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Created March 5, 2011 15:07
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Save devi/856418 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Kohana helper collection
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
class HELPER {
* helper to load post from database
* @param int 4 digit ex. 2010
* @param int without leading zero
* @param string slug/permalink, if set then limit/offset will be ignore
* @param int post status ex. draft,published,preview
* @param int limit
* @param int offset
* @return mixed if query failed return FALSE else return Database_MySQL_Result
public static function load_post($year, $month = NULL, $slug = NULL, $status = 0, $limit = 0, $offset = 10)
if ( ! $year)
return FALSE;
$format = '%Y';
if ($month !== NULL)
$format .= '-%c';
$year = $year.'-'.$month;
$post = DB::select()->from('posts')
->where('status', '=', $status)
->and_where('FROM_UNIXTIME("published_on", \''.$format.'\')', '=', ':format')
->param(':format', $year);
if ($slug !== NULL)
$post->and_where('slug', '=', ':slug')->param(':slug', $slug);
$post->order_by('published_on', 'DESC')->limit($limit)->offset($offset);
return ($post AND count($post) > 0) ? $post : FALSE;
* Extend HTML::style
* @param string File name
* @param array Default attributes
* @param string Spesific browser logic/condition
* @param mixed Protocol to pass to URL::base()
* @param boolean Include the index page
* @return string
public static function style($file, array $attributes = NULL, $browser = NULL, $protocol = NULL, $index = FALSE)
$style = HTML::style($file,$attributes, $protocol, $index);
if ($browser)
return '<!--[if '.$browser.' ]>'.$style.'<![endif]-->';
return $style;
* Extend HTML::script
* @param string File name
* @param array Default attributes
* @param string Spesific browser logic/condition
* @param mixed Protocol to pass to URL::base()
* @param boolean Include the index page
* @return string
public static function script($file, array $attributes = NULL, $browser = NULL, $protocol = NULL, $index = FALSE)
$script = HTML::script($file, $attributes, $protocol, $index);
if ($browser)
return '<!--[if '.$browser.' ]>'.$script.'<![endif]-->';
return $script;
* Builds & returns a variable containing the HTML code to display pagination links based on given params
* @param int $page - the current page
* @param int $totalitems - the number of items to paginate (not total number of pages)
* @param int $limit - the number of items per page
* @param int $adjacents - the number of page links to put adjacent to the current page
* @param string $targetpage - URL to the web page requiring pagination links e.g. /module/controller/action/id/abc123123/
* @param string $pagestring - the URL params to pass the new page value e.g. page/ (the number is inserted at the end of the string)
* @param string $cssClass - the class of the containing UL tag for the returned pagination
* @return void
* @author Stranger Studios, adapted by Rich Milns
* @see
public static function digg($page = 1, $totalitems, $limit = 15, $adjacents = 1, $targetpage = "/", $pagestring = "page/", $cssClass='pagination')
if(!$adjacents) $adjacents = 1;
if(!$limit) $limit = 15;
if(!$page) $page = 1;
if(!$targetpage) $targetpage = "/";
//other vars
$prev = $page - 1; //previous page is page - 1
$next = $page + 1; //next page is page + 1
$lastpage = ceil($totalitems / $limit); //lastpage is = total items / items per page, rounded up.
$lpm1 = $lastpage - 1; //last page minus 1
Now we apply our rules and draw the pagination object.
We're actually saving the code to a variable in case we want to draw it more than once.
$pagination = "";
if($lastpage > 1)
$pagination .= "<ul class=\"" . $cssClass . "\">".PHP_EOL;
//previous button
if ($page > 1)
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"$targetpage$pagestring$prev\" class=\"prevnext\">« previous</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"prevnext disablelink\">« previous</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
if ($lastpage < 7 + ($adjacents * 2)) //not enough pages to bother breaking it up
for ($counter = 1; $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++)
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"currentpage\">$counter</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . $counter . "\">$counter</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
elseif($lastpage >= 7 + ($adjacents * 2)) //enough pages to hide some
//close to beginning; only hide later pages
if($page < 1 + ($adjacents * 3))
for ($counter = 1; $counter < 4 + ($adjacents * 2); $counter++)
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"currentpage\">$counter</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . $counter . "\">$counter</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li>...</li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . $lpm1 . "\">$lpm1</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . $lastpage . "\">$lastpage</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
//in middle; hide some front and some back
elseif($lastpage - ($adjacents * 2) > $page && $page > ($adjacents * 2))
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . "1\">1</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . "2\">2</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li>...</li>".PHP_EOL;
for ($counter = $page - $adjacents; $counter <= $page + $adjacents; $counter++)
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"currentpage\">$counter</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . $counter . "\">$counter</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li>...</li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . $lpm1 . "\">$lpm1</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . $lastpage . "\">$lastpage</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
//close to end; only hide early pages
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . "1\">1</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . "2\">2</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li>...</li>";
for ($counter = $lastpage - (1 + ($adjacents * 3)); $counter <= $lastpage; $counter++)
if ($counter == $page)
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"currentpage\">$counter</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . $counter . "\">$counter</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
//next button
if ($page < $counter - 1)
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"" . $targetpage . $pagestring . $next . "\" class=\"prevnext\">next »</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "<li><a href=\"#\" class=\"prevnext disablelink\">next »</a></li>".PHP_EOL;
$pagination .= "</ul>".PHP_EOL;
return $pagination;
Copy link

devi commented Mar 15, 2011

doesn't work

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