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Created August 5, 2022 23:34
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This is an week four assignment
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity 0.8.4;
contract Energy{
//have total supply
//user balance
///State Variables //////
uint constant totalSupply = 10000 ;
uint public circulatingSupply;
string constant name = "Energy";
string constant symbol = "ENG";
uint constant decimal = 1e18;
address owner;
mapping(address => uint) public _balance;
event tokenMint(address indexed _to, uint indexed _amount);
event _transfer(address from, address _to, uint amount);
modifier onlyOwner(){
require(owner == msg.sender, "No permission");
constructor( ){
owner = msg.sender;
function _name() public pure returns(string memory){
return name;
function _symbol() public pure returns(string memory){
return symbol;
function _decimal() public pure returns(uint){
return decimal;
function _totalSupply() public pure returns(uint){
return totalSupply;
function mint(uint amount, address _to) public onlyOwner returns(uint){
circulatingSupply += amount; // increase total circulating supply
require(circulatingSupply <= totalSupply, "totalSupply Exceeded");
require(_to != address(0), "mint to address zero ");
uint value = amount * decimal;
_balance[_to ] += value; //increase balance of to
emit tokenMint(_to, value);
return value;
function transfer(address _to, uint amount) external {
require(_to != address(0), "mint to address zero ");
uint userBalance = _balance[msg.sender];
require(userBalance >= amount, "insufficient funds");
uint burnableToken = _burn(amount);
uint transferrable= amount - burnableToken;
_balance[msg.sender] -= amount;
_balance[_to] += transferrable;
emit _transfer(msg.sender, _to, amount);
function _burn(uint amount) private returns(uint256 burnableToken){
burnableToken = calculateBurn(amount);
circulatingSupply -= burnableToken / decimal;
function calculateBurn (uint amount) public pure returns(uint burn){
burn = (amount * 10)/100;
function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint){
return _balance[who] * decimal;
mapping(address => mapping( address => uint)) _allowance;
modifier checkBalance(address _owner, uint amount) {
uint balance = balanceOf(_owner);
require(balance >= amount, "insufficent funds");
function Approve(address spender, uint amount) external checkBalance(msg.sender,amount) {
require(spender != address(0));
uint allow = _allowance[msg.sender][spender];
if(allow == 0){
_allowance[msg.sender][spender] = amount;
_allowance[msg.sender][spender] += amount;
function transferFrom(address from, address _to, uint amount) external checkBalance(from,amount){
require(_to == msg.sender, "not spender");
uint allowanceBalance = _allowance[from][_to];
require(allowanceBalance >= amount, "no allowance for you");
// checking if the spender have the sufficent token
require(_balance[from] >= amount, "spender's fund is not enogh");
_allowance[from][_to] -= amount;
// here comes the burning mechanism
uint burnableToken = _burn(amount);
uint transferrable= amount - burnableToken;
_balance[from] -= amount;
_balance[_to] += transferrable;
emit _transfer(from, _to, amount);
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