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Last active January 25, 2019 10:22
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A simple Python routine to present a string in a banner-style box of asterisks
def banner(text, width=40):
"""Print the received text in a banner-style box"""
STARS = "".center(width, "*")
BLANK = "{}{}{}".format("*", "".center(width - 2), "*", )
usable_text_length = width - 4
# Remove extra spaces but NOT newlines, and split on remaining spaces.
# This is to let the caller include line breaks.
list_of_words = []
for l in re.sub(" +", " ", text).split("\n"):
line_as_list = l.split()
# Initialise, then iterate over the list of words, preserving its
# index value for later checking.
line_length = 0
line = ""
for index, s in enumerate(list_of_words):
# If the current word does not take us over the usable length,
# append it to the current line. But first check for it being a
# newline.
if s == "\n":
ready_to_print = True
elif line_length + 1 + len(s) <= usable_text_length:
# Handle the first word in a line differently from all the others
line = line + s if line == "" else line + " " + s
line_length = len(line)
ready_to_print = False
ready_to_print = True
# If the above section completed a line; or if the current word is the
# last one; or if the current line plus the NEXT word will take us
# over the usable length; then print the line. Having printed,
# reset the initial values.
if (ready_to_print or
index == len(list_of_words) - 1 or
line_length + 1 + len(list_of_words[index + 1])
> usable_text_length):
print("* {} *".format(line.ljust(usable_text_length)))
line_length = 0
line = ""
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