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Last active July 1, 2022 13:59
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  • Save deverebor/b65c823381738faa49c9019dd31a285f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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TODO higligh extension config
"todohighlight.keywords": [
"text": "@todo",
"color": "#FF8C00",
"backgroundColor": "transparent",
"isWholeLine": true,
"text": "@fixme",
"color": "#FFC197",
"backgroundColor": "transparent",
"isWholeLine": true,
"text": "@warning:",
"color": "#FFC107",
"backgroundColor": "transparent",
"isWholeLine": true,
"text": "@bug",
"color": "red",
"backgroundColor": "transparent",
"isWholeLine": true,
"text": "@hack",
"color": "#98C379",
"backgroundColor": "transparent",
"isWholeLine": true,
"text": "@test",
"color": "#00bcd4",
"backgroundColor": "transparent",
"isWholeLine": true,
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