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Last active November 23, 2019 04:50
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Set profile-based AWS environment variables with support for assume-role


This script sets AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (where applicable) from the values configured in ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials This is useful for cases where the tool being used doesn't support --profile being passed in, i.e. most unit/system tests

It also can handle cases where the credentials aren't static (i.e. assume-role giving temporary credentials), it uses the awscli's implementation to resolve and cache those credentials. This is very handy for when a tool is using the aws-sdk to load credentials and can read the AWS_PROFILE environment variable but can't handle the assume-role, usuaully due to an MFA prompt. In those cases it would reolve the tokens and set them as env vars. Calling it again would refersh them if required.


put in somewhere like ~/bin/awsenv:

cp ~/bin/awsenv
chmod +x ~/bin/awsenv

Then add the following wrapper function to your ~/.bashrc:

setaws () {
   [[ $# -gt 0 ]] && eval "$(~/bin/awsenv $@)"

to set a profile: setaws myprofile

to view current: awsenv

to clear: setaws --unset

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# adapted from
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import ConfigParser as configparser
import configparser
# Track all ENV variables that we may set so we know what to unset later"
# Key is environment variable name, value is ini setting from aws config
# environment variables used by awscli:
aws_dict = {
'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID': 'aws_access_key_id',
'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY': 'aws_secret_access_key',
'AWS_SESSION_TOKEN': 'aws_session_token',
'AWS_PROFILE': 'aws_profile',
def get_option(config, section, option):
"""Return value of ini option in section; empty string if not found"""
return config.get(section, option)
except configparser.NoOptionError:
return ''
def show_env(config):
"""Print AWS-related environment vars, and which profile(s) they match"""
print('Current AWS Environment Variables:')
for env_setting, ini_opt in aws_dict.items():
ini_value = os.environ.get(env_setting)
if ini_value is None:
print(env_setting, "not set")
match_sections = []
for section in config.sections():
if get_option(config, section, ini_opt) == ini_value:
match_sections.append(section.replace('profile ', ''))
if len(match_sections):
print(env_setting, "matches", match_sections)
print(env_setting, "set =", ini_value)
def unset_values():
"""return string representation of command to unset environment vars"""
return "unset {0} AWS_PROFILE; ".format(' '.join(aws_dict.keys()))
def exit_out(message, error=False):
out = sys.stderr if error else sys.stdout
print(message, file=out)
exit(1 if error else 0)
profile = ''
config_files = []
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
if sys.argv[1] == '--unset':
profile = sys.argv[1]
if os.environ.get('AWS_CONFIG_FILE'):
if not config_files:
exit_out("Error: no valid AWS config file(s) found", True)
configs = configparser.ConfigParser()
if not profile:
def create_cli_session(profile_name):
from awscli import EnvironmentVariables
import botocore.session
from awscli.plugin import load_plugins
session = botocore.session.Session(EnvironmentVariables)
# the following loads the hooks for aws' cli for caching assume role credentials
import argparse
args = argparse.ArgumentParser().parse_args([])
args.command = 'help' # dummy command
event_handlers = session.get_component('event_emitter')
load_plugins(session.full_config.get('plugins', {}), event_hooks=event_handlers)
# sets the profile to load
session.set_config_variable('profile', profile_name)
session.emit('session-initialized', session=session, parsed_args=args)
return session
def lookup_settings(config, profile_name):
settings = {}
if config.has_section('profile ' + profile_name) or config.has_section(profile):
for env_setting, ini_opt in aws_dict.items():
if profile != 'default':
# Profiles in ~/.aws/config begin with "profile ", except default
if config.has_section('profile ' + profile_name):
value = get_option(config, 'profile ' + profile_name, ini_opt)
if value:
settings[env_setting] = value
# i.e. for ~/.aws/credentials (profiles are stored with no prefix)
if config.has_section(profile_name):
value = get_option(config, profile_name, ini_opt)
if value:
settings[env_setting] = value
# no keys configured so probably it's an assume role
if 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID' not in settings and get_option(config, 'profile ' + profile_name, 'role_arn'):
print("Profile has no AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, so using awscli to determine keys", file=sys.stderr)
session = create_cli_session(profile_name)
credentials = session.get_credentials()
settings['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = credentials.access_key
settings['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = credentials.secret_key
if credentials.token:
settings['AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'] = credentials.token
settings['AWS_PROFILE'] = profile
return settings
exit_out("Error: profile {0} not found.".format(profile_name), True)
env_settings = lookup_settings(configs, profile)
if env_settings:
output = 'export '
output += ' '.join("{0}={1}".format(k, v) for (k, v) in env_settings.items())
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