done
'throw' === l.type && (c = L, o.method = 'throw', o.arg = l.arg);
function I(t, o) {
var c = t.iterator[o.method];
if (c === n) {
if (o.delegate = null, 'throw' === o.method) {
if (t.iterator.return && (o.method = 'return', o.arg = n, I(t, o), 'throw' === o.method))
return x;
o.method = 'throw', o.arg = new TypeError('The iterator does not provide a \'throw\' method');
return x;
var u = k(c, t.iterator, o.arg);
if ('throw' === u.type)
return o.method = 'throw', o.arg = u.arg, o.delegate = null, x;
var h = u.arg;
return h ? h.done ? (o[t.resultName] = h.value, = t.nextLoc, 'return' !== o.method && (o.method = 'next', o.arg = n), o.delegate = null, x) : h : (o.method = 'throw', o.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object'), o.delegate = null, x);
function A(t) {
var n = { tryLoc: t[0] };
1 in t && (n.catchLoc = t[1]), 2 in t && (n.finallyLoc = t[2], n.afterLoc = t[3]), this.tryEntries.push(n);
function R(t) {
var n = t.completion || {};
n.type = 'normal', delete n.arg, t.completion = n;
function Y(t) {
this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }], t.forEach(A, this), this.reset(!0);
function q(t) {
if (t) {
var o = t[h];
if (o)
if ('function' == typeof
return t;
if (!isNaN(t.length)) {
var u = -1, f = function o() {
for (; ++u < t.length;)
if (, u))
return o.value = t[u], o.done = !1, o;
return o.value = n, o.done = !0, o;
return = f;
return { next: z };
function z() {
return {
value: n,
done: !0
}(function () {
return this;
}() || Function('return this')());
}, 103, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]).polyfillGlobal, l = function (l) {
t(l, function () {
return r(d[1])[l];
l('setTimeout'), l('setInterval'), l('setImmediate'), l('clearTimeout'), l('clearInterval'), l('clearImmediate'), l('requestAnimationFrame'), l('cancelAnimationFrame'), l('requestIdleCallback'), l('cancelIdleCallback');
}, 104, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
r(d[0]), r(d[1]);
var t = r(d[2]), n = r(d[3]).Timing, l = r(d[4]), u = null;
function o() {
return u || (u = r(d[5])), u();
var c = 16.666666666666668, s = [], f = [], v = [], h = [], I = [], T = {}, p = [], w = 1, b = null, k = !1;
function q() {
var t = v.indexOf(null);
return -1 === t && (t = v.length), t;
function x(t, n) {
var l = w++, u = q();
return v[u] = l, s[u] = t, f[u] = n, l;
function y(t, n, l) {
r(d[6])(t <= w, 'Tried to call timer with ID %s but no such timer exists.', t);
var u = v.indexOf(t);
if (-1 !== u) {
var h = f[u], I = s[u];
if (I && h) {
'setTimeout' !== h && 'setImmediate' !== h && 'requestAnimationFrame' !== h && 'requestIdleCallback' !== h || A(u);
try {
'setTimeout' === h || 'setInterval' === h || 'setImmediate' === h ? I() : 'requestAnimationFrame' === h ? I(o()) : 'requestIdleCallback' === h ? I({
timeRemaining: function () {
return Math.max(0, c - (o() - n));
didTimeout: !!l
}) : console.error('Tried to call a callback with invalid type: ' + h);
} catch (t) {
b ? b.push(t) : b = [t];
} else
console.error('No callback found for timerID ' + t);
function C() {
if (h.length > 0) {
var t = h.slice();
h = [];
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n)
y(t[n], 0);
return h.length > 0;
function A(t) {
v[t] = null, s[t] = null, f[t] = null, p[t] = null;
function D(t) {
if (null != t) {
var l = v.indexOf(t);
if (-1 !== l) {
var u = f[l];
'setImmediate' !== u && 'requestIdleCallback' !== u && n.deleteTimer(t);
var E, O = {
setTimeout: function (t, l) {
for (var u = arguments.length, o = new Array(u > 2 ? u - 2 : 0), c = 2; c < u; c++)
o[c - 2] = arguments[c];
var s = x(function () {
return t.apply(void 0, o);
}, 'setTimeout');
return n.createTimer(s, l || 0,, !1), s;
setInterval: function (t, l) {
for (var u = arguments.length, o = new Array(u > 2 ? u - 2 : 0), c = 2; c < u; c++)
o[c - 2] = arguments[c];
var s = x(function () {
return t.apply(void 0, o);
}, 'setInterval');
return n.createTimer(s, l || 0,, !0), s;
setImmediate: function (t) {
for (var n = arguments.length, l = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), u = 1; u < n; u++)
l[u - 1] = arguments[u];
var o = x(function () {
return t.apply(void 0, l);
}, 'setImmediate');
return h.push(o), o;
requestAnimationFrame: function (t) {
var l = x(t, 'requestAnimationFrame');
return n.createTimer(l, 1,, !1), l;
requestIdleCallback: function (t, l) {
0 === I.length && n.setSendIdleEvents(!0);
var u = l && l.timeout, c = x(null != u ? function (n) {
var l = T[c];
return l && (O.clearTimeout(l), delete T[c]), t(n);
} : t, 'requestIdleCallback');
if (I.push(c), null != u) {
var s = O.setTimeout(function () {
var t = I.indexOf(c);
t > -1 && (I.splice(t, 1), y(c, o(), !0)), delete T[c], 0 === I.length && n.setSendIdleEvents(!1);
}, u);
T[c] = s;
return c;
cancelIdleCallback: function (t) {
var l = I.indexOf(t);
-1 !== l && I.splice(l, 1);
var u = T[t];
u && (O.clearTimeout(u), delete T[t]), 0 === I.length && n.setSendIdleEvents(!1);
clearTimeout: function (t) {
clearInterval: function (t) {
clearImmediate: function (t) {
var n = h.indexOf(t);
-1 !== n && h.splice(n, 1);
cancelAnimationFrame: function (t) {
callTimers: function (n) {
t(0 !== n.length, 'Cannot call `callTimers` with an empty list of IDs.'), b = null;
for (var l = 0; l < n.length; l++)
y(n[l], 0);
if (b) {
var u = b.length;
if (u > 1)
for (var o = 1; o < u; o++)
O.setTimeout(function (t) {
throw t;
}.bind(null, b[o]), 0);
throw b[0];
callIdleCallbacks: function (t) {
if (!(c - (o() - t) < 1)) {
if (b = null, I.length > 0) {
var l = I.slice();
I = [];
for (var u = 0; u < l.length; ++u)
y(l[u], t);
0 === I.length && n.setSendIdleEvents(!1), b && b.forEach(function (t) {
return O.setTimeout(function () {
throw t;
}, 0);
callImmediates: function () {
for (b = null; C(););
b && b.forEach(function (t) {
return O.setTimeout(function () {
throw t;
}, 0);
emitTimeDriftWarning: function (t) {
k || (k = !0, console.warn(t));
n ? E = O : (console.warn('Timing native module is not available, can\'t set timers.'), E = {
callImmediates: O.callImmediates,
setImmediate: O.setImmediate
}), l.setImmediatesCallback(E.callImmediates.bind(E)), m.exports = E;
}, 105, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n, t = r(d[0]);
n = ? function () {
} : function () {
}, m.exports = n;
}, 106, [107]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n;
r(d[0]).canUseDOM && (n = window.performance || window.msPerformance || window.webkitPerformance), m.exports = n || {};
}, 107, [108]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = !('undefined' == typeof window || !window.document || !window.document.createElement), t = {
canUseDOM: n,
canUseWorkers: 'undefined' != typeof Worker,
canUseEventListeners: n && !(!window.addEventListener && !window.attachEvent),
canUseViewport: n && !!window.screen,
isInWorker: !n
m.exports = t;
}, 108, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]).polyfillGlobal;
n('XMLHttpRequest', function () {
return r(d[1]);
}), n('FormData', function () {
return r(d[2]);
}), n('fetch', function () {
return r(d[3]).fetch;
}), n('Headers', function () {
return r(d[3]).Headers;
}), n('Request', function () {
return r(d[3]).Request;
}), n('Response', function () {
return r(d[3]).Response;
}), n('WebSocket', function () {
return r(d[4]);
}), n('Blob', function () {
return r(d[5]);
}), n('File', function () {
return r(d[6]);
}), n('FileReader', function () {
return r(d[7]);
}), n('URL', function () {
return r(d[8]).URL;
}), n('URLSearchParams', function () {
return r(d[8]).URLSearchParams;
}, 109, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), h = r(d[4]), p = r(d[5]), u = r(d[6]), _ = r(d[7]), c = r(d[8]), l = r(d[9]), y = r(d[10]), v = r(d[11]), f = r(d[12]);
f.isAvailable && f.addNetworkingHandler();
var R = 0, E = 1, b = 2, k = 3, N = 4, w = {
arraybuffer: 'function' == typeof g.ArrayBuffer,
blob: 'function' == typeof g.Blob,
document: !1,
json: !0,
text: !0,
'': !0
}, S = [
], D = S.concat('readystatechange'), T = function (t) {
function s() {
return o(this, s), h(this, p(s).apply(this, arguments));
return u(s, t), s;
}(_.apply(void 0, S)), q = function (_) {
function S() {
var t;
return o(this, S), (t = h(this, p(S).call(this))).UNSENT = R, t.OPENED = E, t.HEADERS_RECEIVED = b, t.LOADING = k, t.DONE = N, t.readyState = R, t.status = 0, t.timeout = 0, t.withCredentials = !0, t.upload = new T(), t._aborted = !1, t._hasError = !1, t._method = null, t._response = '', t._url = null, t._timedOut = !1, t._trackingName = 'unknown', t._incrementalEvents = !1, t._reset(), t;
return u(S, _), n(S, null, [{
key: 'setInterceptor',
value: function (t) {
S._interceptor = t;
}]), n(S, [
key: '_reset',
value: function () {
this.readyState = this.UNSENT, this.responseHeaders = void 0, this.status = 0, delete this.responseURL, this._requestId = null, this._cachedResponse = void 0, this._hasError = !1, this._headers = {}, this._response = '', this._responseType = '', this._sent = !1, this._lowerCaseResponseHeaders = {}, this._clearSubscriptions(), this._timedOut = !1;
key: '__didCreateRequest',
value: function (t) {
this._requestId = t, S._interceptor && S._interceptor.requestSent(t, this._url || '', this._method || 'GET', this._headers);
key: '__didUploadProgress',
value: function (t, s, n) {
t === this._requestId && this.upload.dispatchEvent({
type: 'progress',
lengthComputable: !0,
loaded: s,
total: n
key: '__didReceiveResponse',
value: function (t, s, n, o) {
t === this._requestId && (this.status = s, this.setResponseHeaders(n), this.setReadyState(this.HEADERS_RECEIVED), o || '' === o ? this.responseURL = o : delete this.responseURL, S._interceptor && S._interceptor.responseReceived(t, o || this._url || '', s, n || {}));
key: '__didReceiveData',
value: function (t, s) {
t === this._requestId && (this._response = s, this._cachedResponse = void 0, this.setReadyState(this.LOADING), S._interceptor && S._interceptor.dataReceived(t, s));
key: '__didReceiveIncrementalData',
value: function (t, s, n, o) {
t === this._requestId && (this._response ? this._response += s : this._response = s, S._interceptor && S._interceptor.dataReceived(t, s), this.setReadyState(this.LOADING), this.__didReceiveDataProgress(t, n, o));
key: '__didReceiveDataProgress',
value: function (t, s, n) {
t === this._requestId && this.dispatchEvent({
type: 'progress',
lengthComputable: n >= 0,
loaded: s,
total: n
key: '__didCompleteResponse',
value: function (t, s, n) {
t === this._requestId && (s && ('' !== this._responseType && 'text' !== this._responseType || (this._response = s), this._hasError = !0, n && (this._timedOut = !0)), this._clearSubscriptions(), this._requestId = null, this.setReadyState(this.DONE), s ? S._interceptor && S._interceptor.loadingFailed(t, s) : S._interceptor && S._interceptor.loadingFinished(t, this._response.length));
key: '_clearSubscriptions',
value: function () {
(this._subscriptions || []).forEach(function (t) {
t && t.remove();
}), this._subscriptions = [];
key: 'getAllResponseHeaders',
value: function () {
if (!this.responseHeaders)
return null;
var t = this.responseHeaders || {};
return Object.keys(t).map(function (s) {
return s + ': ' + t[s];
key: 'getResponseHeader',
value: function (t) {
var s = this._lowerCaseResponseHeaders[t.toLowerCase()];
return void 0 !== s ? s : null;
key: 'setRequestHeader',
value: function (t, s) {
if (this.readyState !== this.OPENED)
throw new Error('Request has not been opened');
this._headers[t.toLowerCase()] = String(s);
key: 'setTrackingName',
value: function (t) {
return this._trackingName = t, this;
key: 'open',
value: function (t, s, n) {
if (this.readyState !== this.UNSENT)
throw new Error('Cannot open, already sending');
if (void 0 !== n && !n)
throw new Error('Synchronous http requests are not supported');
if (!s)
throw new Error('Cannot load an empty url');
this._method = t.toUpperCase(), this._url = s, this._aborted = !1, this.setReadyState(this.OPENED);
key: 'send',
value: function (s) {
var n = this;
if (this.readyState !== this.OPENED)
throw new Error('Request has not been opened');
if (this._sent)
throw new Error('Request has already been sent');
this._sent = !0;
var o = this._incrementalEvents || !!this.onreadystatechange || !!this.onprogress;
this._subscriptions.push(c.addListener('didSendNetworkData', function (s) {
return n.__didUploadProgress.apply(n, t(s));
})), this._subscriptions.push(c.addListener('didReceiveNetworkResponse', function (s) {
return n.__didReceiveResponse.apply(n, t(s));
})), this._subscriptions.push(c.addListener('didReceiveNetworkData', function (s) {
return n.__didReceiveData.apply(n, t(s));
})), this._subscriptions.push(c.addListener('didReceiveNetworkIncrementalData', function (s) {
return n.__didReceiveIncrementalData.apply(n, t(s));
})), this._subscriptions.push(c.addListener('didReceiveNetworkDataProgress', function (s) {
return n.__didReceiveDataProgress.apply(n, t(s));
})), this._subscriptions.push(c.addListener('didCompleteNetworkResponse', function (s) {
return n.__didCompleteResponse.apply(n, t(s));
var h = 'text';
'arraybuffer' === this._responseType && (h = 'base64'), 'blob' === this._responseType && (h = 'blob'), y(this._method, 'Request method needs to be defined.'), y(this._url, 'Request URL needs to be defined.'), c.sendRequest(this._method, this._trackingName, this._url, this._headers, s, h, o, this.timeout, this.__didCreateRequest.bind(this), this.withCredentials);
key: 'abort',
value: function () {
this._aborted = !0, this._requestId && c.abortRequest(this._requestId), this.readyState === this.UNSENT || this.readyState === this.OPENED && !this._sent || this.readyState === this.DONE || (this._reset(), this.setReadyState(this.DONE)), this._reset();
key: 'setResponseHeaders',
value: function (t) {
this.responseHeaders = t || null;
var s = t || {};
this._lowerCaseResponseHeaders = Object.keys(s).reduce(function (t, n) {
return t[n.toLowerCase()] = s[n], t;
}, {});
key: 'setReadyState',
value: function (t) {
this.readyState = t, this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'readystatechange' }), t === this.DONE && (this._aborted ? this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'abort' }) : this._hasError ? this._timedOut ? this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'timeout' }) : this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'error' }) : this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'load' }), this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'loadend' }));
key: 'addEventListener',
value: function (t, n) {
'readystatechange' !== t && 'progress' !== t || (this._incrementalEvents = !0), s(p(S.prototype), 'addEventListener', this).call(this, t, n);
key: 'responseType',
get: function () {
return this._responseType;
set: function (t) {
if (this._sent)
throw new Error('Failed to set the \'responseType\' property on \'XMLHttpRequest\': The response type cannot be set after the request has been sent.');
w.hasOwnProperty(t) ? (y(w[t] || 'document' === t, 'The provided value \'' + t + '\' is unsupported in this environment.'), 'blob' === t && y(f.isAvailable, 'Native module BlobModule is required for blob support'), this._responseType = t) : v(!1, 'The provided value \'' + t + '\' is not a valid \'responseType\'.');
key: 'responseText',
get: function () {
if ('' !== this._responseType && 'text' !== this._responseType)
throw new Error('The \'responseText\' property is only available if \'responseType\' is set to \'\' or \'text\', but it is \'' + this._responseType + '\'.');
return this.readyState < k ? '' : this._response;
key: 'response',
get: function () {
var t = this.responseType;
if ('' === t || 'text' === t)
return this.readyState < k || this._hasError ? '' : this._response;
if (this.readyState !== N)
return null;
if (void 0 !== this._cachedResponse)
return this._cachedResponse;
switch (t) {
case 'document':
this._cachedResponse = null;
case 'arraybuffer':
this._cachedResponse = l.toByteArray(this._response).buffer;
case 'blob':
if ('object' == typeof this._response && this._response)
this._cachedResponse = f.createFromOptions(this._response);
else {
if ('' !== this._response)
throw new Error('Invalid response for blob: ' + this._response);
this._cachedResponse = null;
case 'json':
try {
this._cachedResponse = JSON.parse(this._response);
} catch (t) {
this._cachedResponse = null;
this._cachedResponse = null;
return this._cachedResponse;
]), S;
}(_.apply(void 0, t(D)));
q.UNSENT = R, q.OPENED = E, q.HEADERS_RECEIVED = b, q.LOADING = k, q.DONE = N, q._interceptor = null, m.exports = q;
}, 110, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), l = r(d[2]), o = t.LISTENERS, u = t.CAPTURE, f = t.BUBBLE, c = t.ATTRIBUTE, s = t.newNode, v = n.defineCustomEventTarget, h = l.createEventWrapper, E = l.STOP_IMMEDIATE_PROPAGATION_FLAG, p = 'undefined' != typeof window && void 0 !== window.EventTarget, w = m.exports = function t() {
if (!(this instanceof t)) {
if (1 === arguments.length && Array.isArray(arguments[0]))
return v(t, arguments[0]);
if (arguments.length > 0) {
for (var n = Array(arguments.length), l = 0; l < arguments.length; ++l)
n[l] = arguments[l];
return v(t, n);
throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function');
Object.defineProperty(this, o, { value: Object.create(null) });
w.prototype = Object.create((p ? window.EventTarget : Object).prototype, {
constructor: {
value: w,
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
addEventListener: {
value: function (t, n, l) {
if (null == n)
return !1;
if ('function' != typeof n && 'object' != typeof n)
throw new TypeError('"listener" is not an object.');
var c = l ? u : f, v = this[o][t];
if (null == v)
return this[o][t] = s(n, c), !0;
for (var h = null; null != v;) {
if (v.listener === n && v.kind === c)
return !1;
h = v, v =;
return = s(n, c), !0;
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
removeEventListener: {
value: function (t, n, l) {
if (null == n)
return !1;
for (var c = l ? u : f, s = null, v = this[o][t]; null != v;) {
if (v.listener === n && v.kind === c)
return null == s ? this[o][t] = : =, !0;
s = v, v =;
return !1;
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
dispatchEvent: {
value: function (t) {
var n = this[o][t.type];
if (null == n)
return !0;
for (var l = h(t, this); null != n && ('function' == typeof n.listener ?, l) : n.kind !== c && 'function' == typeof n.listener.handleEvent && n.listener.handleEvent(l), !l[E]);)
n =;
return !l.defaultPrevented;
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
}, 111, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = e.createUniqueKey = 'undefined' != typeof Symbol ? Symbol : function (n) {
return '[[' + n + '_' + Math.random().toFixed(8).slice(2) + ']]';
e.LISTENERS = n('listeners'), e.CAPTURE = 1, e.BUBBLE = 2, e.ATTRIBUTE = 3, e.newNode = function (n, t) {
return {
listener: n,
kind: t,
next: null
}, 112, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = n.LISTENERS, u = n.ATTRIBUTE, o = n.newNode;
function l(n, o) {
for (var l = n[t][o]; null != l;) {
if (l.kind === u)
return l.listener;
l =;
return null;
function c(n, l, c) {
'function' != typeof c && 'object' != typeof c && (c = null);
for (var f = null, s = n[t][l]; null != s;)
s.kind === u ? null == f ? n[t][l] = : = : f = s, s =;
null != c && (null == f ? n[t][l] = o(c, u) : = o(c, u));
e.defineCustomEventTarget = function (n, t) {
function u() {;
var o = {
constructor: {
value: u,
configurable: !0,
writable: !0
return t.forEach(function (n) {
o['on' + n] = {
get: function () {
return l(this, n);
set: function (t) {
c(this, n, t);
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0
}), u.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype, o), u;
}, 113, [112]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]).createUniqueKey, n = t('stop_immediate_propagation_flag'), l = t('canceled_flag'), u = t('original_event'), o = Object.freeze({
stopPropagation: Object.freeze({
value: function () {
var t = this[u];
'function' == typeof t.stopPropagation && t.stopPropagation();
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
stopImmediatePropagation: Object.freeze({
value: function () {
this[n] = !0;
var t = this[u];
'function' == typeof t.stopImmediatePropagation && t.stopImmediatePropagation();
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
preventDefault: Object.freeze({
value: function () {
!0 === this.cancelable && (this[l] = !0);
var t = this[u];
'function' == typeof t.preventDefault && t.preventDefault();
writable: !0,
configurable: !0
defaultPrevented: Object.freeze({
get: function () {
return this[l];
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
e.STOP_IMMEDIATE_PROPAGATION_FLAG = n, e.createEventWrapper = function (t, b) {
var c = 'number' == typeof t.timeStamp ? t.timeStamp :, p = {
type: {
value: t.type,
enumerable: !0
target: {
value: b,
enumerable: !0
currentTarget: {
value: b,
enumerable: !0
eventPhase: {
value: 2,
enumerable: !0
bubbles: {
value: Boolean(t.bubbles),
enumerable: !0
cancelable: {
value: Boolean(t.cancelable),
enumerable: !0
timeStamp: {
value: c,
enumerable: !0
isTrusted: {
value: !1,
enumerable: !0
return p[n] = {
value: !1,
writable: !0
}, p[l] = {
value: !1,
writable: !0
}, p[u] = { value: t }, void 0 !== t.detail && (p.detail = {
value: t.detail,
enumerable: !0
}), Object.create(Object.create(t, o), p);
}, 114, [112]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), c = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), s = r(d[5]);
function f(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var c = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (c = c.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, c);
return o;
function p(n) {
for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var c = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {};
o % 2 ? f(c, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, c[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(c)) : f(c).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, t));
return n;
var l = r(d[7]), v = r(d[8]).Networking, b = r(d[9]);
function O(t) {
var n = [];
for (var o in t)
return n;
var y = 1;
var h = function (t) {
function f() {
var t;
return n(this, f), (t = c(this, u(f).call(this, v))).isAvailable = !0, t;
return s(f, l), o(f, [
key: 'sendRequest',
value: function (t, n, o, c, u, s, f, l, h, j) {
var k = b(u);
k && k.formData && (k.formData = (t) {
return p({}, t, { headers: O(t.headers) });
var w = y++;
v.sendRequest(t, o, w, O(c), p({}, k, { trackingName: n }), s, f, l, j), h(w);
key: 'abortRequest',
value: function (t) {
key: 'clearCookies',
value: function (t) {
]), f;
h = new h(), m.exports = h;
}, 115, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), l = (r(d[5]), r(d[6])), v = r(d[7]), h = function (h) {
function c(n, u) {
var l;
return t(this, c), (l = s(this, o(c).call(this, null))).isAvailable = !1, l._nativeModuleName = n, l._nativeEventEmitterName = u, l;
return u(c, l), n(c, [
key: 'throwMissingNativeModule',
value: function () {
v(!1, 'Cannot use \'' + this._nativeEventEmitterName + '\' module when native \'' + this._nativeModuleName + '\' is not included in the build. Either include it, or check \'' + this._nativeEventEmitterName + '\'.isAvailable before calling any methods.');
key: 'addListener',
value: function (t, n, s) {
key: 'removeAllListeners',
value: function (t) {
key: 'removeSubscription',
value: function (t) {
]), c;
m.exports = h;
}, 116, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), l = r(d[3]), o = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), h = r(d[6]), v = (r(d[7]), r(d[8])), c = r(d[9]), p = function (p) {
function _(n) {
return t(this, _), s(this, l(_).call(this, v.sharedSubscriber));
return u(_, h), n(_, [
key: 'addListener',
value: function (t, n, s) {
return null != this._nativeModule && this._nativeModule.addListener(t), o(l(_.prototype), 'addListener', this).call(this, t, n, s);
key: 'removeAllListeners',
value: function (t) {
c(t, 'eventType argument is required.');
var n = this.listeners(t).length;
null != this._nativeModule && this._nativeModule.removeListeners(n), o(l(_.prototype), 'removeAllListeners', this).call(this, t);
key: 'removeSubscription',
value: function (t) {
null != this._nativeModule && this._nativeModule.removeListeners(1), o(l(_.prototype), 'removeSubscription', this).call(this, t);
]), _;
m.exports = p;
}, 117, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), f = r(d[2]);
m.exports = function (s) {
return 'string' == typeof s ? { string: s } : s instanceof n ? { blob: } : s instanceof f ? { formData: s.getParts() } : s instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(s) ? { base64: t(s) } : s;
}, 118, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = function (f) {
if (f instanceof ArrayBuffer && (f = new Uint8Array(f)), f instanceof Uint8Array)
return t.fromByteArray(f);
if (!ArrayBuffer.isView(f))
throw new Error('data must be ArrayBuffer or typed array');
var n = f, y = n.buffer, o = n.byteOffset, u = n.byteLength;
return t.fromByteArray(new Uint8Array(y, o, u));
}, 119, [120]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
e.byteLength = function (t) {
return 3 * t.length / 4 - A(t);
}, e.toByteArray = function (t) {
var h, c, u, f, C, y, l = t.length;
C = A(t), y = new o(3 * l / 4 - C), u = C > 0 ? l - 4 : l;
var s = 0;
for (h = 0, c = 0; h < u; h += 4, c += 3)
f = n[t.charCodeAt(h)] << 18 | n[t.charCodeAt(h + 1)] << 12 | n[t.charCodeAt(h + 2)] << 6 | n[t.charCodeAt(h + 3)], y[s++] = f >> 16 & 255, y[s++] = f >> 8 & 255, y[s++] = 255 & f;
2 === C ? (f = n[t.charCodeAt(h)] << 2 | n[t.charCodeAt(h + 1)] >> 4, y[s++] = 255 & f) : 1 === C && (f = n[t.charCodeAt(h)] << 10 | n[t.charCodeAt(h + 1)] << 4 | n[t.charCodeAt(h + 2)] >> 2, y[s++] = f >> 8 & 255, y[s++] = 255 & f);
return y;
}, e.fromByteArray = function (n) {
for (var o, h = n.length, c = h % 3, u = '', A = [], C = 0, y = h - c; C < y; C += 16383)
A.push(f(n, C, C + 16383 > y ? y : C + 16383));
1 === c ? (o = n[h - 1], u += t[o >> 2], u += t[o << 4 & 63], u += '==') : 2 === c && (o = (n[h - 2] << 8) + n[h - 1], u += t[o >> 10], u += t[o >> 4 & 63], u += t[o << 2 & 63], u += '=');
return A.push(u), A.join('');
for (var t = [], n = [], o = 'undefined' != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array, h = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', c = 0, u = h.length; c < u; ++c)
t[c] = h[c], n[h.charCodeAt(c)] = c;
function A(t) {
var n = t.length;
if (n % 4 > 0)
throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4');
return '=' === t[n - 2] ? 2 : '=' === t[n - 1] ? 1 : 0;
function f(n, o, h) {
for (var c, u, A = [], f = o; f < h; f += 3)
c = (n[f] << 16) + (n[f + 1] << 8) + n[f + 2], A.push(t[(u = c) >> 18 & 63] + t[u >> 12 & 63] + t[u >> 6 & 63] + t[63 & u]);
return A.join('');
n['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62, n['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63;
}, 120, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = function () {
function s() {
var n = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : [], o = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
t(this, s);
var u = r(d[2]); = u.createFromParts(n, o).data;
return n(s, [
key: 'slice',
value: function (t, n) {
var s = r(d[2]), o =, u = o.offset, l = o.size;
return 'number' == typeof t && (t > l && (t = l), u += t, l -= t, 'number' == typeof n && (n < 0 && (n = this.size + n), l = n - t)), s.createFromOptions({
offset: u,
size: l
key: 'close',
value: function () {
r(d[2]).release(, = null;
key: 'data',
set: function (t) {
this._data = t;
get: function () {
if (!this._data)
throw new Error('Blob has been closed and is no longer available');
return this._data;
key: 'size',
get: function () {
key: 'type',
get: function () {
return || '';
]), s;
m.exports = s;
}, 121, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), c = r(d[4]), x = r(d[5]).BlobModule;
var f = function () {
function f() {
n(this, f);
return o(f, null, [
key: 'createFromParts',
value: function (t, n) {
var o = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (t) {
var n = 16 * Math.random() | 0;
return ('x' == t ? n : 3 & n | 8).toString(16);
}), c = (t) {
if (t instanceof ArrayBuffer || g.ArrayBufferView && t instanceof g.ArrayBufferView)
throw new Error('Creating blobs from \'ArrayBuffer\' and \'ArrayBufferView\' are not supported');
return t instanceof u ? {
type: 'blob'
} : {
data: String(t),
type: 'string'
}), l = c.reduce(function (t, n) {
return 'string' === n.type ? t + g.unescape(encodeURI( : t +;
}, 0);
return x.createFromParts(c, o), f.createFromOptions({
blobId: o,
offset: 0,
size: l,
type: n ? n.type : '',
lastModified: n ? n.lastModified :
key: 'createFromOptions',
value: function (n) {
return c.register(n.blobId), t(Object.create(u.prototype), { data: n });
key: 'release',
value: function (t) {
c.unregister(t), c.has(t) || x.release(t);
key: 'addNetworkingHandler',
value: function () {
key: 'addWebSocketHandler',
value: function (t) {
key: 'removeWebSocketHandler',
value: function (t) {
key: 'sendOverSocket',
value: function (t, n) {
x.sendOverSocket(, n);
]), f;
f.isAvailable = !!x, m.exports = f;
}, 122, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var n = {};
m.exports = {
register: function (t) {
n[t] ? n[t]++ : n[t] = 1;
unregister: function (t) {
n[t] && (n[t]--, n[t] <= 0 && delete n[t]);
has: function (t) {
return n[t] && n[t] > 0;
}, 123, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]);
function c(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, s);
return o;
function p(n) {
for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var s = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {};
o % 2 ? c(s, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, s[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(s)) : c(s).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, t));
return n;
var f = function () {
function t() {
o(this, t), this._parts = [];
return s(t, [
key: 'append',
value: function (t, n) {
key: 'getParts',
value: function () {
return (t) {
var o = n(t, 2), s = o[0], c = o[1], f = { 'content-disposition': 'form-data; name="' + s + '"' };
return 'object' == typeof c && c ? ('string' == typeof && (f['content-disposition'] += '; filename="' + + '"'), 'string' == typeof c.type && (f['content-type'] = c.type), p({}, c, {
headers: f,
fieldName: s
})) : {
string: String(c),
headers: f,
fieldName: s
]), t;
m.exports = f;
}, 124, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var s = r(d[0]);
s && s.fetch ? m.exports = s : m.exports = {
fetch: fetch,
Headers: Headers,
Request: Request,
Response: Response
}, 125, [126]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
!function (t) {
'use strict';
if (!t.fetch) {
var o = {
searchParams: 'URLSearchParams' in t,
iterable: 'Symbol' in t && 'iterator' in Symbol,
blob: 'FileReader' in t && 'Blob' in t && function () {
try {
return new Blob(), !0;
} catch (t) {
return !1;
formData: 'FormData' in t,
arrayBuffer: 'ArrayBuffer' in t
if (o.arrayBuffer)
var n = [
'[object Int8Array]',
'[object Uint8Array]',
'[object Uint8ClampedArray]',
'[object Int16Array]',
'[object Uint16Array]',
'[object Int32Array]',
'[object Uint32Array]',
'[object Float32Array]',
'[object Float64Array]'
], s = function (t) {
return t && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t);
}, h = ArrayBuffer.isView || function (t) {
return t && n.indexOf( > -1;
c.prototype.append = function (t, o) {
t = y(t), o = l(o);
var n =[t];[t] = n ? n + ',' + o : o;
}, c.prototype.delete = function (t) {
}, c.prototype.get = function (t) {
return t = y(t), this.has(t) ?[t] : null;
}, c.prototype.has = function (t) {
}, c.prototype.set = function (t, o) {[y(t)] = l(o);
}, c.prototype.forEach = function (t, o) {
for (var n in &&,[n], n, this);
}, c.prototype.keys = function () {
var t = [];
return this.forEach(function (o, n) {
}), p(t);
}, c.prototype.values = function () {
var t = [];
return this.forEach(function (o) {
}), p(t);
}, c.prototype.entries = function () {
var t = [];
return this.forEach(function (o, n) {
}), p(t);
}, o.iterable && (c.prototype['function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'] = c.prototype.entries);
var f = [
T.prototype.clone = function () {
return new T(this, { body: this._bodyInit });
},,, P.prototype.clone = function () {
return new P(this._bodyInit, {
status: this.status,
statusText: this.statusText,
headers: new c(this.headers),
url: this.url
}, P.error = function () {
var t = new P(null, {
status: 0,
statusText: ''
return t.type = 'error', t;
var u = [
P.redirect = function (t, o) {
if (-1 === u.indexOf(o))
throw new RangeError('Invalid status code');
return new P(null, {
status: o,
headers: { location: t }
}, t.Headers = c, t.Request = T, t.Response = P, t.fetch = function (t, n) {
return new Promise(function (s, h) {
var f = new T(t, n), u = new XMLHttpRequest();
u.onload = function () {
var t, o, n = {
status: u.status,
statusText: u.statusText,
headers: (t = u.getAllResponseHeaders() || '', o = new c(), t.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g, ' ').split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function (t) {
var n = t.split(':'), s = n.shift().trim();
if (s) {
var h = n.join(':').trim();
o.append(s, h);
}), o)
n.url = 'responseURL' in u ? u.responseURL : n.headers.get('X-Request-URL');
var h = 'response' in u ? u.response : u.responseText;
s(new P(h, n));
}, u.onerror = function () {
h(new TypeError('Network request failed'));
}, u.ontimeout = function () {
h(new TypeError('Network request failed'));
},, f.url, !0), 'include' === f.credentials ? u.withCredentials = !0 : 'omit' === f.credentials && (u.withCredentials = !1), 'responseType' in u && o.blob && (u.responseType = 'blob'), f.headers.forEach(function (t, o) {
u.setRequestHeader(o, t);
}), u.send(void 0 === f._bodyInit ? null : f._bodyInit);
}, t.fetch.polyfill = !0;
function y(t) {
if ('string' != typeof t && (t = String(t)), /[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.\^_`|~]/i.test(t))
throw new TypeError('Invalid character in header field name');
return t.toLowerCase();
function l(t) {
return 'string' != typeof t && (t = String(t)), t;
function p(t) {
var n = {
next: function () {
var o = t.shift();
return {
done: void 0 === o,
value: o
return o.iterable && (n['function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'] = function () {
return n;
}), n;
function c(t) { = {}, t instanceof c ? t.forEach(function (t, o) {
this.append(o, t);
}, this) : Array.isArray(t) ? t.forEach(function (t) {
this.append(t[0], t[1]);
}, this) : t && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t).forEach(function (o) {
this.append(o, t[o]);
}, this);
function b(t) {
if (t.bodyUsed)
return Promise.reject(new TypeError('Already read'));
t.bodyUsed = !0;
function w(t) {
return new Promise(function (o, n) {
t.onload = function () {
}, t.onerror = function () {
function _(t) {
var o = new FileReader(), n = w(o);
return o.readAsArrayBuffer(t), n;
function v(t) {
for (var o = new Uint8Array(t), n = new Array(o.length), s = 0; s < o.length; s++)
n[s] = String.fromCharCode(o[s]);
return n.join('');
function B(t) {
if (t.slice)
return t.slice(0);
var o = new Uint8Array(t.byteLength);
return o.set(new Uint8Array(t)), o.buffer;
function A() {
return this.bodyUsed = !1, this._initBody = function (t) {
if (this._bodyInit = t, t)
if ('string' == typeof t)
this._bodyText = t;
else if (o.blob && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t))
this._bodyBlob = t;
else if (o.formData && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t))
this._bodyFormData = t;
else if (o.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t))
this._bodyText = t.toString();
else if (o.arrayBuffer && o.blob && s(t))
this._bodyArrayBuffer = B(t.buffer), this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]);
else {
if (!o.arrayBuffer || !ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t) && !h(t))
throw new Error('unsupported BodyInit type');
this._bodyArrayBuffer = B(t);
this._bodyText = '';
this.headers.get('content-type') || ('string' == typeof t ? this.headers.set('content-type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8') : this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type ? this.headers.set('content-type', this._bodyBlob.type) : o.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t) && this.headers.set('content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'));
}, o.blob && (this.blob = function () {
var t = b(this);
if (t)
return t;
if (this._bodyBlob)
return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob);
if (this._bodyArrayBuffer)
return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]));
if (this._bodyFormData)
throw new Error('could not read FormData body as blob');
return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText]));
}, this.arrayBuffer = function () {
return this._bodyArrayBuffer ? b(this) || Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer) : this.blob().then(_);
}), this.text = function () {
var t, o, n, s = b(this);
if (s)
return s;
if (this._bodyBlob)
return t = this._bodyBlob, o = new FileReader(), n = w(o), o.readAsText(t), n;
if (this._bodyArrayBuffer)
return Promise.resolve(v(this._bodyArrayBuffer));
if (this._bodyFormData)
throw new Error('could not read FormData body as text');
return Promise.resolve(this._bodyText);
}, o.formData && (this.formData = function () {
return this.text().then(E);
}), this.json = function () {
return this.text().then(JSON.parse);
}, this;
function T(t, o) {
var n, s, h = (o = o || {}).body;
if (t instanceof T) {
if (t.bodyUsed)
throw new TypeError('Already read');
this.url = t.url, this.credentials = t.credentials, o.headers || (this.headers = new c(t.headers)), this.method = t.method, this.mode = t.mode, h || null == t._bodyInit || (h = t._bodyInit, t.bodyUsed = !0);
} else
this.url = String(t);
if (this.credentials = o.credentials || this.credentials || 'omit', !o.headers && this.headers || (this.headers = new c(o.headers)), this.method = (n = o.method || this.method || 'GET', s = n.toUpperCase(), f.indexOf(s) > -1 ? s : n), this.mode = o.mode || this.mode || null, this.referrer = null, ('GET' === this.method || 'HEAD' === this.method) && h)
throw new TypeError('Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests');
function E(t) {
var o = new FormData();
return t.trim().split('&').forEach(function (t) {
if (t) {
var n = t.split('='), s = n.shift().replace(/\+/g, ' '), h = n.join('=').replace(/\+/g, ' ');
o.append(decodeURIComponent(s), decodeURIComponent(h));
}), o;
function P(t, o) {
o || (o = {}), this.type = 'default', this.status = void 0 === o.status ? 200 : o.status, this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300, this.statusText = 'statusText' in o ? o.statusText : 'OK', this.headers = new c(o.headers), this.url = o.url || '', this._initBody(t);
}('undefined' != typeof self ? self : this);
}, 126, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), c = r(d[4]), l = r(d[5]), u = r(d[6]), b = r(d[7]), h = r(d[8]), y = r(d[9]), f = r(d[10]), v = (r(d[11]), r(d[12])), p = r(d[13]), _ = r(d[14]), k = r(d[15]), E = f.WebSocketModule, S = 0, I = 1, w = 2, N = 3, O = 0, C = function (b) {
function f(n, l, u) {
var b;
s(this, f), (b = o(this, c(f).call(this))).CONNECTING = S, b.OPEN = I, b.CLOSING = w, b.CLOSED = N, b.readyState = S, 'string' == typeof l && (l = [l]);
var y = u || {}, v = y.headers, p = void 0 === v ? {} : v, _ = t(y, ['headers']);
if (_ && 'string' == typeof _.origin && (console.warn('Specifying `origin` as a WebSocket connection option is deprecated. Include it under `headers` instead.'), p.origin = _.origin, delete _.origin), Object.keys(_).length > 0 && console.warn('Unrecognized WebSocket connection option(s) `' + Object.keys(_).join('`, `') + '`. Did you mean to put these under `headers`?'), Array.isArray(l) || (l = null), !f.isAvailable)
throw new Error('Cannot initialize WebSocket module. Native module WebSocketModule is missing.');
return b._eventEmitter = new h(E), b._socketId = O++, b._registerEvents(), E.connect(n, l, { headers: p }, b._socketId), b;
return l(f, b), n(f, [
key: 'close',
value: function (t, s) {
this.readyState !== this.CLOSING && this.readyState !== this.CLOSED && (this.readyState = this.CLOSING, this._close(t, s));
key: 'send',
value: function (t) {
if (this.readyState === this.CONNECTING)
throw new Error('INVALID_STATE_ERR');
if (t instanceof u)
return k(y.isAvailable, 'Native module BlobModule is required for blob support'), void y.sendOverSocket(t, this._socketId);
if ('string' != typeof t) {
if (!(t instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(t)))
throw new Error('Unsupported data type');
E.sendBinary(_(t), this._socketId);
} else
E.send(t, this._socketId);
key: 'ping',
value: function () {
if (this.readyState === this.CONNECTING)
throw new Error('INVALID_STATE_ERR');;
key: '_close',
value: function (t, s) {
var n = 'number' == typeof t ? t : 1000, o = 'string' == typeof s ? s : '';
E.close(n, o, this._socketId), y.isAvailable && 'blob' === this._binaryType && y.removeWebSocketHandler(this._socketId);
key: '_unregisterEvents',
value: function () {
this._subscriptions.forEach(function (t) {
return t.remove();
}), this._subscriptions = [];
key: '_registerEvents',
value: function () {
var t = this;
this._subscriptions = [
this._eventEmitter.addListener('websocketMessage', function (s) {
if ( === t._socketId) {
var n =;
switch (s.type) {
case 'binary':
n = p.toByteArray(;
case 'blob':
n = y.createFromOptions(;
t.dispatchEvent(new v('message', { data: n }));
this._eventEmitter.addListener('websocketOpen', function (s) { === t._socketId && (t.readyState = t.OPEN, t.dispatchEvent(new v('open')));
this._eventEmitter.addListener('websocketClosed', function (s) { === t._socketId && (t.readyState = t.CLOSED, t.dispatchEvent(new v('close', {
code: s.code,
reason: s.reason
})), t._unregisterEvents(), t.close());
this._eventEmitter.addListener('websocketFailed', function (s) { === t._socketId && (t.readyState = t.CLOSED, t.dispatchEvent(new v('error', { message: s.message })), t.dispatchEvent(new v('close', { message: s.message })), t._unregisterEvents(), t.close());
key: 'binaryType',
get: function () {
return this._binaryType;
set: function (t) {
if ('blob' !== t && 'arraybuffer' !== t)
throw new Error('binaryType must be either \'blob\' or \'arraybuffer\'');
'blob' !== this._binaryType && 'blob' !== t || (k(y.isAvailable, 'Native module BlobModule is required for blob support'), 'blob' === t ? y.addWebSocketHandler(this._socketId) : y.removeWebSocketHandler(this._socketId)), this._binaryType = t;
]), f;
}(b.apply(void 0, [
C.CONNECTING = S, C.OPEN = I, C.CLOSING = w, C.CLOSED = N, C.isAvailable = !!E, m.exports = C;
}, 127, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]);
m.exports = function n(o, c) {
s(this, n), this.type = o.toString(), t(this, c);
}, 128, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), o = r(d[5]), c = r(d[6]), h = function (h) {
function f(n, l, o) {
var h;
return t(this, f), c(null != n && null != l, 'Failed to construct `File`: Must pass both `parts` and `name` arguments.'), (h = s(this, u(f).call(this, n, o))) = l, h;
return l(f, o), n(f, [
key: 'name',
get: function () {
return c(null !=, 'Files must have a name set.'),;
key: 'lastModified',
get: function () {
return || 0;
]), f;
m.exports = h;
}, 129, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), h = r(d[5]), _ = (r(d[6]), r(d[7]).FileReaderModule), c = 0, y = 1, l = 2, f = function (h) {
function f() {
var s;
return t(this, f), (s = n(this, o(f).call(this))).EMPTY = c, s.LOADING = y, s.DONE = l, s._aborted = !1, s._subscriptions = [], s._reset(), s;
return u(f, h), s(f, [
key: '_reset',
value: function () {
this._readyState = c, this._error = null, this._result = null;
key: '_clearSubscriptions',
value: function () {
this._subscriptions.forEach(function (t) {
return t.remove();
}), this._subscriptions = [];
key: '_setReadyState',
value: function (t) {
this._readyState = t, this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'readystatechange' }), t === l && (this._aborted ? this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'abort' }) : this._error ? this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'error' }) : this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'load' }), this.dispatchEvent({ type: 'loadend' }));
key: 'readAsArrayBuffer',
value: function () {
throw new Error('FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer is not implemented');
key: 'readAsDataURL',
value: function (t) {
var s = this;
this._aborted = !1, _.readAsDataURL( (t) {
s._aborted || (s._result = t, s._setReadyState(l));
}, function (t) {
s._aborted || (s._error = t, s._setReadyState(l));
key: 'readAsText',
value: function (t) {
var s = this, n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 'UTF-8';
this._aborted = !1, _.readAsText(, n).then(function (t) {
s._aborted || (s._result = t, s._setReadyState(l));
}, function (t) {
s._aborted || (s._error = t, s._setReadyState(l));
key: 'abort',
value: function () {
this._aborted = !0, this._readyState !== c && this._readyState !== l && (this._reset(), this._setReadyState(l)), this._reset();
key: 'readyState',
get: function () {
return this._readyState;
key: 'error',
get: function () {
return this._error;
key: 'result',
get: function () {
return this._result;
]), f;
}(h.apply(void 0, [
f.EMPTY = c, f.LOADING = y, f.DONE = l, m.exports = f;
}, 130, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), e.URL = e.URLSearchParams = void 0;
var n, o = t(r(d[1])), u = t(r(d[2])), s = (r(d[3]), r(d[4]).BlobModule), f = null;
s && 'string' == typeof s.BLOB_URI_SCHEME && (f = s.BLOB_URI_SCHEME + ':', 'string' == typeof s.BLOB_URI_HOST && (f += '//' + s.BLOB_URI_HOST + '/')), n = Symbol.iterator;
var h = function () {
function t(n) {
var u = this;
(0, o.default)(this, t), this._searchParams = [], 'object' == typeof n && Object.keys(n).forEach(function (t) {
return u.append(t, n[t]);
return (0, u.default)(t, [
key: 'append',
value: function (t, n) {
key: 'delete',
value: function (t) {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'get',
value: function (t) {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'getAll',
value: function (t) {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'has',
value: function (t) {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'set',
value: function (t, n) {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'sort',
value: function () {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: n,
value: function () {
return this._searchParams['function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();
key: 'toString',
value: function () {
if (0 === this._searchParams.length)
return '';
var t = this._searchParams.length - 1;
return this._searchParams.reduce(function (n, o, u) {
return n + o.join('=') + (u === t ? '' : '&');
}, '');
]), t;
function l(t) {
return /^(?:(?:(?:https?|ftp):)?\/\/)(?:(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\u00a1-\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\.(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,})))(?::\d{2,5})?(?:[/?#]\S*)?$/i.test(t);
e.URLSearchParams = h;
var c = function () {
function t(n, u) {
(0, o.default)(this, t), this._searchParamsInstance = null;
var s = null;
if (u) {
if ('string' == typeof u) {
if (!l(s = u))
throw new TypeError('Invalid base URL: ' + s);
} else
'object' == typeof u && (s = u.toString());
s.endsWith('/') && n.startsWith('/') && (s = s.slice(0, s.length - 1)), s.endsWith(n) && (n = ''), this._url = '' + s + n;
} else
this._url = n, this._url.endsWith('/') || (this._url += '/');
return (0, u.default)(t, null, [
key: 'createObjectURL',
value: function (t) {
if (null === f)
throw new Error('Cannot create URL for blob!');
return '' + f + + '?offset=' + + '&size=' + t.size;
key: 'revokeObjectURL',
value: function (t) {
]), (0, u.default)(t, [
key: 'toJSON',
value: function () {
return this.toString();
key: 'toString',
value: function () {
if (null === this._searchParamsInstance)
return this._url;
var t = this._url.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?';
return this._url + t + this._searchParamsInstance.toString();
key: 'hash',
get: function () {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'host',
get: function () {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'hostname',
get: function () {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'href',
get: function () {
return this.toString();
key: 'origin',
get: function () {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'password',
get: function () {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'pathname',
get: function () {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'port',
get: function () {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'protocol',
get: function () {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'search',
get: function () {
throw new Error('not implemented');
key: 'searchParams',
get: function () {
return null == this._searchParamsInstance && (this._searchParamsInstance = new h()), this._searchParamsInstance;
key: 'username',
get: function () {
throw new Error('not implemented');
]), t;
e.URL = c;
}, 131, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
g.alert || (g.alert = function (t) {
r(d[0]).alert('Alert', '' + t);
}, 132, [133]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]);
function l(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var l = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (l = l.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, l);
return o;
function u(n) {
for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var u = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {};
o % 2 ? l(u, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, u[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(u)) : l(u).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(u, t));
return n;
var s = r(d[3]), c = s.AlertManager, p = (r(d[4]), function () {
function t() {
n(this, t);
return o(t, null, [
key: 'alert',
value: function (t, n, o, l) {
f.alert(t, n, o, l);
key: 'prompt',
value: function (t, n, o) {
arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] && arguments[3], arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4], arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5];
]), t;
}()), f = (function () {
function t() {
n(this, t);
o(t, null, [
key: 'alert',
value: function (t, n, o) {
this.prompt(t, n, o, 'default');
key: 'prompt',
value: function (t, n, o) {
var l = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 'plain-text', u = arguments.length > 4 ? arguments[4] : void 0, s = arguments.length > 5 ? arguments[5] : void 0;
if ('function' != typeof l) {
var p, f, y = [], v = [];
'function' == typeof o ? y = [o] : Array.isArray(o) && o.forEach(function (t, n) {
if (y[n] = t.onPress, 'cancel' === ? p = String(n) : 'destructive' === && (f = String(n)), t.text || n < (o || []).length - 1) {
var l = {};
l[n] = t.text || '', v.push(l);
}), c.alertWithArgs({
title: t || '',
message: n || void 0,
buttons: v,
type: l || void 0,
defaultValue: u,
cancelButtonKey: p,
destructiveButtonKey: f,
keyboardType: s
}, function (t, n) {
var o = y[t];
o && o(n);
} else {
console.warn('You passed a callback function as the "type" argument to Alert.prompt(). React Native is assuming you want to use the deprecated Alert.prompt(title, defaultValue, buttons, callback) signature. The current signature is Alert.prompt(title, message, callbackOrButtons, type, defaultValue, keyboardType) and the old syntax will be removed in a future version.');
var b = l;
title: t || '',
type: 'plain-text',
defaultValue: n
}, function (t, n) {
}(), function () {
function t() {
n(this, t);
return o(t, null, [{
key: 'alert',
value: function (t, n, o, l) {
var c = {
title: t || '',
message: n || ''
l && (c = u({}, c, { cancelable: l.cancelable }));
var p = o ? o.slice(0, 3) : [{ text: 'OK' }], f = p.pop(), y = p.pop(), v = p.pop();
v && (c = u({}, c, { buttonNeutral: v.text || '' })), y && (c = u({}, c, { buttonNegative: y.text || '' })), f && (c = u({}, c, { buttonPositive: f.text || '' })), s.DialogManagerAndroid.showAlert(c, function (t) {
return console.warn(t);
}, function (t, n) {
t === s.DialogManagerAndroid.buttonClicked ? n === s.DialogManagerAndroid.buttonNeutral ? v.onPress && v.onPress() : n === s.DialogManagerAndroid.buttonNegative ? y.onPress && y.onPress() : n === s.DialogManagerAndroid.buttonPositive && f.onPress && f.onPress() : t === s.DialogManagerAndroid.dismissed && l && l.onDismiss && l.onDismiss();
}]), t;
m.exports = p;
}, 133, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]).polyfillObjectProperty, o = g.navigator;
void 0 === o && (g.navigator = o = {}), t(o, 'product', function () {
return 'ReactNative';
}), t(o, 'geolocation', function () {
return r(d[1]);
}, 134, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]).LocationObserver, s = r(d[3]), c = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), v = new n(o), f = r(d[6]), l = r(d[7]), p = [], C = !1, h = {
setRNConfiguration: function (t) {
o.setConfiguration && o.setConfiguration(t);
requestAuthorization: function () {
getCurrentPosition: function (n, u, v) {
var p, C;
return t.async(function (h) {
for (;;)
switch (h.prev = {
case 0:
if (s('function' == typeof n, 'Must provide a valid geo_success callback.'), p = !0, !(f.Version >= 23)) { = 11;
return = 5, t.awrap(l.check(l.PERMISSIONS.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION));
case 5:
if (p = h.sent) { = 11;
return = 9, t.awrap(l.request(l.PERMISSIONS.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION));
case 9:
C = h.sent, p = C === l.RESULTS.GRANTED;
case 11:
p && o.getCurrentPosition(v || {}, n, u || c);
case 12:
case 'end':
return h.stop();
watchPosition: function (t, n, s) {
C || (o.startObserving(s || {}), C = !0);
var c = p.length;
return p.push([
v.addListener('geolocationDidChange', t),
n ? v.addListener('geolocationError', n) : null
]), c;
clearWatch: function (t) {
var n = p[t];
if (n) {
var o = n[1];
o && o.remove(), p[t] = void 0;
for (var s = !0, c = 0; c < p.length; c++)
p[c] && (s = !1);
s && h.stopObserving();
stopObserving: function () {
if (C) {
o.stopObserving(), C = !1;
for (var t = 0; t < p.length; t++) {
var n = p[t];
if (n) {
u(!1, 'Called stopObserving with existing subscriptions.'), n[0].remove();
var s = n[1];
s && s.remove();
p = [];
m.exports = h;
}, 135, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = r(d[0]);
}, 136, [137]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var t = function (t) {
'use strict';
var n, o = Object.prototype, c = o.hasOwnProperty, u = 'function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, h = u.iterator || '@@iterator', f = u.asyncIterator || '@@asyncIterator', s = u.toStringTag || '@@toStringTag';
function l(t, n, o, c) {
var u = n && n.prototype instanceof E ? n : E, h = Object.create(u.prototype), f = new A(c || []);
return h._invoke = F(t, o, f), h;
function p(t, n, o) {
try {
return {
type: 'normal',
arg:, o)
} catch (t) {
return {
type: 'throw',
arg: t
t.wrap = l;
var y = 'suspendedStart', v = 'suspendedYield', w = 'executing', L = 'completed', x = {};
function E() {
function b() {
function _() {
var j = {};
j[h] = function () {
return this;
var O = Object.getPrototypeOf, k = O && O(O(R([])));
k && k !== o &&, h) && (j = k);
var G = _.prototype = E.prototype = Object.create(j);
function N(t) {
].forEach(function (n) {
t[n] = function (t) {
return this._invoke(n, t);
function P(t) {
function n(o, u, h, f) {
var s = p(t[o], t, u);
if ('throw' !== s.type) {
var l = s.arg, y = l.value;
return y && 'object' == typeof y &&, '__await') ? Promise.resolve(y.__await).then(function (t) {
n('next', t, h, f);
}, function (t) {
n('throw', t, h, f);
}) : Promise.resolve(y).then(function (t) {
l.value = t, h(l);
}, function (t) {
return n('throw', t, h, f);
var o;
this._invoke = function (t, c) {
function u() {
return new Promise(function (o, u) {
n(t, c, o, u);
return o = o ? o.then(u, u) : u();
function F(t, n, o) {
var c = y;
return function (u, h) {
if (c === w)
throw new Error('Generator is already running');
if (c === L) {
if ('throw' === u)
throw h;
return Y();
for (o.method = u, o.arg = h;;) {
var f = o.delegate;
if (f) {
var s = S(f, o);
if (s) {
if (s === x)
return s;
if ('next' === o.method)
o.sent = o._sent = o.arg;
else if ('throw' === o.method) {
if (c === y)
throw c = L, o.arg;
} else
'return' === o.method && o.abrupt('return', o.arg);
c = w;
var l = p(t, n, o);
if ('normal' === l.type) {
if (c = o.done ? L : v, l.arg === x)
return {
value: l.arg,
done: o.done
'throw' === l.type && (c = L, o.method = 'throw', o.arg = l.arg);
function S(t, o) {
var c = t.iterator[o.method];
if (c === n) {
if (o.delegate = null, 'throw' === o.method) {
if (t.iterator.return && (o.method = 'return', o.arg = n, S(t, o), 'throw' === o.method))
return x;
o.method = 'throw', o.arg = new TypeError('The iterator does not provide a \'throw\' method');
return x;
var u = p(c, t.iterator, o.arg);
if ('throw' === u.type)
return o.method = 'throw', o.arg = u.arg, o.delegate = null, x;
var h = u.arg;
return h ? h.done ? (o[t.resultName] = h.value, = t.nextLoc, 'return' !== o.method && (o.method = 'next', o.arg = n), o.delegate = null, x) : h : (o.method = 'throw', o.arg = new TypeError('iterator result is not an object'), o.delegate = null, x);
function T(t) {
var n = { tryLoc: t[0] };
1 in t && (n.catchLoc = t[1]), 2 in t && (n.finallyLoc = t[2], n.afterLoc = t[3]), this.tryEntries.push(n);
function I(t) {
var n = t.completion || {};
n.type = 'normal', delete n.arg, t.completion = n;
function A(t) {
this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: 'root' }], t.forEach(T, this), this.reset(!0);
function R(t) {
if (t) {
var o = t[h];
if (o)
if ('function' == typeof
return t;
if (!isNaN(t.length)) {
var u = -1, f = function o() {
for (; ++u < t.length;)
if (, u))
return o.value = t[u], o.done = !1, o;
return o.value = n, o.done = !0, o;
return = f;
return { next: Y };
function Y() {
return {
value: n,
done: !0
return b.prototype = G.constructor = _, _.constructor = b, _[s] = b.displayName = 'GeneratorFunction', t.isGeneratorFunction = function (t) {
var n = 'function' == typeof t && t.constructor;
return !!n && (n === b || 'GeneratorFunction' === (n.displayName ||;
}, t.mark = function (t) {
return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, _) : (t.__proto__ = _, s in t || (t[s] = 'GeneratorFunction')), t.prototype = Object.create(G), t;
}, t.awrap = function (t) {
return { __await: t };
}, N(P.prototype), P.prototype[f] = function () {
return this;
}, t.AsyncIterator = P, t.async = function (n, o, c, u) {
var h = new P(l(n, o, c, u));
return t.isGeneratorFunction(o) ? h : (t) {
return t.done ? t.value :;
}, N(G), G[s] = 'Generator', G[h] = function () {
return this;
}, G.toString = function () {
return '[object Generator]';
}, t.keys = function (t) {
var n = [];
for (var o in t)
return n.reverse(), function o() {
for (; n.length;) {
var c = n.pop();
if (c in t)
return o.value = c, o.done = !1, o;
return o.done = !0, o;
}, t.values = R, A.prototype = {
constructor: A,
reset: function (t) {
if (this.prev = 0, = 0, this.sent = this._sent = n, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = 'next', this.arg = n, this.tryEntries.forEach(I), !t)
for (var o in this)
't' === o.charAt(0) &&, o) && !isNaN(+o.slice(1)) && (this[o] = n);
stop: function () {
this.done = !0;
var t = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
if ('throw' === t.type)
throw t.arg;
return this.rval;
dispatchException: function (t) {
if (this.done)
throw t;
var o = this;
function u(c, u) {
return s.type = 'throw', s.arg = t, = c, u && (o.method = 'next', o.arg = n), !!u;
for (var h = this.tryEntries.length - 1; h >= 0; --h) {
var f = this.tryEntries[h], s = f.completion;
if ('root' === f.tryLoc)
return u('end');
if (f.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
var l =, 'catchLoc'), p =, 'finallyLoc');
if (l && p) {
if (this.prev < f.catchLoc)
return u(f.catchLoc, !0);
if (this.prev < f.finallyLoc)
return u(f.finallyLoc);
} else if (l) {
if (this.prev < f.catchLoc)
return u(f.catchLoc, !0);
} else {
if (!p)
throw new Error('try statement without catch or finally');
if (this.prev < f.finallyLoc)
return u(f.finallyLoc);
abrupt: function (t, n) {
for (var o = this.tryEntries.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) {
var u = this.tryEntries[o];
if (u.tryLoc <= this.prev &&, 'finallyLoc') && this.prev < u.finallyLoc) {
var h = u;
h && ('break' === t || 'continue' === t) && h.tryLoc <= n && n <= h.finallyLoc && (h = null);
var f = h ? h.completion : {};
return f.type = t, f.arg = n, h ? (this.method = 'next', = h.finallyLoc, x) : this.complete(f);
complete: function (t, n) {
if ('throw' === t.type)
throw t.arg;
return 'break' === t.type || 'continue' === t.type ? = t.arg : 'return' === t.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = t.arg, this.method = 'return', = 'end') : 'normal' === t.type && n && ( = n), x;
finish: function (t) {
for (var n = this.tryEntries.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) {
var o = this.tryEntries[n];
if (o.finallyLoc === t)
return this.complete(o.completion, o.afterLoc), I(o), x;
catch: function (t) {
for (var n = this.tryEntries.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) {
var o = this.tryEntries[n];
if (o.tryLoc === t) {
var c = o.completion;
if ('throw' === c.type) {
var u = c.arg;
return u;
throw new Error('illegal catch attempt');
delegateYield: function (t, o, c) {
return this.delegate = {
iterator: R(t),
resultName: o,
nextLoc: c
}, 'next' === this.method && (this.arg = n), x;
}, t;
}('object' == typeof m ? m.exports : {});
try {
regeneratorRuntime = t;
} catch (n) {
Function('r', 'regeneratorRuntime = r')(t);
}, 137, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function () {
for (var o = arguments.length, n = new Array(o), s = 0; s < o; s++)
n[s] = arguments[s];
if (1 === n.length && n[0] instanceof Error) {
var t = n[0];
console.error('Error: "' + t.message + '". Stack:\n' + t.stack);
} else
console.error.apply(console, n);
}, 138, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), E = r(d[3]), A = function () {
function A() {
s(this, A), this.PERMISSIONS = {
READ_CALENDAR: 'android.permission.READ_CALENDAR',
WRITE_CALENDAR: 'android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR',
CAMERA: 'android.permission.CAMERA',
READ_CONTACTS: 'android.permission.READ_CONTACTS',
WRITE_CONTACTS: 'android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS',
GET_ACCOUNTS: 'android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS',
RECORD_AUDIO: 'android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO',
READ_PHONE_STATE: 'android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE',
CALL_PHONE: 'android.permission.CALL_PHONE',
READ_CALL_LOG: 'android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG',
WRITE_CALL_LOG: 'android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG',
USE_SIP: 'android.permission.USE_SIP',
BODY_SENSORS: 'android.permission.BODY_SENSORS',
SEND_SMS: 'android.permission.SEND_SMS',
RECEIVE_SMS: 'android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS',
READ_SMS: 'android.permission.READ_SMS',
RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH: 'android.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH',
RECEIVE_MMS: 'android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS',
}, this.RESULTS = {
GRANTED: 'granted',
DENIED: 'denied',
NEVER_ASK_AGAIN: 'never_ask_again'
return o(A, [
key: 'checkPermission',
value: function (n) {
return console.warn('"PermissionsAndroid.checkPermission" is deprecated. Use "PermissionsAndroid.check" instead'), E.PermissionsAndroid.checkPermission(n);
key: 'check',
value: function (n) {
return E.PermissionsAndroid.checkPermission(n);
key: 'requestPermission',
value: function (s, o) {
var E;
return n.async(function (A) {
for (;;)
switch (A.prev = {
case 0:
return console.warn('"PermissionsAndroid.requestPermission" is deprecated. Use "PermissionsAndroid.request" instead'), = 3, n.awrap(this.request(s, o));
case 3:
return E = A.sent, A.abrupt('return', E === this.RESULTS.GRANTED);
case 5:
case 'end':
return A.stop();
}, null, this);
key: 'request',
value: function (s, o) {
return n.async(function (A) {
for (;;)
switch (A.prev = {
case 0:
if (!o) { = 6;
return = 3, n.awrap(E.PermissionsAndroid.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(s));
case 3:
if (!A.sent) { = 6;
return A.abrupt('return', new Promise(function (n, A) {
E.DialogManagerAndroid.showAlert(o, function () {
return A(new Error('Error showing rationale'));
}, function () {
return n(E.PermissionsAndroid.requestPermission(s));
case 6:
return A.abrupt('return', E.PermissionsAndroid.requestPermission(s));
case 7:
case 'end':
return A.stop();
key: 'requestMultiple',
value: function (n) {
return E.PermissionsAndroid.requestMultiplePermissions(n);
]), A;
A = new A(), m.exports = A;
}, 139, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
t.registerLazyCallableModule('Systrace', function () {
return r(d[1]);
}), t.registerLazyCallableModule('JSTimers', function () {
return r(d[2]);
}), t.registerLazyCallableModule('HeapCapture', function () {
return r(d[3]);
}), t.registerLazyCallableModule('SamplingProfiler', function () {
return r(d[4]);
}), t.registerLazyCallableModule('RCTLog', function () {
return r(d[5]);
}), t.registerLazyCallableModule('RCTDeviceEventEmitter', function () {
return r(d[6]);
}), t.registerLazyCallableModule('RCTNativeAppEventEmitter', function () {
return r(d[7]);
}), t.registerLazyCallableModule('PerformanceLogger', function () {
return r(d[8]);
}), t.registerLazyCallableModule('JSDevSupportModule', function () {
return r(d[9]);
}, 140, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = {
captureHeap: function (t) {
var p = null;
try {
g.nativeCaptureHeap(t), console.log('HeapCapture.captureHeap succeeded: ' + t);
} catch (t) {
console.log('HeapCapture.captureHeap error: ' + t.toString()), p = t.toString();
r(d[0]).JSCHeapCapture.captureComplete(t, p);
m.exports = t;
}, 141, [14]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = {
poke: function (o) {
var l = null, n = null;
try {
null === (n = g.pokeSamplingProfiler()) ? console.log('The JSC Sampling Profiler has started') : console.log('The JSC Sampling Profiler has stopped');
} catch (o) {
console.log('Error occurred when restarting Sampling Profiler: ' + o.toString()), l = o.toString();
r(d[0]).JSCSamplingProfiler.operationComplete(o, n, l);
m.exports = o;
}, 142, [14]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]), n = {
log: 'log',
info: 'info',
warn: 'warn',
error: 'error',
fatal: 'error'
}, l = null, t = {
logIfNoNativeHook: function (o) {
for (var n = arguments.length, f = new Array(n > 1 ? n - 1 : 0), c = 1; c < n; c++)
f[c - 1] = arguments[c];
void 0 === g.nativeLoggingHook ? t.logToConsole.apply(t, [o].concat(f)) : l && 'warn' === o && l.apply(void 0, f);
logToConsole: function (l) {
var t, f = n[l];
o(f, 'Level "' + l + '" not one of ' + Object.keys(n).toString());
for (var c = arguments.length, v = new Array(c > 1 ? c - 1 : 0), s = 1; s < c; s++)
v[s - 1] = arguments[s];
(t = console)[f].apply(t, v);
setWarningHandler: function (o) {
l = o;
m.exports = t;
}, 143, [9]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = t;
}, 144, [34]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), o = g.nativeQPLTimestamp || g.nativePerformanceNow || r(d[2]), s = {}, c = {}, u = {}, f = {}, T = {
addTimespan: function (n, t, o) {
s[n] || (s[n] = {
description: o,
totalTime: t
startTimespan: function (t, c) {
s[t] || (s[t] = {
description: c,
startTime: o()
}, f[t] = n.beginAsyncEvent(t));
stopTimespan: function (t) {
var c = s[t];
c && c.startTime && (c.endTime || (c.endTime = o(), c.totalTime = c.endTime - (c.startTime || 0), n.endAsyncEvent(t, f[t]), delete f[t]));
clear: function () {
s = {}, c = {}, u = {};
clearCompleted: function () {
for (var n in s)
s[n].totalTime && delete s[n];
c = {}, u = {};
clearExceptTimespans: function (n) {
s = Object.keys(s).reduce(function (t, o) {
return -1 !== n.indexOf(o) && (t[o] = s[o]), t;
}, {}), c = {}, u = {};
currentTimestamp: function () {
return o();
getTimespans: function () {
return s;
hasTimespan: function (n) {
return !!s[n];
logTimespans: function () {
for (var n in s)
s[n].totalTime && t(n + ': ' + s[n].totalTime + 'ms');
addTimespans: function (n, t) {
for (var o = 0, s = n.length; o < s; o += 2) {
var c = t[o / 2];
T.addTimespan(c, n[o + 1] - n[o], c);
setExtra: function (n, t) {
c[n] || (c[n] = t);
getExtras: function () {
return c;
logExtras: function () {
markPoint: function (n, t) {
var s;
u[n] || (u[n] = null != (s = t) ? s : o());
getPoints: function () {
return u;
logPoints: function () {
for (var n in u)
t(n + ': ' + u[n] + 'ms');
m.exports = T;
}, 145, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function () {
var n;
return (n = console).log.apply(n, arguments);
}, 146, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var _ = r(d[0]).JSDevSupport, t = r(d[1]), o = {
getJSHierarchy: function (o) {
try {
var E = (0, t.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.computeComponentStackForErrorReporting)(o);
E ? _.onSuccess(E) : _.onFailure(_.ERROR_CODE_VIEW_NOT_FOUND, 'Component stack doesn\'t exist for tag ' + o);
} catch (t) {
_.onFailure(_.ERROR_CODE_EXCEPTION, t.message);
m.exports = o;
}, 147, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
g.__fetchSegment = function (t, n, c) {
var s = r(d[0]).SegmentFetcher;
if (!s)
throw new Error('SegmentFetcher is missing. Please ensure that it is included as a NativeModule.');
s.fetchSegment(t, n, function (t) {
if (t) {
var n = new Error(t.message);
n.code = t.code, c(n);
}, 148, [14]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = {}, s = {}, o = {};
e.customBubblingEventTypes = n, e.customDirectEventTypes = s, e.eventTypes = o;
var u = new Map(), f = new Map();
function l(t) {
var u = t.bubblingEventTypes, f = t.directEventTypes;
if (null != u)
for (var l in u)
null == n[l] && (o[l] = n[l] = u[l]);
if (null != f)
for (var c in f)
null == s[c] && (o[c] = s[c] = f[c]);
e.register = function (n, s) {
return t(!u.has(n), 'Tried to register two views with the same name %s', n), u.set(n, s), n;
}, e.get = function (n) {
var s;
if (f.has(n))
s = f.get(n);
else {
var o = u.get(n);
'function' != typeof o && t(!1, 'View config not found for name %s.%s', n, 'string' == typeof n[0] && /[a-z]/.test(n[0]) ? ' Make sure to start component names with a capital letter.' : ''), u.set(n, null), l(s = o()), f.set(n, s);
return t(s, 'View config not found for name %s', n), s;
}, 149, [9]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = {
register: function (n) {
t.registerCallableModule('RCTEventEmitter', n);
m.exports = n;
}, 150, [21]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function t(n, f) {
var o = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : -1;
if (0 === o)
return !0;
if (n === f)
return !1;
if ('function' == typeof n && 'function' == typeof f)
return !1;
if ('object' != typeof n || null === n)
return n !== f;
if ('object' != typeof f || null === f)
return !0;
if (n.constructor !== f.constructor)
return !0;
if (Array.isArray(n)) {
var u = n.length;
if (f.length !== u)
return !0;
for (var c = 0; c < u; c++)
if (t(n[c], f[c], o - 1))
return !0;
} else {
for (var l in n)
if (t(n[l], f[l], o - 1))
return !0;
for (var v in f)
if (void 0 === n[v] && void 0 !== f[v])
return !0;
return !1;
}, 151, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[1]), t = null, u = new Set();
m.exports = {
currentlyFocusedField: function () {
return t;
focusTextInput: function (u) {
t !== u && null !== u && (t = u, n.dispatchViewManagerCommand(u, n.getViewManagerConfig('AndroidTextInput').Commands.focusTextInput, null));
blurTextInput: function (u) {
t === u && null !== u && (t = null, n.dispatchViewManagerCommand(u, n.getViewManagerConfig('AndroidTextInput').Commands.blurTextInput, null));
registerInput: function (n) {
unregisterInput: function (n) {
isTextInput: function (n) {
return u.has(n);
}, 152, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = r(d[0]);
}, 153, [154]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 });
var n = null, t = !1, l = 3, o = -1, u = -1, s = !1, f = !1;
function c() {
if (!s) {
var t = n.expirationTime;
f ? F() : f = !0, C(b, t);
function p() {
var t = n, o =;
if (n === o)
n = null;
else {
var s = n.previous;
n = = o, o.previous = s;
} = t.previous = null, s = t.callback, o = t.expirationTime, t = t.priorityLevel;
var f = l, p = u;
l = t, u = o;
try {
var v = s();
} finally {
l = f, u = p;
if ('function' == typeof v)
if (v = {
callback: v,
priorityLevel: t,
expirationTime: o,
next: null,
previous: null
}, null === n)
n = = v.previous = v;
else {
s = null, t = n;
do {
if (t.expirationTime >= o) {
s = t;
t =;
} while (t !== n);
null === s ? s = n : s === n && (n = v, c()), (o = s.previous).next = s.previous = v, = s, v.previous = o;
function v() {
if (-1 === o && null !== n && 1 === n.priorityLevel) {
s = !0;
try {
do {
} while (null !== n && 1 === n.priorityLevel);
} finally {
s = !1, null !== n ? c() : f = !1;
function b(l) {
s = !0;
var o = t;
t = l;
try {
if (l)
for (; null !== n;) {
var u = e.unstable_now();
if (!(n.expirationTime <= u))
do {
} while (null !== n && n.expirationTime <= u);
else if (null !== n)
do {
} while (null !== n && !L());
} finally {
s = !1, t = o, null !== n ? c() : f = !1, v();
var y, w, _ = Date, x = 'function' == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : void 0, h = 'function' == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : void 0, k = 'function' == typeof requestAnimationFrame ? requestAnimationFrame : void 0, T = 'function' == typeof cancelAnimationFrame ? cancelAnimationFrame : void 0;
function M(n) {
y = k(function (t) {
h(w), n(t);
}), w = x(function () {
T(y), n(e.unstable_now());
}, 100);
if ('object' == typeof performance && 'function' == typeof {
var P = performance;
e.unstable_now = function () {
} else
e.unstable_now = function () {
var C, F, L, A = null;
if ('undefined' != typeof window ? A = window : void 0 !== g && (A = g), A && A._schedMock) {
var j = A._schedMock;
C = j[0], F = j[1], L = j[2], e.unstable_now = j[3];
} else if ('undefined' == typeof window || 'function' != typeof MessageChannel) {
var q = null, E = function (n) {
if (null !== q)
try {
} finally {
q = null;
C = function (n) {
null !== q ? setTimeout(C, 0, n) : (q = n, setTimeout(E, 0, !1));
}, F = function () {
q = null;
}, L = function () {
return !1;
} else {
'undefined' != typeof console && ('function' != typeof k && console.error('This browser doesn\'t support requestAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers.'), 'function' != typeof T && console.error('This browser doesn\'t support cancelAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers.'));
var I = null, N = !1, B = -1, D = !1, O = !1, U = 0, W = 33, Y = 33;
L = function () {
return U <= e.unstable_now();
var z = new MessageChannel(), G = z.port2;
z.port1.onmessage = function () {
N = !1;
var n = I, t = B;
I = null, B = -1;
var l = e.unstable_now(), o = !1;
if (0 >= U - l) {
if (!(-1 !== t && t <= l))
return D || (D = !0, M(H)), I = n, void (B = t);
o = !0;
if (null !== n) {
O = !0;
try {
} finally {
O = !1;
var H = function n(t) {
if (null !== I) {
var l = t - U + Y;
l < Y && W < Y ? (8 > l && (l = 8), Y = l < W ? W : l) : W = l, U = t + Y, N || (N = !0, G.postMessage(void 0));
} else
D = !1;
C = function (n, t) {
I = n, B = t, O || 0 > t ? G.postMessage(void 0) : D || (D = !0, M(H));
}, F = function () {
I = null, N = !1, B = -1;
e.unstable_ImmediatePriority = 1, e.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = 2, e.unstable_NormalPriority = 3, e.unstable_IdlePriority = 5, e.unstable_LowPriority = 4, e.unstable_runWithPriority = function (n, t) {
switch (n) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
n = 3;
var u = l, s = o;
l = n, o = e.unstable_now();
try {
return t();
} finally {
l = u, o = s, v();
}, e.unstable_next = function (n) {
switch (l) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
var t = 3;
t = l;
var u = l, s = o;
l = t, o = e.unstable_now();
try {
return n();
} finally {
l = u, o = s, v();
}, e.unstable_scheduleCallback = function (t, u) {
var s = -1 !== o ? o : e.unstable_now();
if ('object' == typeof u && null !== u && 'number' == typeof u.timeout)
u = s + u.timeout;
switch (l) {
case 1:
u = s + -1;
case 2:
u = s + 250;
case 5:
u = s + 1073741823;
case 4:
u = s + 10000;
u = s + 5000;
if (t = {
callback: t,
priorityLevel: l,
expirationTime: u,
next: null,
previous: null
}, null === n)
n = = t.previous = t, c();
else {
s = null;
var f = n;
do {
if (f.expirationTime > u) {
s = f;
f =;
} while (f !== n);
null === s ? s = n : s === n && (n = t, c()), (u = s.previous).next = s.previous = t, = s, t.previous = u;
return t;
}, e.unstable_cancelCallback = function (t) {
var l =;
if (null !== l) {
if (l === t)
n = null;
else {
t === n && (n = l);
var o = t.previous; = l, l.previous = o;
} = t.previous = null;
}, e.unstable_wrapCallback = function (n) {
var t = l;
return function () {
var u = l, s = o;
l = t, o = e.unstable_now();
try {
return n.apply(this, arguments);
} finally {
l = u, o = s, v();
}, e.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = function () {
return l;
}, e.unstable_shouldYield = function () {
return !t && (null !== n && n.expirationTime < u || L());
}, e.unstable_continueExecution = function () {
null !== n && c();
}, e.unstable_pauseExecution = function () {
}, e.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = function () {
return n;
}, 154, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]);
m.exports = function (u) {
return n(u, function () {
return t(u);
}, 155, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]).register;
m.exports = function (n, s) {
return t(n, s);
}, 156, [149]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]);
function o(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, s);
return o;
function s(t) {
for (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) {
var u = null != arguments[s] ? arguments[s] : {};
s % 2 ? o(u, !0).forEach(function (o) {
n(t, o, u[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(u)) : o(u).forEach(function (n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(u, n));
return t;
var u = r(d[2]), c = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), p = r(d[5]), b = r(d[6]), f = r(d[7]), v = r(d[8]), y = r(d[9]), C = r(d[10]), E = r(d[11]);
var O = !1;
function w(t) {
c.ViewManagerNames || c.LazyViewManagersEnabled ? t = T(t, c.getDefaultEventTypes()) : (t.bubblingEventTypes = T(t.bubblingEventTypes, c.genericBubblingEventTypes), t.directEventTypes = T(t.directEventTypes, c.genericDirectEventTypes));
function T(t, n) {
if (!n)
return t;
if (!t)
return n;
for (var o in n)
if (n.hasOwnProperty(o)) {
var s = n[o];
if (t.hasOwnProperty(o)) {
var u = t[o];
'object' == typeof s && 'object' == typeof u && (s = T(u, s));
t[o] = s;
return t;
function P(t) {
switch (t) {
case 'CATransform3D':
return p;
case 'CGPoint':
return b;
case 'CGSize':
return y;
case 'UIEdgeInsets':
return l;
return null;
function j(t) {
switch (t) {
case 'CGColor':
case 'UIColor':
return f;
case 'CGColorArray':
case 'UIColorArray':
return h;
case 'CGImage':
case 'UIImage':
case 'RCTImageSource':
return v;
case 'Color':
return f;
case 'ColorArray':
return h;
return null;
function h(t) {
return null == t ? null :;
m.exports = function (n) {
var o = c.getViewManagerConfig(n);
C(null != o && null != o.NativeProps, 'requireNativeComponent: "%s" was not found in the UIManager.', n);
for (var l = o.baseModuleName, p = o.bubblingEventTypes, b = o.directEventTypes, f = o.NativeProps; l;) {
var v = c.getViewManagerConfig(l);
v ? (p = s({}, v.bubblingEventTypes, {}, p), b = s({}, v.directEventTypes, {}, b), f = s({}, v.NativeProps, {}, f), l = v.baseModuleName) : (E(!1, 'Base module "%s" does not exist', l), l = null);
var y = {};
for (var T in f) {
var h = f[T], I = P(h), N = j(h);
y[T] = null == I && null == N || {
diff: I,
process: N
return = u, t(o, {
uiViewClassName: n,
validAttributes: y,
bubblingEventTypes: p,
directEventTypes: b
}), O || (w(o), O = !0), o;
}, 157, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = {
top: void 0,
left: void 0,
right: void 0,
bottom: void 0
m.exports = function (o, f) {
return (o = o || t) !== (f = f || t) && ( !== || o.left !== f.left || o.right !== f.right || o.bottom !== f.bottom);
}, 158, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function (t, n) {
return !(t === n || t && n && t[12] === n[12] && t[13] === n[13] && t[14] === n[14] && t[5] === n[5] && t[10] === n[10] && t[1] === n[1] && t[2] === n[2] && t[3] === n[3] && t[4] === n[4] && t[6] === n[6] && t[7] === n[7] && t[8] === n[8] && t[9] === n[9] && t[11] === n[11] && t[15] === n[15]);
}, 159, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = {
x: void 0,
y: void 0
m.exports = function (n, o) {
return (n = n || t) !== (o = o || t) && (n.x !== o.x || n.y !== o.y);
}, 160, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t, n, s, u, o = r(d[0]), c = r(d[1]);
function f() {
if (u)
return u;
var t = g.nativeExtensions && g.nativeExtensions.SourceCode;
if (!t) {
var n = r(d[2]);
t = n && n.SourceCode;
return u = t.scriptURL;
function l() {
if (void 0 === n) {
var t = f(), s = t && t.match(/^https?:\/\/.*?\//);
n = s ? s[0] : null;
return n;
function v(t) {
if (t) {
if (t.startsWith('assets://'))
return null;
(t = t.substring(0, t.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)).includes('://') || (t = 'file://' + t);
return t;
m.exports = function (n) {
if ('object' == typeof n)
return n;
var u = o.getAssetByID(n);
if (!u)
return null;
var p = new c(l(), (void 0 === s && (s = v(f())), s), u);
return t ? t(p) : p.defaultAsset();
}, m.exports.pickScale = c.pickScale, m.exports.setCustomSourceTransformer = function (n) {
t = n;
}, 161, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = [];
m.exports = {
registerAsset: function (s) {
return t.push(s);
getAssetByID: function (s) {
return t[s - 1];
}, 162, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), u = (r(d[3]), r(d[4])), o = r(d[5]);
function l(t) {
var s = c.pickScale(t.scales, n.get()), o = 1 === s ? '' : '@' + s + 'x';
return u.getBasePath(t) + '/' + + o + '.' + t.type;
function h(t) {
var s = c.pickScale(t.scales, n.get());
return u.getAndroidResourceFolderName(t, s) + '/' + u.getAndroidResourceIdentifier(t) + '.' + t.type;
var c = function () {
function c(s, n, u) {
t(this, c), this.serverUrl = s, this.jsbundleUrl = n, this.asset = u;
return s(c, [
key: 'isLoadedFromServer',
value: function () {
return !!this.serverUrl;
key: 'isLoadedFromFileSystem',
value: function () {
return !(!this.jsbundleUrl || !this.jsbundleUrl.startsWith('file://'));
key: 'defaultAsset',
value: function () {
return this.isLoadedFromServer() ? this.assetServerURL() : this.isLoadedFromFileSystem() ? this.drawableFolderInBundle() : this.resourceIdentifierWithoutScale();
key: 'assetServerURL',
value: function () {
return o(!!this.serverUrl, 'need server to load from'), this.fromSource(this.serverUrl + l(this.asset) + '?platform=android&hash=' + this.asset.hash);
key: 'scaledAssetPath',
value: function () {
return this.fromSource(l(this.asset));
key: 'scaledAssetURLNearBundle',
value: function () {
var t = this.jsbundleUrl || 'file://';
return this.fromSource(t + l(this.asset));
key: 'resourceIdentifierWithoutScale',
value: function () {
return o(!0, 'resource identifiers work on Android'), this.fromSource(u.getAndroidResourceIdentifier(this.asset));
key: 'drawableFolderInBundle',
value: function () {
var t = this.jsbundleUrl || 'file://';
return this.fromSource(t + h(this.asset));
key: 'fromSource',
value: function (t) {
return {
__packager_asset: !0,
width: this.asset.width,
height: this.asset.height,
uri: t,
scale: c.pickScale(this.asset.scales, n.get())
], [{
key: 'pickScale',
value: function (t, s) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
if (t[n] >= s)
return t[n];
return t[t.length - 1] || 1;
}]), c;
m.exports = c;
}, 163, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = {
0.75: 'ldpi',
1: 'mdpi',
1.5: 'hdpi',
2: 'xhdpi',
3: 'xxhdpi',
4: 'xxxhdpi'
function n(n) {
if (n.toString() in t)
return t[n.toString()];
throw new Error('no such scale ' + n.toString());
var o = new Set([
function s(t) {
var n = t.httpServerLocation;
return '/' === n[0] && (n = n.substr(1)), n;
m.exports = {
getAndroidAssetSuffix: n,
getAndroidResourceFolderName: function (s, u) {
if (!o.has(s.type))
return 'raw';
var c = n(u);
if (!c)
throw new Error('Don\'t know which android drawable suffix to use for scale: ' + u + '\nAsset: ' + JSON.stringify(s, null, '\t') + '\nPossible scales are:' + JSON.stringify(t, null, '\t'));
return 'drawable-' + c;
getAndroidResourceIdentifier: function (t) {
return (s(t) + '/' +\//g, '_').replace(/([^a-z0-9_])/g, '').replace(/^assets_/, '');
getBasePath: s
}, 164, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = t('RCTActivityIndicatorView');
}, 165, [155]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), f = r(d[2]), o = n.forwardRef(function (o, s) {
return n.createElement(f, t({}, o, { ref: s }));
o.defaultProps = {
styleAttr: 'Normal',
indeterminate: !0,
animating: !0
}, m.exports = o;
}, 166, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var s = r(d[0]);
m.exports = s('AndroidProgressBar');
}, 167, [155]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), l = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), s = r(d[5]), f = r(d[6]), c = r(d[7]), h = r(d[8]), p = r(d[9]), v = r(d[10]), y = r(d[11]), b = r(d[12]), k = r(d[13]);
function S(t, n) {
if (null == t || null == n)
return !0;
if (t.length !== n.length)
return !0;
for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++)
if (t[o] !== n[o])
return !0;
return !1;
var w = b(v.UIView, {}), x = {
transform: { diff: S },
opacity: !0
}, C = b(x, { clipping: { diff: S } }), T = b(x, {
fill: { diff: S },
stroke: { diff: S },
strokeWidth: !0,
strokeCap: !0,
strokeJoin: !0,
strokeDash: { diff: S }
}), _ = b(T, { d: { diff: S } }), A = b(T, {
alignment: !0,
frame: {
diff: function (t, n) {
if (t === n)
return !1;
if (t.font !== n.font) {
if (null === t.font)
return !0;
if (null === n.font)
return !0;
if (t.font.fontFamily !== n.font.fontFamily || t.font.fontSize !== n.font.fontSize || t.font.fontWeight !== n.font.fontWeight || t.font.fontStyle !== n.font.fontStyle)
return !0;
return S(t.lines, n.lines);
path: { diff: S }
}), R = y('ARTSurfaceView', function () {
return {
validAttributes: w,
uiViewClassName: 'ARTSurfaceView'
}), W = y('ARTGroup', function () {
return {
validAttributes: C,
uiViewClassName: 'ARTGroup'
}), J = y('ARTShape', function () {
return {
validAttributes: _,
uiViewClassName: 'ARTShape'
}), V = y('ARTText', function () {
return {
validAttributes: A,
uiViewClassName: 'ARTText'
function G(t) {
return t ? 'string' == typeof t ? t : t.length ? t.join('\n') : '' : '';
var I = function (s) {
function f() {
return t(this, f), o(this, l(f).apply(this, arguments));
return u(f, s), n(f, [
key: 'getChildContext',
value: function () {
return { isInSurface: !0 };
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = N(this.props.height, 0), n = N(this.props.width, 0);
return h.createElement(R, {
style: [,
height: t,
width: n
}, this.props.children);
]), f;
function N(t, n) {
return null == t ? n : +t;
I.childContextTypes = { isInSurface: p.bool };
var z = new c();
function D(t) {
var n = null != t.scaleX ? t.scaleX : null != t.scale ? t.scale : 1, o = null != t.scaleY ? t.scaleY : null != t.scale ? t.scale : 1;
return z.transformTo(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0).move(t.x || 0, t.y || 0).rotate(t.rotation || 0, t.originX, t.originY).scale(n, o, t.originX, t.originY), null != t.transform && z.transform(t.transform), [
function E(t) {
return !1 === t.visible ? 0 : null == t.opacity ? 1 : +t.opacity;
var F = function (s) {
function f() {
return t(this, f), o(this, l(f).apply(this, arguments));
return u(f, s), n(f, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = this.props;
return k(this.context.isInSurface, 'ART: <Group /> must be a child of a <Surface />'), h.createElement(W, {
opacity: E(t),
transform: D(t)
}, this.props.children);
}]), f;
F.contextTypes = { isInSurface: p.bool.isRequired };
var M = function (s) {
function f() {
return t(this, f), o(this, l(f).apply(this, arguments));
return u(f, s), n(f, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = this.props, n = [
N(t.x, 0),
N(t.y, 0),
N(t.width, 0),
N(t.height, 0)
], o = b(t);
return delete o.x, delete o.y, h.createElement(W, {
clipping: n,
opacity: E(t),
transform: D(o)
}, this.props.children);
}]), f;
}(h.Component), P = 0, X = 1, Y = 2, O = 3;
function q(t, n, o) {
var l = new s(t);
n[o + 0] = / 255, n[o + 1] = / 255, n[o + 2] = / 255, n[o + 3] = l.alpha;
function j(t, n, o) {
var l = 0;
if ('length' in t)
for (; l < t.length;)
q(t[l], n, o + 4 * l), l++;
for (var u in t)
q(t[u], n, o + 4 * l), l++;
return o + 4 * l;
function L(t, n, o, l, u) {
var s, f = 0;
if ('length' in t)
for (; f < t.length;)
s = f / (t.length - 1) * l, n[o + f] = u ? 1 - s : s, f++;
for (var c in t)
s = +c * l, n[o + f] = u ? 1 - s : s, f++;
return o + f;
function U(t, n, o) {
L(t, n, j(t, n, o), 1, !1);
function $(t, n, o) {
var l = j(t, n, o);
L(t, n, l = L(t, n, l = j(t, n, l), 0.5, !1), 0.5, !0);
function B(t, n) {
var o = t[0], l = +n.width, u = +n.height;
o === X ? (t[1] *= l, t[2] *= u, t[3] *= l, t[4] *= u) : o === Y && (t[1] *= l, t[2] *= u, t[3] *= l, t[4] *= u, t[5] *= l, t[6] *= u);
function H(t, n) {
if (null == t)
return null;
if (t._brush)
return t._bb && (B(t._brush, n), t._bb = !1), t._brush;
var o = new s(t);
return [
P, / 255, / 255, / 255,
function K(t) {
if (null == t)
return null;
var n = new s(t);
return [ / 255, / 255, / 255,
function Q(t) {
switch (t) {
case 'butt':
return 0;
case 'square':
return 2;
return 1;
function Z(t) {
switch (t) {
case 'miter':
return 0;
case 'bevel':
return 2;
return 1;
var tt = function (s) {
function c() {
return t(this, c), o(this, l(c).apply(this, arguments));
return u(c, s), n(c, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = this.props, n = t.d || G(t.children), o = (n instanceof f ? n : new f(n)).toJSON();
return h.createElement(J, {
fill: H(t.fill, t),
opacity: E(t),
stroke: K(t.stroke),
strokeCap: Q(t.strokeCap),
strokeDash: t.strokeDash || null,
strokeJoin: Z(t.strokeJoin),
strokeWidth: N(t.strokeWidth, 1),
transform: D(t),
d: o
}]), c;
}(h.Component), nt = {}, et = /^[\s"']*/, rt = /[\s"']*$/;
function it(t) {
return t.split(',')[0].replace(et, '').replace(rt, '');
function ot(t) {
if (nt.hasOwnProperty(t))
return nt[t];
var n = /^\s*((?:(?:normal|bold|italic)\s+)*)(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)[ptexm\%]*(?:\s*\/.*?)?\s+)?\s*\"?([^\"]*)/i.exec(t);
if (!n)
return null;
var o = it(n[3]), l = +n[2] || 12, u = /bold/.exec(n[1]), s = /italic/.exec(n[1]);
return nt[t] = {
fontFamily: o,
fontSize: l,
fontWeight: u ? 'bold' : 'normal',
fontStyle: s ? 'italic' : 'normal'
}, nt[t];
function lt(t) {
return null == t ? null : 'string' == typeof t ? ot(t) : {
fontFamily: it(t.fontFamily),
fontSize: +t.fontSize || 12,
fontWeight: null != t.fontWeight ? t.fontWeight.toString() : '400',
fontStyle: t.fontStyle
var ut = /\n/g;
function at(t) {
switch (t) {
case 'right':
return 1;
case 'center':
return 2;
return 0;
var st = function (s) {
function c() {
return t(this, c), o(this, l(c).apply(this, arguments));
return u(c, s), n(c, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t, n, o = this.props, l = o.path, u = l ? (l instanceof f ? l : new f(l)).toJSON() : null, s = (t = o.font, n = G(o.children), {
font: lt(t),
lines: n.split(ut)
return h.createElement(V, {
fill: H(o.fill, o),
opacity: E(o),
stroke: K(o.stroke),
strokeCap: Q(o.strokeCap),
strokeDash: o.strokeDash || null,
strokeJoin: Z(o.strokeJoin),
strokeWidth: N(o.strokeWidth, 1),
transform: D(o),
alignment: at(o.alignment),
frame: s,
path: u
}]), c;
var ft = {
LinearGradient: function (t, n, o, l, u) {
var s = X;
if (arguments.length < 5) {
var f = (null == n ? 270 : n) * Math.PI / 180, c = Math.cos(f), h = -Math.sin(f), p = (Math.abs(c) + Math.abs(h)) / 2;
n = 0.5 - (c *= p), l = 0.5 + c, o = 0.5 - (h *= p), u = 0.5 + h, this._bb = !0;
} else
this._bb = !1;
var v = [
U(t, v, 5), this._brush = v;
RadialGradient: function (t, n, o, l, u, s, f) {
null == u && (u = l), null == s && (s = n), null == f && (f = o), null == n ? (n = o = l = u = s = f = 0.5, this._bb = !0) : this._bb = !1;
var c = [
2 * +l,
2 * +u,
$(t, c, 7), this._brush = c;
Pattern: function (t, n, o, l, u) {
this._brush = [
+l || 0,
+u || 0,
Transform: c,
Path: f,
Surface: I,
Group: F,
ClippingRectangle: M,
Shape: tt,
Text: st
m.exports = ft;
}, 168, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var t = {
maroon: '#800000',
red: '#ff0000',
orange: '#ffA500',
yellow: '#ffff00',
olive: '#808000',
purple: '#800080',
fuchsia: '#ff00ff',
white: '#ffffff',
lime: '#00ff00',
green: '#008000',
navy: '#000080',
blue: '#0000ff',
aqua: '#00ffff',
teal: '#008080',
black: '#000000',
silver: '#c0c0c0',
gray: '#808080'
}, n = function (t, n) {
for (var h = [], u = 0, s = t.length; u < s; u++)
h[u] = n(t[u], u);
return h;
}, h = function n(h, u) {
if (h.isColor) =, =, =, this.alpha = h.alpha;
else {
var s = t[h];
switch (s && (h = s, u = 'hex'), typeof h) {
case 'string':
u || (u = (u = h.match(/^rgb|^hsb|^hsl/)) ? u[0] : 'hex');
case 'object':
u = u || 'rgb', h = h.toString();
case 'number':
u = 'hex', h = h.toString(16);
h = n['parse' + u.toUpperCase()](h), = h[0], = h[1], = h[2], this.alpha = h[3];
this.isColor = !0;
}, u = function (t, n, h) {
return Math.min(h, Math.max(n, t));
}, s = /([-.\d]+\%?)\s*,\s*([-.\d]+\%?)\s*,\s*([-.\d]+\%?)\s*,?\s*([-.\d]*\%?)/, o = /^#?([a-f0-9]{1,2})([a-f0-9]{1,2})([a-f0-9]{1,2})([a-f0-9]{0,2})$/i;
h.parseRGB = function (t) {
return n(t.match(s).slice(1), function (t, n) {
return t && (t = parseFloat(t) * ('%' == t[t.length - 1] ? 2.55 : 1)), n < 3 ? Math.round((t %= 256) < 0 ? t + 256 : t) : u('' === t ? 1 : Number(t), 0, 1);
}, h.parseHEX = function (t) {
return 1 == t.length && (t = t + t + t), n(t.match(o).slice(1), function (t, n) {
return 3 == n ? t ? parseInt(t, 16) / 255 : 1 : parseInt(1 == t.length ? t + t : t, 16);
}, h.parseHSB = function (t) {
var h = n(t.match(s).slice(1), function (t, n) {
return t && (t = parseFloat(t)), 0 === n ? Math.round((t %= 360) < 0 ? t + 360 : t) : n < 3 ? u(Math.round(t), 0, 100) : u('' === t ? 1 : Number(t), 0, 1);
}), o = h[3], f = Math.round(h[2] / 100 * 255);
if (0 == h[1])
return [
var l = h[0], c = l % 60, b = Math.round(h[2] * (100 - h[1]) / 10000 * 255), p = Math.round(h[2] * (6000 - h[1] * c) / 600000 * 255), M = Math.round(h[2] * (6000 - h[1] * (60 - c)) / 600000 * 255);
switch (Math.floor(l / 60)) {
case 0:
return [
case 1:
return [
case 2:
return [
case 3:
return [
case 4:
return [
return [
}, h.parseHSL = function (t) {
var h = n(t.match(s).slice(1), function (t, n) {
return t && (t = parseFloat(t)), 0 === n ? Math.round((t %= 360) < 0 ? t + 360 : t) : n < 3 ? u(Math.round(t), 0, 100) : u('' === t ? 1 : Number(t), 0, 1);
}), o = h[0] / 60, f = h[1] / 100, l = h[2] / 100, c = h[3], b = (1 - Math.abs(2 * l - 1)) * f, p = b * (1 - Math.abs(o % 2 - 1)), M = l - b / 2, v = Math.round(255 * (b + M)), x = Math.round(255 * (p + M)), w = Math.round(255 * M);
switch (Math.floor(o)) {
case 0:
return [
case 1:
return [
case 2:
return [
case 3:
return [
case 4:
return [
return [
var f = function (t, n) {
return 1 != n[3] ? t += 'a' : n.pop(), t + '(' + n.join(', ') + ')';
(h.prototype = {
toHSB: function (t) {
var n =, h =, u =, s = this.alpha, o = Math.max(n, h, u), l = o - Math.min(n, h, u), c = 0, b = 0 != l ? l / o : 0, p = o / 255;
if (b) {
var M = (o - n) / l, v = (o - h) / l, x = (o - u) / l;
c = n == o ? x - v : h == o ? 2 + M - x : 4 + v - M, (c /= 6) < 0 && c++;
var w = [
Math.round(360 * c),
Math.round(100 * b),
Math.round(100 * p),
return t ? w : f('hsb', w);
toHSL: function (t) {
var n =, h =, u =, s = this.alpha, o = Math.max(n, h, u), l = Math.min(n, h, u), c = o - l, b = 0, p = 0 != c ? c / (255 - Math.abs(o + l - 255)) : 0, M = (o + l) / 512;
if (p) {
var v = (o - n) / c, x = (o - h) / c, w = (o - u) / c;
b = n == o ? w - x : h == o ? 2 + v - w : 4 + x - v, (b /= 6) < 0 && b++;
var S = [
Math.round(360 * b),
Math.round(100 * p),
Math.round(100 * M),
return t ? S : f('hsl', S);
toHEX: function (t) {
var h = this.alpha, u = 1 == (h = Math.round(255 * h).toString(16)).length ? h + h : h, s = n([,,
], function (t) {
return 1 == (t = t.toString(16)).length ? '0' + t : t;
return t ? s.concat(u) : '#' + s.join('') + ('ff' == u ? '' : u);
toRGB: function (t) {
var n = [,,,
return t ? n : f('rgb', n);
}).toString = h.prototype.toRGB, h.hex = function (t) {
return new h(t, 'hex');
}, null == this.hex && (this.hex = h.hex), h.hsb = function (t, n, u, s) {
return new h([
t || 0,
n || 0,
u || 0,
null == s ? 1 : s
], 'hsb');
}, null == this.hsb && (this.hsb = h.hsb), h.hsl = function (t, n, u, s) {
return new h([
t || 0,
n || 0,
u || 0,
null == s ? 1 : s
], 'hsl');
}, null == this.hsl && (this.hsl = h.hsl), h.rgb = function (t, n, u, s) {
return new h([
t || 0,
n || 0,
u || 0,
null == s ? 1 : s
], 'rgb');
}, null == this.rgb && (this.rgb = h.rgb), h.detach = function (t) {
return t = new h(t), [
}, m.exports = h;
}, 169, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), h = t(n, {
initialize: function (t) {
this.reset(), t instanceof h ? this.path = t.path.slice(0) : t && (t.applyToPath ? t.applyToPath(this) : this.push(t));
onReset: function () {
this.path = [];
onMove: function (t, n, h, o) {
this.path.push(0, h, o);
onLine: function (t, n, h, o) {
this.path.push(2, h, o);
onBezierCurve: function (t, n, h, o, s, p, u, c) {
this.path.push(3, h, o, s, p, u, c);
_arcToBezier: n.prototype.onArc,
onArc: function (t, n, h, o, s, p, u, c, f, l, z, T) {
if (u !== c || T)
return this._arcToBezier(t, n, h, o, s, p, u, c, f, l, z, T);
this.path.push(4, s, p, u, f, l, z ? 0 : 1);
onClose: function () {
toJSON: function () {
return this.path;
m.exports = h;
}, 170, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
m.exports = function (t) {
for (var n = {}, o = 0, c = arguments.length; o < c; o++) {
var u = arguments[o];
for (var f in 'function' == typeof u && (u = u.prototype), u)
n[f] = u[f];
return n.initialize || (n.initialize = function () {
}), n.constructor = function (t, o, c, u, f, p, l, s) {
return new n.initialize(t, o, c, u, f, p, l, s);
}, n.constructor.prototype = n.initialize.prototype = n, n.constructor;
}, 171, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = t({
initialize: function (t) {
push: function () {
var t =, ' ').match(/[a-df-z]|[\-+]?(?:[\d\.]e[\-+]?|[^\s\-+,a-z])+/gi);
if (!t)
return this;
for (var n, s = t[0], h = 1; s;) {
switch (s) {
case 'm':
this.move(t[h++], t[h++]);
case 'l':
this.line(t[h++], t[h++]);
case 'c':
this.curve(t[h++], t[h++], t[h++], t[h++], t[h++], t[h++]);
case 's':
this.curve(t[h++], t[h++], null, null, t[h++], t[h++]);
case 'q':
this.curve(t[h++], t[h++], t[h++], t[h++]);
case 't':
this.curve(t[h++], t[h++]);
case 'a':
this.arc(t[h + 5], t[h + 6], t[h], t[h + 1], t[h + 3], !+t[h + 4], t[h + 2]), h += 7;
case 'h':
this.line(t[h++], 0);
case 'v':
this.line(0, t[h++]);
case 'M':
this.moveTo(t[h++], t[h++]);
case 'L':
this.lineTo(t[h++], t[h++]);
case 'C':
this.curveTo(t[h++], t[h++], t[h++], t[h++], t[h++], t[h++]);
case 'S':
this.curveTo(t[h++], t[h++], null, null, t[h++], t[h++]);
case 'Q':
this.curveTo(t[h++], t[h++], t[h++], t[h++]);
case 'T':
this.curveTo(t[h++], t[h++]);
case 'A':
this.arcTo(t[h + 5], t[h + 6], t[h], t[h + 1], t[h + 3], !+t[h + 4], t[h + 2]), h += 7;
case 'H':
this.lineTo(t[h++], this.penY);
case 'V':
this.lineTo(this.penX, t[h++]);
case 'Z':
case 'z':
s = n, h--;
'm' == (n = s) ? n = 'l' : 'M' == n && (n = 'L'), s = t[h++];
return this;
reset: function () {
return this.penX = this.penY = 0, this.penDownX = this.penDownY = null, this._pivotX = this._pivotY = 0, this.onReset(), this;
move: function (t, n) {
return this.onMove(this.penX, this.penY, this._pivotX = this.penX += +t, this._pivotY = this.penY += +n), this;
moveTo: function (t, n) {
return this.onMove(this.penX, this.penY, this._pivotX = this.penX = +t, this._pivotY = this.penY = +n), this;
line: function (t, n) {
return this.lineTo(this.penX + +t, this.penY + +n);
lineTo: function (t, n) {
return null == this.penDownX && (this.penDownX = this.penX, this.penDownY = this.penY), this.onLine(this.penX, this.penY, this._pivotX = this.penX = +t, this._pivotY = this.penY = +n), this;
curve: function (t, n, s, h, o, u) {
var p = this.penX, c = this.penY;
return this.curveTo(p + +t, c + +n, null == s ? null : p + +s, null == h ? null : c + +h, null == o ? null : p + +o, null == u ? null : c + +u);
curveTo: function (t, n, s, h, o, u) {
var p = this.penX, c = this.penY;
return null == s && (s = +t, h = +n, t = 2 * p - (this._pivotX || 0), n = 2 * c - (this._pivotY || 0)), null == o ? (this._pivotX = +t, this._pivotY = +n, s = ((o = +s) + 2 * +t) / 3, h = ((u = +h) + 2 * +n) / 3, t = (p + 2 * +t) / 3, n = (c + 2 * +n) / 3) : (this._pivotX = +s, this._pivotY = +h), null == this.penDownX && (this.penDownX = p, this.penDownY = c), this.onBezierCurve(p, c, +t, +n, +s, +h, this.penX = +o, this.penY = +u), this;
arc: function (t, n, s, h, o, u, p) {
return this.arcTo(this.penX + +t, this.penY + +n, s, h, o, u, p);
arcTo: function (t, n, s, h, o, u, p) {
if (h = Math.abs(+h || +s || +n - this.penY), !(s = Math.abs(+s || +t - this.penX)) || !h || t == this.penX && n == this.penY)
return this.lineTo(t, n);
var c = this.penX, l = this.penY, v = !+u, X = !!+o, Y = p ? p * Math.PI / 180 : 0, f = Math.cos(Y), M = Math.sin(Y), b = f * (t -= c) / 2 + M * (n -= l) / 2, T = -M * t / 2 + f * n / 2, k = s * s * h * h, w = h * h * b * b, _ = s * s * T * T, D = k - _ - w;
if (D < 0)
s *= D = Math.sqrt(1 - D / k), h *= D, b = t / 2, T = n / 2;
else {
D = Math.sqrt(D / (_ + w)), X == v && (D = -D);
var z = -D * T * s / h, C = D * b * h / s;
b = f * z - M * C + t / 2, T = M * z + f * C + n / 2;
var B = f / s, A = M / s, L = -M / h, I = f / h, P = Math.atan2(L * -b + I * -T, B * -b + A * -T), N = Math.atan2(L * (t - b) + I * (n - T), B * (t - b) + A * (n - T));
return b += c, T += l, t += c, n += l, null == this.penDownX && (this.penDownX = this.penX, this.penDownY = this.penY), this.onArc(c, l, this._pivotX = this.penX = t, this._pivotY = this.penY = n, b, T, s, h, P, N, !v, p), this;
counterArc: function (t, n, s, h, o) {
return this.arc(t, n, s, h, o, !0);
counterArcTo: function (t, n, s, h, o) {
return this.arcTo(t, n, s, h, o, !0);
close: function () {
return null != this.penDownX && (this.onClose(this.penX, this.penY, this.penX = this.penDownX, this.penY = this.penDownY), this.penDownX = null), this;
onReset: function () {
onMove: function (t, n, s, h) {
onLine: function (t, n, s, h) {
this.onBezierCurve(t, n, t, n, s, h, s, h);
onBezierCurve: function (t, n, s, h, o, u, p, c) {
var l, v, X, Y, f, M = p - t, b = c - n, T = M * M + b * b;
if ((f = (X = s - t) * M + (Y = h - n) * b) > T ? (X -= M, Y -= b) : f > 0 && 0 != T && (X -= f / T * M, Y -= f / T * b), l = X * X + Y * Y, (f = (X = o - t) * M + (Y = u - n) * b) > T ? (X -= M, Y -= b) : f > 0 && 0 != T && (X -= f / T * M, Y -= f / T * b), v = X * X + Y * Y, l < 0.01 && v < 0.01)
this.onLine(t, n, p, c);
else {
if (isNaN(l) || isNaN(v))
throw new Error('Bad input');
var k = 0.5 * (s + o), w = 0.5 * (h + u), _ = 0.5 * (s + t), D = 0.5 * (h + n), z = 0.5 * (_ + k), C = 0.5 * (D + w), B = 0.5 * (p + o), A = 0.5 * (c + u), L = 0.5 * (B + k), I = 0.5 * (A + w), P = 0.5 * (z + L), N = 0.5 * (C + I);
this.onBezierCurve(t, n, _, D, z, C, P, N), this.onBezierCurve(P, N, L, I, B, A, p, c);
onArc: function (t, n, s, h, o, u, p, c, l, v, X, Y) {
var f = Y ? Y * Math.PI / 180 : 0, M = Math.cos(f), b = Math.sin(f), T = M * p, k = -b * c, w = b * p, _ = M * c, D = v - l;
D < 0 && !X ? D += 2 * Math.PI : D > 0 && X && (D -= 2 * Math.PI);
for (var z = Math.ceil(Math.abs(D / (Math.PI / 2))), C = D / z, B = 1.3333333333333333 * Math.tan(C / 4), A = Math.cos(l), L = Math.sin(l), I = 0; I < z; I++) {
var P = A - B * L, N = L + B * A;
l += C;
var q = (A = Math.cos(l)) + B * (L = Math.sin(l)), y = L - B * A;
this.onBezierCurve(t, n, o + T * P + k * N, u + w * P + _ * N, o + T * q + k * y, u + w * q + _ * y, t = o + T * A + k * L, n = u + w * A + _ * L);
onClose: function (t, n, s, h) {
this.onLine(t, n, s, h);
}, 172, [171]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var t = r(d[0]);
function s(t, s, h, x, y, n) {
return t && 'object' == typeof t && (s = t.yx, x = t.yy, n = t.y, h = t.xy, y = t.x, t = t.xx), this.xx = null == t ? 1 : t, this.yx = s || 0, this.xy = h || 0, this.yy = null == x ? 1 : x, this.x = (null == y ? this.x : y) || 0, this.y = (null == n ? this.y : n) || 0, this._transform(), this;
m.exports = t({
initialize: s,
_transform: function () {
xx: 1,
yx: 0,
x: 0,
xy: 0,
yy: 1,
y: 0,
transform: function (t, s, h, x, y, n) {
var o = this;
return t && 'object' == typeof t && (s = t.yx, x = t.yy, n = t.y, h = t.xy, y = t.x, t = t.xx), y || (y = 0), n || (n = 0), this.transformTo(o.xx * t + o.xy * s, o.yx * t + o.yy * s, o.xx * h + o.xy * x, o.yx * h + o.yy * x, o.xx * y + o.xy * n + o.x, o.yx * y + o.yy * n + o.y);
transformTo: s,
translate: function (t, s) {
return this.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, t, s);
move: function (t, s) {
return this.x += t || 0, this.y += s || 0, this._transform(), this;
scale: function (t, s) {
return null == s && (s = t), this.transform(t, 0, 0, s, 0, 0);
rotate: function (t, s, h) {
null != s && null != h || (s = (this.left || 0) + (this.width || 0) / 2, h = ( || 0) + (this.height || 0) / 2);
var x = t * Math.PI / 180, y = Math.sin(x), n = Math.cos(x);
this.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, s, h);
return this.transformTo(n * this.xx - y * this.yx, y * this.xx + n * this.yx, n * this.xy - y * this.yy, y * this.xy + n * this.yy, this.x, this.y).transform(1, 0, 0, 1, -s, -h);
moveTo: function (t, s) {
return this.transformTo(this.xx, this.yx, this.xy, this.yy, t, s);
rotateTo: function (t, s, h) {
var x = this.yx / this.xx > this.yy / this.xy ? -1 : 1;
return (this.xx < 0 ? this.xy >= 0 : this.xy < 0) && (x = -x), this.rotate(t - 180 * Math.atan2(x * this.yx, x * this.xx) / Math.PI, s, h);
scaleTo: function (t, s) {
var h = Math.sqrt(this.xx * this.xx + this.yx * this.yx);
return this.xx /= h, this.yx /= h, h = Math.sqrt(this.yy * this.yy + this.xy * this.xy), this.yy /= h, this.xy /= h, this.scale(t, s);
resizeTo: function (t, s) {
var h = this.width, x = this.height;
return h && x ? this.scaleTo(t / h, s / x) : this;
inversePoint: function (t, s) {
var h = this.xx, x = this.yx, y = this.xy, n = this.yy, o = this.x, u = this.y, f = x * y - h * n;
return 0 == f ? null : {
x: (n * (o - t) + y * (s - u)) / f,
y: (h * (u - s) + x * (t - o)) / f
point: function (t, s) {
return {
x: this.xx * t + this.xy * s + this.x,
y: this.yx * t + this.yy * s + this.y
}, 173, [171]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
function c(t, c) {
var s = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
c && (n = n.filter(function (c) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, c).enumerable;
})), s.push.apply(s, n);
return s;
var s = r(d[1]), n = {};
n.UIView = {
pointerEvents: !0,
accessible: !0,
accessibilityActions: !0,
accessibilityLabel: !0,
accessibilityComponentType: !0,
accessibilityLiveRegion: !0,
accessibilityRole: !0,
accessibilityStates: !0,
accessibilityTraits: !0,
accessibilityHint: !0,
importantForAccessibility: !0,
nativeID: !0,
testID: !0,
renderToHardwareTextureAndroid: !0,
shouldRasterizeIOS: !0,
onLayout: !0,
onAccessibilityAction: !0,
onAccessibilityTap: !0,
onMagicTap: !0,
onAccessibilityEscape: !0,
collapsable: !0,
needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing: !0,
style: s
}, n.RCTView = function (s) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var o = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? c(o, !0).forEach(function (c) {
t(s, c, o[c]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)) : c(o).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(s, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, t));
return s;
}({}, n.UIView, { removeClippedSubviews: !0 }), m.exports = n;
}, 174, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = function (n, u) {
var c = {};
return t(c, n), t(c, u), c;
}, 175, [176]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), c = t.checkMergeObjectArg, n = t.checkMergeIntoObjectArg;
m.exports = function (t, o) {
if (n(t), null != o)
for (var f in c(o), o), f) && (t[f] = o[f]);
}, 176, [177]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = function (t) {
return 'object' != typeof t || t instanceof Date || null === t;
}, c = {
isTerminal: n,
normalizeMergeArg: function (t) {
return void 0 === t || null === t ? {} : t;
checkMergeArrayArgs: function (n, c) {
t(Array.isArray(n) && Array.isArray(c), 'Tried to merge arrays, instead got %s and %s.', n, c);
checkMergeObjectArgs: function (t, n) {
c.checkMergeObjectArg(t), c.checkMergeObjectArg(n);
checkMergeObjectArg: function (c) {
t(!n(c) && !Array.isArray(c), 'Tried to merge an object, instead got %s.', c);
checkMergeIntoObjectArg: function (c) {
t(!(n(c) && 'function' != typeof c || Array.isArray(c)), 'Tried to merge into an object, instead got %s.', c);
checkMergeLevel: function (n) {
t(n < 36, 'Maximum deep merge depth exceeded. You may be attempting to merge circular structures in an unsupported way.');
checkArrayStrategy: function (n) {
t(void 0 === n || n in c.ArrayStrategies, 'You must provide an array strategy to deep merge functions to instruct the deep merge how to resolve merging two arrays.');
ArrayStrategies: {
Clobber: 'Clobber',
Concat: 'Concat',
IndexByIndex: 'IndexByIndex'
m.exports = c;
}, 177, [9]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), o = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), c = r(d[4]), l = r(d[5]);
function u(t, o) {
var n = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
o && (s = s.filter(function (o) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, o).enumerable;
})), n.push.apply(n, s);
return n;
var b = r(d[7]), p = r(d[8]), f = r(d[9]), y = r(d[10]), h = (r(d[11]), r(d[12])), O = r(d[13]), v = function (t) {
function u() {
return o(this, u), s(this, c(u).apply(this, arguments));
return l(u, t), n(u, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = this.props, o = t.accessibilityLabel, n = t.color, s = t.onPress, c = t.title, l = t.hasTVPreferredFocus, u = t.disabled, p = t.testID, v = [P.button], D = [P.text];
n && v.push({ backgroundColor: n });
var j = [];
u && (v.push(P.buttonDisabled), D.push(P.textDisabled), j.push('disabled')), O('string' == typeof c, 'The title prop of a Button must be a string');
var w = c.toUpperCase(), x = y;
return b.createElement(x, {
accessibilityLabel: o,
accessibilityRole: 'button',
accessibilityStates: j,
hasTVPreferredFocus: l,
testID: p,
disabled: u,
onPress: s
}, b.createElement(h, { style: v }, b.createElement(f, {
style: D,
disabled: u
}, w)));
}]), u;
}(b.Component), P = p.create({
button: {
elevation: 4,
backgroundColor: '#2196F3',
borderRadius: 2
text: function (o) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var s = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? u(s, !0).forEach(function (n) {
t(o, n, s[n]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(s)) : u(s).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(o, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, t));
return o;
textAlign: 'center',
padding: 8
}, {
color: 'white',
fontWeight: '500'
buttonDisabled: {
elevation: 0,
backgroundColor: '#dfdfdf'
textDisabled: { color: '#a1a1a1' }
m.exports = v;
}, 178, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), p = r(d[6]), c = r(d[7]);
function f(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, s);
return o;
function h(t) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var o = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? f(o, !0).forEach(function (n) {
c(t, n, o[n]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)) : f(o).forEach(function (n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, n));
return t;
var R = r(d[8]), b = r(d[9]), v = r(d[10]), H = r(d[11]), y = r(d[12]), T = r(d[13]), P = r(d[14]), S = r(d[15]), O = r(d[16]), w = {
top: 20,
left: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 30
}, x = {
validAttributes: h({}, v.UIView, {
isHighlighted: !0,
numberOfLines: !0,
ellipsizeMode: !0,
allowFontScaling: !0,
maxFontSizeMultiplier: !0,
disabled: !0,
selectable: !0,
selectionColor: !0,
adjustsFontSizeToFit: !0,
minimumFontScale: !0,
textBreakStrategy: !0,
onTextLayout: !0
directEventTypes: { topTextLayout: { registrationName: 'onTextLayout' } },
uiViewClassName: 'RCTText'
}, C = function (c) {
function f() {
var t, o;
n(this, f);
for (var p = arguments.length, c = new Array(p), R = 0; R < p; R++)
c[R] = arguments[R];
return (o = s(this, (t = l(f)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(c)))).state = h({}, y.Mixin.touchableGetInitialState(), {
isHighlighted: !1,
createResponderHandlers: o._createResponseHandlers.bind(u(o)),
responseHandlers: null
}), o;
return p(f, c), o(f, [
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var n = this.props;
return M(n) && (n = h({}, n, {}, this.state.responseHandlers, { isHighlighted: this.state.isHighlighted })), null != n.selectionColor && (n = h({}, n, { selectionColor: O(n.selectionColor) })), b.createElement(H.Consumer, null, function (o) {
return o ? b.createElement(V, t({}, n, { ref: n.forwardedRef })) : b.createElement(H.Provider, { value: !0 }, b.createElement(j, t({}, n, { ref: n.forwardedRef })));
key: '_createResponseHandlers',
value: function () {
var t = this;
return {
onStartShouldSetResponder: function () {
var n = t.props.onStartShouldSetResponder, o = null != n && n() || M(t.props);
return o && t._attachTouchHandlers(), o;
onResponderGrant: function (n, o) {
S(t.touchableHandleResponderGrant)(n, o), null != t.props.onResponderGrant &&, n, o);
onResponderMove: function (n) {
S(t.touchableHandleResponderMove)(n), null != t.props.onResponderMove &&, n);
onResponderRelease: function (n) {
S(t.touchableHandleResponderRelease)(n), null != t.props.onResponderRelease &&, n);
onResponderTerminate: function (n) {
S(t.touchableHandleResponderTerminate)(n), null != t.props.onResponderTerminate &&, n);
onResponderTerminationRequest: function () {
var n = t.props.onResponderTerminationRequest;
return !!S(t.touchableHandleResponderTerminationRequest)() && (null == n || n());
key: '_attachTouchHandlers',
value: function () {
var t = this;
if (null == this.touchableGetPressRectOffset) {
for (var n in y.Mixin)
'function' == typeof y.Mixin[n] && (this[n] = y.Mixin[n].bind(this));
this.touchableHandleActivePressIn = function () {
!t.props.suppressHighlighting && M(t.props) && t.setState({ isHighlighted: !0 });
}, this.touchableHandleActivePressOut = function () {
!t.props.suppressHighlighting && M(t.props) && t.setState({ isHighlighted: !1 });
}, this.touchableHandlePress = function (n) {
null != t.props.onPress && t.props.onPress(n);
}, this.touchableHandleLongPress = function (n) {
null != t.props.onLongPress && t.props.onLongPress(n);
}, this.touchableGetPressRectOffset = function () {
return null == t.props.pressRetentionOffset ? w : t.props.pressRetentionOffset;
], [{
key: 'getDerivedStateFromProps',
value: function (t, n) {
return null == n.responseHandlers && M(t) ? { responseHandlers: n.createResponderHandlers() } : null;
}]), f;
C.defaultProps = {
accessible: !0,
allowFontScaling: !0,
ellipsizeMode: 'tail'
}, C.viewConfig = x;
var M = function (t) {
return null != t.onPress || null != t.onLongPress || null != t.onStartShouldSetResponder;
}, j = P(x.uiViewClassName, function () {
return x;
}), V = null == T.getViewManagerConfig('RCTVirtualText') ? j : P('RCTVirtualText', function () {
return {
validAttributes: h({}, v.UIView, {
isHighlighted: !0,
maxFontSizeMultiplier: !0
uiViewClassName: 'RCTVirtualText'
}), E = b.forwardRef(function (n, o) {
return b.createElement(C, t({}, n, { forwardedRef: o }));
E.displayName = 'Text', E.propTypes = R, m.exports = E;
}, 179, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), t = r(d[2]), l = r(d[3]), s = t(r(d[4]));
m.exports = {
ellipsizeMode: l.oneOf([
numberOfLines: l.number,
textBreakStrategy: l.oneOf([
onLayout: l.func,
onPress: l.func,
onLongPress: l.func,
pressRetentionOffset: n,
selectable: l.bool,
selectionColor: o,
suppressHighlighting: l.bool,
style: s,
testID: l.string,
nativeID: l.string,
allowFontScaling: l.bool,
maxFontSizeMultiplier: l.number,
accessible: l.bool,
adjustsFontSizeToFit: l.bool,
minimumFontScale: l.number,
disabled: l.bool
}, 180, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = t.shape({
top: t.number,
left: t.number,
bottom: t.number,
right: t.number
m.exports = n;
}, 181, [61]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]);
m.exports = function (o) {
var c = n(o);
return function (n, o, u, v) {
var f = n;
n[o] && ((f = {})[o] = t(n[o]));
for (var p = arguments.length, s = new Array(p > 4 ? p - 4 : 0), l = 4; l < p; l++)
s[l - 4] = arguments[l];
return c.apply(void 0, [
}, 182, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]);
m.exports = function (o) {
function l(l, c, s, u, p) {
if (c[s]) {
var f = c[s], y = typeof f;
'object' !== y && n(!1, 'Invalid ' + (p || '(unknown)') + ' `' + s + '` of type `' + y + '` supplied to `' + u + '`, expected `object`.');
for (var v = t(c[s], o), b = arguments.length, j = new Array(b > 5 ? b - 5 : 0), k = 5; k < b; k++)
j[k - 5] = arguments[k];
for (var w in v) {
var O = o[w];
O || n(!1, 'Invalid props.' + s + ' key `' + w + '` supplied to `' + u + '`.\nBad object: ' + JSON.stringify(c[s], null, ' ') + '\nValid keys: ' + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(o), null, ' '));
var J = O.apply(void 0, [
J && n(!1, J.message + '\nBad object: ' + JSON.stringify(c[s], null, ' '));
} else
l && n(!1, 'Required object `' + s + '` was not specified in `' + u + '`.');
function c(n, t, o, c) {
for (var s = arguments.length, u = new Array(s > 4 ? s - 4 : 0), p = 4; p < s; p++)
u[p - 4] = arguments[p];
return l.apply(void 0, [
return c.isRequired = l.bind(null, !0), c;
}, 183, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), E = r(d[1]);
function R(t, E) {
var R = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
E && (o = o.filter(function (E) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, E).enumerable;
})), R.push.apply(R, o);
return R;
function o(t) {
for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var s = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {};
o % 2 ? R(s, !0).forEach(function (R) {
E(t, R, s[R]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(s)) : R(s).forEach(function (E) {
Object.defineProperty(t, E, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, E));
return t;
var s = r(d[2]), _ = r(d[3]), n = r(d[4]), S = (r(d[5]), r(d[6])), l = r(d[7]), u = r(d[8]), h = r(d[9]), N = (r(d[10]), r(d[11])), O = (r(d[12]), function (t) {
var E = t.touches, R = t.changedTouches, o = E && E.length > 0, s = R && R.length > 0;
return !o && s ? R[0] : o ? E[0] : t;
}), P = N({
ERROR: null
}), T = {
}, c = o({}, T, {
}), D = o({}, T, {
}), A = o({}, T, { RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN: !0 }), I = N({
DELAY: null,
}), b = {
error: {
}, p = {
componentDidMount: function () {
_.isTV && (this._tvEventHandler = new u(), this._tvEventHandler.enable(this, function (t, E) {
var R = S.findNodeHandle(t);
E.dispatchConfig = {}, R === E.tag && ('focus' === E.eventType ? t.touchableHandleFocus(E) : 'blur' === E.eventType ? t.touchableHandleBlur(E) : 'select' === E.eventType && t.touchableHandlePress && !t.props.disabled && t.touchableHandlePress(E));
componentWillUnmount: function () {
this._tvEventHandler && (this._tvEventHandler.disable(), delete this._tvEventHandler), this.touchableDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.touchableDelayTimeout), this.longPressDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.longPressDelayTimeout), this.pressOutDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.pressOutDelayTimeout);
touchableGetInitialState: function () {
return {
touchable: {
touchState: void 0,
responderID: null
touchableHandleResponderTerminationRequest: function () {
return !this.props.rejectResponderTermination;
touchableHandleStartShouldSetResponder: function () {
return !this.props.disabled;
touchableLongPressCancelsPress: function () {
return !0;
touchableHandleResponderGrant: function (t) {
var E = t.currentTarget;
t.persist(), this.pressOutDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.pressOutDelayTimeout), this.pressOutDelayTimeout = null, this.state.touchable.touchState = P.NOT_RESPONDER, this.state.touchable.responderID = E, this._receiveSignal(I.RESPONDER_GRANT, t);
var R = void 0 !== this.touchableGetHighlightDelayMS ? Math.max(this.touchableGetHighlightDelayMS(), 0) : 130;
0 !== (R = isNaN(R) ? 130 : R) ? this.touchableDelayTimeout = setTimeout(this._handleDelay.bind(this, t), R) : this._handleDelay(t);
var o = void 0 !== this.touchableGetLongPressDelayMS ? Math.max(this.touchableGetLongPressDelayMS(), 10) : 370;
o = isNaN(o) ? 370 : o, this.longPressDelayTimeout = setTimeout(this._handleLongDelay.bind(this, t), o + R);
touchableHandleResponderRelease: function (t) {
this.pressInLocation = null, this._receiveSignal(I.RESPONDER_RELEASE, t);
touchableHandleResponderTerminate: function (t) {
this.pressInLocation = null, this._receiveSignal(I.RESPONDER_TERMINATED, t);
touchableHandleResponderMove: function (t) {
if (this.state.touchable.positionOnActivate) {
var E = this.state.touchable.positionOnActivate, R = this.state.touchable.dimensionsOnActivate, o = this.touchableGetPressRectOffset ? this.touchableGetPressRectOffset() : {
left: 20,
right: 20,
top: 20,
bottom: 20
}, s = o.left, _ =, n = o.right, S = o.bottom, l = this.touchableGetHitSlop ? this.touchableGetHitSlop() : null;
l && (s += l.left || 0, _ += || 0, n += l.right || 0, S += l.bottom || 0);
var u = O(t.nativeEvent), h = u && u.pageX, N = u && u.pageY;
if (this.pressInLocation)
this._getDistanceBetweenPoints(h, N, this.pressInLocation.pageX, this.pressInLocation.pageY) > 10 && this._cancelLongPressDelayTimeout();
if (h > E.left - s && N > - _ && h < E.left + R.width + n && N < + R.height + S) {
var T = this.state.touchable.touchState;
this._receiveSignal(I.ENTER_PRESS_RECT, t), this.state.touchable.touchState === P.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN && T !== P.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN && this._cancelLongPressDelayTimeout();
} else
this._cancelLongPressDelayTimeout(), this._receiveSignal(I.LEAVE_PRESS_RECT, t);
touchableHandleFocus: function (t) {
this.props.onFocus && this.props.onFocus(t);
touchableHandleBlur: function (t) {
this.props.onBlur && this.props.onBlur(t);
_remeasureMetricsOnActivation: function () {
var t = this.state.touchable.responderID;
null != t && h.measure(t, this._handleQueryLayout);
_handleQueryLayout: function (t, E, R, o, _, S) {
(t || E || R || o || _ || S) && (this.state.touchable.positionOnActivate && n.release(this.state.touchable.positionOnActivate), this.state.touchable.dimensionsOnActivate && s.release(this.state.touchable.dimensionsOnActivate), this.state.touchable.positionOnActivate = n.getPooled(_, S), this.state.touchable.dimensionsOnActivate = s.getPooled(R, o));
_handleDelay: function (t) {
this.touchableDelayTimeout = null, this._receiveSignal(I.DELAY, t);
_handleLongDelay: function (t) {
this.longPressDelayTimeout = null;
var E = this.state.touchable.touchState;
E !== P.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_PRESS_IN && E !== P.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN ? console.error('Attempted to transition from state `' + E + '` to `' + P.RESPONDER_ACTIVE_LONG_PRESS_IN + '`, which is not supported. This is most likely due to `Touchable.longPressDelayTimeout` not being cancelled.') : this._receiveSignal(I.LONG_PRESS_DETECTED, t);
_receiveSignal: function (t, E) {
var R = this.state.touchable.responderID, o = this.state.touchable.touchState, s = b[o] && b[o][t];
if (R || t !== I.RESPONDER_RELEASE) {
if (!s)
throw new Error('Unrecognized signal `' + t + '` or state `' + o + '` for Touchable responder `' + R + '`');
if (s === P.ERROR)
throw new Error('Touchable cannot transition from `' + o + '` to `' + t + '` for responder `' + R + '`');
o !== s && (this._performSideEffectsForTransition(o, s, t, E), this.state.touchable.touchState = s);
_cancelLongPressDelayTimeout: function () {
this.longPressDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.longPressDelayTimeout), this.longPressDelayTimeout = null;
_isHighlight: function (t) {
_savePressInLocation: function (t) {
var E = O(t.nativeEvent), R = E && E.pageX, o = E && E.pageY, s = E && E.locationX, _ = E && E.locationY;
this.pressInLocation = {
pageX: R,
pageY: o,
locationX: s,
locationY: _
_getDistanceBetweenPoints: function (t, E, R, o) {
var s = t - R, _ = E - o;
return Math.sqrt(s * s + _ * _);
_performSideEffectsForTransition: function (t, E, R, o) {
var s = this._isHighlight(t), _ = this._isHighlight(E);
(R === I.RESPONDER_TERMINATED || R === I.RESPONDER_RELEASE) && this._cancelLongPressDelayTimeout();
var n = t === P.NOT_RESPONDER && E === P.RESPONDER_INACTIVE_PRESS_IN, S = !c[t] && c[E];
if ((n || S) && this._remeasureMetricsOnActivation(), D[t] && R === I.LONG_PRESS_DETECTED && this.touchableHandleLongPress && this.touchableHandleLongPress(o), _ && !s ? this._startHighlight(o) : !_ && s && this._endHighlight(o), D[t] && R === I.RESPONDER_RELEASE) {
var l = !!this.props.onLongPress, u = A[t] && (!l || !this.touchableLongPressCancelsPress());
(!A[t] || u) && this.touchableHandlePress && (_ || s || (this._startHighlight(o), this._endHighlight(o)), this._playTouchSound(), this.touchableHandlePress(o));
this.touchableDelayTimeout && clearTimeout(this.touchableDelayTimeout), this.touchableDelayTimeout = null;
_playTouchSound: function () {
_startHighlight: function (t) {
this._savePressInLocation(t), this.touchableHandleActivePressIn && this.touchableHandleActivePressIn(t);
_endHighlight: function (t) {
var E = this;
this.touchableHandleActivePressOut && (this.touchableGetPressOutDelayMS && this.touchableGetPressOutDelayMS() ? this.pressOutDelayTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, this.touchableGetPressOutDelayMS()) : this.touchableHandleActivePressOut(t));
withoutDefaultFocusAndBlur: {}
}, C = (p.touchableHandleFocus, p.touchableHandleBlur, t(p, [
p.withoutDefaultFocusAndBlur = C;
var L = {
Mixin: p,
renderDebugView: function (t) {
t.color, t.hitSlop;
return null;
throw Error('Touchable.TOUCH_TARGET_DEBUG should not be enabled in prod!');
debug: {
position: 'absolute',
borderWidth: 1,
borderStyle: 'dashed'
m.exports = L;
}, 184, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), o = t.twoArgumentPooler;
function n(t, o) {
this.width = t, this.height = o;
n.prototype.destructor = function () {
this.width = null, this.height = null;
}, n.getPooledFromElement = function (t) {
return n.getPooled(t.offsetWidth, t.offsetHeight);
}, t.addPoolingTo(n, o), m.exports = n;
}, 185, [186]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = function (t) {
if (this.instancePool.length) {
var n = this.instancePool.pop();
return, t), n;
return new this(t);
}, o = function (n) {
t(n instanceof this, 'Trying to release an instance into a pool of a different type.'), n.destructor(), this.instancePool.length < this.poolSize && this.instancePool.push(n);
}, s = n, l = {
addPoolingTo: function (t, n) {
var l = t;
return l.instancePool = [], l.getPooled = n || s, l.poolSize || (l.poolSize = 10), l.release = o, l;
oneArgumentPooler: n,
twoArgumentPooler: function (t, n) {
if (this.instancePool.length) {
var o = this.instancePool.pop();
return, t, n), o;
return new this(t, n);
threeArgumentPooler: function (t, n, o) {
if (this.instancePool.length) {
var s = this.instancePool.pop();
return, t, n, o), s;
return new this(t, n, o);
fourArgumentPooler: function (t, n, o, s) {
if (this.instancePool.length) {
var l = this.instancePool.pop();
return, t, n, o, s), l;
return new this(t, n, o, s);
m.exports = l;
}, 186, [9]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), o = t.twoArgumentPooler;
function n(t, o) {
this.left = t, = o;
n.prototype.destructor = function () {
this.left = null, = null;
}, t.addPoolingTo(n, o), m.exports = n;
}, 187, [186]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[1]).TVNavigationEventEmitter, n = r(d[2]);
function v() {
this.__nativeTVNavigationEventListener = null, this.__nativeTVNavigationEventEmitter = null;
v.prototype.enable = function (v, o) {
this.__nativeTVNavigationEventEmitter = new n(t), this.__nativeTVNavigationEventListener = this.__nativeTVNavigationEventEmitter.addListener('onHWKeyEvent', function (t) {
o && o(v, t);
}, v.prototype.disable = function () {
this.__nativeTVNavigationEventListener && (this.__nativeTVNavigationEventListener.remove(), delete this.__nativeTVNavigationEventListener), this.__nativeTVNavigationEventEmitter && delete this.__nativeTVNavigationEventEmitter;
}, m.exports = v;
}, 188, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]);
m.exports = function (t) {
var o, s = {};
for (o in t instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(t) || n(!1), t)
t.hasOwnProperty(o) && (s[o] = o);
return s;
}, 189, [190]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = function (n) {
if (void 0 === n)
throw new Error('invariant(...): Second argument must be a string.');
m.exports = function (o, t) {
for (var f = arguments.length, s = new Array(f > 2 ? f - 2 : 0), u = 2; u < f; u++)
s[u - 2] = arguments[u];
if (n(t), !o) {
var c;
if (void 0 === t)
c = new Error('Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.');
else {
var v = 0;
(c = new Error(t.replace(/%s/g, function () {
return String(s[v++]);
}))).name = 'Invariant Violation';
throw c.framesToPop = 1, c;
}, 190, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
function t(t, o) {
if (null != t)
return t;
var n = new Error(void 0 !== o ? o : 'Got unexpected ' + t);
throw n.framesToPop = 1, n;
m.exports = t, m.exports.default = t, Object.defineProperty(m.exports, '__esModule', { value: !0 });
}, 191, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
function o(t, o) {
var s = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
o && (n = n.filter(function (o) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, o).enumerable;
})), s.push.apply(s, n);
return s;
function s(s) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var p = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? o(p, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(s, o, p[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(p)) : o(p).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(s, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, t));
return s;
var n = r(d[1]), p = r(d[2]), c = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), h = r(d[6]), b = r(d[7]), f = r(d[8]), y = r(d[9]), P = r(d[10]), R = r(d[11]), v = c.shape({
type: c.oneOf(['RippleAndroid']),
color: c.number,
borderless: c.bool
}), S = c.shape({
type: c.oneOf(['ThemeAttrAndroid']),
attribute: c.string.isRequired
}), O = c.oneOfType([
]), T = {
top: 20,
left: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 30
}, H = y({
displayName: 'TouchableNativeFeedback',
propTypes: s({}, h.propTypes, {
background: O,
hasTVPreferredFocus: c.bool,
useForeground: c.bool
statics: {
SelectableBackground: function () {
return {
type: 'ThemeAttrAndroid',
attribute: 'selectableItemBackground'
SelectableBackgroundBorderless: function () {
return {
type: 'ThemeAttrAndroid',
attribute: 'selectableItemBackgroundBorderless'
Ripple: function (t, o) {
return {
type: 'RippleAndroid',
color: R(t),
borderless: o
canUseNativeForeground: function () {
return n.Version >= 23;
mixins: [u.Mixin],
getDefaultProps: function () {
return { background: this.SelectableBackground() };
getInitialState: function () {
return this.touchableGetInitialState();
componentDidMount: function () {
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: function (t) {
touchableHandleActivePressIn: function (t) {
this.props.onPressIn && this.props.onPressIn(t), this._dispatchPressedStateChange(!0), this.pressInLocation && this._dispatchHotspotUpdate(this.pressInLocation.locationX, this.pressInLocation.locationY);
touchableHandleActivePressOut: function (t) {
this.props.onPressOut && this.props.onPressOut(t), this._dispatchPressedStateChange(!1);
touchableHandlePress: function (t) {
this.props.onPress && this.props.onPress(t);
touchableHandleLongPress: function (t) {
this.props.onLongPress && this.props.onLongPress(t);
touchableGetPressRectOffset: function () {
return this.props.pressRetentionOffset || T;
touchableGetHitSlop: function () {
return this.props.hitSlop;
touchableGetHighlightDelayMS: function () {
return this.props.delayPressIn;
touchableGetLongPressDelayMS: function () {
return this.props.delayLongPress;
touchableGetPressOutDelayMS: function () {
return this.props.delayPressOut;
_handleResponderMove: function (t) {
this.touchableHandleResponderMove(t), this._dispatchHotspotUpdate(t.nativeEvent.locationX, t.nativeEvent.locationY);
_dispatchHotspotUpdate: function (t, o) {
b.dispatchViewManagerCommand(l.findNodeHandle(this), b.getViewManagerConfig('RCTView').Commands.hotspotUpdate, [
t || 0,
o || 0
_dispatchPressedStateChange: function (t) {
b.dispatchViewManagerCommand(l.findNodeHandle(this), b.getViewManagerConfig('RCTView').Commands.setPressed, [t]);
render: function () {
var o, n = p.Children.only(this.props.children), c = n.props.children;
u.TOUCH_TARGET_DEBUG && n.type === f && (Array.isArray(c) || (c = [c]), c.push(u.renderDebugView({
color: 'brown',
hitSlop: this.props.hitSlop
}))), this.props.useForeground && !H.canUseNativeForeground() && console.warn('Requested foreground ripple, but it is not available on this version of Android. Consider calling TouchableNativeFeedback.canUseNativeForeground() and using a different Touchable if the result is false.');
var l = this.props.useForeground && H.canUseNativeForeground() ? 'nativeForegroundAndroid' : 'nativeBackgroundAndroid', h = s({}, n.props, (t(o = {}, l, this.props.background), t(o, 'accessible', !1 !== this.props.accessible), t(o, 'accessibilityLabel', this.props.accessibilityLabel), t(o, 'accessibilityRole', this.props.accessibilityRole), t(o, 'accessibilityStates', this.props.accessibilityStates), t(o, 'children', c), t(o, 'testID', this.props.testID), t(o, 'onLayout', this.props.onLayout), t(o, 'hitSlop', this.props.hitSlop), t(o, 'isTVSelectable', !0), t(o, 'hasTVPreferredFocus', this.props.hasTVPreferredFocus), t(o, 'onStartShouldSetResponder', this.touchableHandleStartShouldSetResponder), t(o, 'onResponderTerminationRequest', this.touchableHandleResponderTerminationRequest), t(o, 'onResponderGrant', this.touchableHandleResponderGrant), t(o, 'onResponderMove', this._handleResponderMove), t(o, 'onResponderRelease', this.touchableHandleResponderRelease), t(o, 'onResponderTerminate', this.touchableHandleResponderTerminate), o));
return p.cloneElement(n, h);
m.exports = H;
}, 192, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
function s(t, s) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
s && (n = n.filter(function (s) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, s).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, n);
return o;
function o(o) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var c = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? s(c, !0).forEach(function (s) {
t(o, s, c[s]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(c)) : s(c).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(o, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, t));
return o;
var n = r(d[1]), c = r(d[2]), l = r(d[3]), p = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), b = r(d[6]), h = r(d[7]), y = r(d[8]), f = y.DeprecatedAccessibilityComponentTypes, P = y.DeprecatedAccessibilityRoles, O = y.DeprecatedAccessibilityStates, S = y.DeprecatedAccessibilityTraits, R = {
top: 20,
left: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 30
}, v = [
], D = b({
displayName: 'TouchableWithoutFeedback',
mixins: [p.Mixin],
propTypes: {
accessible: l.bool,
accessibilityLabel: l.node,
accessibilityHint: l.string,
accessibilityComponentType: l.oneOf(f),
accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors: l.bool,
accessibilityRole: l.oneOf(P),
accessibilityStates: l.arrayOf(l.oneOf(O)),
accessibilityTraits: l.oneOfType([
onFocus: l.func,
onBlur: l.func,
disabled: l.bool,
onPress: l.func,
onPressIn: l.func,
onPressOut: l.func,
onLayout: l.func,
onLongPress: l.func,
nativeID: l.string,
testID: l.string,
delayPressIn: l.number,
delayPressOut: l.number,
delayLongPress: l.number,
pressRetentionOffset: n,
hitSlop: n
getInitialState: function () {
return this.touchableGetInitialState();
componentDidMount: function () {
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: function (t) {
touchableHandlePress: function (t) {
this.props.onPress && this.props.onPress(t);
touchableHandleActivePressIn: function (t) {
this.props.onPressIn && this.props.onPressIn(t);
touchableHandleActivePressOut: function (t) {
this.props.onPressOut && this.props.onPressOut(t);
touchableHandleLongPress: function (t) {
this.props.onLongPress && this.props.onLongPress(t);
touchableGetPressRectOffset: function () {
return this.props.pressRetentionOffset || R;
touchableGetHitSlop: function () {
return this.props.hitSlop;
touchableGetHighlightDelayMS: function () {
return this.props.delayPressIn || 0;
touchableGetLongPressDelayMS: function () {
return 0 === this.props.delayLongPress ? 0 : this.props.delayLongPress || 500;
touchableGetPressOutDelayMS: function () {
return this.props.delayPressOut || 0;
render: function () {
var t = c.Children.only(this.props.children), s = t.props.children;
p.TOUCH_TARGET_DEBUG && t.type === u && (s = c.Children.toArray(s)).push(p.renderDebugView({
color: 'red',
hitSlop: this.props.hitSlop
var n = {}, l = v, b = Array.isArray(l), h = 0;
for (l = b ? l : l['function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var y;
if (b) {
if (h >= l.length)
y = l[h++];
} else {
if ((h =
y = h.value;
var f = y;
void 0 !== this.props[f] && (n[f] = this.props[f]);
return c.cloneElement(t, o({}, n, {
accessible: !1 !== this.props.accessible,
onStartShouldSetResponder: this.touchableHandleStartShouldSetResponder,
onResponderTerminationRequest: this.touchableHandleResponderTerminationRequest,
onResponderGrant: this.touchableHandleResponderGrant,
onResponderMove: this.touchableHandleResponderMove,
onResponderRelease: this.touchableHandleResponderRelease,
onResponderTerminate: this.touchableHandleResponderTerminate,
children: s
m.exports = D;
}, 193, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), o = r(d[1]);
if (void 0 === t)
throw Error('create-react-class could not find the React object. If you are using script tags, make sure that React is being loaded before create-react-class.');
var c = new t.Component().updater;
m.exports = o(t.Component, t.isValidElement, c);
}, 194, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = 'mixins';
m.exports = function (p, c, u) {
var l = [], E = {
mixins: 'DEFINE_MANY',
statics: 'DEFINE_MANY',
propTypes: 'DEFINE_MANY',
contextTypes: 'DEFINE_MANY',
childContextTypes: 'DEFINE_MANY',
getDefaultProps: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',
getInitialState: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',
getChildContext: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED',
render: 'DEFINE_ONCE',
componentWillMount: 'DEFINE_MANY',
componentDidMount: 'DEFINE_MANY',
componentWillReceiveProps: 'DEFINE_MANY',
shouldComponentUpdate: 'DEFINE_ONCE',
componentWillUpdate: 'DEFINE_MANY',
componentDidUpdate: 'DEFINE_MANY',
componentWillUnmount: 'DEFINE_MANY',
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: 'DEFINE_MANY',
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: 'DEFINE_MANY',
UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate: 'DEFINE_MANY',
updateComponent: 'OVERRIDE_BASE'
}, f = { getDerivedStateFromProps: 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED' }, h = {
displayName: function (t, n) {
t.displayName = n;
mixins: function (t, n) {
if (n)
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++)
N(t, n[o]);
childContextTypes: function (n, o) {
n.childContextTypes = t({}, n.childContextTypes, o);
contextTypes: function (n, o) {
n.contextTypes = t({}, n.contextTypes, o);
getDefaultProps: function (t, n) {
t.getDefaultProps ? t.getDefaultProps = M(t.getDefaultProps, n) : t.getDefaultProps = n;
propTypes: function (n, o) {
n.propTypes = t({}, n.propTypes, o);
statics: function (t, n) {
_(t, n);
autobind: function () {
function y(t, n) {
var s = E.hasOwnProperty(n) ? E[n] : null;
P.hasOwnProperty(n) && o('OVERRIDE_BASE' === s, 'ReactClassInterface: You are attempting to override `%s` from your class specification. Ensure that your method names do not overlap with React methods.', n), t && o('DEFINE_MANY' === s || 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED' === s, 'ReactClassInterface: You are attempting to define `%s` on your component more than once. This conflict may be due to a mixin.', n);
function N(t, n) {
if (n) {
o('function' != typeof n, 'ReactClass: You\'re attempting to use a component class or function as a mixin. Instead, just use a regular object.'), o(!c(n), 'ReactClass: You\'re attempting to use a component as a mixin. Instead, just use a regular object.');
var p = t.prototype, u = p.__reactAutoBindPairs;
for (var l in n.hasOwnProperty(s) && h.mixins(t, n.mixins), n)
if (n.hasOwnProperty(l) && l !== s) {
var f = n[l], N = p.hasOwnProperty(l);
if (y(N, l), h.hasOwnProperty(l))
h[l](t, f);
else {
var _ = E.hasOwnProperty(l);
if ('function' != typeof f || _ || N || !1 === n.autobind)
if (N) {
var D = E[l];
o(_ && ('DEFINE_MANY_MERGED' === D || 'DEFINE_MANY' === D), 'ReactClass: Unexpected spec policy %s for key %s when mixing in component specs.', D, l), 'DEFINE_MANY_MERGED' === D ? p[l] = M(p[l], f) : 'DEFINE_MANY' === D && (p[l] = I(p[l], f));
} else
p[l] = f;
u.push(l, f), p[l] = f;
function _(t, n) {
if (n)
for (var s in n) {
var p = n[s];
if (n.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
if (o(!(s in h), 'ReactClass: You are attempting to define a reserved property, `%s`, that shouldn\'t be on the "statics" key. Define it as an instance property instead; it will still be accessible on the constructor.', s), s in t) {
var c = f.hasOwnProperty(s) ? f[s] : null;
return o('DEFINE_MANY_MERGED' === c, 'ReactClass: You are attempting to define `%s` on your component more than once. This conflict may be due to a mixin.', s), void (t[s] = M(t[s], p));
t[s] = p;
function D(t, n) {
for (var s in o(t && n && 'object' == typeof t && 'object' == typeof n, 'mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(): Cannot merge non-objects.'), n)
n.hasOwnProperty(s) && (o(void 0 === t[s], 'mergeIntoWithNoDuplicateKeys(): Tried to merge two objects with the same key: `%s`. This conflict may be due to a mixin; in particular, this may be caused by two getInitialState() or getDefaultProps() methods returning objects with clashing keys.', s), t[s] = n[s]);
return t;
function M(t, n) {
return function () {
var o = t.apply(this, arguments), s = n.apply(this, arguments);
if (null == o)
return s;
if (null == s)
return o;
var p = {};
return D(p, o), D(p, s), p;
function I(t, n) {
return function () {
t.apply(this, arguments), n.apply(this, arguments);
function A(t, n) {
return n.bind(t);
function F(t) {
for (var n = t.__reactAutoBindPairs, o = 0; o < n.length; o += 2) {
var s = n[o], p = n[o + 1];
t[s] = A(t, p);
var Y = {
componentDidMount: function () {
this.__isMounted = !0;
}, v = {
componentWillUnmount: function () {
this.__isMounted = !1;
}, P = {
replaceState: function (t, n) {
this.updater.enqueueReplaceState(this, t, n);
isMounted: function () {
return !!this.__isMounted;
}, R = function () {
return t(R.prototype, p.prototype, P), function (t) {
var s = function (t, p, c) {
this.__reactAutoBindPairs.length && F(this), this.props = t, this.context = p, this.refs = n, this.updater = c || u, this.state = null;
var l = this.getInitialState ? this.getInitialState() : null;
o('object' == typeof l && !Array.isArray(l), '%s.getInitialState(): must return an object or null', s.displayName || 'ReactCompositeComponent'), this.state = l;
for (var p in s.prototype = new R(), s.prototype.constructor = s, s.prototype.__reactAutoBindPairs = [], l.forEach(N.bind(null, s)), N(s, Y), N(s, t), N(s, v), s.getDefaultProps && (s.defaultProps = s.getDefaultProps()), o(s.prototype.render, 'createClass(...): Class specification must implement a `render` method.'), E)
s.prototype[p] || (s.prototype[p] = null);
return s;
}, 195, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = {};
}, 196, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = function (n) {
m.exports = function (o, t, f, s, u, c, l, v) {
if (n(t), !o) {
var p;
if (void 0 === t)
p = new Error('Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.');
else {
var h = [
], w = 0;
(p = new Error(t.replace(/%s/g, function () {
return h[w++];
}))).name = 'Invariant Violation';
throw p.framesToPop = 1, p;
}, 197, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]);
m.exports = function (s) {
n(!(s.delayPressIn < 0 || s.delayPressOut < 0 || s.delayLongPress < 0), 'Touchable components cannot have negative delay properties');
}, 198, [9]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = {
DeprecatedAccessibilityTraits: [
DeprecatedAccessibilityComponentTypes: [
DeprecatedAccessibilityRoles: [
DeprecatedAccessibilityStates: [
}, 199, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
function s(t, s) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
s && (n = n.filter(function (s) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, s).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, n);
return o;
function o(o) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var p = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? s(p, !0).forEach(function (s) {
t(o, s, p[s]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(p)) : s(p).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(o, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, t));
return o;
var n = r(d[1]), p = r(d[2]), c = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), h = r(d[5]), u = r(d[6]), y = r(d[7]), b = r(d[8]), f = r(d[9]), P = r(d[10]), O = r(d[11]), v = {
top: 20,
left: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 30
}, S = f({
displayName: 'TouchableOpacity',
mixins: [
propTypes: o({}, b.propTypes, {
activeOpacity: u.number,
hasTVPreferredFocus: u.bool,
tvParallaxProperties: u.object
getDefaultProps: function () {
return { activeOpacity: 0.2 };
getInitialState: function () {
return o({}, this.touchableGetInitialState(), { anim: new n.Value(this._getChildStyleOpacityWithDefault()) });
componentDidMount: function () {
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: function (t) {
componentDidUpdate: function (t, s) {
this.props.disabled !== t.disabled && this._opacityInactive(250);
setOpacityTo: function (t, s) {
n.timing(this.state.anim, {
toValue: t,
duration: s,
easing: p.inOut(p.quad),
useNativeDriver: !0
touchableHandleActivePressIn: function (t) {
'onResponderGrant' === t.dispatchConfig.registrationName ? this._opacityActive(0) : this._opacityActive(150), this.props.onPressIn && this.props.onPressIn(t);
touchableHandleActivePressOut: function (t) {
this._opacityInactive(250), this.props.onPressOut && this.props.onPressOut(t);
touchableHandleFocus: function (t) {
l.isTV && this._opacityActive(150), this.props.onFocus && this.props.onFocus(t);
touchableHandleBlur: function (t) {
l.isTV && this._opacityInactive(250), this.props.onBlur && this.props.onBlur(t);
touchableHandlePress: function (t) {
this.props.onPress && this.props.onPress(t);
touchableHandleLongPress: function (t) {
this.props.onLongPress && this.props.onLongPress(t);
touchableGetPressRectOffset: function () {
return this.props.pressRetentionOffset || v;
touchableGetHitSlop: function () {
return this.props.hitSlop;
touchableGetHighlightDelayMS: function () {
return this.props.delayPressIn || 0;
touchableGetLongPressDelayMS: function () {
return 0 === this.props.delayLongPress ? 0 : this.props.delayLongPress || 500;
touchableGetPressOutDelayMS: function () {
return this.props.delayPressOut;
_opacityActive: function (t) {
this.setOpacityTo(this.props.activeOpacity, t);
_opacityInactive: function (t) {
this.setOpacityTo(this._getChildStyleOpacityWithDefault(), t);
_getChildStyleOpacityWithDefault: function () {
var t = O( || {};
return null == t.opacity ? 1 : t.opacity;
render: function () {
return h.createElement(n.View, {
accessible: !1 !== this.props.accessible,
accessibilityLabel: this.props.accessibilityLabel,
accessibilityHint: this.props.accessibilityHint,
accessibilityRole: this.props.accessibilityRole,
accessibilityStates: this.props.accessibilityStates,
style: [,
{ opacity: this.state.anim }
nativeID: this.props.nativeID,
testID: this.props.testID,
onLayout: this.props.onLayout,
isTVSelectable: !0,
hasTVPreferredFocus: this.props.hasTVPreferredFocus,
tvParallaxProperties: this.props.tvParallaxProperties,
hitSlop: this.props.hitSlop,
onStartShouldSetResponder: this.touchableHandleStartShouldSetResponder,
onResponderTerminationRequest: this.touchableHandleResponderTerminationRequest,
onResponderGrant: this.touchableHandleResponderGrant,
onResponderMove: this.touchableHandleResponderMove,
onResponderRelease: this.touchableHandleResponderRelease,
onResponderTerminate: this.touchableHandleResponderTerminate
}, this.props.children, y.renderDebugView({
color: 'cyan',
hitSlop: this.props.hitSlop
m.exports = S;
}, 200, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = t(r(d[1]));
function o() {
var n = t(r(d[2]));
return o = function () {
return n;
}, n;
function c(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var c = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (c = c.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, c);
return o;
var u = o().default.isTesting ? r(d[3]) : r(d[4]);
m.exports = function (t) {
for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var u = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {};
o % 2 ? c(u, !0).forEach(function (o) {
(0, n.default)(t, o, u[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(u)) : c(u).forEach(function (n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(u, n));
return t;
get FlatList() {
return r(d[5]);
get Image() {
return r(d[6]);
get ScrollView() {
return r(d[7]);
get SectionList() {
return r(d[8]);
get Text() {
return r(d[9]);
get View() {
return r(d[10]);
}, u);
}, 201, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = t.AnimatedEvent, o = t.attachNativeEvent, u = r(d[1]), c = r(d[2]), f = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), s = r(d[5]), v = r(d[6]), p = r(d[7]), E = {
start: function () {
stop: function () {
reset: function () {
_startNativeLoop: function () {
_isUsingNativeDriver: function () {
return !1;
m.exports = {
Value: s,
ValueXY: v,
Interpolation: c,
Node: f,
decay: function (t, n) {
return E;
timing: function (t, n) {
return E;
spring: function (t, n) {
return E;
add: u.add,
subtract: u.subtract,
divide: u.divide,
multiply: u.multiply,
modulo: u.modulo,
diffClamp: u.diffClamp,
delay: function (t) {
return E;
sequence: function (t) {
return E;
parallel: function (t, n) {
return E;
stagger: function (t, n) {
return E;
loop: function (t) {
(arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}).iterations;
return E;
event: function (t, n) {
return null;
createAnimatedComponent: p,
attachNativeEvent: o,
forkEvent: u.forkEvent,
unforkEvent: u.unforkEvent,
Event: n,
__PropsOnlyForTests: l
}, 202, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), v = r(d[3]), o = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]), _ = r(d[3]).shouldUseNativeDriver;
function l(t, n, _) {
var l = [];
c(_[0] && _[0].nativeEvent, 'Native driven events only support animated values contained inside `nativeEvent`.'), function t(n, v) {
if (n instanceof s)
n.__makeNative(), l.push({
nativeEventPath: v,
animatedValueTag: n.__getNativeTag()
else if ('object' == typeof n)
for (var o in n)
t(n[o], v.concat(o));
}(_[0].nativeEvent, []);
var h = o.findNodeHandle(t);
return l.forEach(function (t) {
v.API.addAnimatedEventToView(h, n, t);
}), {
detach: function () {
l.forEach(function (t) {
v.API.removeAnimatedEventFromView(h, n, t.animatedValueTag);
var h = function () {
function v(n) {
var s = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
t(this, v), this._listeners = [], this._argMapping = n, s.listener && this.__addListener(s.listener), this._callListeners = this._callListeners.bind(this), this._attachedEvent = null, this.__isNative = _(s);
return n(v, [
key: '__addListener',
value: function (t) {
key: '__removeListener',
value: function (t) {
this._listeners = this._listeners.filter(function (n) {
return n !== t;
key: '__attach',
value: function (t, n) {
c(this.__isNative, 'Only native driven events need to be attached.'), this._attachedEvent = l(t, n, this._argMapping);
key: '__detach',
value: function (t, n) {
c(this.__isNative, 'Only native driven events need to be detached.'), this._attachedEvent && this._attachedEvent.detach();
key: '__getHandler',
value: function () {
var t = this;
return this.__isNative ? this._callListeners : function () {
for (var n = arguments.length, v = new Array(n), o = 0; o < n; o++)
v[o] = arguments[o];
var c = function t(n, v, o) {
if ('number' == typeof v && n instanceof s)
else if ('object' == typeof n)
for (var c in n)
t(n[c], v[c], c);
t.__isNative || t._argMapping.forEach(function (t, n) {
c(t, v[n]);
}), t._callListeners.apply(t, v);
key: '_callListeners',
value: function () {
for (var t = arguments.length, n = new Array(t), s = 0; s < t; s++)
n[s] = arguments[s];
this._listeners.forEach(function (t) {
return t.apply(void 0, n);
key: '_validateMapping',
value: function () {
]), v;
m.exports = {
AnimatedEvent: h,
attachNativeEvent: l
}, 203, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), _ = r(d[4]), o = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), h = r(d[7]), f = r(d[8]), c = r(d[9]).API;
function v(t) {
var n = new Set();
!function t(s) {
'function' == typeof s.update ? n.add(s) : s.__getChildren().forEach(t);
}(t), n.forEach(function (t) {
return t.update();
var p = function (p) {
function k(n) {
var _;
return t(this, k), (_ = s(this, u(k).call(this)))._startingValue = _._value = n, _._offset = 0, _._animation = null, _;
return o(k, h), n(k, [
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
this.stopAnimation(), _(u(k.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
return this._value + this._offset;
key: 'setValue',
value: function (t) {
this._animation && (this._animation.stop(), this._animation = null), this._updateValue(t, !this.__isNative), this.__isNative && c.setAnimatedNodeValue(this.__getNativeTag(), t);
key: 'setOffset',
value: function (t) {
this._offset = t, this.__isNative && c.setAnimatedNodeOffset(this.__getNativeTag(), t);
key: 'flattenOffset',
value: function () {
this._value += this._offset, this._offset = 0, this.__isNative && c.flattenAnimatedNodeOffset(this.__getNativeTag());
key: 'extractOffset',
value: function () {
this._offset += this._value, this._value = 0, this.__isNative && c.extractAnimatedNodeOffset(this.__getNativeTag());
key: 'stopAnimation',
value: function (t) {
this.stopTracking(), this._animation && this._animation.stop(), this._animation = null, t && t(this.__getValue());
key: 'resetAnimation',
value: function (t) {
this.stopAnimation(t), this._value = this._startingValue;
key: '_onAnimatedValueUpdateReceived',
value: function (t) {
this._updateValue(t, !1);
key: 'interpolate',
value: function (t) {
return new l(this, t);
key: 'animate',
value: function (t, n) {
var s = this, u = null;
t.__isInteraction && (u = f.createInteractionHandle());
var _ = this._animation;
this._animation && this._animation.stop(), this._animation = t, t.start(this._value, function (t) {
s._updateValue(t, !0);
}, function (t) {
s._animation = null, null !== u && f.clearInteractionHandle(u), n && n(t);
}, _, this);
key: 'stopTracking',
value: function () {
this._tracking && this._tracking.__detach(), this._tracking = null;
key: 'track',
value: function (t) {
this.stopTracking(), this._tracking = t;
key: '_updateValue',
value: function (t, n) {
this._value = t, n && v(this), _(u(k.prototype), '__callListeners', this).call(this, this.__getValue());
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
return {
type: 'value',
value: this._value,
offset: this._offset
]), k;
m.exports = p;
}, 204, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), p = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]);
function f(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var u = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (u = u.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, u);
return o;
function h(t) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var o = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? f(o, !0).forEach(function (n) {
l(t, n, o[n]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)) : f(o).forEach(function (n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, n));
return t;
var s = r(d[8]), v = r(d[9]), _ = r(d[10]), y = r(d[11]), b = function (t) {
return t;
function R(t) {
if (t.outputRange && 'string' == typeof t.outputRange[0])
return j(t);
var n = t.outputRange;
C('outputRange', n);
var o = t.inputRange;
C('inputRange', o), D(o), _(o.length === n.length, 'inputRange (' + o.length + ') and outputRange (' + n.length + ') must have the same length');
var u = t.easing || b, p = 'extend';
void 0 !== t.extrapolateLeft ? p = t.extrapolateLeft : void 0 !== t.extrapolate && (p = t.extrapolate);
var c = 'extend';
return void 0 !== t.extrapolateRight ? c = t.extrapolateRight : void 0 !== t.extrapolate && (c = t.extrapolate), function (t) {
_('number' == typeof t, 'Cannot interpolation an input which is not a number');
var l = P(t, o);
return x(t, o[l], o[l + 1], n[l], n[l + 1], u, p, c);
function x(t, n, o, u, p, c, l, f) {
var h = t;
if (h < n) {
if ('identity' === l)
return h;
'clamp' === l && (h = n);
if (h > o) {
if ('identity' === f)
return h;
'clamp' === f && (h = o);
return u === p ? u : n === o ? t <= n ? u : p : (n === -1 / 0 ? h = -h : o === 1 / 0 ? h -= n : h = (h - n) / (o - n), h = c(h), u === -1 / 0 ? h = -h : p === 1 / 0 ? h += u : h = h * (p - u) + u, h);
function O(t) {
var n = y(t);
return null === n ? t : 'rgba(' + ((4278190080 & (n = n || 0)) >>> 24) + ', ' + ((16711680 & n) >>> 16) + ', ' + ((65280 & n) >>> 8) + ', ' + (255 & n) / 255 + ')';
var k = /[0-9\.-]+/g;
function j(t) {
var n = t.outputRange;
_(n.length >= 2, 'Bad output range'), w(n =;
var o = n[0].match(k).map(function () {
return [];
n.forEach(function (t) {
t.match(k).forEach(function (t, n) {
var u, p = n[0].match(k).map(function (n, u) {
return R(h({}, t, { outputRange: o[u] }));
}), c = 'string' == typeof (u = n[0]) && u.startsWith('rgb');
return function (t) {
var o = 0;
return n[0].replace(k, function () {
var n = +p[o++](t), u = c && o < 4 ? Math.round(n) : Math.round(1000 * n) / 1000;
return String(u);
function w(t) {
for (var n = t[0].replace(k, ''), o = 1; o < t.length; ++o)
_(n === t[o].replace(k, ''), 'invalid pattern ' + t[0] + ' and ' + t[o]);
function P(t, n) {
var o;
for (o = 1; o < n.length - 1 && !(n[o] >= t); ++o);
return o - 1;
function D(t) {
_(t.length >= 2, 'inputRange must have at least 2 elements');
for (var n = 1; n < t.length; ++n)
_(t[n] >= t[n - 1], 'inputRange must be monotonically non-decreasing ' + t);
function C(t, n) {
_(n.length >= 2, t + ' must have at least 2 elements'), _(2 !== n.length || n[0] !== -1 / 0 || n[1] !== 1 / 0, t + 'cannot be ]-infinity;+infinity[ ' + n);
var E = function (l) {
function f(n, p) {
var c;
return t(this, f), (c = o(this, u(f).call(this)))._parent = n, c._config = p, c._interpolation = R(p), c;
return c(f, s), n(f, [
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
this._parent.__makeNative(), p(u(f.prototype), '__makeNative', this).call(this);
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
var t = this._parent.__getValue();
return _('number' == typeof t, 'Cannot interpolate an input which is not a number.'), this._interpolation(t);
key: 'interpolate',
value: function (t) {
return new f(this, t);
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
this._parent.__removeChild(this), p(u(f.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: '__transformDataType',
value: function (t) {
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
return {
inputRange: this._config.inputRange,
outputRange: this.__transformDataType(this._config.outputRange),
extrapolateLeft: this._config.extrapolateLeft || this._config.extrapolate || 'extend',
extrapolateRight: this._config.extrapolateRight || this._config.extrapolate || 'extend',
type: 'interpolation'
]), f;
E.__createInterpolation = R, m.exports = E;
}, 205, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), _ = s.API, u = r(d[3]), v = 1, o = function () {
function o() {
t(this, o), this._listeners = {};
return n(o, [
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
this.__isNative && null != this.__nativeTag && (s.API.dropAnimatedNode(this.__nativeTag), this.__nativeTag = void 0);
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
key: '__getAnimatedValue',
value: function () {
return this.__getValue();
key: '__addChild',
value: function (t) {
key: '__removeChild',
value: function (t) {
key: '__getChildren',
value: function () {
return [];
]), n(o, [
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
if (!this.__isNative)
throw new Error('This node cannot be made a "native" animated node');
this.hasListeners() && this._startListeningToNativeValueUpdates();
key: 'addListener',
value: function (t) {
var n = String(v++);
return this._listeners[n] = t, this.__isNative && this._startListeningToNativeValueUpdates(), n;
key: 'removeListener',
value: function (t) {
delete this._listeners[t], this.__isNative && !this.hasListeners() && this._stopListeningForNativeValueUpdates();
key: 'removeAllListeners',
value: function () {
this._listeners = {}, this.__isNative && this._stopListeningForNativeValueUpdates();
key: 'hasListeners',
value: function () {
return !!Object.keys(this._listeners).length;
key: '_startListeningToNativeValueUpdates',
value: function () {
var t = this;
this.__nativeAnimatedValueListener || (_.startListeningToAnimatedNodeValue(this.__getNativeTag()), this.__nativeAnimatedValueListener = s.nativeEventEmitter.addListener('onAnimatedValueUpdate', function (n) {
n.tag === t.__getNativeTag() && t._onAnimatedValueUpdateReceived(n.value);
key: '_onAnimatedValueUpdateReceived',
value: function (t) {
key: '__callListeners',
value: function (t) {
for (var n in this._listeners)
this._listeners[n]({ value: t });
key: '_stopListeningForNativeValueUpdates',
value: function () {
this.__nativeAnimatedValueListener && (this.__nativeAnimatedValueListener.remove(), this.__nativeAnimatedValueListener = null, _.stopListeningToAnimatedNodeValue(this.__getNativeTag()));
key: '__getNativeTag',
value: function () {
if (s.assertNativeAnimatedModule(), u(this.__isNative, 'Attempt to get native tag from node not marked as "native"'), null == this.__nativeTag) {
var t = s.generateNewNodeTag();
s.API.createAnimatedNode(t, this.__getNativeConfig()), this.__nativeTag = t;
return this.__nativeTag;
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
throw new Error('This JS animated node type cannot be used as native animated node');
key: 'toJSON',
value: function () {
return this.__getValue();
]), o;
m.exports = o;
}, 206, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t, n = r(d[0]).NativeAnimatedModule, o = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), u = 1, c = 1, f = {
createAnimatedNode: function (t, o) {
A(), n.createAnimatedNode(t, o);
startListeningToAnimatedNodeValue: function (t) {
A(), n.startListeningToAnimatedNodeValue(t);
stopListeningToAnimatedNodeValue: function (t) {
A(), n.stopListeningToAnimatedNodeValue(t);
connectAnimatedNodes: function (t, o) {
A(), n.connectAnimatedNodes(t, o);
disconnectAnimatedNodes: function (t, o) {
A(), n.disconnectAnimatedNodes(t, o);
startAnimatingNode: function (t, o, s, u) {
A(), n.startAnimatingNode(t, o, s, u);
stopAnimation: function (t) {
A(), n.stopAnimation(t);
setAnimatedNodeValue: function (t, o) {
A(), n.setAnimatedNodeValue(t, o);
setAnimatedNodeOffset: function (t, o) {
A(), n.setAnimatedNodeOffset(t, o);
flattenAnimatedNodeOffset: function (t) {
A(), n.flattenAnimatedNodeOffset(t);
extractAnimatedNodeOffset: function (t) {
A(), n.extractAnimatedNodeOffset(t);
connectAnimatedNodeToView: function (t, o) {
A(), n.connectAnimatedNodeToView(t, o);
disconnectAnimatedNodeFromView: function (t, o) {
A(), n.disconnectAnimatedNodeFromView(t, o);
dropAnimatedNode: function (t) {
A(), n.dropAnimatedNode(t);
addAnimatedEventToView: function (t, o, s) {
A(), n.addAnimatedEventToView(t, o, s);
removeAnimatedEventFromView: function (t, o, s) {
A(), n.removeAnimatedEventFromView(t, o, s);
}, p = {
opacity: !0,
transform: !0,
borderRadius: !0,
borderBottomEndRadius: !0,
borderBottomLeftRadius: !0,
borderBottomRightRadius: !0,
borderBottomStartRadius: !0,
borderTopEndRadius: !0,
borderTopLeftRadius: !0,
borderTopRightRadius: !0,
borderTopStartRadius: !0,
elevation: !0,
shadowOpacity: !0,
shadowRadius: !0,
scaleX: !0,
scaleY: !0,
translateX: !0,
translateY: !0
}, l = {
translateX: !0,
translateY: !0,
scale: !0,
scaleX: !0,
scaleY: !0,
rotate: !0,
rotateX: !0,
rotateY: !0,
perspective: !0
}, v = {
inputRange: !0,
outputRange: !0,
extrapolate: !0,
extrapolateRight: !0,
extrapolateLeft: !0
function A() {
s(n, 'Native animated module is not available');
var N = !1;
m.exports = {
API: f,
addWhitelistedStyleProp: function (t) {
p[t] = !0;
addWhitelistedTransformProp: function (t) {
l[t] = !0;
addWhitelistedInterpolationParam: function (t) {
v[t] = !0;
validateStyles: function (t) {
for (var n in t)
if (!p.hasOwnProperty(n))
throw new Error('Style property \'' + n + '\' is not supported by native animated module');
validateTransform: function (t) {
t.forEach(function (t) {
if (!l.hasOwnProperty(
throw new Error('Property \'' + + '\' is not supported by native animated module');
validateInterpolation: function (t) {
for (var n in t)
if (!v.hasOwnProperty(n))
throw new Error('Interpolation property \'' + n + '\' is not supported by native animated module');
generateNewNodeTag: function () {
return u++;
generateNewAnimationId: function () {
return c++;
assertNativeAnimatedModule: A,
shouldUseNativeDriver: function (t) {
return t.useNativeDriver && !n ? (N || (console.warn('Animated: `useNativeDriver` is not supported because the native animated module is missing. Falling back to JS-based animation. To resolve this, add `RCTAnimation` module to this app, or remove `useNativeDriver`. More info:'), N = !0), !1) : t.useNativeDriver || !1;
transformDataType: function (t) {
return 'string' != typeof t ? t : /deg$/.test(t) ? (parseFloat(t) || 0) * Math.PI / 180 : parseFloat(t) || 0;
get nativeEventEmitter() {
return t || (t = new o(n)), t;
}, 207, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), _ = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), h = r(d[4]), l = r(d[5]), o = r(d[6]), c = r(d[7]), v = function (v) {
function u() {
var _;
return t(this, u), (_ = n(this, s(u).call(this)))._children = [], _;
return l(u, o), _(u, [
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
if (!this.__isNative) {
this.__isNative = !0;
var t = this._children, _ = Array.isArray(t), n = 0;
for (t = _ ? t : t['function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var l;
if (_) {
if (n >= t.length)
l = t[n++];
} else {
if ((n =
l = n.value;
var o = l;
o.__makeNative(), c.API.connectAnimatedNodes(this.__getNativeTag(), o.__getNativeTag());
h(s(u.prototype), '__makeNative', this).call(this);
key: '__addChild',
value: function (t) {
0 === this._children.length && this.__attach(), this._children.push(t), this.__isNative && (t.__makeNative(), c.API.connectAnimatedNodes(this.__getNativeTag(), t.__getNativeTag()));
key: '__removeChild',
value: function (t) {
var _ = this._children.indexOf(t);
-1 !== _ ? (this.__isNative && t.__isNative && c.API.disconnectAnimatedNodes(this.__getNativeTag(), t.__getNativeTag()), this._children.splice(_, 1), 0 === this._children.length && this.__detach()) : console.warn('Trying to remove a child that doesn\'t exist');
key: '__getChildren',
value: function () {
return this._children;
key: '__callListeners',
value: function (t) {
if (h(s(u.prototype), '__callListeners', this).call(this, t), !this.__isNative) {
var _ = this._children, n = Array.isArray(_), l = 0;
for (_ = n ? _ : _['function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var o;
if (n) {
if (l >= _.length)
o = _[l++];
} else {
if ((l =
o = l.value;
var c = o;
c.__getValue && c.__callListeners(c.__getValue());
]), u;
m.exports = v;
}, 208, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), c = (r(d[3]), r(d[4])), s = r(d[5]), u = new t(), l = {
Events: s({
interactionStart: !0,
interactionComplete: !0
runAfterInteractions: function (n) {
var t = [], o = new Promise(function (o) {
k(), n && t.push(n), t.push({
run: o,
name: 'resolve ' + (n && || '?')
}), h.enqueueTasks(t);
return {
then: o.then.bind(o),
done: function () {
if (o.done)
return o.done.apply(o, arguments);
console.warn('Tried to call done when not supported by current Promise implementation.');
cancel: function () {
createInteractionHandle: function () {
var n = ++T;
return p.add(n), n;
clearInteractionHandle: function (n) {
c(!!n, 'Must provide a handle to clear.'), k(), p.delete(n), v.add(n);
addListener: u.addListener.bind(u),
setDeadline: function (n) {
E = n;
}, f = new Set(), p = new Set(), v = new Set(), h = new o({ onMoreTasks: k }), w = 0, T = 0, E = -1;
function k() {
w || (w = E > 0 ? setTimeout(S, 0) : setImmediate(S));
function S() {
w = 0;
var t = f.size;
p.forEach(function (n) {
return f.add(n);
}), v.forEach(function (n) {
return f.delete(n);
var o = f.size;
if (0 !== t && 0 === o ? u.emit(l.Events.interactionComplete) : 0 === t && 0 !== o && u.emit(l.Events.interactionStart), 0 === o)
for (; h.hasTasksToProcess();)
if (h.processNext(), E > 0 && n.getEventLoopRunningTime() >= E) {
p.clear(), v.clear();
m.exports = l;
}, 209, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), u = r(d[2]);
function s(t, n) {
var u = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), u.push.apply(u, s);
return u;
function o(n) {
for (var u = 1; u < arguments.length; u++) {
var o = null != arguments[u] ? arguments[u] : {};
u % 2 ? s(o, !0).forEach(function (u) {
t(n, u, o[u]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)) : s(o).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, t));
return n;
var c = r(d[4]), h = function () {
function t(u) {
var s = u.onMoreTasks;
n(this, t), this._onMoreTasks = s, this._queueStack = [{
tasks: [],
popable: !1
return u(t, [
key: 'enqueue',
value: function (t) {
key: 'enqueueTasks',
value: function (t) {
var n = this;
t.forEach(function (t) {
return n.enqueue(t);
key: 'cancelTasks',
value: function (t) {
this._queueStack = (n) {
return o({}, n, {
tasks: n.tasks.filter(function (n) {
return -1 === t.indexOf(n);
}).filter(function (t, n) {
return t.tasks.length > 0 || 0 === n;
key: 'hasTasksToProcess',
value: function () {
return this._getCurrentQueue().length > 0;
key: 'processNext',
value: function () {
var t = this._getCurrentQueue();
if (t.length) {
var n = t.shift();
try {
n.gen ? this._genPromise(n) : ? : (c('function' == typeof n, 'Expected Function, SimpleTask, or PromiseTask, but got:\n' + JSON.stringify(n, null, 2)), n());
} catch (t) {
throw t.message = 'TaskQueue: Error with task ' + ( || '') + ': ' + t.message, t;
key: '_getCurrentQueue',
value: function () {
var t = this._queueStack.length - 1, n = this._queueStack[t];
return n.popable && 0 === n.tasks.length && this._queueStack.length > 1 ? (this._queueStack.pop(), this._getCurrentQueue()) : n.tasks;
key: '_genPromise',
value: function (t) {
var n = this;
tasks: [],
popable: !1
var u = this._queueStack.length - 1;
t.gen().then(function () {
n._queueStack[u].popable = !0, n.hasTasksToProcess() && n._onMoreTasks();
}).catch(function (n) {
throw n.message = 'TaskQueue: Error resolving Promise in task ' + + ': ' + n.message, n;
]), t;
m.exports = h;
}, 210, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]);
function t(n, t) {
var o = Object.keys(n);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var u = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n);
t && (u = u.filter(function (t) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, u);
return o;
function o(o) {
for (var u = 1; u < arguments.length; u++) {
var s = null != arguments[u] ? arguments[u] : {};
u % 2 ? t(s, !0).forEach(function (t) {
n(o, t, s[t]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(s)) : t(s).forEach(function (n) {
Object.defineProperty(o, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, n));
return o;
var u = r(d[1]), s = u.AnimatedEvent, c = u.attachNativeEvent, f = r(d[2]), v = r(d[3]), p = r(d[4]), l = r(d[5]), h = r(d[6]), _ = r(d[7]), w = r(d[8]), y = r(d[9]), N = r(d[10]), O = r(d[11]), D = r(d[12]), E = r(d[13]), b = r(d[14]), L = r(d[15]), A = r(d[16]), j = r(d[17]), P = function (n, t) {
return n && t.onComplete ? function () {
t.onComplete && t.onComplete.apply(t, arguments), n && n.apply(void 0, arguments);
} : n || t.onComplete;
}, k = function (n, t, u) {
if (n instanceof E) {
var s = o({}, t), c = o({}, t);
for (var f in t) {
var v = t[f], p = v.x, l = v.y;
void 0 !== p && void 0 !== l && (s[f] = p, c[f] = l);
var h = u(n.x, s), _ = u(n.y, c);
return C([
], { stopTogether: !1 });
return null;
}, U = function n(t, u) {
var s = function (n, t, o) {
o = P(o, t);
var u = n, s = t;
u.stopTracking(), t.toValue instanceof w ? u.track(new O(u, t.toValue, A, s, o)) : u.animate(new A(s), o);
return k(t, u, n) || {
start: function (n) {
s(t, u, n);
stop: function () {
reset: function () {
_startNativeLoop: function (n) {
var c = o({}, u, { iterations: n });
s(t, c);
_isUsingNativeDriver: function () {
return u.useNativeDriver || !1;
}, V = function (n) {
var t = 0;
return {
start: function (o) {
0 === n.length ? o && o({ finished: !0 }) : n[t].start(function u(s) {
s.finished && ++t !== n.length ? n[t].start(u) : o && o(s);
stop: function () {
t < n.length && n[t].stop();
reset: function () {
n.forEach(function (n, o) {
o <= t && n.reset();
}), t = 0;
_startNativeLoop: function () {
throw new Error('Loops run using the native driver cannot contain Animated.sequence animations');
_isUsingNativeDriver: function () {
return !1;
}, C = function (n, t) {
var o = 0, u = {}, s = !(t && !1 === t.stopTogether), c = {
start: function (t) {
o !== n.length ? n.forEach(function (f, v) {
var p = function (f) {
if (u[v] = !0, ++o === n.length)
return o = 0, void (t && t(f));
!f.finished && s && c.stop();
f ? f.start(p) : p({ finished: !0 });
}) : t && t({ finished: !0 });
stop: function () {
n.forEach(function (n, t) {
!u[t] && n.stop(), u[t] = !0;
reset: function () {
n.forEach(function (n, t) {
n.reset(), u[t] = !1, o = 0;
_startNativeLoop: function () {
throw new Error('Loops run using the native driver cannot contain Animated.parallel animations');
_isUsingNativeDriver: function () {
return !1;
return c;
}, T = function (n) {
return U(new D(0), {
toValue: 0,
delay: n,
duration: 0
m.exports = {
Value: D,
ValueXY: E,
Interpolation: l,
Node: w,
decay: function n(t, u) {
var s = function (n, t, o) {
o = P(o, t);
var u = n, s = t;
u.stopTracking(), u.animate(new b(s), o);
return k(t, u, n) || {
start: function (n) {
s(t, u, n);
stop: function () {
reset: function () {
_startNativeLoop: function (n) {
var c = o({}, u, { iterations: n });
s(t, c);
_isUsingNativeDriver: function () {
return u.useNativeDriver || !1;
timing: U,
spring: function n(t, u) {
var s = function (n, t, o) {
o = P(o, t);
var u = n, s = t;
u.stopTracking(), t.toValue instanceof w ? u.track(new O(u, t.toValue, L, s, o)) : u.animate(new L(s), o);
return k(t, u, n) || {
start: function (n) {
s(t, u, n);
stop: function () {
reset: function () {
_startNativeLoop: function (n) {
var c = o({}, u, { iterations: n });
s(t, c);
_isUsingNativeDriver: function () {
return u.useNativeDriver || !1;
add: function (n, t) {
return new f(n, t);
subtract: function (n, t) {
return new N(n, t);
divide: function (n, t) {
return new p(n, t);
multiply: function (n, t) {
return new _(n, t);
modulo: function (n, t) {
return new h(n, t);
diffClamp: function (n, t, o) {
return new v(n, t, o);
delay: T,
sequence: V,
parallel: C,
stagger: function (n, t) {
return C( (t, o) {
return V([
T(n * o),
loop: function (n) {
var t = (arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}).iterations, o = void 0 === t ? -1 : t, u = !1, s = 0;
return {
start: function (t) {
n && 0 !== o ? n._isUsingNativeDriver() ? n._startNativeLoop(o) : function c() {
var f = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : { finished: !0 };
u || s === o || !1 === f.finished ? t && t(f) : (s++, n.reset(), n.start(c));
}() : t && t({ finished: !0 });
stop: function () {
u = !0, n.stop();
reset: function () {
s = 0, u = !1, n.reset();
_startNativeLoop: function () {
throw new Error('Loops run using the native driver cannot contain Animated.loop animations');
_isUsingNativeDriver: function () {
return n._isUsingNativeDriver();
event: function (n, t) {
var o = new s(n, t);
return o.__isNative ? o : o.__getHandler();
createAnimatedComponent: j,
attachNativeEvent: c,
forkEvent: function (n, t) {
return n ? n instanceof s ? (n.__addListener(t), n) : function () {
'function' == typeof n && n.apply(void 0, arguments), t.apply(void 0, arguments);
} : t;
unforkEvent: function (n, t) {
n && n instanceof s && n.__removeListener(t);
Event: s,
__PropsOnlyForTests: y
}, 211, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), _ = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), h = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), s = r(d[5]), o = r(d[6]), l = (r(d[7]), r(d[8])), v = r(d[9]), c = function (c) {
function f(_, u) {
var s;
return t(this, f), (s = n(this, h(f).call(this)))._a = 'number' == typeof _ ? new l(_) : _, s._b = 'number' == typeof u ? new l(u) : u, s;
return s(f, v), _(f, [
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
this._a.__makeNative(), this._b.__makeNative(), u(h(f.prototype), '__makeNative', this).call(this);
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
return this._a.__getValue() + this._b.__getValue();
key: 'interpolate',
value: function (t) {
return new o(this, t);
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
this._a.__addChild(this), this._b.__addChild(this);
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
this._a.__removeChild(this), this._b.__removeChild(this), u(h(f.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
return {
type: 'addition',
input: [
]), f;
m.exports = c;
}, 212, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), _ = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), h = r(d[4]), s = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), v = (r(d[7]), r(d[8])), c = function (c) {
function o(_, h, s) {
var l;
return t(this, o), (l = n(this, u(o).call(this)))._a = _, l._min = h, l._max = s, l._value = l._lastValue = l._a.__getValue(), l;
return s(o, v), _(o, [
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
this._a.__makeNative(), h(u(o.prototype), '__makeNative', this).call(this);
key: 'interpolate',
value: function (t) {
return new l(this, t);
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
var t = this._a.__getValue(), _ = t - this._lastValue;
return this._lastValue = t, this._value = Math.min(Math.max(this._value + _, this._min), this._max), this._value;
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
this._a.__removeChild(this), h(u(o.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
return {
type: 'diffclamp',
input: this._a.__getNativeTag(),
min: this._min,
max: this._max
]), o;
m.exports = c;
}, 213, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), _ = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), h = r(d[3]), s = r(d[4]), o = r(d[5]), u = r(d[6]), l = (r(d[7]), r(d[8])), v = r(d[9]), c = function (c) {
function f(_, s) {
var o;
return t(this, f), (o = n(this, h(f).call(this)))._a = 'number' == typeof _ ? new l(_) : _, o._b = 'number' == typeof s ? new l(s) : s, o;
return o(f, v), _(f, [
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
this._a.__makeNative(), this._b.__makeNative(), s(h(f.prototype), '__makeNative', this).call(this);
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
var t = this._a.__getValue(), _ = this._b.__getValue();
return 0 === _ && console.error('Detected division by zero in AnimatedDivision'), t / _;
key: 'interpolate',
value: function (t) {
return new u(this, t);
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
this._a.__addChild(this), this._b.__addChild(this);
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
this._a.__removeChild(this), this._b.__removeChild(this), s(h(f.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
return {
type: 'division',
input: [
]), f;
m.exports = c;
}, 214, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), u = r(d[1]), _ = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), n = r(d[4]), h = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), o = (r(d[7]), r(d[8])), c = function (c) {
function v(u, n) {
var h;
return t(this, v), (h = _(this, s(v).call(this)))._a = u, h._modulus = n, h;
return h(v, o), u(v, [
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
this._a.__makeNative(), n(s(v.prototype), '__makeNative', this).call(this);
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
return (this._a.__getValue() % this._modulus + this._modulus) % this._modulus;
key: 'interpolate',
value: function (t) {
return new l(this, t);
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
this._a.__removeChild(this), n(s(v.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
return {
type: 'modulus',
input: this._a.__getNativeTag(),
modulus: this._modulus
]), v;
m.exports = c;
}, 215, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), _ = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), h = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), s = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), o = (r(d[7]), r(d[8])), c = r(d[9]), v = function (v) {
function f(_, u) {
var s;
return t(this, f), (s = n(this, h(f).call(this)))._a = 'number' == typeof _ ? new o(_) : _, s._b = 'number' == typeof u ? new o(u) : u, s;
return s(f, c), _(f, [
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
this._a.__makeNative(), this._b.__makeNative(), u(h(f.prototype), '__makeNative', this).call(this);
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
return this._a.__getValue() * this._b.__getValue();
key: 'interpolate',
value: function (t) {
return new l(this, t);
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
this._a.__addChild(this), this._b.__addChild(this);
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
this._a.__removeChild(this), this._b.__removeChild(this), u(h(f.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
return {
type: 'multiplication',
input: [
]), f;
m.exports = v;
}, 216, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), _ = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]), v = r(d[6]);
function p(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, s);
return o;
function h(n) {
for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var s = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {};
o % 2 ? p(s, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, s[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(s)) : p(s).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, t));
return n;
var u = r(d[7]).AnimatedEvent, l = r(d[8]), f = r(d[9]), y = r(d[10]), w = r(d[11]), b = r(d[12]), N = function (t) {
function p(t, o) {
var c;
return n(this, p), c = s(this, _(p).call(this)), && (t = h({}, t, { style: new f( })), c._props = t, c._callback = o, c.__attach(), c;
return v(p, l), o(p, [
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
var t = {};
for (var n in this._props) {
var o = this._props[n];
o instanceof l ? (!o.__isNative || o instanceof f) && (t[n] = o.__getValue()) : t[n] = o instanceof u ? o.__getHandler() : o;
return t;
key: '__getAnimatedValue',
value: function () {
var t = {};
for (var n in this._props) {
var o = this._props[n];
o instanceof l && (t[n] = o.__getAnimatedValue());
return t;
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
for (var t in this._props) {
var n = this._props[t];
n instanceof l && n.__addChild(this);
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
for (var t in this.__isNative && this._animatedView && this.__disconnectAnimatedView(), this._props) {
var n = this._props[t];
n instanceof l && n.__removeChild(this);
c(_(p.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: 'update',
value: function () {
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
if (!this.__isNative) {
for (var t in this.__isNative = !0, this._props) {
var n = this._props[t];
n instanceof l && n.__makeNative();
this._animatedView && this.__connectAnimatedView();
key: 'setNativeView',
value: function (t) {
this._animatedView !== t && (this._animatedView = t, this.__isNative && this.__connectAnimatedView());
key: '__connectAnimatedView',
value: function () {
b(this.__isNative, 'Expected node to be marked as "native"');
var t = w.findNodeHandle(this._animatedView);
b(null != t, 'Unable to locate attached view in the native tree'), y.API.connectAnimatedNodeToView(this.__getNativeTag(), t);
key: '__disconnectAnimatedView',
value: function () {
b(this.__isNative, 'Expected node to be marked as "native"');
var t = w.findNodeHandle(this._animatedView);
b(null != t, 'Unable to locate attached view in the native tree'), y.API.disconnectAnimatedNodeFromView(this.__getNativeTag(), t);
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
var t = {};
for (var n in this._props) {
var o = this._props[n];
o instanceof l && (t[n] = o.__getNativeTag());
return {
type: 'props',
props: t
]), p;
m.exports = N;
}, 217, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), l = r(d[3]), o = r(d[4]), _ = r(d[5]), y = r(d[6]);
function u(t, n) {
var s = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var l = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (l = l.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), s.push.apply(s, l);
return s;
function c(n) {
for (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) {
var l = null != arguments[s] ? arguments[s] : {};
s % 2 ? u(l, !0).forEach(function (s) {
t(n, s, l[s]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(l)) : u(l).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(l, t));
return n;
var f = r(d[7]), v = r(d[8]), h = r(d[9]), p = r(d[10]), k = r(d[11]), A = function (t) {
function u(t) {
var s;
return n(this, u), s = l(this, o(u).call(this)), (t = k(t) || {}).transform && (t = c({}, t, { transform: new v(t.transform) })), s._style = t, s;
return y(u, h), s(u, [
key: '_walkStyleAndGetValues',
value: function (t) {
var n = {};
for (var s in t) {
var l = t[s];
l instanceof f ? l.__isNative || (n[s] = l.__getValue()) : l && !Array.isArray(l) && 'object' == typeof l ? n[s] = this._walkStyleAndGetValues(l) : n[s] = l;
return n;
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
return this._walkStyleAndGetValues(this._style);
key: '_walkStyleAndGetAnimatedValues',
value: function (t) {
var n = {};
for (var s in t) {
var l = t[s];
l instanceof f ? n[s] = l.__getAnimatedValue() : l && !Array.isArray(l) && 'object' == typeof l && (n[s] = this._walkStyleAndGetAnimatedValues(l));
return n;
key: '__getAnimatedValue',
value: function () {
return this._walkStyleAndGetAnimatedValues(this._style);
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
for (var t in this._style) {
var n = this._style[t];
n instanceof f && n.__addChild(this);
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
for (var t in this._style) {
var n = this._style[t];
n instanceof f && n.__removeChild(this);
_(o(u.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
for (var t in this._style) {
var n = this._style[t];
n instanceof f && n.__makeNative();
_(o(u.prototype), '__makeNative', this).call(this);
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
var t = {};
for (var n in this._style)
this._style[n] instanceof f && (t[n] = this._style[n].__getNativeTag());
return p.validateStyles(t), {
type: 'style',
style: t
]), u;
m.exports = A;
}, 218, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), f = r(d[4]), _ = r(d[5]), u = r(d[6]), c = r(d[7]), v = r(d[8]), h = function (h) {
function l(n) {
var f;
return t(this, l), (f = o(this, s(l).call(this)))._transforms = n, f;
return _(l, c), n(l, [
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
this._transforms.forEach(function (t) {
for (var n in t) {
var o = t[n];
o instanceof u && o.__makeNative();
}), f(s(l.prototype), '__makeNative', this).call(this);
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
return (t) {
var n = {};
for (var o in t) {
var s = t[o];
n[o] = s instanceof u ? s.__getValue() : s;
return n;
key: '__getAnimatedValue',
value: function () {
return (t) {
var n = {};
for (var o in t) {
var s = t[o];
n[o] = s instanceof u ? s.__getAnimatedValue() : s;
return n;
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
var t = this;
this._transforms.forEach(function (n) {
for (var o in n) {
var s = n[o];
s instanceof u && s.__addChild(t);
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
var t = this;
this._transforms.forEach(function (n) {
for (var o in n) {
var s = n[o];
s instanceof u && s.__removeChild(t);
}), f(s(l.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
var t = [];
return this._transforms.forEach(function (n) {
for (var o in n) {
var s = n[o];
s instanceof u ? t.push({
type: 'animated',
property: o,
nodeTag: s.__getNativeTag()
}) : t.push({
type: 'static',
property: o,
value: v.transformDataType(s)
}), v.validateTransform(t), {
type: 'transform',
transforms: t
]), l;
m.exports = h;
}, 219, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), _ = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), h = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), s = r(d[5]), o = r(d[6]), l = (r(d[7]), r(d[8])), c = r(d[9]), v = function (v) {
function f(_, u) {
var s;
return t(this, f), (s = n(this, h(f).call(this)))._a = 'number' == typeof _ ? new l(_) : _, s._b = 'number' == typeof u ? new l(u) : u, s;
return s(f, c), _(f, [
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
this._a.__makeNative(), this._b.__makeNative(), u(h(f.prototype), '__makeNative', this).call(this);
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
return this._a.__getValue() - this._b.__getValue();
key: 'interpolate',
value: function (t) {
return new o(this, t);
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
this._a.__addChild(this), this._b.__addChild(this);
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
this._a.__removeChild(this), this._b.__removeChild(this), u(h(f.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
return {
type: 'subtraction',
input: [
]), f;
m.exports = v;
}, 220, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), _ = r(d[3]), s = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), c = r(d[6]);
function l(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var _ = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (_ = _.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, _);
return o;
function h(n) {
for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var _ = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {};
o % 2 ? l(_, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, _[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(_)) : l(_).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_, t));
return n;
var v = r(d[8]), f = r(d[9]), p = f.generateNewAnimationId, y = f.shouldUseNativeDriver, k = function (t) {
function l(t, o, u, c, h) {
var v;
return n(this, l), (v = _(this, s(l).call(this)))._value = t, v._parent = o, v._animationClass = u, v._animationConfig = c, v._useNativeDriver = y(c), v._callback = h, v.__attach(), v;
return c(l, v), o(l, [
key: '__makeNative',
value: function () {
this.__isNative = !0, this._parent.__makeNative(), u(s(l.prototype), '__makeNative', this).call(this), this._value.__makeNative();
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
return this._parent.__getValue();
key: '__attach',
value: function () {
this._parent.__addChild(this), this._useNativeDriver && this.__makeNative();
key: '__detach',
value: function () {
this._parent.__removeChild(this), u(s(l.prototype), '__detach', this).call(this);
key: 'update',
value: function () {
this._value.animate(new this._animationClass(h({}, this._animationConfig, { toValue: this._animationConfig.toValue.__getValue() })), this._callback);
key: '__getNativeConfig',
value: function () {
var t = new this._animationClass(h({}, this._animationConfig, { toValue: void 0 })).__getNativeAnimationConfig();
return {
type: 'tracking',
animationId: p(),
animationConfig: t,
toValue: this._parent.__getNativeTag(),
value: this._value.__getNativeTag()
]), l;
m.exports = k;
}, 221, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), f = r(d[5]), o = r(d[6]), y = r(d[7]), h = 1, x = function (x) {
function c(s) {
var l;
t(this, c), l = n(this, u(c).call(this));
var o = s || {
x: 0,
y: 0
return 'number' == typeof o.x && 'number' == typeof o.y ? (l.x = new f(o.x), l.y = new f(o.y)) : (y(o.x instanceof f && o.y instanceof f, 'AnimatedValueXY must be initialized with an object of numbers or AnimatedValues.'), l.x = o.x, l.y = o.y), l._listeners = {}, l;
return l(c, o), s(c, [
key: 'setValue',
value: function (t) {
this.x.setValue(t.x), this.y.setValue(t.y);
key: 'setOffset',
value: function (t) {
this.x.setOffset(t.x), this.y.setOffset(t.y);
key: 'flattenOffset',
value: function () {
this.x.flattenOffset(), this.y.flattenOffset();
key: 'extractOffset',
value: function () {
this.x.extractOffset(), this.y.extractOffset();
key: '__getValue',
value: function () {
return {
x: this.x.__getValue(),
y: this.y.__getValue()
key: 'resetAnimation',
value: function (t) {
this.x.resetAnimation(), this.y.resetAnimation(), t && t(this.__getValue());
key: 'stopAnimation',
value: function (t) {
this.x.stopAnimation(), this.y.stopAnimation(), t && t(this.__getValue());
key: 'addListener',
value: function (t) {
var s = this, n = String(h++), u = function (n) {
return this._listeners[n] = {
x: this.x.addListener(u),
y: this.y.addListener(u)
}, n;
key: 'removeListener',
value: function (t) {
this.x.removeListener(this._listeners[t].x), this.y.removeListener(this._listeners[t].y), delete this._listeners[t];
key: 'removeAllListeners',
value: function () {
this.x.removeAllListeners(), this.y.removeAllListeners(), this._listeners = {};
key: 'getLayout',
value: function () {
return {
left: this.x,
top: this.y
key: 'getTranslateTransform',
value: function () {
return [
{ translateX: this.x },
{ translateY: this.y }
]), c;
m.exports = x;
}, 222, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), _ = r(d[4]), h = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), c = r(d[7]).shouldUseNativeDriver, u = function (u) {
function v(n) {
var _, h, l, u;
return t(this, v), (u = s(this, o(v).call(this)))._deceleration = null != (_ = n.deceleration) ? _ : 0.998, u._velocity = n.velocity, u._useNativeDriver = c(n), u.__isInteraction = null != (h = n.isInteraction) ? h : !u._useNativeDriver, u.__iterations = null != (l = n.iterations) ? l : 1, u;
return h(v, l), n(v, [
key: '__getNativeAnimationConfig',
value: function () {
return {
type: 'decay',
deceleration: this._deceleration,
velocity: this._velocity,
iterations: this.__iterations
key: 'start',
value: function (t, n, s, o, _) {
this.__active = !0, this._lastValue = t, this._fromValue = t, this._onUpdate = n, this.__onEnd = s, this._startTime =, this._useNativeDriver ? this.__startNativeAnimation(_) : this._animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.onUpdate.bind(this));
key: 'onUpdate',
value: function () {
var t =, n = this._fromValue + this._velocity / (1 - this._deceleration) * (1 - Math.exp(-(1 - this._deceleration) * (t - this._startTime)));
this._onUpdate(n), Math.abs(this._lastValue - n) < 0.1 ? this.__debouncedOnEnd({ finished: !0 }) : (this._lastValue = n, this.__active && (this._animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.onUpdate.bind(this))));
key: 'stop',
value: function () {
_(o(v.prototype), 'stop', this).call(this), this.__active = !1, g.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame), this.__debouncedOnEnd({ finished: !1 });
]), v;
m.exports = u;
}, 223, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), _ = function () {
function _() {
t(this, _);
return n(_, [
key: 'start',
value: function (t, n, o, _, s) {
key: 'stop',
value: function () {
this.__nativeId && o.API.stopAnimation(this.__nativeId);
key: '__getNativeAnimationConfig',
value: function () {
throw new Error('This animation type cannot be offloaded to native');
key: '__debouncedOnEnd',
value: function (t) {
var n = this.__onEnd;
this.__onEnd = null, n && n(t);
key: '__startNativeAnimation',
value: function (t) {
t.__makeNative(), this.__nativeId = o.generateNewAnimationId(), o.API.startAnimatingNode(this.__nativeId, t.__getNativeTag(), this.__getNativeAnimationConfig(), this.__debouncedOnEnd.bind(this));
]), _;
m.exports = _;
}, 224, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), h = r(d[5]), _ = (r(d[6]), r(d[7]), r(d[8])), u = r(d[9]), f = r(d[10]), c = r(d[11]).shouldUseNativeDriver, v = function (v) {
function p(s) {
var l, h, _, v, y, V, T, b, M, D, P, S;
if (t(this, p), (M = n(this, o(p).call(this)))._overshootClamping = null != (l = s.overshootClamping) && l, M._restDisplacementThreshold = null != (h = s.restDisplacementThreshold) ? h : 0.001, M._restSpeedThreshold = null != (_ = s.restSpeedThreshold) ? _ : 0.001, M._initialVelocity = null != (v = s.velocity) ? v : 0, M._lastVelocity = null != (y = s.velocity) ? y : 0, M._toValue = s.toValue, M._delay = null != (V = s.delay) ? V : 0, M._useNativeDriver = c(s), M.__isInteraction = null != (T = s.isInteraction) ? T : !M._useNativeDriver, M.__iterations = null != (b = s.iterations) ? b : 1, void 0 !== s.stiffness || void 0 !== s.damping || void 0 !== s.mass)
f(void 0 === s.bounciness && void 0 === s.speed && void 0 === s.tension && void 0 === s.friction, 'You can define one of bounciness/speed, tension/friction, or stiffness/damping/mass, but not more than one'), M._stiffness = null != (D = s.stiffness) ? D : 100, M._damping = null != (P = s.damping) ? P : 10, M._mass = null != (S = s.mass) ? S : 1;
else if (void 0 !== s.bounciness || void 0 !== s.speed) {
var U, A;
f(void 0 === s.tension && void 0 === s.friction && void 0 === s.stiffness && void 0 === s.damping && void 0 === s.mass, 'You can define one of bounciness/speed, tension/friction, or stiffness/damping/mass, but not more than one');
var C = u.fromBouncinessAndSpeed(null != (U = s.bounciness) ? U : 8, null != (A = s.speed) ? A : 12);
M._stiffness = C.stiffness, M._damping = C.damping, M._mass = 1;
} else {
var N, k, F = u.fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction(null != (N = s.tension) ? N : 40, null != (k = s.friction) ? k : 7);
M._stiffness = F.stiffness, M._damping = F.damping, M._mass = 1;
return f(M._stiffness > 0, 'Stiffness value must be greater than 0'), f(M._damping > 0, 'Damping value must be greater than 0'), f(M._mass > 0, 'Mass value must be greater than 0'), M;
return h(p, _), s(p, [
key: '__getNativeAnimationConfig',
value: function () {
var t;
return {
type: 'spring',
overshootClamping: this._overshootClamping,
restDisplacementThreshold: this._restDisplacementThreshold,
restSpeedThreshold: this._restSpeedThreshold,
stiffness: this._stiffness,
damping: this._damping,
mass: this._mass,
initialVelocity: null != (t = this._initialVelocity) ? t : this._lastVelocity,
toValue: this._toValue,
iterations: this.__iterations
key: 'start',
value: function (t, s, n, o, l) {
var h = this;
if (this.__active = !0, this._startPosition = t, this._lastPosition = this._startPosition, this._onUpdate = s, this.__onEnd = n, this._lastTime =, this._frameTime = 0, o instanceof p) {
var _ = o.getInternalState();
this._lastPosition = _.lastPosition, this._lastVelocity = _.lastVelocity, this._initialVelocity = this._lastVelocity, this._lastTime = _.lastTime;
var u = function () {
h._useNativeDriver ? h.__startNativeAnimation(l) : h.onUpdate();
this._delay ? this._timeout = setTimeout(u, this._delay) : u();
key: 'getInternalState',
value: function () {
return {
lastPosition: this._lastPosition,
lastVelocity: this._lastVelocity,
lastTime: this._lastTime
key: 'onUpdate',
value: function () {
var t =;
t > this._lastTime + 64 && (t = this._lastTime + 64);
var s = (t - this._lastTime) / 1000;
this._frameTime += s;
var n = this._damping, o = this._mass, l = this._stiffness, h = -this._initialVelocity, _ = n / (2 * Math.sqrt(l * o)), u = Math.sqrt(l / o), f = u * Math.sqrt(1 - _ * _), c = this._toValue - this._startPosition, v = 0, p = 0, y = this._frameTime;
if (_ < 1) {
var V = Math.exp(-_ * u * y);
v = this._toValue - V * ((h + _ * u * c) / f * Math.sin(f * y) + c * Math.cos(f * y)), p = _ * u * V * (Math.sin(f * y) * (h + _ * u * c) / f + c * Math.cos(f * y)) - V * (Math.cos(f * y) * (h + _ * u * c) - f * c * Math.sin(f * y));
} else {
var T = Math.exp(-u * y);
v = this._toValue - T * (c + (h + u * c) * y), p = T * (h * (y * u - 1) + y * c * (u * u));
if (this._lastTime = t, this._lastPosition = v, this._lastVelocity = p, this._onUpdate(v), this.__active) {
var b = !1;
this._overshootClamping && 0 !== this._stiffness && (b = this._startPosition < this._toValue ? v > this._toValue : v < this._toValue);
var M = Math.abs(p) <= this._restSpeedThreshold, D = !0;
if (0 !== this._stiffness && (D = Math.abs(this._toValue - v) <= this._restDisplacementThreshold), b || M && D)
return 0 !== this._stiffness && (this._lastPosition = this._toValue, this._lastVelocity = 0, this._onUpdate(this._toValue)), void this.__debouncedOnEnd({ finished: !0 });
this._animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.onUpdate.bind(this));
key: 'stop',
value: function () {
l(o(p.prototype), 'stop', this).call(this), this.__active = !1, clearTimeout(this._timeout), g.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame), this.__debouncedOnEnd({ finished: !1 });
]), p;
m.exports = v;
}, 225, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
function n(n) {
return 3.62 * (n - 30) + 194;
function t(n) {
return 3 * (n - 8) + 25;
m.exports = {
fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction: function (o, u) {
return {
stiffness: n(o),
damping: t(u)
fromBouncinessAndSpeed: function (o, u) {
function f(n, t, o) {
return (n - t) / (o - t);
function c(n, t, o) {
return t + n * (o - t);
function s(n, t, o) {
return n * o + (1 - n) * t;
function p(n) {
return 0.000044 * Math.pow(n, 3) - 0.006 * Math.pow(n, 2) + 0.36 * n + 2;
function h(n) {
return 4.5e-7 * Math.pow(n, 3) - 0.000332 * Math.pow(n, 2) + 0.1078 * n + 5.84;
var w = f(o / 1.7, 0, 20);
w = c(w, 0, 0.8);
var M, v, A, _, x = c(f(u / 1.7, 0, 20), 0.5, 200), B = (M = w, v = (A = x) <= 18 ? (_ = A, 0.0007 * Math.pow(_, 3) - 0.031 * Math.pow(_, 2) + 0.64 * _ + 1.28) : A > 18 && A <= 44 ? p(A) : h(A), s(2 * M - M * M, v, 0.01));
return {
stiffness: n(x),
damping: t(B)
}, 226, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t, n = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), _ = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), h = r(d[5]), l = (r(d[6]), r(d[7]), r(d[8])), v = r(d[9]).shouldUseNativeDriver;
function c() {
if (!t) {
var n = r(d[10]);
t = n.inOut(n.ease);
return t;
var f = function (t) {
function f(t) {
var s, u, h, l, p, V;
return n(this, f), (V = o(this, _(f).call(this)))._toValue = t.toValue, V._easing = null != (s = t.easing) ? s : c(), V._duration = null != (u = t.duration) ? u : 500, V._delay = null != (h = t.delay) ? h : 0, V.__iterations = null != (l = t.iterations) ? l : 1, V._useNativeDriver = v(t), V.__isInteraction = null != (p = t.isInteraction) ? p : !V._useNativeDriver, V;
return h(f, l), s(f, [
key: '__getNativeAnimationConfig',
value: function () {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < this._duration; n += 16.666666666666668)
t.push(this._easing(n / this._duration));
return t.push(this._easing(1)), {
type: 'frames',
frames: t,
toValue: this._toValue,
iterations: this.__iterations
key: 'start',
value: function (t, n, s, o, _) {
var u = this;
this.__active = !0, this._fromValue = t, this._onUpdate = n, this.__onEnd = s;
var h = function () {
0 !== u._duration || u._useNativeDriver ? (u._startTime =, u._useNativeDriver ? u.__startNativeAnimation(_) : u._animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(u.onUpdate.bind(u))) : (u._onUpdate(u._toValue), u.__debouncedOnEnd({ finished: !0 }));
this._delay ? this._timeout = setTimeout(h, this._delay) : h();
key: 'onUpdate',
value: function () {
var t =;
if (t >= this._startTime + this._duration)
return 0 === this._duration ? this._onUpdate(this._toValue) : this._onUpdate(this._fromValue + this._easing(1) * (this._toValue - this._fromValue)), void this.__debouncedOnEnd({ finished: !0 });
this._onUpdate(this._fromValue + this._easing((t - this._startTime) / this._duration) * (this._toValue - this._fromValue)), this.__active && (this._animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this.onUpdate.bind(this)));
key: 'stop',
value: function () {
u(_(f.prototype), 'stop', this).call(this), this.__active = !1, clearTimeout(this._timeout), g.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationFrame), this.__debouncedOnEnd({ finished: !1 });
]), f;
m.exports = f;
}, 227, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n, u = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), o = function () {
function o() {
u(this, o);
return t(o, null, [
key: 'step0',
value: function (n) {
return n > 0 ? 1 : 0;
key: 'step1',
value: function (n) {
return n >= 1 ? 1 : 0;
key: 'linear',
value: function (n) {
return n;
key: 'ease',
value: function (u) {
return n || (n = o.bezier(0.42, 0, 1, 1)), n(u);
key: 'quad',
value: function (n) {
return n * n;
key: 'cubic',
value: function (n) {
return n * n * n;
key: 'poly',
value: function (n) {
return function (u) {
return Math.pow(u, n);
key: 'sin',
value: function (n) {
return 1 - Math.cos(n * Math.PI / 2);
key: 'circle',
value: function (n) {
return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - n * n);
key: 'exp',
value: function (n) {
return Math.pow(2, 10 * (n - 1));
key: 'elastic',
value: function () {
var n = (arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 1) * Math.PI;
return function (u) {
return 1 - Math.pow(Math.cos(u * Math.PI / 2), 3) * Math.cos(u * n);
key: 'back',
value: function () {
var n = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 1.70158;
return function (u) {
return u * u * ((n + 1) * u - n);
key: 'bounce',
value: function (n) {
if (n < 0.36363636363636365)
return 7.5625 * n * n;
if (n < 0.7272727272727273) {
var u = n - 0.5454545454545454;
return 7.5625 * u * u + 0.75;
if (n < 0.9090909090909091) {
var t = n - 0.8181818181818182;
return 7.5625 * t * t + 0.9375;
var o = n - 0.9545454545454546;
return 7.5625 * o * o + 0.984375;
key: 'bezier',
value: function (n, u, t, o) {
return r(d[2])(n, u, t, o);
key: 'in',
value: function (n) {
return n;
key: 'out',
value: function (n) {
return function (u) {
return 1 - n(1 - u);
key: 'inOut',
value: function (n) {
return function (u) {
return u < 0.5 ? n(2 * u) / 2 : 1 - n(2 * (1 - u)) / 2;
]), o;
m.exports = o;
}, 228, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = 4, t = 0.001, u = 1e-7, o = 10, f = 0.1, c = 'function' == typeof Float32Array;
function v(n, t) {
return 1 - 3 * t + 3 * n;
function s(n, t) {
return 3 * t - 6 * n;
function w(n) {
return 3 * n;
function l(n, t, u) {
return ((v(t, u) * n + s(t, u)) * n + w(t)) * n;
function y(n, t, u) {
return 3 * v(t, u) * n * n + 2 * s(t, u) * n + w(t);
function b(n, t, f, c, v) {
var s, w, y = 0, b = t, h = f;
do {
(s = l(w = b + (h - b) / 2, c, v) - n) > 0 ? h = w : b = w;
} while (Math.abs(s) > u && ++y < o);
return w;
function h(t, u, o, f) {
for (var c = u, v = 0; v < n; ++v) {
var s = y(c, o, f);
if (0 === s)
return c;
c -= (l(c, o, f) - t) / s;
return c;
m.exports = function (n, u, o, v) {
if (!(n >= 0 && n <= 1 && o >= 0 && o <= 1))
throw new Error('bezier x values must be in [0, 1] range');
var s = c ? new Float32Array(11) : new Array(11);
if (n !== u || o !== v)
for (var w = 0; w < 11; ++w)
s[w] = l(w * f, n, o);
function A(u) {
for (var c = 0, v = 1; 10 !== v && s[v] <= u; ++v)
c += f;
var w = c + (u - s[--v]) / (s[v + 1] - s[v]) * f, l = y(w, n, o);
return l >= t ? h(u, w, n, o) : 0 === l ? w : b(u, c, c + f, n, o);
return function (t) {
return n === u && o === v ? t : 0 === t ? 0 : 1 === t ? 1 : l(A(t), u, v);
}, 229, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), p = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]), _ = r(d[6]).AnimatedEvent, h = r(d[7]), v = r(d[8]), l = r(d[9]), u = r(d[10]);
m.exports = function (f, N) {
u('function' != typeof f || f.prototype && f.prototype.isReactComponent, '`createAnimatedComponent` does not support stateless functional components; use a class component instead.');
var k = function (l) {
function u(t) {
var o;
return n(this, u), (o = s(this, p(u).call(this, t)))._invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount = !1, o._eventDetachers = [], o._animatedPropsCallback = function () {
if (null == o._component)
o._invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount = !0;
else if (u.__skipSetNativeProps_FOR_TESTS_ONLY || 'function' != typeof o._component.setNativeProps)
else {
if (o._propsAnimated.__isNative)
throw new Error('Attempting to run JS driven animation on animated node that has been moved to "native" earlier by starting an animation with `useNativeDriver: true`');
}, o._setComponentRef = function (t) {
o._prevComponent = o._component, o._component = t;
}, o;
return c(u, l), o(u, [
key: 'componentWillUnmount',
value: function () {
this._propsAnimated && this._propsAnimated.__detach(), this._detachNativeEvents();
key: 'setNativeProps',
value: function (t) {
key: 'UNSAFE_componentWillMount',
value: function () {
key: 'componentDidMount',
value: function () {
this._invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount && (this._invokeAnimatedPropsCallbackOnMount = !1, this._animatedPropsCallback()), this._propsAnimated.setNativeView(this._component), this._attachNativeEvents();
key: '_attachNativeEvents',
value: function () {
var t = this, n = this._component.getScrollableNode ? this._component.getScrollableNode() : this._component, o = function (o) {
var s = t.props[o];
s instanceof _ && s.__isNative && (s.__attach(n, o), t._eventDetachers.push(function () {
return s.__detach(n, o);
for (var s in this.props)
key: '_detachNativeEvents',
value: function () {
this._eventDetachers.forEach(function (t) {
return t();
}), this._eventDetachers = [];
key: '_attachProps',
value: function (t) {
var n = this._propsAnimated;
this._propsAnimated = new h(t, this._animatedPropsCallback), n && n.__detach();
key: 'UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps',
value: function (t) {
key: 'componentDidUpdate',
value: function (t) {
this._component !== this._prevComponent && this._propsAnimated.setNativeView(this._component), this._component === this._prevComponent && t === this.props || (this._detachNativeEvents(), this._attachNativeEvents());
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var n = this._propsAnimated.__getValue();
return v.createElement(f, t({}, N, n, {
ref: this._setComponentRef,
collapsable: !this._propsAnimated.__isNative && n.collapsable
key: 'getNode',
value: function () {
return this._component;
]), u;
k.__skipSetNativeProps_FOR_TESTS_ONLY = !1;
var y = f.propTypes;
return k.propTypes = {
style: function (t, n, o) {
if (y)
for (var s in l)
y[s] || void 0 === t[s] || console.warn('You are setting the style `{ ' + s + ': ... }` as a prop. You should nest it in a style object. E.g. `{ style: { ' + s + ': ... } }`');
}, k;
}, 230, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]);
m.exports = s(t);
}, 231, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), c = r(d[6]);
function f(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, s);
return o;
function p(t) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var o = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? f(o, !0).forEach(function (n) {
c(t, n, o[n]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)) : f(o).forEach(function (n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, n));
return t;
var h = r(d[8]), y = r(d[9]), C = r(d[10]), v = r(d[11]), b = r(d[12]), w = r(d[13]), _ = p({}, v.defaultProps, {
numColumns: 1,
removeClippedSubviews: !0
}), I = function (c) {
function f(t) {
var l;
return n(this, f), (l = o(this, s(f).call(this, t)))._virtualizedListPairs = [], l._captureRef = function (t) {
l._listRef = t;
}, l._getItem = function (t, n) {
var o = l.props.numColumns;
if (o > 1) {
for (var s = [], u = 0; u < o; u++) {
var c = t[n * o + u];
null != c && s.push(c);
return s;
return t[n];
}, l._getItemCount = function (t) {
return t ? Math.ceil(t.length / l.props.numColumns) : 0;
}, l._keyExtractor = function (t, n) {
var o = l.props, s = o.keyExtractor, u = o.numColumns;
return u > 1 ? (w(Array.isArray(t), 'FlatList: Encountered internal consistency error, expected each item to consist of an array with 1-%s columns; instead, received a single item.', u), (t, o) {
return s(t, n * u + o);
}).join(':')) : s(t, n);
}, l._renderItem = function (t) {
var n = l.props, o = n.renderItem, s = n.numColumns, u = n.columnWrapperStyle;
if (s > 1) {
var c = t.item, f = t.index;
return w(Array.isArray(c), 'Expected array of items with numColumns > 1'), y.createElement(C, { style: b.compose(k.row, u) }, (n, l) {
var u = o({
item: n,
index: f * s + l,
separators: t.separators
return u && y.cloneElement(u, { key: l });
return o(t);
}, l._checkProps(l.props), l.props.viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs ? l._virtualizedListPairs = (t) {
return {
viewabilityConfig: t.viewabilityConfig,
onViewableItemsChanged: l._createOnViewableItemsChanged(t.onViewableItemsChanged)
}) : l.props.onViewableItemsChanged && l._virtualizedListPairs.push({
viewabilityConfig: l.props.viewabilityConfig,
onViewableItemsChanged: l._createOnViewableItemsChanged(l.props.onViewableItemsChanged)
}), l;
return u(f, c), l(f, [
key: 'scrollToEnd',
value: function (t) {
this._listRef && this._listRef.scrollToEnd(t);
key: 'scrollToIndex',
value: function (t) {
this._listRef && this._listRef.scrollToIndex(t);
key: 'scrollToItem',
value: function (t) {
this._listRef && this._listRef.scrollToItem(t);
key: 'scrollToOffset',
value: function (t) {
this._listRef && this._listRef.scrollToOffset(t);
key: 'recordInteraction',
value: function () {
this._listRef && this._listRef.recordInteraction();
key: 'flashScrollIndicators',
value: function () {
this._listRef && this._listRef.flashScrollIndicators();
key: 'getScrollResponder',
value: function () {
if (this._listRef)
return this._listRef.getScrollResponder();
key: 'getScrollableNode',
value: function () {
if (this._listRef)
return this._listRef.getScrollableNode();
key: 'setNativeProps',
value: function (t) {
this._listRef && this._listRef.setNativeProps(t);
]), l(f, [
key: 'componentDidUpdate',
value: function (t) {
w(t.numColumns === this.props.numColumns, 'Changing numColumns on the fly is not supported. Change the key prop on FlatList when changing the number of columns to force a fresh render of the component.'), w(t.onViewableItemsChanged === this.props.onViewableItemsChanged, 'Changing onViewableItemsChanged on the fly is not supported'), w(!h(t.viewabilityConfig, this.props.viewabilityConfig), 'Changing viewabilityConfig on the fly is not supported'), w(t.viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs === this.props.viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs, 'Changing viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs on the fly is not supported'), this._checkProps(this.props);
key: '_checkProps',
value: function (t) {
var n = t.getItem, o = t.getItemCount, s = t.horizontal, l = t.numColumns, u = t.columnWrapperStyle, c = t.onViewableItemsChanged, f = t.viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs;
w(!n && !o, 'FlatList does not support custom data formats.'), l > 1 ? w(!s, 'numColumns does not support horizontal.') : w(!u, 'columnWrapperStyle not supported for single column lists'), w(!(c && f), 'FlatList does not support setting both onViewableItemsChanged and viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs.');
key: '_pushMultiColumnViewable',
value: function (t, n) {
var o = this.props, s = o.numColumns, l = o.keyExtractor;
n.item.forEach(function (o, u) {
w(null != n.index, 'Missing index!');
var c = n.index * s + u;
t.push(p({}, n, {
item: o,
key: l(o, c),
index: c
key: '_createOnViewableItemsChanged',
value: function (t) {
var n = this;
return function (o) {
var s = n.props.numColumns;
if (t)
if (s > 1) {
var l = [], u = [];
o.viewableItems.forEach(function (t) {
return n._pushMultiColumnViewable(u, t);
}), o.changed.forEach(function (t) {
return n._pushMultiColumnViewable(l, t);
}), t({
viewableItems: u,
changed: l
} else
key: 'render',
value: function () {
return y.createElement(v, t({}, this.props, {
renderItem: this._renderItem,
getItem: this._getItem,
getItemCount: this._getItemCount,
keyExtractor: this._keyExtractor,
ref: this._captureRef,
viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs: this._virtualizedListPairs
]), f;
I.defaultProps = _;
var k = b.create({ row: { flexDirection: 'row' } });
m.exports = I;
}, 232, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), h = r(d[5]), c = r(d[6]), p = r(d[7]);
function u(t, s) {
var n = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
s && (o = o.filter(function (s) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, s).enumerable;
})), n.push.apply(n, o);
return n;
function f(t) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var o = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? u(o, !0).forEach(function (n) {
s(t, n, o[n]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)) : u(o).forEach(function (s) {
Object.defineProperty(t, s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, s));
return t;
var _ = r(d[8]), y = r(d[9]), v = r(d[10]), C = r(d[11]), L = r(d[12]), b = r(d[13]), S = r(d[14]), M = r(d[15]), x = r(d[16]), k = r(d[17]), I = r(d[18]), E = (r(d[19]), r(d[20])), w = r(d[21]), R = (r(d[22]), r(d[23]).computeWindowedRenderLimits), T = !1, O = '', z = function (u) {
function v(s, c) {
var p;
n(this, v), (p = o(this, l(v).call(this, s, c)))._getScrollMetrics = function () {
return p._scrollMetrics;
}, p._getOutermostParentListRef = function () {
return p._isNestedWithSameOrientation() ? p.context.virtualizedList.getOutermostParentListRef() : h(p);
}, p._getNestedChildState = function (t) {
var s = p._nestedChildLists.get(t);
return s && s.state;
}, p._registerAsNestedChild = function (t) {
var s = p._cellKeysToChildListKeys.get(t.cellKey) || new Set();
s.add(t.key), p._cellKeysToChildListKeys.set(t.cellKey, s);
var n = p._nestedChildLists.get(t.key);
w(!(n && null !== n.ref), 'A VirtualizedList contains a cell which itself contains more than one VirtualizedList of the same orientation as the parent list. You must pass a unique listKey prop to each sibling list.'), p._nestedChildLists.set(t.key, {
ref: t.ref,
state: null
}), p._hasInteracted && t.ref.recordInteraction();
}, p._unregisterAsNestedChild = function (t) {
p._nestedChildLists.set(t.key, {
ref: null,
state: t.state
}, p._onUpdateSeparators = function (t, s) {
t.forEach(function (t) {
var n = null != t && p._cellRefs[t];
n && n.updateSeparatorProps(s);
}, p._averageCellLength = 0, p._cellKeysToChildListKeys = new Map(), p._cellRefs = {}, p._frames = {}, p._footerLength = 0, p._hasDataChangedSinceEndReached = !0, p._hasDoneInitialScroll = !1, p._hasInteracted = !1, p._hasMore = !1, p._hasWarned = {}, p._headerLength = 0, p._hiPriInProgress = !1, p._highestMeasuredFrameIndex = 0, p._indicesToKeys = new Map(), p._nestedChildLists = new Map(), p._offsetFromParentVirtualizedList = 0, p._prevParentOffset = 0, p._scrollMetrics = {
contentLength: 0,
dOffset: 0,
dt: 10,
offset: 0,
timestamp: 0,
velocity: 0,
visibleLength: 0
}, p._scrollRef = null, p._sentEndForContentLength = 0, p._totalCellLength = 0, p._totalCellsMeasured = 0, p._viewabilityTuples = [], p._captureScrollRef = function (t) {
p._scrollRef = t;
}, p._defaultRenderScrollComponent = function (s) {
var n = s.onRefresh;
return p._isNestedWithSameOrientation() ? C.createElement(k, s) : n ? (w('boolean' == typeof s.refreshing, '`refreshing` prop must be set as a boolean in order to use `onRefresh`, but got `' + JSON.stringify(s.refreshing) + '`'), C.createElement(S, t({}, s, {
refreshControl: null == s.refreshControl ? C.createElement(b, {
refreshing: s.refreshing,
onRefresh: n,
progressViewOffset: s.progressViewOffset
}) : s.refreshControl
}))) : C.createElement(S, s);
}, p._onCellUnmount = function (t) {
var s = p._frames[t];
s && (p._frames[t] = f({}, s, { inLayout: !1 }));
}, p._onLayout = function (t) {
p._isNestedWithSameOrientation() ? p.measureLayoutRelativeToContainingList() : p._scrollMetrics.visibleLength = p._selectLength(t.nativeEvent.layout), p.props.onLayout && p.props.onLayout(t), p._scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate(), p._maybeCallOnEndReached();
}, p._onLayoutEmpty = function (t) {
p.props.onLayout && p.props.onLayout(t);
}, p._onLayoutFooter = function (t) {
p._footerLength = p._selectLength(t.nativeEvent.layout);
}, p._onLayoutHeader = function (t) {
p._headerLength = p._selectLength(t.nativeEvent.layout);
}, p._onContentSizeChange = function (t, s) {
t > 0 && s > 0 && null != p.props.initialScrollIndex && p.props.initialScrollIndex > 0 && !p._hasDoneInitialScroll && (p.scrollToIndex({
animated: !1,
index: p.props.initialScrollIndex
}), p._hasDoneInitialScroll = !0), p.props.onContentSizeChange && p.props.onContentSizeChange(t, s), p._scrollMetrics.contentLength = p._selectLength({
height: s,
width: t
}), p._scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate(), p._maybeCallOnEndReached();
}, p._convertParentScrollMetrics = function (t) {
var s = t.offset - p._offsetFromParentVirtualizedList, n = t.visibleLength, o = s - p._scrollMetrics.offset;
return {
visibleLength: n,
contentLength: p._scrollMetrics.contentLength,
offset: s,
dOffset: o
}, p._onScroll = function (t) {
p._nestedChildLists.forEach(function (s) {
s.ref && s.ref._onScroll(t);
}), p.props.onScroll && p.props.onScroll(t);
var s = t.timeStamp, n = p._selectLength(t.nativeEvent.layoutMeasurement), o = p._selectLength(t.nativeEvent.contentSize), l = p._selectOffset(t.nativeEvent.contentOffset), h = l - p._scrollMetrics.offset;
if (p._isNestedWithSameOrientation()) {
if (0 === p._scrollMetrics.contentLength)
var c = p._convertParentScrollMetrics({
visibleLength: n,
offset: l
n = c.visibleLength, o = c.contentLength, l = c.offset, h = c.dOffset;
var u = p._scrollMetrics.timestamp ? Math.max(1, s - p._scrollMetrics.timestamp) : 1, f = h / u;
u > 500 && p._scrollMetrics.dt > 500 && o > 5 * n && !p._hasWarned.perf && (E('VirtualizedList: You have a large list that is slow to update - make sure your renderItem function renders components that follow React performance best practices like PureComponent, shouldComponentUpdate, etc.', {
dt: u,
prevDt: p._scrollMetrics.dt,
contentLength: o
}), p._hasWarned.perf = !0), p._scrollMetrics = {
contentLength: o,
dt: u,
dOffset: h,
offset: l,
timestamp: s,
velocity: f,
visibleLength: n
}, p._updateViewableItems(, p.props && (p._maybeCallOnEndReached(), 0 !== f && p._fillRateHelper.activate(), p._computeBlankness(), p._scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate());
}, p._onScrollBeginDrag = function (t) {
p._nestedChildLists.forEach(function (s) {
s.ref && s.ref._onScrollBeginDrag(t);
}), p._viewabilityTuples.forEach(function (t) {
}), p._hasInteracted = !0, p.props.onScrollBeginDrag && p.props.onScrollBeginDrag(t);
}, p._onScrollEndDrag = function (t) {
var s = t.nativeEvent.velocity;
s && (p._scrollMetrics.velocity = p._selectOffset(s)), p._computeBlankness(), p.props.onScrollEndDrag && p.props.onScrollEndDrag(t);
}, p._onMomentumScrollEnd = function (t) {
p._scrollMetrics.velocity = 0, p._computeBlankness(), p.props.onMomentumScrollEnd && p.props.onMomentumScrollEnd(t);
}, p._updateCellsToRender = function () {
var t = p.props, s =, n = t.getItemCount, o = t.onEndReachedThreshold, l = p._isVirtualizationDisabled();
p._updateViewableItems(s), s && p.setState(function (t) {
var h;
if (l) {
var c = p._scrollMetrics, u = c.contentLength, f = c.offset, _ = c.visibleLength, y = u - _ - f < o * _ ? p.props.maxToRenderPerBatch : 0;
h = {
first: 0,
last: Math.min(t.last + y, n(s) - 1)
} else
p._scrollMetrics.visibleLength && (p.props.initialScrollIndex && !p._scrollMetrics.offset || (h = R(p.props, t, p._getFrameMetricsApprox, p._scrollMetrics)));
if (h && p._nestedChildLists.size > 0)
for (var v = h.first, C = h.last, L = v; L <= C; L++) {
var b = p._indicesToKeys.get(L), S = b && p._cellKeysToChildListKeys.get(b);
if (S) {
var M = !1, x = S, k = Array.isArray(x), I = 0;
for (x = k ? x : x['function' == typeof Symbol && 'function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var E;
if (k) {
if (I >= x.length)
E = x[I++];
} else {
if ((I =
E = I.value;
var w = E, T = p._nestedChildLists.get(w);
if (T && T.ref && T.ref.hasMore()) {
M = !0;
if (M) {
h.last = L;
return h;
}, p._createViewToken = function (t, s) {
var n = p.props, o =, l = n.getItem, h = n.keyExtractor, c = l(o, t);
return {
index: t,
item: c,
key: h(c, t),
isViewable: s
}, p._getFrameMetricsApprox = function (t) {
var s = p._getFrameMetrics(t);
if (s && s.index === t)
return s;
var n = p.props.getItemLayout;
return w(!n, 'Should not have to estimate frames when a measurement metrics function is provided'), {
length: p._averageCellLength,
offset: p._averageCellLength * t
}, p._getFrameMetrics = function (t) {
var s = p.props, n =, o = s.getItem, l = s.getItemCount, h = s.getItemLayout, c = s.keyExtractor;
w(l(n) > t, 'Tried to get frame for out of range index ' + t);
var u = o(n, t), f = u && p._frames[c(u, t)];
return f && f.index === t || h && (f = h(n, t)), f;
}, w(!s.onScroll || !s.onScroll.__isNative, 'Components based on VirtualizedList must be wrapped with Animated.createAnimatedComponent to support native onScroll events with useNativeDriver'), w(s.windowSize > 0, 'VirtualizedList: The windowSize prop must be present and set to a value greater than 0.'), p._fillRateHelper = new y(p._getFrameMetrics), p._updateCellsToRenderBatcher = new _(p._updateCellsToRender, p.props.updateCellsBatchingPeriod), p.props.viewabilityConfigCallbackPairs ? p._viewabilityTuples = (t) {
return {
viewabilityHelper: new I(t.viewabilityConfig),
onViewableItemsChanged: t.onViewableItemsChanged
}) : p.props.onViewableItemsChanged && p._viewabilityTuples.push({
viewabilityHelper: new I(p.props.viewabilityConfig),
onViewableItemsChanged: p.props.onViewableItemsChanged
var u = {
first: p.props.initialScrollIndex || 0,
last: Math.min(p.props.getItemCount(, (p.props.initialScrollIndex || 0) + p.props.initialNumToRender) - 1
if (p._isNestedWithSameOrientation()) {
var L = p.context.virtualizedList.getNestedChildState(p.props.listKey || p._getCellKey());
L && (u = L, p.state = L, p._frames = L.frames);
return p.state = u, p;
return p(v, u), c(v, [
key: 'scrollToEnd',
value: function (t) {
var s = !t || t.animated, n = this.props.getItemCount( - 1, o = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(n), l = Math.max(0, o.offset + o.length + this._footerLength - this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength);
this._scrollRef.scrollTo(this.props.horizontal ? {
x: l,
animated: s
} : {
y: l,
animated: s
key: 'scrollToIndex',
value: function (t) {
var s = this.props, n =, o = s.horizontal, l = s.getItemCount, h = s.getItemLayout, c = s.onScrollToIndexFailed, p = t.animated, u = t.index, f = t.viewOffset, _ = t.viewPosition;
if (w(u >= 0 && u < l(n), 'scrollToIndex out of range: ' + u + ' vs ' + (l(n) - 1)), !h && u > this._highestMeasuredFrameIndex)
return w(!!c, 'scrollToIndex should be used in conjunction with getItemLayout or onScrollToIndexFailed, otherwise there is no way to know the location of offscreen indices or handle failures.'), void c({
averageItemLength: this._averageCellLength,
highestMeasuredFrameIndex: this._highestMeasuredFrameIndex,
index: u
var y = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(u), v = Math.max(0, y.offset - (_ || 0) * (this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength - y.length)) - (f || 0);
this._scrollRef.scrollTo(o ? {
x: v,
animated: p
} : {
y: v,
animated: p
key: 'scrollToItem',
value: function (t) {
for (var s = t.item, n = this.props, o =, l = n.getItem, h = (0, n.getItemCount)(o), c = 0; c < h; c++)
if (l(o, c) === s) {
this.scrollToIndex(f({}, t, { index: c }));
key: 'scrollToOffset',
value: function (t) {
var s = t.animated, n = t.offset;
this._scrollRef.scrollTo(this.props.horizontal ? {
x: n,
animated: s
} : {
y: n,
animated: s
key: 'recordInteraction',
value: function () {
this._nestedChildLists.forEach(function (t) {
t.ref && t.ref.recordInteraction();
}), this._viewabilityTuples.forEach(function (t) {
}), this._updateViewableItems(;
key: 'flashScrollIndicators',
value: function () {
key: 'getScrollResponder',
value: function () {
if (this._scrollRef && this._scrollRef.getScrollResponder)
return this._scrollRef.getScrollResponder();
key: 'getScrollableNode',
value: function () {
return this._scrollRef && this._scrollRef.getScrollableNode ? this._scrollRef.getScrollableNode() : L.findNodeHandle(this._scrollRef);
key: 'setNativeProps',
value: function (t) {
this._scrollRef && this._scrollRef.setNativeProps(t);
key: 'getChildContext',
value: function () {
return {
virtualizedList: {
getScrollMetrics: this._getScrollMetrics,
horizontal: this.props.horizontal,
getOutermostParentListRef: this._getOutermostParentListRef,
getNestedChildState: this._getNestedChildState,
registerAsNestedChild: this._registerAsNestedChild,
unregisterAsNestedChild: this._unregisterAsNestedChild
key: '_getCellKey',
value: function () {
return this.context.virtualizedCell && this.context.virtualizedCell.cellKey || 'rootList';
key: 'hasMore',
value: function () {
return this._hasMore;
]), c(v, [
key: 'componentDidMount',
value: function () {
this._isNestedWithSameOrientation() && this.context.virtualizedList.registerAsNestedChild({
cellKey: this._getCellKey(),
key: this.props.listKey || this._getCellKey(),
ref: this
key: 'componentWillUnmount',
value: function () {
this._isNestedWithSameOrientation() && this.context.virtualizedList.unregisterAsNestedChild({
key: this.props.listKey || this._getCellKey(),
state: {
first: this.state.first,
last: this.state.last,
frames: this._frames
}), this._updateViewableItems(null), this._updateCellsToRenderBatcher.dispose({ abort: !0 }), this._viewabilityTuples.forEach(function (t) {
}), this._fillRateHelper.deactivateAndFlush();
key: '_pushCells',
value: function (t, s, n, o, l, h) {
var c, p = this, u = this.props, f = u.CellRendererComponent, _ = u.ItemSeparatorComponent, y =, v = u.getItem, L = u.getItemCount, b = u.horizontal, S = u.keyExtractor, M = this.props.ListHeaderComponent ? 1 : 0, x = L(y) - 1;
l = Math.min(x, l);
for (var k = function (o) {
var l = v(y, o), u = S(l, o);
p._indicesToKeys.set(o, u), n.has(o + M) && s.push(t.length), t.push(C.createElement(P, {
CellRendererComponent: f,
ItemSeparatorComponent: o < x ? _ : void 0,
cellKey: u,
fillRateHelper: p._fillRateHelper,
horizontal: b,
index: o,
inversionStyle: h,
item: l,
key: u,
prevCellKey: c,
onUpdateSeparators: p._onUpdateSeparators,
onLayout: function (t) {
return p._onCellLayout(t, u, o);
onUnmount: p._onCellUnmount,
parentProps: p.props,
ref: function (t) {
p._cellRefs[u] = t;
})), c = u;
}, I = o; I <= l; I++)
key: '_isVirtualizationDisabled',
value: function () {
return this.props.disableVirtualization;
key: '_isNestedWithSameOrientation',
value: function () {
var t = this.context.virtualizedList;
return !(!t || !!t.horizontal != !!this.props.horizontal);
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = this, n = this.props, o = n.ListEmptyComponent, l = n.ListFooterComponent, h = n.ListHeaderComponent, c = this.props, p =, u = c.horizontal, _ = this._isVirtualizationDisabled(), y = this.props.inverted ? this.props.horizontal ? K.horizontallyInverted : K.verticallyInverted : null, v = [], L = new Set(this.props.stickyHeaderIndices), b = [];
if (h) {
L.has(0) && b.push(0);
var S = C.isValidElement(h) ? h : C.createElement(h, null);
v.push(C.createElement(F, {
cellKey: this._getCellKey() + '-header',
key: '$header'
}, C.createElement(k, {
onLayout: this._onLayoutHeader,
style: M.compose(y, this.props.ListHeaderComponentStyle)
}, S)));
var x = this.props.getItemCount(p);
if (x > 0) {
T = !1, O = '';
var I = u ? 'width' : 'height', E = this.props.initialScrollIndex ? -1 : this.props.initialNumToRender - 1, w = this.state, R = w.first, z = w.last;
this._pushCells(v, b, L, 0, E, y);
var P = Math.max(E + 1, R);
if (!_ && R > E + 1) {
var N = !1;
if (L.size > 0)
for (var V = h ? 1 : 0, A = P - 1; A > E; A--)
if (L.has(A + V)) {
var D = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(E), H = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(A), B = H.offset - D.offset - (this.props.initialScrollIndex ? 0 : D.length);
v.push(C.createElement(k, {
key: '$sticky_lead',
style: s({}, I, B)
})), this._pushCells(v, b, L, A, A, y);
var U = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(R).offset - (H.offset + H.length);
v.push(C.createElement(k, {
key: '$sticky_trail',
style: s({}, I, U)
})), N = !0;
if (!N) {
var W = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(E), j = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(R).offset - (W.offset + W.length);
v.push(C.createElement(k, {
key: '$lead_spacer',
style: s({}, I, j)
if (this._pushCells(v, b, L, P, z, y), !this._hasWarned.keys && T && (console.warn('VirtualizedList: missing keys for items, make sure to specify a key property on each item or provide a custom keyExtractor.', O), this._hasWarned.keys = !0), !_ && z < x - 1) {
var $ = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(z), Y = this.props.getItemLayout ? x - 1 : Math.min(x - 1, this._highestMeasuredFrameIndex), q = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(Y), J = q.offset + q.length - ($.offset + $.length);
v.push(C.createElement(k, {
key: '$tail_spacer',
style: s({}, I, J)
} else if (o) {
var X = C.isValidElement(o) ? o : C.createElement(o, null);
v.push(C.cloneElement(X, {
key: '$empty',
onLayout: function (s) {
t._onLayoutEmpty(s), X.props.onLayout && X.props.onLayout(s);
style: M.compose(y,
if (l) {
var G = C.isValidElement(l) ? l : C.createElement(l, null);
v.push(C.createElement(F, {
cellKey: this._getCellKey() + '-footer',
key: '$footer'
}, C.createElement(k, {
onLayout: this._onLayoutFooter,
style: M.compose(y, this.props.ListFooterComponentStyle)
}, G)));
var Q = f({}, this.props, {
onContentSizeChange: this._onContentSizeChange,
onLayout: this._onLayout,
onScroll: this._onScroll,
onScrollBeginDrag: this._onScrollBeginDrag,
onScrollEndDrag: this._onScrollEndDrag,
onMomentumScrollEnd: this._onMomentumScrollEnd,
scrollEventThrottle: this.props.scrollEventThrottle,
invertStickyHeaders: void 0 !== this.props.invertStickyHeaders ? this.props.invertStickyHeaders : this.props.inverted,
stickyHeaderIndices: b
y && ( = [
]), this._hasMore = this.state.last < this.props.getItemCount( - 1;
var Z = C.cloneElement((this.props.renderScrollComponent || this._defaultRenderScrollComponent)(Q), { ref: this._captureScrollRef }, v);
return this.props.debug ? C.createElement(k, { style: K.debug }, Z, this._renderDebugOverlay()) : Z;
key: 'componentDidUpdate',
value: function (t) {
var s = this.props, n =, o = s.extraData;
n === && o === t.extraData || (this._hasDataChangedSinceEndReached = !0, this._viewabilityTuples.forEach(function (t) {
var l = this._hiPriInProgress;
this._scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate(), l && (this._hiPriInProgress = !1);
key: '_computeBlankness',
value: function () {
this._fillRateHelper.computeBlankness(this.props, this.state, this._scrollMetrics);
key: '_onCellLayout',
value: function (t, s, n) {
var o = t.nativeEvent.layout, l = {
offset: this._selectOffset(o),
length: this._selectLength(o),
index: n,
inLayout: !0
}, h = this._frames[s];
h && l.offset === h.offset && l.length === h.length && n === h.index ? this._frames[s].inLayout = !0 : (this._totalCellLength += l.length - (h ? h.length : 0), this._totalCellsMeasured += h ? 0 : 1, this._averageCellLength = this._totalCellLength / this._totalCellsMeasured, this._frames[s] = l, this._highestMeasuredFrameIndex = Math.max(this._highestMeasuredFrameIndex, n), this._scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate());
var c = this._cellKeysToChildListKeys.get(s);
if (c) {
var p = c, u = Array.isArray(p), f = 0;
for (p = u ? p : p['function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var _;
if (u) {
if (f >= p.length)
_ = p[f++];
} else {
if ((f =
_ = f.value;
var y = _, v = this._nestedChildLists.get(y);
v && v.ref && v.ref.measureLayoutRelativeToContainingList();
this._computeBlankness(), this._updateViewableItems(;
key: 'measureLayoutRelativeToContainingList',
value: function () {
var t = this;
try {
x.measureLayout(L.findNodeHandle(this), L.findNodeHandle(this.context.virtualizedList.getOutermostParentListRef()), function (t) {
console.warn('VirtualizedList: Encountered an error while measuring a list\'s offset from its containing VirtualizedList.');
}, function (s, n, o, l) {
t._offsetFromParentVirtualizedList = t._selectOffset({
x: s,
y: n
}), t._scrollMetrics.contentLength = t._selectLength({
width: o,
height: l
var h = t._convertParentScrollMetrics(t.context.virtualizedList.getScrollMetrics());
t._scrollMetrics.visibleLength = h.visibleLength, t._scrollMetrics.offset = h.offset;
} catch (t) {
console.warn('measureLayoutRelativeToContainingList threw an error', t.stack);
key: '_renderDebugOverlay',
value: function () {
for (var t = this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength / (this._scrollMetrics.contentLength || 1), s = [], n = this.props.getItemCount(, o = 0; o < n; o++) {
var l = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(o);
l.inLayout && s.push(l);
var h = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(this.state.first).offset, c = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(this.state.last), p = c.offset + c.length - h, u = this._scrollMetrics.offset, f = this._scrollMetrics.visibleLength;
return C.createElement(k, {
style: [
}, (s, n) {
return C.createElement(k, {
key: 'f' + n,
style: [
top: s.offset * t,
height: s.length * t
}), C.createElement(k, {
style: [
top: h * t,
height: p * t
}), C.createElement(k, {
style: [
top: u * t,
height: f * t
key: '_selectLength',
value: function (t) {
return this.props.horizontal ? t.width : t.height;
key: '_selectOffset',
value: function (t) {
return this.props.horizontal ? t.x : t.y;
key: '_maybeCallOnEndReached',
value: function () {
var t = this.props, s =, n = t.getItemCount, o = t.onEndReached, l = t.onEndReachedThreshold, h = this._scrollMetrics, c = h.contentLength, p = h.visibleLength, u = c - p - h.offset;
o && this.state.last === n(s) - 1 && u < l * p && (this._hasDataChangedSinceEndReached || this._scrollMetrics.contentLength !== this._sentEndForContentLength) && (this._hasDataChangedSinceEndReached = !1, this._sentEndForContentLength = this._scrollMetrics.contentLength, o({ distanceFromEnd: u }));
key: '_scheduleCellsToRenderUpdate',
value: function () {
var t = this.state, s = t.first, n = t.last, o = this._scrollMetrics, l = o.offset, h = o.visibleLength, c = o.velocity, p = this.props.getItemCount(, u = !1, f = this.props.onEndReachedThreshold * h / 2;
if (s > 0) {
var _ = l - this._getFrameMetricsApprox(s).offset;
u = u || _ < 0 || c < -2 && _ < f;
if (n < p - 1) {
var y = this._getFrameMetricsApprox(n).offset - (l + h);
u = u || y < 0 || c > 2 && y < f;
if (u && this._averageCellLength && !this._hiPriInProgress)
return this._hiPriInProgress = !0, this._updateCellsToRenderBatcher.dispose({ abort: !0 }), void this._updateCellsToRender();
key: '_updateViewableItems',
value: function (t) {
var s = this, n = this.props.getItemCount;
this._viewabilityTuples.forEach(function (o) {
o.viewabilityHelper.onUpdate(n(t), s._scrollMetrics.offset, s._scrollMetrics.visibleLength, s._getFrameMetrics, s._createViewToken, o.onViewableItemsChanged, s.state);
], [{
key: 'getDerivedStateFromProps',
value: function (t, s) {
var n =, o = t.getItemCount, l = t.maxToRenderPerBatch;
return {
first: Math.max(0, Math.min(s.first, o(n) - 1 - l)),
last: Math.max(0, Math.min(s.last, o(n) - 1))
}]), v;
z.defaultProps = {
disableVirtualization: !1,
horizontal: !1,
initialNumToRender: 10,
keyExtractor: function (t, s) {
return null != t.key ? t.key : (T = !0, t.type && t.type.displayName && (O = t.type.displayName), String(s));
maxToRenderPerBatch: 10,
onEndReachedThreshold: 2,
scrollEventThrottle: 50,
updateCellsBatchingPeriod: 50,
windowSize: 21
}, z.contextTypes = {
virtualizedCell: v.shape({ cellKey: v.string }),
virtualizedList: v.shape({
getScrollMetrics: v.func,
horizontal: v.bool,
getOutermostParentListRef: v.func,
getNestedChildState: v.func,
registerAsNestedChild: v.func,
unregisterAsNestedChild: v.func
}, z.childContextTypes = {
virtualizedList: v.shape({
getScrollMetrics: v.func,
horizontal: v.bool,
getOutermostParentListRef: v.func,
getNestedChildState: v.func,
registerAsNestedChild: v.func,
unregisterAsNestedChild: v.func
var P = function (s) {
function h() {
var t, s;
n(this, h);
for (var c = arguments.length, p = new Array(c), u = 0; u < c; u++)
p[u] = arguments[u];
return (s = o(this, (t = l(h)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(p)))).state = {
separatorProps: {
highlighted: !1,
leadingItem: s.props.item
}, s._separators = {
highlight: function () {
var t = s.props, n = t.cellKey, o = t.prevCellKey;
], { highlighted: !0 });
unhighlight: function () {
var t = s.props, n = t.cellKey, o = t.prevCellKey;
], { highlighted: !1 });
updateProps: function (t, n) {
var o = s.props, l = o.cellKey, h = o.prevCellKey;
s.props.onUpdateSeparators(['leading' === t ? h : l], n);
}, s;
return p(h, s), c(h, [
key: 'getChildContext',
value: function () {
return { virtualizedCell: { cellKey: this.props.cellKey } };
key: 'updateSeparatorProps',
value: function (t) {
this.setState(function (s) {
return { separatorProps: f({}, s.separatorProps, {}, t) };
key: 'componentWillUnmount',
value: function () {
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var s = this.props, n = s.CellRendererComponent, o = s.ItemSeparatorComponent, l = s.fillRateHelper, h = s.horizontal, c = s.item, p = s.index, u = s.inversionStyle, f = s.parentProps, _ = f.renderItem, y = f.getItemLayout;
w(_, 'no renderItem!');
var v = _({
item: c,
index: p,
separators: this._separators
}), L = !y || f.debug || l.enabled() ? this.props.onLayout : void 0, b = o && C.createElement(o, this.state.separatorProps), S = u ? h ? [
{ flexDirection: 'row-reverse' },
] : [
{ flexDirection: 'column-reverse' },
] : h ? [
{ flexDirection: 'row' },
] : u;
return n ? C.createElement(n, t({}, this.props, {
style: S,
onLayout: L
}), v, b) : C.createElement(k, {
style: S,
onLayout: L
}, v, b);
]), h;
P.childContextTypes = { virtualizedCell: v.shape({ cellKey: v.string }) };
var F = function (t) {
function s() {
return n(this, s), o(this, l(s).apply(this, arguments));
return p(s, t), c(s, [
key: 'getChildContext',
value: function () {
return { virtualizedCell: { cellKey: this.props.cellKey } };
key: 'render',
value: function () {
return this.props.children;
]), s;
F.childContextTypes = { virtualizedCell: v.shape({ cellKey: v.string }) };
var K = M.create({
verticallyInverted: { transform: [{ scaleY: -1 }] },
horizontallyInverted: { transform: [{ scaleX: -1 }] },
debug: { flex: 1 },
debugOverlayBase: {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
right: 0
debugOverlay: {
bottom: 0,
width: 20,
borderColor: 'blue',
borderWidth: 1
debugOverlayFrame: {
left: 0,
backgroundColor: 'orange'
debugOverlayFrameLast: {
left: 0,
borderColor: 'green',
borderWidth: 2
debugOverlayFrameVis: {
left: 0,
borderColor: 'red',
borderWidth: 2
m.exports = z;
}, 233, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), l = r(d[2]), s = function () {
function s(n, l) {
t(this, s), this._delay = l, this._callback = n;
return n(s, [
key: 'dispose',
value: function () {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : { abort: !1 };
this._taskHandle && (this._taskHandle.cancel(), t.abort || this._callback(), this._taskHandle = null);
key: 'schedule',
value: function () {
var t = this;
if (!this._taskHandle) {
var n = setTimeout(function () {
t._taskHandle = l.runAfterInteractions(function () {
t._taskHandle = null, t._callback();
}, this._delay);
this._taskHandle = {
cancel: function () {
return clearTimeout(n);
]), s;
m.exports = s;
}, 234, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]);
function l(t, n) {
var s = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var l = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (l = l.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), s.push.apply(s, l);
return s;
function o(n) {
for (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) {
var o = null != arguments[s] ? arguments[s] : {};
s % 2 ? l(o, !0).forEach(function (s) {
t(n, s, o[s]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)) : l(o).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, t));
return n;
var _ = r(d[3]), h = r(d[4]), u = function t() {
s(this, t), this.any_blank_count = 0, this.any_blank_ms = 0, this.any_blank_speed_sum = 0, this.mostly_blank_count = 0, this.mostly_blank_ms = 0, this.pixels_blank = 0, this.pixels_sampled = 0, this.pixels_scrolled = 0, this.total_time_spent = 0, this.sample_count = 0;
}, f = [], c = 10, y = null, p = function () {
function t(n) {
s(this, t), this._anyBlankStartTime = null, this._enabled = !1, this._info = new u(), this._mostlyBlankStartTime = null, this._samplesStartTime = null, this._getFrameMetrics = n, this._enabled = (y || 0) > Math.random(), this._resetData();
return n(t, null, [
key: 'addListener',
value: function (t) {
return h(null !== y, 'Call `FillRateHelper.setSampleRate` before `addListener`.'), f.push(t), {
remove: function () {
f = f.filter(function (n) {
return t !== n;
key: 'setSampleRate',
value: function (t) {
y = t;
key: 'setMinSampleCount',
value: function (t) {
c = t;
]), n(t, [
key: 'activate',
value: function () {
this._enabled && null == this._samplesStartTime && (this._samplesStartTime = _());
key: 'deactivateAndFlush',
value: function () {
if (this._enabled) {
var t = this._samplesStartTime;
if (null != t)
if (this._info.sample_count < c)
else {
var n = _() - t, s = o({}, this._info, { total_time_spent: n });
f.forEach(function (t) {
return t(s);
}), this._resetData();
key: 'computeBlankness',
value: function (t, n, s) {
if (!this._enabled || 0 === t.getItemCount( || null == this._samplesStartTime)
return 0;
var l = s.dOffset, o = s.offset, h = s.velocity, u = s.visibleLength;
this._info.sample_count++, this._info.pixels_sampled += Math.round(u), this._info.pixels_scrolled += Math.round(Math.abs(l));
var f = Math.round(1000 * Math.abs(h)), c = _();
null != this._anyBlankStartTime && (this._info.any_blank_ms += c - this._anyBlankStartTime), this._anyBlankStartTime = null, null != this._mostlyBlankStartTime && (this._info.mostly_blank_ms += c - this._mostlyBlankStartTime), this._mostlyBlankStartTime = null;
for (var y = 0, p = n.first, b = this._getFrameMetrics(p); p <= n.last && (!b || !b.inLayout);)
b = this._getFrameMetrics(p), p++;
b && p > 0 && (y = Math.min(u, Math.max(0, b.offset - o)));
for (var k = 0, v = n.last, S = this._getFrameMetrics(v); v >= n.first && (!S || !S.inLayout);)
S = this._getFrameMetrics(v), v--;
if (S && v < t.getItemCount( - 1) {
var M = S.offset + S.length;
k = Math.min(u, Math.max(0, o + u - M));
var T = Math.round(y + k), O = T / u;
return O > 0 ? (this._anyBlankStartTime = c, this._info.any_blank_speed_sum += f, this._info.any_blank_count++, this._info.pixels_blank += T, O > 0.5 && (this._mostlyBlankStartTime = c, this._info.mostly_blank_count++)) : (f < 0.01 || Math.abs(l) < 1) && this.deactivateAndFlush(), O;
key: 'enabled',
value: function () {
return this._enabled;
key: '_resetData',
value: function () {
this._anyBlankStartTime = null, this._info = new u(), this._mostlyBlankStartTime = null, this._samplesStartTime = null;
]), t;
m.exports = p;
}, 235, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t, s = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), h = r(d[3]), f = r(d[4]), p = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), u = (r(d[7]), r(d[8])), v = (r(d[9]).NativeComponent, r(d[10])), c = (r(d[11]), r(d[12]), r(d[13]).getViewManagerConfig('AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout'));
t = c ? c.Constants : { SIZE: {} };
var R = function (t) {
function c() {
var t, s;
o(this, c);
for (var n = arguments.length, h = new Array(n), l = 0; l < n; l++)
h[l] = arguments[l];
return (s = f(this, (t = p(c)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(h))))._lastNativeRefreshing = !1, s._onRefresh = function () {
s._lastNativeRefreshing = !0, s.props.onRefresh && s.props.onRefresh(), s.forceUpdate();
}, s;
return l(c, t), h(c, [
key: 'componentDidMount',
value: function () {
this._lastNativeRefreshing = this.props.refreshing;
key: 'componentDidUpdate',
value: function (t) {
this.props.refreshing !== t.refreshing ? this._lastNativeRefreshing = this.props.refreshing : this.props.refreshing !== this._lastNativeRefreshing && this._setNativePropsOnRef && (this._setNativePropsOnRef({ refreshing: this.props.refreshing }), this._lastNativeRefreshing = this.props.refreshing);
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = this, o = this.props, h = (o.tintColor, o.titleColor, o.title, n(o, [
return u.createElement(v, s({}, h, {
ref: function (s) {
return t._setNativePropsOnRef = s ? s.setNativeProps.bind(s) : null;
onRefresh: this._onRefresh
]), c;
R.SIZE = t.SIZE, m.exports = R;
}, 236, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]).getViewManagerConfig('AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout');
n && n.Constants;
m.exports = t('AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout');
}, 237, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = t('RCTRefreshControl');
}, 238, [155]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), l = r(d[3]), s = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]), p = r(d[6]), h = r(d[7]);
function u(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var l = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (l = l.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, l);
return o;
function f(t) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var o = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? u(o, !0).forEach(function (n) {
h(t, n, o[n]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)) : u(o).forEach(function (n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, n));
return t;
var y, R, v, _ = r(d[8]), S = (r(d[9]), r(d[10])), w = r(d[11]), H = r(d[12]), k = r(d[13]), V = r(d[14]), E = r(d[15]), A = (r(d[16]), r(d[17])), T = (r(d[18]), r(d[19])), C = r(d[20]), b = r(d[21]), x = r(d[22]);
function M(t) {
var n = f({}, H.Mixin);
for (var o in n)
'function' == typeof n[o] && (n[o] = n[o].bind(t));
return n;
y = b('RCTScrollView'), v = b('AndroidHorizontalScrollView'), R = b('AndroidHorizontalScrollContentView');
var O = function (h) {
function u() {
var t, o;
n(this, u);
for (var p = arguments.length, h = new Array(p), y = 0; y < p; y++)
h[y] = arguments[y];
for (var R in (o = l(this, (t = s(u)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(h))))._scrollResponder = M(c(o)), o._scrollAnimatedValue = new _.Value(0), o._scrollAnimatedValueAttachment = null, o._stickyHeaderRefs = new Map(), o._headerLayoutYs = new Map(), o.state = f({ layoutHeight: null }, H.Mixin.scrollResponderMixinGetInitialState()), o._handleScroll = function (t) {
'on-drag' === o.props.keyboardDismissMode && o.state.isTouching && A(), o._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleScroll(t);
}, o._handleLayout = function (t) {
o.props.invertStickyHeaders && o.setState({ layoutHeight: t.nativeEvent.layout.height }), o.props.onLayout && o.props.onLayout(t);
}, o._handleContentOnLayout = function (t) {
var n = t.nativeEvent.layout, l = n.width, s = n.height;
o.props.onContentSizeChange && o.props.onContentSizeChange(l, s);
}, o._scrollViewRef = null, o._setScrollViewRef = function (t) {
o._scrollViewRef = t;
}, o._innerViewRef = null, o._setInnerViewRef = function (t) {
o._innerViewRef = t;
}, H.Mixin)
'function' == typeof H.Mixin[R] && R.startsWith('scrollResponder') && (c(o)[R] = H.Mixin[R].bind(c(o)));
return Object.keys(H.Mixin).filter(function (t) {
return 'function' != typeof H.Mixin[t];
}).forEach(function (t) {
c(o)[t] = H.Mixin[t];
}), o;
return p(u, h), o(u, [
key: 'UNSAFE_componentWillMount',
value: function () {
this._scrollResponder.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(), this._scrollAnimatedValue = new _.Value(this.props.contentOffset ? this.props.contentOffset.y : 0), this._scrollAnimatedValue.setOffset(this.props.contentInset ? : 0), this._stickyHeaderRefs = new Map(), this._headerLayoutYs = new Map();
key: 'UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps',
value: function (t) {
var n = this.props.contentInset ? : 0, o = t.contentInset ? : 0;
n !== o && this._scrollAnimatedValue.setOffset(o || 0);
key: 'componentDidMount',
value: function () {
key: 'componentDidUpdate',
value: function () {
key: 'componentWillUnmount',
value: function () {
this._scrollResponder.componentWillUnmount(), this._scrollAnimatedValueAttachment && this._scrollAnimatedValueAttachment.detach();
key: 'setNativeProps',
value: function (t) {
this._scrollViewRef && this._scrollViewRef.setNativeProps(t);
key: 'getScrollResponder',
value: function () {
return this;
key: 'getScrollableNode',
value: function () {
return w.findNodeHandle(this._scrollViewRef);
key: 'getInnerViewNode',
value: function () {
return w.findNodeHandle(this._innerViewRef);
key: 'scrollTo',
value: function (t, n, o) {
if ('number' == typeof t)
console.warn('`scrollTo(y, x, animated)` is deprecated. Use `scrollTo({x: 5, y: 5, animated: true})` instead.');
else {
var l = t || {};
n = l.x, t = l.y, o = l.animated;
x: n || 0,
y: t || 0,
animated: !1 !== o
key: 'scrollToEnd',
value: function (t) {
var n = !1 !== (t && t.animated);
this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderScrollToEnd({ animated: n });
key: 'scrollWithoutAnimationTo',
value: function () {
var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0, n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0;
console.warn('`scrollWithoutAnimationTo` is deprecated. Use `scrollTo` instead'), this.scrollTo({
x: n,
y: t,
animated: !1
key: 'flashScrollIndicators',
value: function () {
key: '_getKeyForIndex',
value: function (t, n) {
var o = n[t];
return o && o.key;
key: '_updateAnimatedNodeAttachment',
value: function () {
this._scrollAnimatedValueAttachment && this._scrollAnimatedValueAttachment.detach(), this.props.stickyHeaderIndices && this.props.stickyHeaderIndices.length > 0 && (this._scrollAnimatedValueAttachment = _.attachNativeEvent(this._scrollViewRef, 'onScroll', [{ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { y: this._scrollAnimatedValue } } }]));
key: '_setStickyHeaderRef',
value: function (t, n) {
n ? this._stickyHeaderRefs.set(t, n) : this._stickyHeaderRefs.delete(t);
key: '_onStickyHeaderLayout',
value: function (t, n, o) {
var l = this.props.stickyHeaderIndices;
if (l) {
var s = S.Children.toArray(this.props.children);
if (o === this._getKeyForIndex(t, s)) {
var c = n.nativeEvent.layout.y;
this._headerLayoutYs.set(o, c);
var p = l[l.indexOf(t) - 1];
if (null != p) {
var h = this._stickyHeaderRefs.get(this._getKeyForIndex(p, s));
h && h.setNextHeaderY(c);
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var n, o, l = this;
this.props.horizontal ? (n = v, o = R) : (n = y, o = E), T(void 0 !== n, 'ScrollViewClass must not be undefined'), T(void 0 !== o, 'ScrollContentContainerViewClass must not be undefined');
var s = [
this.props.horizontal && I.contentContainerHorizontal,
], c = {};
this.props.onContentSizeChange && (c = { onLayout: this._handleContentOnLayout });
var p = this.props.stickyHeaderIndices, h = this.props.children;
if (null != p && p.length > 0) {
var u = S.Children.toArray(this.props.children);
h = (t, n) {
var o = t ? p.indexOf(n) : -1;
if (o > -1) {
var s = t.key, c = p[o + 1];
return S.createElement(k, {
key: s,
ref: function (t) {
return l._setStickyHeaderRef(s, t);
nextHeaderLayoutY: l._headerLayoutYs.get(l._getKeyForIndex(c, u)),
onLayout: function (t) {
return l._onStickyHeaderLayout(n, t, s);
scrollAnimatedValue: l._scrollAnimatedValue,
inverted: l.props.invertStickyHeaders,
scrollViewHeight: l.state.layoutHeight
}, t);
return t;
var _ = p && p.length > 0, w = S.createElement(o, t({}, c, {
ref: this._setInnerViewRef,
style: s,
removeClippedSubviews: !_ && this.props.removeClippedSubviews,
collapsable: !1
}), h), H = void 0 !== this.props.alwaysBounceHorizontal ? this.props.alwaysBounceHorizontal : this.props.horizontal, V = void 0 !== this.props.alwaysBounceVertical ? this.props.alwaysBounceVertical : !this.props.horizontal, A = !!this.props.DEPRECATED_sendUpdatedChildFrames, b = this.props.horizontal ? I.baseHorizontal : I.baseVertical, M = f({}, this.props, {
alwaysBounceHorizontal: H,
alwaysBounceVertical: V,
style: [
onContentSizeChange: null,
onLayout: this._handleLayout,
onMomentumScrollBegin: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleMomentumScrollBegin,
onMomentumScrollEnd: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleMomentumScrollEnd,
onResponderGrant: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleResponderGrant,
onResponderReject: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleResponderReject,
onResponderRelease: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleResponderRelease,
onResponderTerminate: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleTerminate,
onResponderTerminationRequest: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleTerminationRequest,
onScrollBeginDrag: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleScrollBeginDrag,
onScrollEndDrag: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleScrollEndDrag,
onScrollShouldSetResponder: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleScrollShouldSetResponder,
onStartShouldSetResponder: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleStartShouldSetResponder,
onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleStartShouldSetResponderCapture,
onTouchEnd: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleTouchEnd,
onTouchMove: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleTouchMove,
onTouchStart: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleTouchStart,
onTouchCancel: this._scrollResponder.scrollResponderHandleTouchCancel,
onScroll: this._handleScroll,
scrollBarThumbImage: x(this.props.scrollBarThumbImage),
scrollEventThrottle: _ ? 1 : this.props.scrollEventThrottle,
sendMomentumEvents: !(!this.props.onMomentumScrollBegin && !this.props.onMomentumScrollEnd),
DEPRECATED_sendUpdatedChildFrames: A,
snapToStart: !1 !== this.props.snapToStart,
snapToEnd: !1 !== this.props.snapToEnd,
pagingEnabled: this.props.pagingEnabled || null != this.props.snapToInterval || null != this.props.snapToOffsets
}), O = this.props.decelerationRate;
null != O && (M.decelerationRate = C(O));
var z = this.props.refreshControl;
return z ? S.cloneElement(z, { style: }, S.createElement(n, t({}, M, {
style: b,
ref: this._setScrollViewRef
}), w)) : S.createElement(n, t({}, M, { ref: this._setScrollViewRef }), w);
]), u;
}(S.Component), I = V.create({
baseVertical: {
flexGrow: 1,
flexShrink: 1,
flexDirection: 'column',
overflow: 'scroll'
baseHorizontal: {
flexGrow: 1,
flexShrink: 1,
flexDirection: 'row',
overflow: 'scroll'
contentContainerHorizontal: { flexDirection: 'row' }
m.exports = O;
}, 239, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), l = r(d[3]), t = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]), p = r(d[6]), h = r(d[7]), u = r(d[8]), S = r(d[9]), b = r(d[10]).ScrollViewManager, R = {
Mixin: {
_subscriptionKeyboardWillShow: null,
_subscriptionKeyboardWillHide: null,
_subscriptionKeyboardDidShow: null,
_subscriptionKeyboardDidHide: null,
scrollResponderMixinGetInitialState: function () {
return {
isTouching: !1,
lastMomentumScrollBeginTime: 0,
lastMomentumScrollEndTime: 0,
observedScrollSinceBecomingResponder: !1,
becameResponderWhileAnimating: !1
scrollResponderHandleScrollShouldSetResponder: function () {
return this.state.isTouching;
scrollResponderHandleStartShouldSetResponder: function (o) {
var s = t.currentlyFocusedField();
return 'handled' === this.props.keyboardShouldPersistTaps && null != s && !== s;
scrollResponderHandleStartShouldSetResponderCapture: function (o) {
if (this.scrollResponderIsAnimating())
return !0;
var s = t.currentlyFocusedField(), n = this.props.keyboardShouldPersistTaps;
return !(n && 'never' !== n || null == s || ! || t.isTextInput(;
scrollResponderHandleResponderReject: function () {
scrollResponderHandleTerminationRequest: function () {
return !this.state.observedScrollSinceBecomingResponder;
scrollResponderHandleTouchEnd: function (o) {
var s = o.nativeEvent;
this.state.isTouching = 0 !== s.touches.length, this.props.onTouchEnd && this.props.onTouchEnd(o);
scrollResponderHandleTouchCancel: function (o) {
this.state.isTouching = !1, this.props.onTouchCancel && this.props.onTouchCancel(o);
scrollResponderHandleResponderRelease: function (o) {
this.props.onResponderRelease && this.props.onResponderRelease(o);
var s = t.currentlyFocusedField();
!0 === this.props.keyboardShouldPersistTaps || 'always' === this.props.keyboardShouldPersistTaps || null == s || === s || this.state.observedScrollSinceBecomingResponder || this.state.becameResponderWhileAnimating || (this.props.onScrollResponderKeyboardDismissed && this.props.onScrollResponderKeyboardDismissed(o), t.blurTextInput(s));
scrollResponderHandleScroll: function (o) {
this.state.observedScrollSinceBecomingResponder = !0, this.props.onScroll && this.props.onScroll(o);
scrollResponderHandleResponderGrant: function (o) {
this.state.observedScrollSinceBecomingResponder = !1, this.props.onResponderGrant && this.props.onResponderGrant(o), this.state.becameResponderWhileAnimating = this.scrollResponderIsAnimating();
scrollResponderHandleScrollBeginDrag: function (o) {
s.beginScroll(), this.props.onScrollBeginDrag && this.props.onScrollBeginDrag(o);
scrollResponderHandleScrollEndDrag: function (o) {
var n = o.nativeEvent.velocity;
this.scrollResponderIsAnimating() || n && (0 !== n.x || 0 !== n.y) || s.endScroll(), this.props.onScrollEndDrag && this.props.onScrollEndDrag(o);
scrollResponderHandleMomentumScrollBegin: function (o) {
this.state.lastMomentumScrollBeginTime = u(), this.props.onMomentumScrollBegin && this.props.onMomentumScrollBegin(o);
scrollResponderHandleMomentumScrollEnd: function (o) {
s.endScroll(), this.state.lastMomentumScrollEndTime = u(), this.props.onMomentumScrollEnd && this.props.onMomentumScrollEnd(o);
scrollResponderHandleTouchStart: function (o) {
this.state.isTouching = !0, this.props.onTouchStart && this.props.onTouchStart(o);
scrollResponderHandleTouchMove: function (o) {
this.props.onTouchMove && this.props.onTouchMove(o);
scrollResponderIsAnimating: function () {
return u() - this.state.lastMomentumScrollEndTime < 16 || this.state.lastMomentumScrollEndTime < this.state.lastMomentumScrollBeginTime;
scrollResponderGetScrollableNode: function () {
return this.getScrollableNode ? this.getScrollableNode() : l.findNodeHandle(this);
scrollResponderScrollTo: function (o, s, n) {
if ('number' == typeof o)
console.warn('`scrollResponderScrollTo(x, y, animated)` is deprecated. Use `scrollResponderScrollTo({x: 5, y: 5, animated: true})` instead.');
else {
var l = o || {};
o = l.x, s = l.y, n = l.animated;
c.dispatchViewManagerCommand(h(this.scrollResponderGetScrollableNode()), c.getViewManagerConfig('RCTScrollView').Commands.scrollTo, [
o || 0,
s || 0,
!1 !== n
scrollResponderScrollToEnd: function (o) {
var s = !1 !== (o && o.animated);
c.dispatchViewManagerCommand(this.scrollResponderGetScrollableNode(), c.getViewManagerConfig('RCTScrollView').Commands.scrollToEnd, [s]);
scrollResponderScrollWithoutAnimationTo: function (o, s) {
console.warn('`scrollResponderScrollWithoutAnimationTo` is deprecated. Use `scrollResponderScrollTo` instead'), this.scrollResponderScrollTo({
x: o,
y: s,
animated: !1
scrollResponderZoomTo: function (o, s) {
p(b && b.zoomToRect, 'zoomToRect is not implemented'), 'animated' in o ? (s = o.animated, delete o.animated) : void 0 !== s && console.warn('`scrollResponderZoomTo` `animated` argument is deprecated. Use `options.animated` instead'), b.zoomToRect(this.scrollResponderGetScrollableNode(), o, !1 !== s);
scrollResponderFlashScrollIndicators: function () {
c.dispatchViewManagerCommand(this.scrollResponderGetScrollableNode(), c.getViewManagerConfig('RCTScrollView').Commands.flashScrollIndicators, []);
scrollResponderScrollNativeHandleToKeyboard: function (o, s, n) {
this.additionalScrollOffset = s || 0, this.preventNegativeScrollOffset = !!n, c.measureLayout(o, l.findNodeHandle(this.getInnerViewNode()), this.scrollResponderTextInputFocusError, this.scrollResponderInputMeasureAndScrollToKeyboard);
scrollResponderInputMeasureAndScrollToKeyboard: function (s, n, l, t) {
var c = o.get('window').height;
this.keyboardWillOpenTo && (c = this.keyboardWillOpenTo.endCoordinates.screenY);
var p = n - c + t + this.additionalScrollOffset;
this.preventNegativeScrollOffset && (p = Math.max(0, p)), this.scrollResponderScrollTo({
x: 0,
y: p,
animated: !0
}), this.additionalOffset = 0, this.preventNegativeScrollOffset = !1;
scrollResponderTextInputFocusError: function (o) {
console.error('Error measuring text field: ', o);
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: function () {
var o = this.props.keyboardShouldPersistTaps;
S('boolean' != typeof o, '\'keyboardShouldPersistTaps={' + o + '}\' is deprecated. Use \'keyboardShouldPersistTaps="' + (o ? 'always' : 'never') + '"\' instead'), this.keyboardWillOpenTo = null, this.additionalScrollOffset = 0, this._subscriptionKeyboardWillShow = n.addListener('keyboardWillShow', this.scrollResponderKeyboardWillShow), this._subscriptionKeyboardWillHide = n.addListener('keyboardWillHide', this.scrollResponderKeyboardWillHide), this._subscriptionKeyboardDidShow = n.addListener('keyboardDidShow', this.scrollResponderKeyboardDidShow), this._subscriptionKeyboardDidHide = n.addListener('keyboardDidHide', this.scrollResponderKeyboardDidHide);
componentWillUnmount: function () {
null != this._subscriptionKeyboardWillShow && this._subscriptionKeyboardWillShow.remove(), null != this._subscriptionKeyboardWillHide && this._subscriptionKeyboardWillHide.remove(), null != this._subscriptionKeyboardDidShow && this._subscriptionKeyboardDidShow.remove(), null != this._subscriptionKeyboardDidHide && this._subscriptionKeyboardDidHide.remove();
scrollResponderKeyboardWillShow: function (o) {
this.keyboardWillOpenTo = o, this.props.onKeyboardWillShow && this.props.onKeyboardWillShow(o);
scrollResponderKeyboardWillHide: function (o) {
this.keyboardWillOpenTo = null, this.props.onKeyboardWillHide && this.props.onKeyboardWillHide(o);
scrollResponderKeyboardDidShow: function (o) {
o && (this.keyboardWillOpenTo = o), this.props.onKeyboardDidShow && this.props.onKeyboardDidShow(o);
scrollResponderKeyboardDidHide: function (o) {
this.keyboardWillOpenTo = null, this.props.onKeyboardDidHide && this.props.onKeyboardDidHide(o);
m.exports = R;
}, 240, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), o = r(d[1]), n = {
setGlobalOptions: function (n) {
if (void 0 !== n.debug && o(t.FrameRateLogger, 'Trying to debug FrameRateLogger without the native module!'), t.FrameRateLogger) {
var c = {
debug: !!n.debug,
reportStackTraces: !!n.reportStackTraces
Object.freeze(c), Object.seal(c), t.FrameRateLogger.setGlobalOptions(c);
setContext: function (o) {
t.FrameRateLogger && t.FrameRateLogger.setContext(o);
beginScroll: function () {
t.FrameRateLogger && t.FrameRateLogger.beginScroll();
endScroll: function () {
t.FrameRateLogger && t.FrameRateLogger.endScroll();
m.exports = n;
}, 241, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), t = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]).KeyboardObserver, s = r(d[4]), c = {
addListener: function (o, t) {
n(!1, 'Dummy method used for documentation');
removeListener: function (o, t) {
n(!1, 'Dummy method used for documentation');
removeAllListeners: function (o) {
n(!1, 'Dummy method used for documentation');
dismiss: function () {
n(!1, 'Dummy method used for documentation');
scheduleLayoutAnimation: function (o) {
n(!1, 'Dummy method used for documentation');
(c = new t(u)).dismiss = s, c.scheduleLayoutAnimation = function (n) {
var t = n.duration, u = n.easing;
null != t && 0 !== t && o.configureNext({
duration: t,
update: {
duration: t,
type: null != u && o.Types[u] || 'keyboard'
}, m.exports = c;
}, 242, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]);
function t() {
var s = n(r(d[1]));
return t = function () {
return s;
}, s;
var s = r(d[2]);
function o(n, o) {
var c;
t().default.isTesting || s.configureNextLayoutAnimation(n, null != (c = o) ? c : function () {
}, function () {
function c(n, t, s) {
return {
duration: n,
create: {
type: t,
property: s
update: { type: t },
delete: {
type: t,
property: s
var p = {
easeInEaseOut: c(300, 'easeInEaseOut', 'opacity'),
linear: c(500, 'linear', 'opacity'),
spring: {
duration: 700,
create: {
type: 'linear',
property: 'opacity'
update: {
type: 'spring',
springDamping: 0.4
delete: {
type: 'linear',
property: 'opacity'
}, u = {
configureNext: o,
create: c,
Types: Object.freeze({
spring: 'spring',
linear: 'linear',
easeInEaseOut: 'easeInEaseOut',
easeIn: 'easeIn',
easeOut: 'easeOut',
keyboard: 'keyboard'
Properties: Object.freeze({
opacity: 'opacity',
scaleX: 'scaleX',
scaleY: 'scaleY',
scaleXY: 'scaleXY'
checkConfig: function () {
console.error('LayoutAnimation.checkConfig(...) has been disabled.');
Presets: p,
easeInEaseOut: o.bind(null, p.easeInEaseOut),
linear: o.bind(null, p.linear),
spring: o.bind(null, p.spring)
m.exports = u;
}, 243, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = function () {
}, 244, [152]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), s = r(d[4]), l = r(d[5]), p = r(d[6]), h = r(d[7]), y = r(d[8]), c = l.createAnimatedComponent(y), v = function (l) {
function h() {
var n, s;
t(this, h);
for (var l = arguments.length, y = new Array(l), c = 0; c < l; c++)
y[c] = arguments[c];
return (s = o(this, (n = u(h)).call.apply(n, [this].concat(y)))).state = {
measured: !1,
layoutY: 0,
layoutHeight: 0,
nextHeaderLayoutY: s.props.nextHeaderLayoutY
}, s._onLayout = function (t) {
measured: !0,
layoutY: t.nativeEvent.layout.y,
layoutHeight: t.nativeEvent.layout.height
}), s.props.onLayout(t);
var n = p.Children.only(s.props.children);
n.props.onLayout && n.props.onLayout(t);
}, s;
return s(h, l), n(h, [
key: 'setNextHeaderY',
value: function (t) {
this.setState({ nextHeaderLayoutY: t });
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = this.props, n = t.inverted, o = t.scrollViewHeight, u = this.state, s = u.measured, l = u.layoutHeight, h = u.layoutY, y = u.nextHeaderLayoutY, v = [
], L = [
if (s)
if (n) {
if (null != o) {
var H = h + l - o;
if (H > 0) {
v.push(H), L.push(0), v.push(H + 1), L.push(1);
var Y = (y || 0) - l - o;
Y > H && (v.push(Y, Y + 1), L.push(Y - H, Y - H));
} else {
v.push(h), L.push(0);
var x = (y || 0) - l;
x >= h ? (v.push(x, x + 1), L.push(x - h, x - h)) : (v.push(h + 1), L.push(1));
var C = this.props.scrollAnimatedValue.interpolate({
inputRange: v,
outputRange: L
}), E = p.Children.only(this.props.children);
return p.createElement(c, {
collapsable: !1,
onLayout: this._onLayout,
style: [,
{ transform: [{ translateY: C }] }
}, p.cloneElement(E, {
style: f.fill,
onLayout: void 0
]), h;
}(p.Component), f = h.create({
header: { zIndex: 10 },
fill: { flex: 1 }
m.exports = v;
}, 245, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var o = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), l = r(d[2]), t = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), c = function (c) {
'use strict';
function s() {
return o(this, s), l(this, t(s).apply(this, arguments));
return u(s, c), n(s, [
key: 'scrollTo',
value: function (o, n, l) {
key: 'flashScrollIndicators',
value: function () {
key: 'scrollToEnd',
value: function (o) {
key: 'scrollWithoutAnimationTo',
value: function () {
arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0], arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1];
key: 'getScrollResponder',
value: function () {
key: 'getScrollableNode',
value: function () {
key: 'getInnerViewNode',
value: function () {
key: 'scrollResponderScrollNativeHandleToKeyboard',
value: function (o, n, l) {
key: 'scrollResponderScrollTo',
value: function (o, n, l) {
]), s;
m.exports = c;
}, 246, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function (t) {
return 'normal' === t ? 0.985 : 'fast' === t ? 0.9 : t;
}, 247, [48]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]);
function c(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, s);
return o;
function l(n) {
for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var s = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {};
o % 2 ? c(s, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, s[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(s)) : c(s).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, t));
return n;
var u = r(d[4]), f = function () {
function t() {
var n = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : { viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold: 0 };
o(this, t), this._hasInteracted = !1, this._timers = new Set(), this._viewableIndices = [], this._viewableItems = new Map(), this._config = n;
return s(t, [
key: 'dispose',
value: function () {
key: 'computeViewableItems',
value: function (t, n, o, s, c) {
var l = this._config, f = l.itemVisiblePercentThreshold, v = l.viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold, b = null != v, y = b ? v : f;
u(null != y && null != f != (null != v), 'Must set exactly one of itemVisiblePercentThreshold or viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold');
var p = [];
if (0 === t)
return p;
var w = -1, _ = c || {
first: 0,
last: t - 1
}, I = _.first, O = _.last;
if (O >= t)
return console.warn('Invalid render range computing viewability ' + JSON.stringify({
renderRange: c,
itemCount: t
})), [];
for (var k = I; k <= O; k++) {
var P = s(k);
if (P) {
var S = P.offset - n, j = S + P.length;
if (S < o && j > 0)
w = k, h(b, y, S, j, o, P.length) && p.push(k);
else if (w >= 0)
return p;
key: 'onUpdate',
value: function (t, n, o, s, c, l, u) {
var f = this;
if ((!this._config.waitForInteraction || this._hasInteracted) && 0 !== t && s(0)) {
var h = [];
if (t && (h = this.computeViewableItems(t, n, o, s, u)), this._viewableIndices.length !== h.length || !this._viewableIndices.every(function (t, n) {
return t === h[n];
if (this._viewableIndices = h, this._config.minimumViewTime) {
var v = setTimeout(function () {
f._timers.delete(v), f._onUpdateSync(h, l, c);
}, this._config.minimumViewTime);
} else
this._onUpdateSync(h, l, c);
key: 'resetViewableIndices',
value: function () {
this._viewableIndices = [];
key: 'recordInteraction',
value: function () {
this._hasInteracted = !0;
key: '_onUpdateSync',
value: function (t, o, s) {
var c = this;
t = t.filter(function (t) {
return c._viewableIndices.includes(t);
var u = this._viewableItems, f = new Map( (t) {
var n = s(t, !0);
return [
})), h = [], v = f, b = Array.isArray(v), y = 0;
for (v = b ? v : v['function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var p;
if (b) {
if (y >= v.length)
p = v[y++];
} else {
if ((y =
p = y.value;
var w = n(p, 2), _ = w[0], I = w[1];
u.has(_) || h.push(I);
var O = u, k = Array.isArray(O), P = 0;
for (O = k ? O : O['function' == typeof Symbol ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator']();;) {
var S;
if (k) {
if (P >= O.length)
S = O[P++];
} else {
if ((P =
S = P.value;
var j = n(S, 2), T = j[0], A = j[1];
f.has(T) || h.push(l({}, A, { isViewable: !1 }));
h.length > 0 && (this._viewableItems = f, o({
viewableItems: Array.from(f.values()),
changed: h,
viewabilityConfig: this._config
]), t;
function h(t, n, o, s, c, l) {
if (b(o, s, c))
return !0;
var u = v(o, s, c);
return 100 * (t ? u / c : u / l) >= n;
function v(t, n, o) {
var s = Math.min(n, o) - Math.max(t, 0);
return Math.max(0, s);
function b(t, n, o) {
return t >= 0 && n <= o && n > t;
m.exports = f;
}, 248, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]);
function s(t, s, f) {
for (var l = [], o = 0, u = 0; u < s; u++)
for (var h = f(u), v = h.offset + h.length, c = 0; c < t.length; c++)
if (null == l[c] && v >= t[c] && (l[c] = u, o++, c === t.length - 1))
return n(o === t.length, 'bad offsets input, should be in increasing order: %s', JSON.stringify(t)), l;
return l;
function f(t, n) {
return n.last - n.first + 1 - Math.max(0, 1 + Math.min(n.last, t.last) - Math.max(n.first, t.first));
var l = {
computeWindowedRenderLimits: function (n, l, o, u) {
var h =, v = n.getItemCount, c = n.maxToRenderPerBatch, x = n.windowSize, M = v(h);
if (0 === M)
return l;
var w = u.offset, b = u.velocity, p = u.visibleLength, C = Math.max(0, w), O = C + p, y = (x - 1) * p, L = b > 1 ? 'after' : b < -1 ? 'before' : 'none', R = Math.max(0, C - 0.5 * y), S = Math.max(0, O + 0.5 * y);
if (o(M - 1).offset < R)
return {
first: Math.max(0, M - 1 - c),
last: M - 1
var B = s([
], n.getItemCount(, o), I = t(B, 4), J = I[0], N = I[1], T = I[2], _ = I[3];
J = null == J ? 0 : J, N = null == N ? Math.max(0, J) : N, _ = null == _ ? M - 1 : _;
for (var k = {
first: N,
last: T = null == T ? Math.min(_, N + c - 1) : T
}, z = f(l, k); !(N <= J && T >= _);) {
var E = z >= c, F = N <= l.first || N > l.last, P = N > J && (!E || !F), W = T >= l.last || T < l.first, j = T < _ && (!E || !W);
if (E && !P && !j)
!P || 'after' === L && j && W || (F && z++, N--), !j || 'before' === L && P && F || (W && z++, T++);
if (!(T >= N && N >= 0 && T < M && N >= J && T <= _ && N <= k.first && T >= k.last))
throw new Error('Bad window calculation ' + JSON.stringify({
first: N,
last: T,
itemCount: M,
overscanFirst: J,
overscanLast: _,
visible: k
return {
first: N,
last: T
elementsThatOverlapOffsets: s,
newRangeCount: f
m.exports = l;
}, 249, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]);
m.exports = s(t);
}, 250, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]);
function o(n, t) {
var o = Object.keys(n);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var c = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n);
t && (c = c.filter(function (t) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, c);
return o;
var c = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), s = r(d[4]), l = r(d[5]), f = r(d[6]), h = r(d[7]), p = r(d[8]), b = (r(d[9]), r(d[10])), y = r(d[11]), v = r(d[12]), w = r(d[13]), O = r(d[14]), S = f.ImageLoader, I = r(d[15]), E = 1;
var j = function (n) {
for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
var u = null != arguments[c] ? arguments[c] : {};
c % 2 ? o(u, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, u[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(u)) : o(u).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(u, t));
return n;
}({}, s, {
style: u(c),
source: h.oneOfType([
uri: h.string,
headers: h.objectOf(h.string)
uri: h.string,
width: h.number,
height: h.number,
headers: h.objectOf(h.string)
blurRadius: h.number,
defaultSource: h.number,
loadingIndicatorSource: h.oneOfType([
h.shape({ uri: h.string }),
progressiveRenderingEnabled: h.bool,
fadeDuration: h.number,
onLoadStart: h.func,
onError: h.func,
onLoad: h.func,
onLoadEnd: h.func,
testID: h.string,
resizeMethod: h.oneOf([
resizeMode: h.oneOf([
var P = function (n, t) {
var o, c, u, s, f = O(n.source), h = O(n.defaultSource), b = O(n.loadingIndicatorSource);
if (f && '' === f.uri && console.warn('source.uri should not be an empty string'), n.src && console.warn('The <Image> component requires a `source` property rather than `src`.'), n.children)
throw new Error('The <Image> component cannot contain children. If you want to render content on top of the image, consider using the <ImageBackground> component or absolute positioning.');
if (n.defaultSource && n.loadingIndicatorSource)
throw new Error('The <Image> component cannot have defaultSource and loadingIndicatorSource at the same time. Please use either defaultSource or loadingIndicatorSource.');
if (!f || f.uri || Array.isArray(f) || (f = null), null != (null == (o = f) ? void 0 : o.uri)) {
var S = f, E = S.width, j = S.height;
u = v([
width: E,
height: j
]), s = [{ uri: f.uri }];
} else
u = v([
]), s = f;
var P = n.onLoadStart, z = n.onLoad, D = n.onLoadEnd, T = n.onError, q = w(n, {
style: u,
shouldNotifyLoadEvents: !!(P || z || D || T),
src: s,
headers: null == (c = f) ? void 0 : c.headers,
defaultSrc: h ? h.uri : null,
loadingIndicatorSrc: b ? b.uri : null,
ref: t
return p.createElement(y.Consumer, null, function (n) {
return n ? p.createElement(I, q) : p.createElement(l, q);
(P = p.forwardRef(P)).displayName = 'Image', P.getSize = function (n, t, o) {
return S.getSize(n).then(function (n) {
t(n.width, n.height);
}).catch(o || function () {
console.warn('Failed to get size for image: ' + n);
}, P.prefetch = function (n, t) {
var o = E++;
return t && t(o), S.prefetchImage(n, o);
}, P.abortPrefetch = function (n) {
}, P.queryCache = function (t) {
return n.async(function (o) {
for (;;)
switch (o.prev = {
case 0:
return = 2, n.awrap(S.queryCache(t));
case 2:
return o.abrupt('return', o.sent);
case 3:
case 'end':
return o.stop();
}, P.resolveAssetSource = O, P.propTypes = j;
var L = b.create({ base: { overflow: 'hidden' } });
m.exports = P;
}, 251, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]);
function n(o, n) {
var t = Object.keys(o);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(o);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, n).enumerable;
})), t.push.apply(t, s);
return t;
var t = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), c = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), p = r(d[5]), b = r(d[6]), f = b.DeprecatedAccessibilityComponentTypes, u = b.DeprecatedAccessibilityTraits, y = b.DeprecatedAccessibilityRoles, O = b.DeprecatedAccessibilityStates, R = l(p);
m.exports = function (t) {
for (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) {
var c = null != arguments[s] ? arguments[s] : {};
s % 2 ? n(c, !0).forEach(function (n) {
o(t, n, c[n]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(c)) : n(c).forEach(function (o) {
Object.defineProperty(t, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, o));
return t;
accessible: c.bool,
accessibilityLabel: c.node,
accessibilityHint: c.string,
accessibilityActions: c.arrayOf(c.string),
accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors: c.bool,
accessibilityComponentType: c.oneOf(f),
accessibilityRole: c.oneOf(y),
accessibilityStates: c.arrayOf(c.oneOf(O)),
accessibilityLiveRegion: c.oneOf([
importantForAccessibility: c.oneOf([
accessibilityTraits: c.oneOfType([
accessibilityViewIsModal: c.bool,
accessibilityElementsHidden: c.bool,
onAccessibilityAction: c.func,
onAccessibilityTap: c.func,
onMagicTap: c.func,
testID: c.string,
nativeID: c.string,
onResponderGrant: c.func,
onResponderMove: c.func,
onResponderReject: c.func,
onResponderRelease: c.func,
onResponderTerminate: c.func,
onResponderTerminationRequest: c.func,
onStartShouldSetResponder: c.func,
onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: c.func,
onMoveShouldSetResponder: c.func,
onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture: c.func,
hitSlop: t,
onLayout: c.func,
pointerEvents: c.oneOf([
style: R,
removeClippedSubviews: c.bool,
renderToHardwareTextureAndroid: c.bool,
shouldRasterizeIOS: c.bool,
collapsable: c.bool,
needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing: c.bool
}, s);
}, 252, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
}, 253, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0])('RCTImageView');
m.exports = t;
}, 254, [155]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0])('RCTTextInlineImage');
m.exports = t;
}, 255, [155]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), o = r(d[1]);
m.exports = o(t, { scrollEventThrottle: 0.0001 });
}, 256, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]);
m.exports = s(t);
}, 257, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), c = r(d[4]), p = r(d[5]), f = r(d[6]);
function l(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, s);
return o;
var u = r(d[8]), h = (r(d[9]), r(d[10])), v = function (t) {
for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) {
var o = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {};
n % 2 ? l(o, !0).forEach(function (n) {
f(t, n, o[n]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)) : l(o).forEach(function (n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, n));
return t;
}({}, h.defaultProps, { stickySectionHeadersEnabled: !1 }), R = function (f) {
function l() {
var t, o;
n(this, l);
for (var p = arguments.length, f = new Array(p), u = 0; u < p; u++)
f[u] = arguments[u];
return (o = s(this, (t = c(l)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(f))))._captureRef = function (t) {
o._wrapperListRef = t;
}, o;
return p(l, f), o(l, [
key: 'scrollToLocation',
value: function (t) {
null != this._wrapperListRef && this._wrapperListRef.scrollToLocation(t);
key: 'recordInteraction',
value: function () {
var t = this._wrapperListRef && this._wrapperListRef.getListRef();
t && t.recordInteraction();
key: 'flashScrollIndicators',
value: function () {
var t = this._wrapperListRef && this._wrapperListRef.getListRef();
t && t.flashScrollIndicators();
key: 'getScrollResponder',
value: function () {
var t = this._wrapperListRef && this._wrapperListRef.getListRef();
if (t)
return t.getScrollResponder();
key: 'getScrollableNode',
value: function () {
var t = this._wrapperListRef && this._wrapperListRef.getListRef();
if (t)
return t.getScrollableNode();
key: 'setNativeProps',
value: function (t) {
var n = this._wrapperListRef && this._wrapperListRef.getListRef();
n && n.setNativeProps(t);
key: 'render',
value: function () {
return u.createElement(h, t({}, this.props, { ref: this._captureRef }));
]), l;
R.defaultProps = v, m.exports = R;
}, 258, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), p = r(d[5]), c = r(d[6]), u = r(d[7]);
function h(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, s);
return o;
function f(t) {
for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var s = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {};
o % 2 ? h(s, !0).forEach(function (o) {
n(t, o, s[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(s)) : h(s).forEach(function (n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, n));
return t;
var S = r(d[9]), v = r(d[10]), y = r(d[11]), I = r(d[12]), _ = function (n) {
function h(t, n) {
var c;
return o(this, h), (c = s(this, l(h).call(this, t, n)))._keyExtractor = function (t, n) {
var o = c._subExtractor(n);
return o && o.key || String(n);
}, c._convertViewable = function (t) {
I(null != t.index, 'Received a broken ViewToken');
var n = c._subExtractor(t.index);
if (!n)
return null;
var o = n.section.keyExtractor || c.props.keyExtractor;
return f({}, t, {
index: n.index,
key: o(t.item, n.index),
section: n.section
}, c._onViewableItemsChanged = function (t) {
var n = t.viewableItems, o = t.changed;
c.props.onViewableItemsChanged && c.props.onViewableItemsChanged({
viewableItems:, p(c)).filter(Boolean),
changed:, p(c)).filter(Boolean)
}, c._renderItem = function (t) {
var n = t.item, o = t.index, s = c._subExtractor(o);
if (!s)
return null;
var l = s.index;
if (null == l) {
var p = s.section;
if (!0 === s.header) {
var u = c.props.renderSectionHeader;
return u ? u({ section: p }) : null;
var h = c.props.renderSectionFooter;
return h ? h({ section: p }) : null;
var f = s.section.renderItem || c.props.renderItem, v = c._getSeparatorComponent(o, s);
return I(f, 'no renderItem!'), S.createElement(P, {
SeparatorComponent: v,
LeadingSeparatorComponent: 0 === l ? c.props.SectionSeparatorComponent : void 0,
cellKey: s.key,
index: l,
item: n,
leadingItem: s.leadingItem,
leadingSection: s.leadingSection,
onUpdateSeparator: c._onUpdateSeparator,
prevCellKey: (c._subExtractor(o - 1) || {}).key,
ref: function (t) {
c._cellRefs[s.key] = t;
renderItem: f,
section: s.section,
trailingItem: s.trailingItem,
trailingSection: s.trailingSection
}, c._onUpdateSeparator = function (t, n) {
var o = c._cellRefs[t];
o && o.updateSeparatorProps(n);
}, c._cellRefs = {}, c._captureRef = function (t) {
c._listRef = t;
}, c.state = c._computeState(t), c;
return u(h, n), c(h, [
key: 'scrollToLocation',
value: function (t) {
for (var n = t.itemIndex + 1, o = 0; o < t.sectionIndex; o++)
n += this.props.sections[o].data.length + 2;
var s = f({}, t, { index: n });
key: 'getListRef',
value: function () {
return this._listRef;
]), c(h, [
key: 'UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps',
value: function (t) {
key: '_computeState',
value: function (t) {
var n = t.ListHeaderComponent ? 1 : 0, o = [], s = t.sections.reduce(function (t, s) {
return o.push(t + n), t + + 2;
}, 0);
return {
childProps: f({}, t, {
renderItem: this._renderItem,
ItemSeparatorComponent: void 0,
data: t.sections,
getItemCount: function () {
return s;
getItem: x,
keyExtractor: this._keyExtractor,
onViewableItemsChanged: t.onViewableItemsChanged ? this._onViewableItemsChanged : void 0,
stickyHeaderIndices: t.stickySectionHeadersEnabled ? o : void 0
key: 'render',
value: function () {
return S.createElement(y, t({}, this.state.childProps, { ref: this._captureRef }));
key: '_subExtractor',
value: function (t) {
for (var n = t, o = this.props.sections, s = 0; s < o.length; s++) {
var l = o[s], p = l.key || String(s);
if ((n -= 1) >= + 1)
n -= + 1;
return -1 === n ? {
section: l,
key: p + ':header',
index: null,
header: !0,
trailingSection: o[s + 1]
} : n === ? {
section: l,
key: p + ':footer',
index: null,
header: !1,
trailingSection: o[s + 1]
} : {
section: l,
key: p + ':' + (l.keyExtractor || this.props.keyExtractor)([n], n),
index: n,
leadingItem:[n - 1],
leadingSection: o[s - 1],
trailingItem: > n + 1 ?[n + 1] : void 0,
trailingSection: o[s + 1]
key: '_getSeparatorComponent',
value: function (t, n) {
if (!(n = n || this._subExtractor(t)))
return null;
var o = n.section.ItemSeparatorComponent || this.props.ItemSeparatorComponent, s = this.props.SectionSeparatorComponent, l = t === this.state.childProps.getItemCount() - 1, p = n.index === - 1;
return s && p ? s : !o || p || l ? null : o;
]), h;
_.defaultProps = f({}, y.defaultProps, { data: [] });
var P = function (t) {
function n() {
var t, p;
o(this, n);
for (var c = arguments.length, u = new Array(c), h = 0; h < c; h++)
u[h] = arguments[h];
return (p = s(this, (t = l(n)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(u)))).state = {
separatorProps: {
highlighted: !1,
leadingItem: p.props.item,
leadingSection: p.props.leadingSection,
section: p.props.section,
trailingItem: p.props.trailingItem,
trailingSection: p.props.trailingSection
leadingSeparatorProps: {
highlighted: !1,
leadingItem: p.props.leadingItem,
leadingSection: p.props.leadingSection,
section: p.props.section,
trailingItem: p.props.item,
trailingSection: p.props.trailingSection
}, p._separators = {
highlight: function () {
].forEach(function (t) {
return p._separators.updateProps(t, { highlighted: !0 });
unhighlight: function () {
].forEach(function (t) {
return p._separators.updateProps(t, { highlighted: !1 });
updateProps: function (t, n) {
var o = p.props, s = o.LeadingSeparatorComponent, l = o.cellKey, c = o.prevCellKey;
'leading' === t && null != s ? p.setState(function (t) {
return { leadingSeparatorProps: f({}, t.leadingSeparatorProps, {}, n) };
}) : p.props.onUpdateSeparator('leading' === t && c || l, n);
}, p;
return u(n, t), c(n, [
key: 'updateSeparatorProps',
value: function (t) {
this.setState(function (n) {
return { separatorProps: f({}, n.separatorProps, {}, t) };
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = this.props, n = t.LeadingSeparatorComponent, o = t.SeparatorComponent, s = t.item, l = t.index, p = t.section, c = this.props.renderItem({
item: s,
index: l,
section: p,
separators: this._separators
}), u = n && S.createElement(n, this.state.leadingSeparatorProps), h = o && S.createElement(o, this.state.separatorProps);
return u || h ? S.createElement(v, null, u, c, h) : c;
], [{
key: 'getDerivedStateFromProps',
value: function (t, n) {
return {
separatorProps: f({}, n.separatorProps, {
leadingItem: t.item,
leadingSection: t.leadingSection,
section: t.section,
trailingItem: t.trailingItem,
trailingSection: t.trailingSection
leadingSeparatorProps: f({}, n.leadingSeparatorProps, {
leadingItem: t.leadingItem,
leadingSection: t.leadingSection,
section: t.section,
trailingItem: t.item,
trailingSection: t.trailingSection
}]), n;
function x(t, n) {
if (!t)
return null;
for (var o = n - 1, s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
if (-1 === o || o === t[s].data.length)
return t[s];
if (o < t[s].data.length)
return t[s].data[o];
o -= t[s].data.length + 2;
return null;
m.exports = _;
}, 259, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]);
m.exports = s(t);
}, 260, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]);
m.exports = s(t);
}, 261, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var _ = r(d[0]).__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.NativeMethodsMixin;
m.exports = _;
}, 262, [78]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]), f = r(d[6]), l = r(d[7]);
function p(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, s);
return o;
function h(t) {
for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var s = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {};
o % 2 ? p(s, !0).forEach(function (o) {
n(t, o, s[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(s)) : p(s).forEach(function (n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, n));
return t;
var v = r(d[8]), y = r(d[9]), b = r(d[10]), O = r(d[11]), R = r(d[12]), w = function (n) {
function p() {
var t, n;
s(this, p);
for (var o = arguments.length, u = new Array(o), l = 0; l < o; l++)
u[l] = arguments[l];
return (n = c(this, (t = f(p)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(u))))._nativeRef = null, n._setNativeRef = R({
getForwardedRef: function () {
return n.props.forwardedRef;
setLocalRef: function (t) {
n._nativeRef = t;
}), n._onChange = function (t) {
var o, s = null != (o = n.props.value) && o;
O(n._nativeRef).setNativeProps({ value: s }), n.props.onChange && n.props.onChange(t), n.props.onValueChange && n.props.onValueChange(t.nativeEvent.value);
}, n;
return l(p, n), u(p, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var n, s, u = this.props, c = (u.disabled, u.value,, f = (u.forwardedRef, h({}, o(u, [
]), {
onStartShouldSetResponder: function () {
return !0;
onResponderTerminationRequest: function () {
return !1;
enabled: !(null != (n = this.props.disabled) && n),
on: null != (s = this.props.value) && s,
style: [
return v.createElement(b, t({}, f, {
ref: this._setNativeRef,
onChange: this._onChange
}]), p;
}(v.Component), C = y.create({
rctCheckBox: {
height: 32,
width: 32
}), j = v.forwardRef(function (n, o) {
return v.createElement(w, t({}, n, { forwardedRef: o }));
m.exports = j;
}, 263, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]);
m.exports = o('AndroidCheckBox');
}, 264, [155]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function (t) {
var n = t.getForwardedRef, o = t.setLocalRef;
return function (t) {
var c = n();
o(t), 'function' == typeof c ? c(t) : 'object' == typeof c && null != c && (c.current = t);
}, 265, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), c = r(d[3]), s = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), h = r(d[7]), p = r(d[8]), f = function (l) {
function f() {
return t(this, f), o(this, c(f).apply(this, arguments));
return s(f, l), n(f, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
return u.createElement(p, {
style: [
}, u.createElement(h, { style: y.datePickerText }, 'DatePickerIOS is not supported on this platform!'));
}]), f;
}(u.Component), y = l.create({
dummyDatePickerIOS: {
height: 100,
width: 300,
backgroundColor: '#ffbcbc',
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: 'red',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
margin: 10
datePickerText: {
color: '#333333',
margin: 20
m.exports = f;
}, 266, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), o = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), l = r(d[5]), p = r(d[6]), w = r(d[7]), c = r(d[8]), h = r(d[9]), f = r(d[10]), D = r(d[11]), v = r(d[12]), C = r(d[13]), y = r(d[14]), k = v.getViewManagerConfig('AndroidDrawerLayout').Constants, _ = r(d[15]), b = r(d[16]), S = [
], B = function (D) {
function k() {
var t, o;
n(this, k);
for (var s = arguments.length, p = new Array(s), w = 0; w < s; w++)
p[w] = arguments[w];
return (o = u(this, (t = l(k)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(p))))._nativeRef = c.createRef(), o.state = { statusBarBackgroundColor: null }, o._onDrawerSlide = function (t) {
o.props.onDrawerSlide && o.props.onDrawerSlide(t), 'on-drag' === o.props.keyboardDismissMode && _();
}, o._onDrawerOpen = function () {
o.props.onDrawerOpen && o.props.onDrawerOpen();
}, o._onDrawerClose = function () {
o.props.onDrawerClose && o.props.onDrawerClose();
}, o._onDrawerStateChanged = function (t) {
o.props.onDrawerStateChanged && o.props.onDrawerStateChanged(S[t.nativeEvent.drawerState]);
}, o;
return p(k, D), s(k, [
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var n = this.props, s = (n.onDrawerStateChanged, o(n, ['onDrawerStateChanged'])), u = w.Version >= 21 && this.props.statusBarBackgroundColor, l = c.createElement(C, {
style: [
width: this.props.drawerWidth,
backgroundColor: this.props.drawerBackgroundColor
collapsable: !1
}, this.props.renderNavigationView(), u && c.createElement(C, { style: L.drawerStatusBar })), p = c.createElement(C, {
style: L.mainSubview,
collapsable: !1
}, u && c.createElement(f, {
translucent: !0,
backgroundColor: this.props.statusBarBackgroundColor
}), u && c.createElement(C, {
style: [
{ backgroundColor: this.props.statusBarBackgroundColor }
}), this.props.children);
return c.createElement(b, t({}, s, {
ref: this._nativeRef,
drawerWidth: this.props.drawerWidth,
drawerPosition: this.props.drawerPosition,
drawerLockMode: this.props.drawerLockMode,
style: [
onDrawerSlide: this._onDrawerSlide,
onDrawerOpen: this._onDrawerOpen,
onDrawerClose: this._onDrawerClose,
onDrawerStateChanged: this._onDrawerStateChanged
}), p, l);
key: 'openDrawer',
value: function () {
v.dispatchViewManagerCommand(this._getDrawerLayoutHandle(), v.getViewManagerConfig('AndroidDrawerLayout').Commands.openDrawer, null);
key: 'closeDrawer',
value: function () {
v.dispatchViewManagerCommand(this._getDrawerLayoutHandle(), v.getViewManagerConfig('AndroidDrawerLayout').Commands.closeDrawer, null);
key: '_getDrawerLayoutHandle',
value: function () {
return h.findNodeHandle(this._nativeRef.current);
key: 'blur',
value: function () {
key: 'focus',
value: function () {
key: 'measure',
value: function (t) {
key: 'measureInWindow',
value: function (t) {
key: 'measureLayout',
value: function (t, o, n) {
y(this._nativeRef.current).measureLayout(t, o, n);
key: 'setNativeProps',
value: function (t) {
]), k;
B.positions = k.DrawerPosition, B.defaultProps = { drawerBackgroundColor: 'white' };
var L = D.create({
base: {
flex: 1,
elevation: 16
mainSubview: {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0
drawerSubview: {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
bottom: 0
statusBar: { height: f.currentHeight },
drawerStatusBar: {
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0,
height: f.currentHeight,
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.251)'
m.exports = B;
}, 267, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t, n = r(d[0]), l = r(d[1]), u = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), c = r(d[4]), s = r(d[5]), p = r(d[6]), k = (r(d[7]), r(d[8])), v = r(d[9]).StatusBarManager;
function y(t) {
return {
backgroundColor: null != t.backgroundColor ? {
value: t.backgroundColor,
animated: t.animated
} : null,
barStyle: null != t.barStyle ? {
value: t.barStyle,
animated: t.animated
} : null,
translucent: t.translucent,
hidden: null != t.hidden ? {
value: t.hidden,
animated: t.animated,
transition: t.showHideTransition
} : null,
networkActivityIndicatorVisible: t.networkActivityIndicatorVisible
var f = function (t) {
function s() {
var t, l;
n(this, s);
for (var c = arguments.length, p = new Array(c), k = 0; k < c; k++)
p[k] = arguments[k];
return (l = u(this, (t = o(s)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(p))))._stackEntry = null, l;
return c(s, t), l(s, [
key: 'componentDidMount',
value: function () {
this._stackEntry = s.pushStackEntry(this.props);
key: 'componentWillUnmount',
value: function () {
key: 'componentDidUpdate',
value: function () {
this._stackEntry = s.replaceStackEntry(this._stackEntry, this.props);
key: 'render',
value: function () {
return null;
], [
key: 'setHidden',
value: function (t, n) {
n = n || 'none', s._defaultProps.hidden.value = t, v.setHidden(t);
key: 'setBarStyle',
value: function (t, n) {
n = n || !1, s._defaultProps.barStyle.value = t, v.setStyle(t);
key: 'setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible',
value: function (t) {
console.warn('`setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible` is only available on iOS');
key: 'setBackgroundColor',
value: function (t, n) {
n = n || !1, s._defaultProps.backgroundColor.value = t, v.setColor(k(t), n);
key: 'setTranslucent',
value: function (t) {
s._defaultProps.translucent = t, v.setTranslucent(t);
key: 'pushStackEntry',
value: function (t) {
var n = y(t);
return s._propsStack.push(n), s._updatePropsStack(), n;
key: 'popStackEntry',
value: function (t) {
var n = s._propsStack.indexOf(t);
-1 !== n && s._propsStack.splice(n, 1), s._updatePropsStack();
key: 'replaceStackEntry',
value: function (t, n) {
var l = y(n), u = s._propsStack.indexOf(t);
return -1 !== u && (s._propsStack[u] = l), s._updatePropsStack(), l;
]), s;
f._propsStack = [], f._defaultProps = y({
animated: !1,
showHideTransition: 'fade',
backgroundColor: null != (t = v.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR) ? t : 'black',
barStyle: 'default',
translucent: !1,
hidden: !1,
networkActivityIndicatorVisible: !1
}), f._updateImmediate = null, f._currentValues = null, f.currentHeight = v.HEIGHT, f.defaultProps = {
animated: !1,
showHideTransition: 'fade'
}, f._updatePropsStack = function () {
clearImmediate(f._updateImmediate), f._updateImmediate = setImmediate(function () {
var t, n, l = f._currentValues, u = (t = f._propsStack, n = f._defaultProps, t.reduce(function (t, n) {
for (var l in n)
null != n[l] && (t[l] = n[l]);
return t;
}, s({}, n)));
l && l.barStyle.value === u.barStyle.value || v.setStyle(u.barStyle.value), l && l.backgroundColor.value === u.backgroundColor.value || v.setColor(k(u.backgroundColor.value), u.backgroundColor.animated), l && l.hidden.value === u.hidden.value || v.setHidden(u.hidden.value), l && l.translucent === u.translucent || v.setTranslucent(u.translucent), f._currentValues = u;
}, m.exports = f;
}, 268, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = t('AndroidDrawerLayout');
}, 269, [155]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), l = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), c = r(d[4]), o = r(d[5]), f = r(d[6]), u = r(d[7]), h = r(d[8]), v = r(d[9]), y = r(d[10]), p = r(d[11]), R = function (R) {
function _() {
var t, n;
l(this, _);
for (var s = arguments.length, f = new Array(s), u = 0; u < s; u++)
f[u] = arguments[u];
return (n = c(this, (t = o(_)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(f))))._viewRef = null, n._captureRef = function (t) {
n._viewRef = t;
}, n;
return f(_, R), s(_, [
key: 'setNativeProps',
value: function (t) {
var n = this._viewRef;
n && (p(n), n.setNativeProps(t));
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var l = this.props, s = l.children, c =, o = l.imageStyle, f = l.imageRef, p = n(l, [
return h.createElement(y, {
accessibilityIgnoresInvertColors: !0,
style: c,
ref: this._captureRef
}, h.createElement(u, t({}, p, {
style: [
width: c.width,
height: c.height
ref: f
})), s);
]), _;
m.exports = R;
}, 270, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = function (o) {
t(o && 'function' == typeof o.setNativeProps, 'Touchable child must either be native or forward setNativeProps to a native component');
}, 271, [9]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), u = r(d[2]).ImageEditingManager, c = function () {
function c() {
n(this, c);
return t(c, null, [{
key: 'cropImage',
value: function (n, t, c, o) {
u.cropImage(n, t, c, o);
}]), c;
m.exports = c;
}, 272, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), t = r(d[2]).ImageStoreManager, s = (r(d[3]), r(d[4]));
function F(o) {
s('imagestore-' + o, 'react-native: ImageStore.' + o + '() is not implemented on android');
var u = function () {
function s() {
o(this, s);
return n(s, null, [
key: 'hasImageForTag',
value: function (o, n) {
t.hasImageForTag ? t.hasImageForTag(o, n) : F('hasImageForTag');
key: 'removeImageForTag',
value: function (o) {
t.removeImageForTag ? t.removeImageForTag(o) : F('removeImageForTag');
key: 'addImageFromBase64',
value: function (o, n, s) {
t.addImageFromBase64 ? t.addImageFromBase64(o, n, s) : F('addImageFromBase64');
key: 'getBase64ForTag',
value: function (o, n, s) {
t.getBase64ForTag ? t.getBase64ForTag(o, n, s) : F('getBase64ForTag');
]), s;
m.exports = u;
}, 273, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), p = r(d[4]), c = (r(d[5]), r(d[6]), r(d[7])), u = r(d[8]), l = r(d[9]), h = function (u) {
function h() {
return n(this, h), o(this, s(h).apply(this, arguments));
return p(h, u), t(h, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
return console.warn('<InputAccessoryView> is only supported on iOS.'), 0 === c.Children.count(this.props.children) ? null : c.createElement(l, {
style: [,
nativeID: this.props.nativeID,
backgroundColor: this.props.backgroundColor
}, this.props.children);
}]), h;
}(c.Component), y = u.create({ container: { position: 'absolute' } });
m.exports = h;
}, 274, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var s = r(d[1]);
m.exports = s('RCTInputAccessoryView');
}, 275, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), o = r(d[1]), n = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), h = r(d[6]), c = r(d[7]), f = r(d[8]), y = (r(d[9]), r(d[10])), b = r(d[11]), _ = r(d[12]), v = function (v) {
function p(t) {
var o;
return n(this, p), (o = l(this, u(p).call(this, t)))._frame = null, o._subscriptions = [], o._initialFrameHeight = 0, o._onKeyboardChange = function (t) {
if (null != t) {
var n = t.duration, s = t.easing, l = t.endCoordinates, u = o._relativeKeyboardHeight(l);
o.state.bottom !== u && (n && s && f.configureNext({
duration: n > 10 ? n : 10,
update: {
duration: n > 10 ? n : 10,
type: f.Types[s] || 'keyboard'
}), o.setState({ bottom: u }));
} else
o.setState({ bottom: 0 });
}, o._onLayout = function (t) {
o._frame = t.nativeEvent.layout, o._initialFrameHeight || (o._initialFrameHeight = o._frame.height);
}, o.state = { bottom: 0 }, o.viewRef = y.createRef(), o;
return h(p, v), s(p, [
key: '_relativeKeyboardHeight',
value: function (t) {
var o = this._frame;
if (!o || !t)
return 0;
var n = t.screenY - this.props.keyboardVerticalOffset;
return Math.max(o.y + o.height - n, 0);
key: 'componentDidMount',
value: function () {
this._subscriptions = [
c.addListener('keyboardDidHide', this._onKeyboardChange),
c.addListener('keyboardDidShow', this._onKeyboardChange)
key: 'componentWillUnmount',
value: function () {
this._subscriptions.forEach(function (t) {
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var n = this.props, s = n.behavior, l = n.children, u = n.contentContainerStyle, h = n.enabled, c = (n.keyboardVerticalOffset,, f = o(n, [
]), v = h ? this.state.bottom : 0;
switch (s) {
case 'height':
var p;
return null != this._frame && this.state.bottom > 0 && (p = {
height: this._initialFrameHeight - v,
flex: 0
}), y.createElement(_, t({
ref: this.viewRef,
style: b.compose(c, p),
onLayout: this._onLayout
}, f), l);
case 'position':
return y.createElement(_, t({
ref: this.viewRef,
style: c,
onLayout: this._onLayout
}, f), y.createElement(_, { style: b.compose(u, { bottom: v }) }, l));
case 'padding':
return y.createElement(_, t({
ref: this.viewRef,
style: b.compose(c, { paddingBottom: v }),
onLayout: this._onLayout
}, f), l);
return y.createElement(_, t({
ref: this.viewRef,
onLayout: this._onLayout,
style: c
}, f), l);
]), p;
v.defaultProps = {
enabled: !0,
keyboardVerticalOffset: 0
}, m.exports = v;
}, 276, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), o = r(d[1]), n = (r(d[2]), r(d[3])), s = (r(d[4]), r(d[5])), l = r(d[6]), h = r(d[7]).ScrollViewManager, c = r(d[8]), p = r(d[9]), u = r(d[10]), R = r(d[11]), _ = r(d[12]), f = r(d[13]), w = r(d[14]), S = r(d[15]), C = f({
displayName: 'ListView',
_rafIds: [],
_childFrames: [],
_sentEndForContentLength: null,
_scrollComponent: null,
_prevRenderedRowsCount: 0,
_visibleRows: {},
scrollProperties: {},
mixins: [p.Mixin],
statics: { DataSource: n },
getMetrics: function () {
return {
contentLength: this.scrollProperties.contentLength,
totalRows: this.props.enableEmptySections ? this.props.dataSource.getRowAndSectionCount() : this.props.dataSource.getRowCount(),
renderedRows: this.state.curRenderedRowsCount,
visibleRows: Object.keys(this._visibleRows).length
getScrollResponder: function () {
if (this._scrollComponent && this._scrollComponent.getScrollResponder)
return this._scrollComponent.getScrollResponder();
getScrollableNode: function () {
return this._scrollComponent && this._scrollComponent.getScrollableNode ? this._scrollComponent.getScrollableNode() : l.findNodeHandle(this._scrollComponent);
scrollTo: function () {
var t;
this._scrollComponent && this._scrollComponent.scrollTo && (t = this._scrollComponent).scrollTo.apply(t, arguments);
scrollToEnd: function (t) {
this._scrollComponent && (this._scrollComponent.scrollToEnd ? this._scrollComponent.scrollToEnd(t) : console.warn('The scroll component used by the ListView does not support scrollToEnd. Check the renderScrollComponent prop of your ListView.'));
flashScrollIndicators: function () {
this._scrollComponent && this._scrollComponent.flashScrollIndicators && this._scrollComponent.flashScrollIndicators();
setNativeProps: function (t) {
this._scrollComponent && this._scrollComponent.setNativeProps(t);
getDefaultProps: function () {
return {
initialListSize: 10,
pageSize: 1,
renderScrollComponent: function (t) {
return s.createElement(c, t);
scrollRenderAheadDistance: 1000,
onEndReachedThreshold: 1000,
stickySectionHeadersEnabled: !1,
stickyHeaderIndices: []
getInitialState: function () {
return {
curRenderedRowsCount: this.props.initialListSize,
highlightedRow: {}
getInnerViewNode: function () {
return this._scrollComponent && this._scrollComponent.getInnerViewNode();
UNSAFE_componentWillMount: function () {
this.scrollProperties = {
visibleLength: null,
contentLength: null,
offset: 0
}, this._rafIds = [], this._childFrames = [], this._visibleRows = {}, this._prevRenderedRowsCount = 0, this._sentEndForContentLength = null;
componentWillUnmount: function () {
this._rafIds.forEach(cancelAnimationFrame), this._rafIds = [];
componentDidMount: function () {
var t = this;
this._requestAnimationFrame(function () {
UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps: function (t) {
var o = this;
this.props.dataSource === t.dataSource && this.props.initialListSize === t.initialListSize || this.setState(function (t, n) {
return o._prevRenderedRowsCount = 0, { curRenderedRowsCount: Math.min(Math.max(t.curRenderedRowsCount, n.initialListSize), n.enableEmptySections ? n.dataSource.getRowAndSectionCount() : n.dataSource.getRowCount()) };
}, function () {
return o._renderMoreRowsIfNeeded();
componentDidUpdate: function () {
var t = this;
this._requestAnimationFrame(function () {
_onRowHighlighted: function (t, o) {
highlightedRow: {
sectionID: t,
rowID: o
render: function () {
for (var n = [], l = this.props.dataSource, h = l.rowIdentities, c = 0, p = [], f = this.props.renderSectionHeader, w = this.props.renderHeader && this.props.renderHeader(), S = this.props.renderFooter && this.props.renderFooter(), C = w ? 1 : 0, v = 0; v < h.length; v++) {
var b = l.sectionIdentities[v], E = h[v];
if (0 === E.length) {
if (void 0 === this.props.enableEmptySections) {
r(d[16])(!1, 'In next release empty section headers will be rendered. In this release you can use \'enableEmptySections\' flag to render empty section headers.');
r(d[17])(this.props.enableEmptySections, 'In next release \'enableEmptySections\' flag will be deprecated, empty section headers will always be rendered. If empty section headers are not desirable their indices should be excluded from sectionIDs object. In this release \'enableEmptySections\' may only have value \'true\' to allow empty section headers rendering.');
if (f) {
var y = f(l.getSectionHeaderData(v), b);
y && (n.push(s.cloneElement(y, { key: 's_' + b })), this.props.stickySectionHeadersEnabled && p.push(C), C++);
for (var I = 0; I < E.length; I++) {
var L = E[I], P = b + '_' + L, F = c >= this._prevRenderedRowsCount && l.rowShouldUpdate(v, I), D = s.createElement(u, {
key: 'r_' + P,
shouldUpdate: !!F,
render: this.props.renderRow.bind(null, l.getRowData(v, I), b, L, this._onRowHighlighted)
if (n.push(D), C++, this.props.renderSeparator && (I !== E.length - 1 || v === h.length - 1)) {
var N = this.state.highlightedRow.sectionID === b && (this.state.highlightedRow.rowID === L || this.state.highlightedRow.rowID === E[I + 1]), A = this.props.renderSeparator(b, L, N);
A && (n.push(s.createElement(R, { key: 's_' + P }, A)), C++);
if (++c === this.state.curRenderedRowsCount)
if (c >= this.state.curRenderedRowsCount)
var H = this.props, z = H.renderScrollComponent, V = o(H, ['renderScrollComponent']);
return V.scrollEventThrottle || (V.scrollEventThrottle = 50), void 0 === V.removeClippedSubviews && (V.removeClippedSubviews = !0), t(V, {
onScroll: this._onScroll,
stickyHeaderIndices: this.props.stickyHeaderIndices.concat(p),
onKeyboardWillShow: void 0,
onKeyboardWillHide: void 0,
onKeyboardDidShow: void 0,
onKeyboardDidHide: void 0
}), _(z(V), {
ref: this._setScrollComponentRef,
onContentSizeChange: this._onContentSizeChange,
onLayout: this._onLayout,
DEPRECATED_sendUpdatedChildFrames: void 0 !== typeof V.onChangeVisibleRows
}, w, n, S);
_requestAnimationFrame: function (t) {
var o = this, n = requestAnimationFrame(function () {
o._rafIds = o._rafIds.filter(function (t) {
return t !== n;
}), t();
_measureAndUpdateScrollProps: function () {
var t = this.getScrollResponder();
t && t.getInnerViewNode && h && h.calculateChildFrames && h.calculateChildFrames(l.findNodeHandle(t), this._updateVisibleRows);
_setScrollComponentRef: function (t) {
this._scrollComponent = t;
_onContentSizeChange: function (t, o) {
var n = this.props.horizontal ? t : o;
n !== this.scrollProperties.contentLength && (this.scrollProperties.contentLength = n, this._updateVisibleRows(), this._renderMoreRowsIfNeeded()), this.props.onContentSizeChange && this.props.onContentSizeChange(t, o);
_onLayout: function (t) {
var o = t.nativeEvent.layout, n = o.width, s = o.height, l = this.props.horizontal ? n : s;
l !== this.scrollProperties.visibleLength && (this.scrollProperties.visibleLength = l, this._updateVisibleRows(), this._renderMoreRowsIfNeeded()), this.props.onLayout && this.props.onLayout(t);
_maybeCallOnEndReached: function (t) {
return !!(this.props.onEndReached && this.scrollProperties.contentLength !== this._sentEndForContentLength && this._getDistanceFromEnd(this.scrollProperties) < this.props.onEndReachedThreshold && this.state.curRenderedRowsCount === (this.props.enableEmptySections ? this.props.dataSource.getRowAndSectionCount() : this.props.dataSource.getRowCount())) && (this._sentEndForContentLength = this.scrollProperties.contentLength, this.props.onEndReached(t), !0);
_renderMoreRowsIfNeeded: function () {
null !== this.scrollProperties.contentLength && null !== this.scrollProperties.visibleLength && this.state.curRenderedRowsCount !== (this.props.enableEmptySections ? this.props.dataSource.getRowAndSectionCount() : this.props.dataSource.getRowCount()) ? this._getDistanceFromEnd(this.scrollProperties) < this.props.scrollRenderAheadDistance && this._pageInNewRows() : this._maybeCallOnEndReached();
_pageInNewRows: function () {
var t = this;
this.setState(function (o, n) {
var s = Math.min(o.curRenderedRowsCount + n.pageSize, n.enableEmptySections ? n.dataSource.getRowAndSectionCount() : n.dataSource.getRowCount());
return t._prevRenderedRowsCount = o.curRenderedRowsCount, { curRenderedRowsCount: s };
}, function () {
t._measureAndUpdateScrollProps(), t._prevRenderedRowsCount = t.state.curRenderedRowsCount;
_getDistanceFromEnd: function (t) {
return t.contentLength - t.visibleLength - t.offset;
_updateVisibleRows: function (t) {
var o = this;
if (this.props.onChangeVisibleRows) {
t && t.forEach(function (t) {
o._childFrames[t.index] = S(t);
for (var n = !this.props.horizontal, s = this.props.dataSource, l = this.scrollProperties.offset, h = l + this.scrollProperties.visibleLength, c = s.rowIdentities, p = this.props.renderHeader && this.props.renderHeader() ? 1 : 0, u = !1, R = {}, _ = 0; _ < c.length; _++) {
var f = c[_];
if (0 !== f.length) {
var C = s.sectionIdentities[_];
this.props.renderSectionHeader && p++;
var v = this._visibleRows[C];
v || (v = {});
for (var b = 0; b < f.length; b++) {
var E = f[b], y = this._childFrames[p];
if (p++, !this.props.renderSeparator || b === f.length - 1 && _ !== c.length - 1 || p++, !y)
var I = v[E], L = n ? y.y : y.x, P = L + (n ? y.height : y.width);
if (!L && !P || L === P)
L > h || P < l ? I && (u = !0, delete v[E], R[C] || (R[C] = {}), R[C][E] = !1) : I || (u = !0, v[E] = !0, R[C] || (R[C] = {}), R[C][E] = !0);
w(v) ? this._visibleRows[C] && delete this._visibleRows[C] : this._visibleRows[C] = v;
u && this.props.onChangeVisibleRows(this._visibleRows, R);
_onScroll: function (t) {
var o = !this.props.horizontal;
this.scrollProperties.visibleLength = t.nativeEvent.layoutMeasurement[o ? 'height' : 'width'], this.scrollProperties.contentLength = t.nativeEvent.contentSize[o ? 'height' : 'width'], this.scrollProperties.offset = t.nativeEvent.contentOffset[o ? 'y' : 'x'], this._updateVisibleRows(t.nativeEvent.updatedChildFrames), this._maybeCallOnEndReached(t) || this._renderMoreRowsIfNeeded(), this.props.onEndReached && this._getDistanceFromEnd(this.scrollProperties) > this.props.onEndReachedThreshold && (this._sentEndForContentLength = null), this.props.onScroll && this.props.onScroll(t);
m.exports = C;
}, 277, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]), s = r(d[6]), f = function (c) {
'use strict';
function s() {
return n(this, s), o(this, u(s).apply(this, arguments));
return l(s, c), t(s, [
key: 'setNativeProps',
value: function (n) {
key: 'flashScrollIndicators',
value: function () {
key: 'getScrollResponder',
value: function () {
key: 'getScrollableNode',
value: function () {
key: 'getMetrics',
value: function () {
key: 'scrollTo',
value: function () {
key: 'scrollToEnd',
value: function (n) {
]), s;
f.DataSource = s, m.exports = f;
}, 278, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), h = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]);
function u(t, n, s) {
return t[n][s];
function l(t, n) {
return t[n];
var w = function () {
function h(t) {
n(this, h), o(t && 'function' == typeof t.rowHasChanged, 'Must provide a rowHasChanged function.'), this._rowHasChanged = t.rowHasChanged, this._getRowData = t.getRowData || u, this._sectionHeaderHasChanged = t.sectionHeaderHasChanged, this._getSectionHeaderData = t.getSectionHeaderData || l, this._dataBlob = null, this._dirtyRows = [], this._dirtySections = [], this._cachedRowCount = 0, this.rowIdentities = [], this.sectionIdentities = [];
return s(h, [
key: 'cloneWithRows',
value: function (n, s) {
var o = s ? [t(s)] : null;
return this._sectionHeaderHasChanged || (this._sectionHeaderHasChanged = function () {
return !1;
}), this.cloneWithRowsAndSections({ s1: n }, ['s1'], o);
key: 'cloneWithRowsAndSections',
value: function (t, n, s) {
o('function' == typeof this._sectionHeaderHasChanged, 'Must provide a sectionHeaderHasChanged function with section data.'), o(!n || !s || n.length === s.length, 'row and section ids lengths must be the same');
var c = new h({
getRowData: this._getRowData,
getSectionHeaderData: this._getSectionHeaderData,
rowHasChanged: this._rowHasChanged,
sectionHeaderHasChanged: this._sectionHeaderHasChanged
return c._dataBlob = t, c.sectionIdentities = n || Object.keys(t), s ? c.rowIdentities = s : (c.rowIdentities = [], c.sectionIdentities.forEach(function (n) {
})), c._cachedRowCount = _(c.rowIdentities), c._calculateDirtyArrays(this._dataBlob, this.sectionIdentities, this.rowIdentities), c;
key: 'getRowCount',
value: function () {
return this._cachedRowCount;
key: 'getRowAndSectionCount',
value: function () {
return this._cachedRowCount + this.sectionIdentities.length;
key: 'rowShouldUpdate',
value: function (t, n) {
var s = this._dirtyRows[t][n];
return c(void 0 !== s, 'missing dirtyBit for section, row: ' + t + ', ' + n), s;
key: 'getRowData',
value: function (t, n) {
var s = this.sectionIdentities[t], o = this.rowIdentities[t][n];
return c(void 0 !== s && void 0 !== o, 'rendering invalid section, row: ' + t + ', ' + n), this._getRowData(this._dataBlob, s, o);
key: 'getRowIDForFlatIndex',
value: function (t) {
for (var n = t, s = 0; s < this.sectionIdentities.length; s++) {
if (!(n >= this.rowIdentities[s].length))
return this.rowIdentities[s][n];
n -= this.rowIdentities[s].length;
return null;
key: 'getSectionIDForFlatIndex',
value: function (t) {
for (var n = t, s = 0; s < this.sectionIdentities.length; s++) {
if (!(n >= this.rowIdentities[s].length))
return this.sectionIdentities[s];
n -= this.rowIdentities[s].length;
return null;
key: 'getSectionLengths',
value: function () {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < this.sectionIdentities.length; n++)
return t;
key: 'sectionHeaderShouldUpdate',
value: function (t) {
var n = this._dirtySections[t];
return c(void 0 !== n, 'missing dirtyBit for section: ' + t), n;
key: 'getSectionHeaderData',
value: function (t) {
if (!this._getSectionHeaderData)
return null;
var n = this.sectionIdentities[t];
return c(void 0 !== n, 'renderSection called on invalid section: ' + t), this._getSectionHeaderData(this._dataBlob, n);
key: '_calculateDirtyArrays',
value: function (t, n, s) {
for (var o, h = f(n), u = {}, l = 0; l < s.length; l++) {
var w = n[l];
c(!u[w], 'SectionID appears more than once: ' + w), u[w] = f(s[l]);
this._dirtySections = [], this._dirtyRows = [];
for (var _ = 0; _ < this.sectionIdentities.length; _++) {
var v = this.sectionIdentities[_];
o = !h[v];
var H = this._sectionHeaderHasChanged;
!o && H && (o = H(this._getSectionHeaderData(t, v), this._getSectionHeaderData(this._dataBlob, v))), this._dirtySections.push(!!o), this._dirtyRows[_] = [];
for (var I = 0; I < this.rowIdentities[_].length; I++) {
var y = this.rowIdentities[_][I];
o = !h[v] || !u[v][y] || this._rowHasChanged(this._getRowData(t, v, y), this._getRowData(this._dataBlob, v, y)), this._dirtyRows[_].push(!!o);
]), h;
function _(t) {
for (var n = 0, s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
n += t[s].length;
return n;
function f(t) {
if (h(t))
return {};
for (var n = {}, s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
var o = t[s];
c(!n[o], 'Value appears more than once in array: ' + o), n[o] = !0;
return n;
m.exports = w;
}, 279, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = function (t) {
if (Array.isArray(t))
return 0 === t.length;
if ('object' == typeof t) {
for (var n in t)
return !1;
return !0;
return !t;
}, 280, []);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), u = r(d[2]), o = r(d[3]), s = r(d[4]), p = function (p) {
function c() {
return n(this, c), u(this, o(c).apply(this, arguments));
return s(c, p), t(c, [
key: 'shouldComponentUpdate',
value: function (n) {
return n.shouldUpdate;
key: 'render',
value: function () {
return this.props.render();
]), c;
m.exports = p;
}, 281, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
function n(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var c = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (c = c.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, c);
return o;
function o(o) {
for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) {
var p = null != arguments[c] ? arguments[c] : {};
c % 2 ? n(p, !0).forEach(function (n) {
t(o, n, p[n]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(p)) : n(p).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(o, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, t));
return o;
var c = r(d[1]);
m.exports = function (t, n) {
for (var p = n.ref, l = t.ref, f = arguments.length, u = new Array(f > 2 ? f - 2 : 0), y = 2; y < f; y++)
u[y - 2] = arguments[y];
return null == l || null == p ? c.cloneElement.apply(c, [
].concat(u)) : 'function' != typeof l ? c.cloneElement.apply(c, [
].concat(u)) : c.cloneElement.apply(c, [
o({}, n, {
ref: function (t) {
p(t), l(t);
}, 282, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = r(d[0]);
}, 283, [284]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), o = r(d[4]), p = r(d[5]), c = r(d[6]), l = function (c) {
function l() {
return t(this, l), s(this, u(l).apply(this, arguments));
return o(l, c), n(l, [
key: 'setNativeProps',
value: function () {
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = r(d[7]);
return p.createElement(t, {
style: [
}, this.props.children);
]), l;
}(p.Component), h = c.create({ unimplementedView: {} });
m.exports = l;
}, 284, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t, n = r(d[0]), o = r(d[1]), s = r(d[2]), p = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), c = (r(d[6]), r(d[7])), h = (r(d[8]), r(d[9]), r(d[10]), r(d[11])), v = r(d[12]), f = r(d[13]), y = r(d[14]), S = r(d[15]), _ = 0, b = function (t) {
function n(t) {
var s;
return o(this, n), s = p(this, l(n).call(this, t)), n._confirmProps(t), s._identifier = _++, s;
return u(n, t), s(n, [
key: 'getChildContext',
value: function () {
return { virtualizedList: null };
key: 'componentDidMount',
value: function () {
key: 'componentWillUnmount',
value: function () {
this._eventSubscription && this._eventSubscription.remove();
key: 'UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps',
value: function (t) {
key: 'render',
value: function () {
if (!0 !== this.props.visible)
return null;
var t = { backgroundColor: this.props.transparent ? 'transparent' : 'white' }, n = this.props.animationType;
n || (n = 'none', this.props.animated && (n = 'slide'));
var o = this.props.presentationStyle;
o || (o = 'fullScreen', this.props.transparent && (o = 'overFullScreen'));
var s = this.props.children;
return h.createElement(S, {
animationType: n,
presentationStyle: o,
transparent: this.props.transparent,
hardwareAccelerated: this.props.hardwareAccelerated,
onRequestClose: this.props.onRequestClose,
onShow: this.props.onShow,
identifier: this._identifier,
style: k.modal,
onStartShouldSetResponder: this._shouldSetResponder,
supportedOrientations: this.props.supportedOrientations,
onOrientationChange: this.props.onOrientationChange
}, h.createElement(y, {
style: [
}, s));
key: '_shouldSetResponder',
value: function () {
return !0;
], [{
key: '_confirmProps',
value: function (t) {
t.presentationStyle && 'overFullScreen' !== t.presentationStyle && t.transparent && console.warn('Modal with \'' + t.presentationStyle + '\' presentation style and \'transparent\' value is not supported.');
}]), n;
b.defaultProps = {
visible: !0,
hardwareAccelerated: !1
}, b.contextTypes = { rootTag: v.number }, b.childContextTypes = { virtualizedList: v.object };
var C = c.isRTL ? 'right' : 'left', k = f.create({
modal: { position: 'absolute' },
container: (t = { position: 'absolute' }, n(t, C, 0), n(t, 'top', 0), t)
m.exports = b;
}, 285, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), p = (r(d[5]), r(d[6])), u = (r(d[7]), r(d[8])), c = (r(d[9]), r(d[10])), h = r(d[11]), f = function (p) {
function c() {
var n, l;
t(this, c);
for (var p = arguments.length, u = new Array(p), h = 0; h < p; h++)
u[h] = arguments[h];
return (l = o(this, (n = s(c)).call.apply(n, [this].concat(u)))).state = {
inspector: null,
mainKey: 1
}, l._subscription = null, l;
return l(c, p), n(c, [
key: 'getChildContext',
value: function () {
return { rootTag: this.props.rootTag };
key: 'componentDidMount',
value: function () {
key: 'componentWillUnmount',
value: function () {
null != this._subscription && this._subscription.remove();
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = this, n = u.createElement(h, {
collapsable: !this.state.inspector,
key: this.state.mainKey,
pointerEvents: 'box-none',
style: v.appContainer,
ref: function (n) {
t._mainRef = n;
}, this.props.children), o = this.props.WrapperComponent;
return null != o && (n = u.createElement(o, null, n)), u.createElement(h, {
style: v.appContainer,
pointerEvents: 'box-none'
}, n, null, this.state.inspector);
]), c;
f.childContextTypes = { rootTag: p.number };
var v = c.create({ appContainer: { flex: 1 } });
m.exports = f;
}, 286, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]).I18nManager || {
isRTL: !1,
doLeftAndRightSwapInRTL: !0,
allowRTL: function () {
forceRTL: function () {
swapLeftAndRightInRTL: function () {
m.exports = n;
}, 287, [14]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = t('RCTModalHostView');
}, 288, [155]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), u = r(d[3]), s = r(d[4]), p = r(d[5]), l = (r(d[6]), r(d[7]), r(d[8])), c = (r(d[9]), function (p) {
function l() {
return t(this, l), o(this, u(l).apply(this, arguments));
return s(l, p), n(l, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
throw null;
}]), l;
}(l.Component)), h = function (c) {
function h() {
return t(this, h), o(this, u(h).apply(this, arguments));
return s(h, c), n(h, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
return l.createElement(p, this.props, this.props.children);
}]), h;
h.MODE_DIALOG = 'dialog', h.MODE_DROPDOWN = 'dropdown', h.Item = c, h.defaultProps = { mode: 'dialog' }, m.exports = h;
}, 289, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), s = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), n = r(d[3]), p = r(d[4]), l = r(d[5]), c = r(d[6]), h = r(d[7]), u = r(d[8]), v = r(d[9]), f = r(d[10]), y = 'picker', b = function (v) {
function b() {
var t, o;
s(this, b);
for (var l = arguments.length, c = new Array(l), h = 0; h < l; h++)
c[h] = arguments[h];
return (o = n(this, (t = p(b)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(c)))).state = b.getDerivedStateFromProps(o.props), o._onChange = function (t) {
if (o.props.onValueChange) {
var s = t.nativeEvent.position;
if (s >= 0) {
var n = u.Children.toArray(o.props.children)[s].props.value;
o.props.onValueChange(n, s);
} else
o.props.onValueChange(null, s);
o.refs[y] && o.state.selectedIndex !== t.nativeEvent.position && o.refs[y].setNativeProps({ selected: o.state.selectedIndex });
}, o;
return l(b, v), o(b, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var s = 'dropdown' === this.props.mode ? c : h, o = {
enabled: this.props.enabled,
items: this.state.items,
mode: this.props.mode,
onSelect: this._onChange,
prompt: this.props.prompt,
selected: this.state.selectedIndex,
testID: this.props.testID,
style: [
accessibilityLabel: this.props.accessibilityLabel
return u.createElement(s, t({ ref: y }, o));
}], [{
key: 'getDerivedStateFromProps',
value: function (t) {
var s = 0, o =, function (o, n) {
o.props.value === t.selectedValue && (s = n);
var p = {
value: o.props.value,
label: o.props.label
return o.props.color && (p.color = f(o.props.color)), p;
return {
selectedIndex: s,
items: o
}]), b;
}(u.Component), C = v.create({ pickerAndroid: { height: 50 } });
m.exports = b;
}, 290, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]);
m.exports = o('AndroidDropdownPicker');
}, 291, [155]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var o = r(d[0]);
m.exports = o('AndroidDialogPicker');
}, 292, [155]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = r(d[0]);
}, 293, [284]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), c = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), f = r(d[7]), h = r(d[8]), p = function (l) {
function p() {
return t(this, p), o(this, s(p).apply(this, arguments));
return c(p, l), n(p, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
return u.createElement(h, {
style: [
}, u.createElement(f, { style: y.text }, 'ProgressViewIOS is not supported on this platform!'));
}]), p;
}(u.Component), y = l.create({
dummy: {
width: 120,
height: 20,
backgroundColor: '#ffbcbc',
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: 'red',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center'
text: {
color: '#333333',
margin: 5,
fontSize: 10
m.exports = p;
}, 294, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var t, n = r(d[1]), u = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), o = r(d[4]), p = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), c = (r(d[7]), r(d[8])), f = r(d[9]);
t = function (t) {
'use strict';
function h() {
return u(this, h), o(this, p(h).apply(this, arguments));
return l(h, t), s(h, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = this.props, u = (t.emulateUnlessSupported, n(t, ['emulateUnlessSupported']));
return c.createElement(f, u);
}]), h;
}(c.Component), m.exports = t;
}, 295, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), c = r(d[4]), u = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), f = r(d[7]), h = r(d[8]), p = function (l) {
function p() {
return t(this, p), o(this, s(p).apply(this, arguments));
return c(p, l), n(p, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
return u.createElement(h, {
style: [
}, u.createElement(f, { style: y.text }, 'SegmentedControlIOS is not supported on this platform!'));
}]), p;
}(u.Component), y = l.create({
dummy: {
width: 120,
height: 50,
backgroundColor: '#ffbcbc',
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: 'red',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center'
text: {
color: '#333333',
margin: 5,
fontSize: 10
m.exports = p;
}, 296, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n, t = r(d[0]), l = r(d[1]), o = (r(d[2]), r(d[3])), u = r(d[4]), s = (r(d[5]), r(d[6])), v = u.forwardRef(function (v, f) {
var c = s.compose(n.slider,, p = v.onValueChange, C = v.onSlidingComplete, S = l(v, [
]), h = p ? function (n) {
null != n.nativeEvent.fromUser && n.nativeEvent.fromUser && p(n.nativeEvent.value);
} : null, E = h, V = C ? function (n) {
} : null;
return u.createElement(o, t({}, S, {
ref: f,
style: c,
onChange: E,
onSlidingComplete: V,
onValueChange: h,
enabled: !v.disabled,
onStartShouldSetResponder: function () {
return !0;
onResponderTerminationRequest: function () {
return !1;
v.defaultProps = {
disabled: !1,
value: 0,
minimumValue: 0,
maximumValue: 1,
step: 0
}, n = s.create({ slider: {} }), m.exports = v;
}, 297, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]);
m.exports = t('RCTSlider');
}, 298, [155]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
m.exports = r(d[0]);
}, 299, [284]);
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), o = r(d[1]), t = r(d[2]), l = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), s = r(d[5]), h = r(d[6]), c = r(d[7]), C = (r(d[8]), r(d[9])), p = (r(d[10]), function (p) {
function b() {
var n, o;
t(this, b);
for (var l = arguments.length, h = new Array(l), c = 0; c < l; c++)
h[c] = arguments[c];
return (o = u(this, (n = s(b)).call.apply(n, [this].concat(h))))._handleChange = function (n) {
if (null != o._nativeSwitchRef) {
var t = !0 === o.props.value;
o._nativeSwitchRef.setNativeProps({ on: t }), null != o.props.onChange && o.props.onChange(n), null != o.props.onValueChange && o.props.onValueChange(n.nativeEvent.value);
}, o._handleSwitchNativeComponentRef = function (n) {
o._nativeSwitchRef = n;
}, o;
return h(b, p), l(b, [{
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t, l = this.props, u = l.disabled, s = (l.ios_backgroundColor, l.onChange, l.onValueChange,, h = l.thumbColor, p = l.trackColor, b = l.value, _ = o(l, [
]), R = h, k = null == p ? void 0 : p.false, y = null == p ? void 0 : p.true, S = _, w = S.thumbTintColor, T = S.tintColor, V = S.onTintColor;
null != w && (R = w), null != T && (k = T), null != V && (y = V);
var F = {
enabled: !0 !== u,
on: !0 === b,
style: s,
thumbTintColor: R,
trackColorForFalse: k,
trackColorForTrue: y,
trackTintColor: !0 === b ? y : k
return C.createElement(c, n({}, _, F, {
accessibilityRole: null != (t = _.accessibilityRole) ? t : 'button',
onChange: this._handleChange,
onResponderTerminationRequest: v,
onStartShouldSetResponder: f,
ref: this._handleSwitchNativeComponentRef
}]), b;
}(C.Component)), v = function () {
return !1;
}, f = function () {
return !0;
m.exports = p;
}, 300, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
r(d[0]), r(d[1]);
var t = r(d[2])('AndroidSwitch');
m.exports = t;
}, 301, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var t = r(d[0]), n = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), l = r(d[4]), c = r(d[5]), u = r(d[6]);
function p(t, n) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t);
n && (s = s.filter(function (n) {
return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n).enumerable;
})), o.push.apply(o, s);
return o;
var f = r(d[7]), w = r(d[8]), _ = r(d[9]), O = function (t) {
function p(t, n) {
var s;
return o(this, p), (s = l(this, c(p).call(this, t, n)))._flatListRef = null, s._shouldBounceFirstRowOnMount = !1, s._onScroll = function (t) {
s.state.openRowKey && s.setState({ openRowKey: null }), s.props.onScroll && s.props.onScroll(t);
}, s._renderItem = function (t) {
var n = s.props.renderQuickActions(t), o = s.props.keyExtractor(t.item, t.index);
if (!n)
return s.props.renderItem(t);
var l = !1;
return s._shouldBounceFirstRowOnMount && (s._shouldBounceFirstRowOnMount = !1, l = !0), f.createElement(w, {
slideoutView: n,
isOpen: o === s.state.openRowKey,
maxSwipeDistance: s._getMaxSwipeDistance(t),
onOpen: function () {
return s._onOpen(o);
onClose: function () {
return s._onClose(o);
shouldBounceOnMount: l,
onSwipeEnd: s._setListViewScrollable,
onSwipeStart: s._setListViewNotScrollable
}, s.props.renderItem(t));
}, s._setListViewScrollable = function () {
}, s._setListViewNotScrollable = function () {
}, s.state = { openRowKey: null }, s._shouldBounceFirstRowOnMount = s.props.bounceFirstRowOnMount, s;
return u(p, t), s(p, [
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var t = this;
return f.createElement(_, n({}, this.props, {
ref: function (n) {
t._flatListRef = n;
onScroll: this._onScroll,
renderItem: this._renderItem,
extraData: this.state
key: '_getMaxSwipeDistance',
value: function (t) {
return 'function' == typeof this.props.maxSwipeDistance ? this.props.maxSwipeDistance(t) : this.props.maxSwipeDistance;
key: '_setListViewScrollableTo',
value: function (t) {
this._flatListRef && this._flatListRef.setNativeProps({ scrollEnabled: t });
key: '_onOpen',
value: function (t) {
this.setState({ openRowKey: t });
key: '_onClose',
value: function (t) {
this.setState({ openRowKey: null });
]), p;
O.defaultProps = function (n) {
for (var o = 1; o < arguments.length; o++) {
var s = null != arguments[o] ? arguments[o] : {};
o % 2 ? p(s, !0).forEach(function (o) {
t(n, o, s[o]);
}) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(s)) : p(s).forEach(function (t) {
Object.defineProperty(n, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, t));
return n;
}({}, _.defaultProps, {
bounceFirstRowOnMount: !0,
renderQuickActions: function () {
return null;
}), m.exports = O;
}, 302, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), t = r(d[1]), o = r(d[2]), s = r(d[3]), u = r(d[4]), p = r(d[5]), l = r(d[6]), h = r(d[7]), c = r(d[8]), _ = r(d[9]), v = r(d[10]), f = l.isRTL, w = 0, R = 300, S = function () {
}, P = function (l) {
function _() {
var t, u;
n(this, _);
for (var l = arguments.length, c = new Array(l), v = 0; v < l; v++)
c[v] = arguments[v];
return (u = o(this, (t = s(_)).call.apply(t, [this].concat(c))))._handleMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture = function (n, t) {
return t.dy < 10 && u._isValidSwipe(t);
}, u._handlePanResponderGrant = function (n, t) {
}, u._handlePanResponderMove = function (n, t) {
u._isSwipingExcessivelyRightFromClosedPosition(t) || (u.props.onSwipeStart && u.props.onSwipeStart(), u._isSwipingRightFromClosed(t) ? u._swipeSlowSpeed(t) : u._swipeFullSpeed(t));
}, u._onPanResponderTerminationRequest = function (n, t) {
return !1;
}, u._handlePanResponderEnd = function (n, t) {
var o = f ? -t.dx : t.dx;
u._isSwipingRightFromClosed(t) ? (u.props.onOpen && u.props.onOpen(), u._animateBounceBack(R)) : u._shouldAnimateRemainder(t) ? o < 0 ? (u.props.onOpen && u.props.onOpen(), u._animateToOpenPositionWith(t.vx, o)) : (u.props.onClose && u.props.onClose(), u._animateToClosedPosition()) : u._previousLeft === w ? u._animateToClosedPosition() : u._animateToOpenPosition(), u.props.onSwipeEnd && u.props.onSwipeEnd();
}, u._panResponder = h.create({
onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: u._handleMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture,
onPanResponderGrant: u._handlePanResponderGrant,
onPanResponderMove: u._handlePanResponderMove,
onPanResponderRelease: u._handlePanResponderEnd,
onPanResponderTerminationRequest: u._onPanResponderTerminationRequest,
onPanResponderTerminate: u._handlePanResponderEnd,
onShouldBlockNativeResponder: function (n, t) {
return !1;
}), u._previousLeft = w, u._timeoutID = null, u.state = {
currentLeft: new p.Value(u._previousLeft),
isSwipeableViewRendered: !1,
rowHeight: null
}, u._onSwipeableViewLayout = function (n) {
isSwipeableViewRendered: !0,
rowHeight: n.nativeEvent.layout.height
}, u._animateToClosedPositionDuringBounce = function () {
}, u;
return u(_, l), t(_, [
key: 'componentDidMount',
value: function () {
var n = this;
this.props.shouldBounceOnMount && (this._timeoutID = setTimeout(function () {
}, 700));
key: 'UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps',
value: function (n) {
var t, o, s = null != (t = this.props.isOpen) && t, u = null != (o = n.isOpen) && o;
s && !u && this._animateToClosedPosition();
key: 'componentWillUnmount',
value: function () {
null != this._timeoutID && clearTimeout(this._timeoutID);
key: 'render',
value: function () {
var n;
this.state.isSwipeableViewRendered && this.state.rowHeight && (n = c.createElement(v, {
style: [
{ height: this.state.rowHeight }
}, this.props.slideoutView));
var t = c.createElement(p.View, {
onLayout: this._onSwipeableViewLayout,
style: { transform: [{ translateX: this.state.currentLeft }] }
}, this.props.children);
return c.createElement(v, this._panResponder.panHandlers, n, t);
key: 'close',
value: function () {
this.props.onClose && this.props.onClose(), this._animateToClosedPosition();
key: '_isSwipingRightFromClosed',
value: function (n) {
var t = f ? -n.dx : n.dx;
return this._previousLeft === w && t > 0;
key: '_swipeFullSpeed',
value: function (n) {
this.state.currentLeft.setValue(this._previousLeft + n.dx);
key: '_swipeSlowSpeed',
value: function (n) {
this.state.currentLeft.setValue(this._previousLeft + n.dx / 4);
key: '_isSwipingExcessivelyRightFromClosedPosition',
value: function (n) {
var t = f ? -n.dx : n.dx;
return this._isSwipingRightFromClosed(n) && t > 120;
key: '_animateTo',
value: function (n) {
var t = this, o = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 300, s = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : S;
p.timing(this.state.currentLeft, {
duration: o,
toValue: n,
useNativeDriver: !0
}).start(function () {
t._previousLeft = n, s();
key: '_animateToOpenPosition',
value: function () {
var n, t = null != (n = this.props.maxSwipeDistance) ? n : 0, o = f ? -t : t;
key: '_animateToOpenPositionWith',
value: function (n, t) {
var o;
n = n > 0.3 ? n : 0.3;
var s = null != (o = this.props.maxSwipeDistance) ? o : 0, u = Math.abs((s - Math.abs(t)) / n), p = f ? -s : s;
this._animateTo(-p, u);
key: '_animateToClosedPosition',
value: function () {
var n = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 300;
this._animateTo(w, n);
key: '_animateBounceBack',
value: function (n) {
var t = f ? -30 : 30;
this._animateTo(-t, n, this._animateToClosedPositionDuringBounce);
key: '_isValidSwipe',
value: function (n) {
var t;
return !(null != (t = this.props.preventSwipeRight) && t && this._previousLeft === w && n.dx > 0) && Math.abs(n.dx) > 10;
key: '_shouldAnimateRemainder',
value: function (n) {
var t, o = null != (t = this.props.swipeThreshold) ? t : 30;
return Math.abs(n.dx) > o || n.vx > 0.3;
]), _;
}(c.Component), y = _.create({
slideOutContainer: {
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
position: 'absolute',
right: 0,
top: 0
m.exports = P;
}, 303, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
'use strict';
var n = r(d[0]), o = r(d[1]), t = o.currentCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter, u = o.currentCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter, s = o.previousCentroidXOfTouchesChangedAfter, c = o.previousCentroidYOfTouchesChangedAfter, p = o.currentCentroidX, v = o.currentCentroidY, h = {
_initializeGestureState: function (n) {
n.moveX = 0, n.moveY = 0, n.x0 = 0, n.y0 = 0, n.dx = 0, n.dy = 0, n.vx = 0, n.vy = 0, n.numberActiveTouches = 0, n._accountsForMovesUpTo = 0;
_updateGestureStateOnMove: function (n, o) {
n.numberActiveTouches = o.numberActiveTouches, n.moveX = t(o, n._accountsForMovesUpTo), n.moveY = u(o, n._accountsForMovesUpTo);
var p = n._accountsForMovesUpTo, v = s(o, p), h = t(o, p), l = c(o, p), S = u(o, p), R = n.dx + (h - v), T = n.dy + (S - l), f = o.mostRecentTimeStamp - n._accountsForMovesUpTo;
n.vx = (R - n.dx) / f, n.vy = (T - n.dy) / f, n.dx = R, n.dy = T, n._accountsForMovesUpTo = o.mostRecentTimeStamp;
create: function (o) {
var t = { handle: null }, u = {
stateID: Math.random(),
moveX: 0,
moveY: 0,
x0: 0,
y0: 0,
dx: 0,
dy: 0,
vx: 0,
vy: 0,
numberActiveTouches: 0,
_accountsForMovesUpTo: 0
return {
panHandlers: {
onStartShouldSetResponder: function (n) {
return null != o.onStartShouldSetPanResponder && o.onStartShouldSetPanResponder(n, u);
onMoveShouldSetResponder: function (n) {
return null != o.onMoveShouldSetPanResponder && o.onMoveShouldSetPanResponder(n, u);
onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: function (n) {
return 1 === n.nativeEvent.touches.length && h._initializeGestureState(u), u.numberActiveTouches = n.touchHistory.numberActiveTouches, null != o.onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture && o.onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture(n, u);
onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture: function (n) {
var t = n.touchHistory;
return u._accountsForMovesUpTo !== t.mostRecentTimeStamp && (h._updateGestureStateOnMove(u, t), !!o.onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture && o.onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture(n, u));
onResponderGrant: function (s) {
return t.handle || (t.handle = n.createInteractionHandle()), u.x0 = p(s.touchHistory), u.y0 = v(s.touchHistory), u.dx = 0, u.dy = 0, o.onPanResponderGrant && o.onPanResponderGrant(s, u), null == o.onShouldBlockNativeResponder || o.onShouldBlockNativeResponder(s, u);
onResponderReject: function (n) {
l(t, o.onPanResponderReject, n, u);
onResponderRelease: function (n) {
l(t, o.onPanResponderRelease, n, u), h._initializeGestureState(u);
onResponderStart: function (n) {
var t = n.touchHistory;
u.numberActiveTouches = t.numberActiveTouches, o.onPanResponderStart && o.onPanResponderStart(n, u);
onResponderMove: function (n) {
var t = n.touchHistory;
u._accountsForMovesUpTo !== t.mostRecentTimeStamp && (h._updateGestureStateOnMove(u, t), o.onPanResponderMove && o.onPanResponderMove(n, u));
onResponderEnd: function (n) {
var s = n.touchHistory;
u.numberActiveTouches = s.numberActiveTouches, l(t, o.onPanResponderEnd, n, u);
onResponderTerminate: function (n) {
l(t, o.onPanResponderTerminate, n, u), h._initializeGestureState(u);
onResponderTerminationRequest: function (n) {
return null == o.onPanResponderTerminationRequest || o.onPanResponderTerminationRequest(n, u);
getInteractionHandle: function () {
return t.handle;
function l(o, t, u, s) {
o.handle && (n.clearInteractionHandle(o.handle), o.handle = null), t && t(u, s);
m.exports = h;
}, 304, [
__d(function (g, r, i, a, m, e, d) {
var n = {
centroidDimension: function (t, o, u, c) {
var f = t.touchBank, s = 0, h = 0, v = 1 === t.numberActiveTouches ? t.touchBank[t.indexOfSingleActiveTouch] : null;
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