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Last active March 7, 2018 14:07
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Kubernetes commands for deploying Rails todo from private registry
# fetch the hostname of the Azure Container Registry
registry=$(az acr list -g habitat-k8s --query "[?starts_with(name, 'habk8s')] | [0].loginServer" -o tsv)
# run the image sourced from the private repository, and expose port 3000
kubectl run rails-todo --image=${registry}/rails-todo:latest --port 3000
# watch our pod provision
watch kubectl get po
# once the pod is running exit watch
# expose the deployment to the world on port 80
kubectl expose deployment rails-todo --port=80 --target-port=3000 --type=LoadBalancer
# wait for the Public IP to be exposed
watch kubectl get services
# once the service has a public IP, exit watch, and open a browser to the IP and see the app
# scale up to 5 instances
kubectl scale --replicas=5 deployments/rails-todo
watch kubectl get po
# once the containers have started, exit watch, you are now running 5 instances of the app
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