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Last active August 27, 2016 04:50
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AppleScript - Needed a simple way to mount all my SMB Drives without the Finder opening a window for each one, enjoy ;)
# #
# Needed a simple way to mount SMB drives with no Finder window #
# #
# Native OSX SMB mount construct #
# #
# try #
# mount volume "smb://workgroup;userid:password@ipaddress/drive$" #
# end try #
# #
# Must Change These Values: #
# #
# smbUser,smbPass,smbServer #
-- list of all smb network drive labels
property myDisks : {"DriveLabelName1", "DriveLabelName2", "DriveLabelName3"}
on run
-- set all needed vars with environment specifics
set smbUser to "username"
set smbPass to "password"
set IP_Address to ""
set smbServer to (do shell script "ping -c 1 &> /dev/null && echo || echo null")
-- SMB server if offline then we should stop and not mount anything as it will all fail
if smbServer = "null" then
display dialog "SMB server is not pingable have null for IP" with title "ERROR" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end if
-- this creates a list of "/Volumes/sharename" that are only SMB
set mountedDisks to {}
set mountedDisks to paragraphs of (do shell script "mount | grep smb | cut -d ' ' -f3 | awk -F '[/]' '{print $3}' ")
-- All my smb volumes to mount using this syntax will mount as /Volume/drivename <-- described in servers smb.conf file
repeat with aDisk in myDisks
if aDisk is not in mountedDisks then
mount volume "smb://" & smbUser & ":" & smbPass & "@" & smbServer & "/" & aDisk
on error
-- If there is an error this is almost 98% of the time be on the smb server side!
display dialog "Mount for share " & aDisk & " failed." with title "ERROR" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
return 0
end try
end if
end repeat
end run
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