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Created November 1, 2020 05:06
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  • Save devinceble/65b6a5cbabda3d961190fafdb0ea3dc1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# This will only work on Artist/Album Directory Structure and flac files with embeded covert art.
# eg. AC-DC/Powrup
# Install imagemagick and ffmpeg first.
# Tested only on Linux System.
function Coverartify() {
for udir in */; do # ACDC Directory from eg.
for dir in "$udir"*/; do # Powrup Directory from eg.
echo $pather
if [ -f "$pather/Cover.jpg" ]; then
rm -rf "$pather/Cover.jpg"
if [ -f "$pather/cover.jpg" ]; then
rm -rf "$pather/cover.jpg"
filer=$(ls "$pather" -t *.flac | head -n 1) # Get first flac filename
ffmpeg -i "$pather/$filer" "$pather/cover.jpg" # Extract embeded image.
# Uncomment next 3 lines if you want to resize cover art.
# Change 900x900 to specific dimension.
#if [ -f "$pather/cover.jpg" ]; then
#mogrify -resize 900x900 "$pather/cover.jpg"
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