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Mohd Shaheer

Google Summer of Code 2022

Organisation : KODI

Repository : Elm-Chorus

Project link : GSoC


The goal of this project was to implement the remaining functionality from the old web interface (Chorus 2) of Kodi Media Player in Elm Chorus. Elm Chorus is a 1:1 clone of Chorus 2 that is written in the Elm functional programming language.

Outcome of contributions:

  • Made RightSidebar functional : worked on it's UI and backend.
  • Installed Parcel plugins for serving static files and using SVGs in the project.
  • Implemented the sort functionality from scratch for all the pages (wrote sort methods and implemented working UI).
  • Reworked the UI of Cards (Album,Artist, Music Video) and created them from scratch for TvShows, Movies, etc.
  • Implemented the Videoid_int page from scratch and fixed routing for Music Video page
  • Implemented video playback functionality
  • Reworked the UI of Song Bar
  • Reworked the UI of Albumid_int page (page which contains information about a particular album)
  • Implemented Movieid_int page from scratch (UI, routes and Backend)
  • Implemented Tvshowid_int page from scratch (UI, routes and Backend)
  • Implemented Seasonid_int page from scratch (UI, routes and Backend)
  • Implemented Episodeid_int page from scratch (UI, routes and Backend)
  • Implemented Filter functionality from scratch for all the pages.

Code Contributions


Before After
Screenshot from 2022-09-10 21-23-49 Screenshot from 2022-09-10 20-35-23

Top Music Page (Reworked Song Bar UI)

Before After
Screenshot from 2022-09-10 21-23-58 Screenshot from 2022-09-10 20-35-41

Genre page

Before After
Screenshot from 2022-09-10 21-24-18 Screenshot from 2022-09-10 20-36-27

Movie page

Before After
Screenshot from 2022-09-10 21-24-55 Screenshot from 2022-09-05 21-34-40

Albumid_int page (Reworked UI)

Before After
Screenshot from 2022-09-10 21-24-26 image

Videoid_int page (Fixed routing and implemented video playback)


Movieid_int page


Tvshowid_int page


Seasonid_int page


Episodeid_int page


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