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Created December 1, 2018 04:49
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FER2013 dataset parsing from CSV into folder with images.
Converting FER2013 dataset from CSV representation into folder with images.
The dataset is taken from:
(0=Angry, 1=Disgust, 2=Fear, 3=Happy, 4=Sad, 5=Surprise, 6=Neutral).
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
PATH = Path.home()/'data'/'facial_expressions'/'fer2013'
INPUT_FILE = PATH/'fer2013.csv'
OUTPUT_DIR = PATH/'images'
IMG_SZ = 48
0: 'angry',
1: 'disgust',
2: 'fear',
3: 'happy',
4: 'sad',
5: 'surprise',
6: 'neutral'
def main():
data = pd.read_csv(INPUT_FILE)
data['pixels'] = data.pixels.str.split()
data['emotion'] =
data.loc[(data.Usage == 'Training') | (data.Usage == 'PublicTest'), 'Usage'] = 'train'
data.loc[data.Usage == 'PrivateTest', 'Usage'] = 'valid'
for subset, s_group in data.groupby('Usage'):
for emotion, e_group in s_group.groupby('emotion'):
path = OUTPUT_DIR/subset/emotion
print('Creating %s' % path)
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for i, row in e_group.iterrows():
np_pixels = np.array([float(p) for p in row.pixels])
np_img = np_pixels.reshape(IMG_SZ, IMG_SZ)
pil_img = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(np_img))'{i}.png', format='png')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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