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Created September 9, 2019 03:15
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Modified AdjustBossFlow function for tank_and_nowitch_ifier plugin
// javascript implementation to test algorithm:
public Action:AdjustBossFlow(Handle:timer)
if (InSecondHalfOfRound()) return;
decl String:sCurMap[64];
decl dummy;
GetCurrentMap(sCurMap, sizeof(sCurMap));
new iCvarMinFlow = RoundFloat(GetConVarFloat(g_hVsBossFlowMin) * 100);
new iCvarMaxFlow = RoundFloat(GetConVarFloat(g_hVsBossFlowMax) * 100);
new iTankFlow = -1;
if (!GetTrieValue(hStaticTankMaps, sCurMap, dummy))
PrintToChatAll("Not static tank map");
new iMinBanFlow = L4D2_GetMapValueInt("tank_ban_flow_min", 0);
new iMaxBanFlow = L4D2_GetMapValueInt("tank_ban_flow_max", 0);
if (iMaxBanFlow <= 0)
iMaxBanFlow = iCvarMinFlow - 1;
if (iMinBanFlow <= iCvarMinFlow && iMaxBanFlow >= iCvarMaxFlow)
PrintToChatAll("Ban range covers entire flow range. Flow tank disabled.");
L4D2Direct_SetVSTankToSpawnThisRound(0, false);
L4D2Direct_SetVSTankToSpawnThisRound(1, false);
new iIntervalMin = MAX( iCvarMinFlow, iMinBanFlow );
new iIntervalMax = MIN( iCvarMaxFlow, iMaxBanFlow );
new iPreIntervalLength = iIntervalMin - iCvarMinFlow;
new iPostIntervalLength = iCvarMaxFlow - iIntervalMax;
new iTankFlowLength = iPreIntervalLength + iPostIntervalLength - 1;
iTankFlow = GetRandomInt(0, iTankFlowLength);
PrintToChatAll("iTankFlow_pre: %i", iTankFlow);
if (iPreIntervalLength == 0)
iTankFlow += iMaxBanFlow + 1;
iTankFlow += iCvarMinFlow;
if (iPostIntervalLength > 0 && iTankFlow >= iIntervalMin)
iTankFlow += (iIntervalMax - iIntervalMin + 1);
new Float:fTankFlow = iTankFlow / 100.0;
PrintToChatAll("fTankFlow_post: %f", fTankFlow);
L4D2Direct_SetVSTankToSpawnThisRound(0, true);
L4D2Direct_SetVSTankToSpawnThisRound(1, true);
L4D2Direct_SetVSTankFlowPercent(0, fTankFlow);
L4D2Direct_SetVSTankFlowPercent(1, fTankFlow);
L4D2Direct_SetVSTankToSpawnThisRound(0, false);
L4D2Direct_SetVSTankToSpawnThisRound(1, false);
PrintToChatAll("Static tank map");
L4D2Direct_SetVSWitchToSpawnThisRound(0, false);
L4D2Direct_SetVSWitchToSpawnThisRound(1, false);
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