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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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  • Save devinceble/a0f3598cecf30cc6ab21 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save devinceble/a0f3598cecf30cc6ab21 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(function() {
var ApplicationMenu, AtomApplication, AtomProtocolHandler, AtomWindow, AutoUpdateManager, BrowserWindow, EventEmitter, Menu, app, dialog, fs, ipc, net, os, path, shell, socketPath, url, _,
__slice = [].slice;
AtomWindow = require('./atom-window');
//ApplicationMenu = require('./application-menu');
AtomProtocolHandler = require('./atom-protocol-handler');
AutoUpdateManager = require('./auto-update-manager');
BrowserWindow = require('browser-window');
Menu = require('menu');
app = require('app');
dialog = require('dialog');
fs = require('fs');
ipc = require('ipc');
path = require('path');
os = require('os');
net = require('net');
shell = require('shell');
url = require('url');
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
_ = require('underscore-plus');
socketPath = process.platform === 'win32' ? '\\\\.\\pipe\\atom-sock' : path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'atom.sock');
module.exports = AtomApplication = (function() {
_.extend(AtomApplication.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype); = function(options) {
var client, createAtomApplication;
createAtomApplication = function() {
return new AtomApplication(options);
if ((process.platform !== 'win32' && !fs.existsSync(socketPath)) || options.test) {
client = net.connect({
path: socketPath
}, function() {
return client.write(JSON.stringify(options), function() {
return app.terminate();
return client.on('error', createAtomApplication);
}; = null;
//AtomApplication.prototype.applicationMenu = null;
AtomApplication.prototype.atomProtocolHandler = null;
AtomApplication.prototype.resourcePath = null;
AtomApplication.prototype.version = null;
AtomApplication.prototype.exit = function(status) {
return app.exit(status);
function AtomApplication(options) {
this.resourcePath = options.resourcePath, this.version = options.version, this.devMode = options.devMode, this.safeMode = options.safeMode;
if (this.resourcePath) {
this.resourcePath = path.normalize(this.resourcePath);
global.atomApplication = this;
this.pidsToOpenWindows = {};
if (this.pathsToOpen == null) {
this.pathsToOpen = [];
} = [];
this.autoUpdateManager = new AutoUpdateManager(this.version);
//this.applicationMenu = new ApplicationMenu(this.version);
this.atomProtocolHandler = new AtomProtocolHandler(this.resourcePath);
AtomApplication.prototype.openWithOptions = function(_arg) {
var devMode, logFile, newWindow, pathsToOpen, pidToKillWhenClosed, safeMode, specDirectory, test, urlToOpen, urlsToOpen, _i, _len, _results;
pathsToOpen = _arg.pathsToOpen, urlsToOpen = _arg.urlsToOpen, test = _arg.test, pidToKillWhenClosed = _arg.pidToKillWhenClosed, devMode = _arg.devMode, safeMode = _arg.safeMode, newWindow = _arg.newWindow, specDirectory = _arg.specDirectory, logFile = _arg.logFile;
if (test) {
return this.runSpecs({
exitWhenDone: true,
resourcePath: this.resourcePath,
specDirectory: specDirectory,
logFile: logFile
} else if (pathsToOpen.length > 0) {
return this.openPaths({
pathsToOpen: pathsToOpen,
pidToKillWhenClosed: pidToKillWhenClosed,
newWindow: newWindow,
devMode: devMode,
safeMode: safeMode
} else if (urlsToOpen.length > 0) {
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = urlsToOpen.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
urlToOpen = urlsToOpen[_i];
urlToOpen: urlToOpen,
devMode: devMode,
safeMode: safeMode
return _results;
} else {
return this.openPath({
pidToKillWhenClosed: pidToKillWhenClosed,
newWindow: newWindow,
devMode: devMode,
safeMode: safeMode
AtomApplication.prototype.removeWindow = function(window) {
var _ref;, 1);
if ( === 0) {
//return (_ref = this.applicationMenu) != null ? _ref.enableWindowSpecificItems(false) : void 0;
AtomApplication.prototype.addWindow = function(window) {
var _ref;;
if ((_ref = this.applicationMenu) != null) {
return window.once('window:loaded', (function(_this) {
return function() {
return _this.autoUpdateManager.emitUpdateAvailableEvent(window);
AtomApplication.prototype.listenForArgumentsFromNewProcess = function() {
var server;
server = net.createServer((function(_this) {
return function(connection) {
return connection.on('data', function(data) {
return _this.openWithOptions(JSON.parse(data));
return server.on('error', function(error) {
return console.error('Application server failed', error);
AtomApplication.prototype.deleteSocketFile = function() {
var error;
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
if (fs.existsSync(socketPath)) {
try {
return fs.unlinkSync(socketPath);
} catch (_error) {
error = _error;
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw error;
AtomApplication.prototype.setupJavaScriptArguments = function() {
return app.commandLine.appendSwitch('js-flags', '--harmony');
AtomApplication.prototype.handleEvents = function() {
this.on('application:run-all-specs', function() {
return this.runSpecs({
exitWhenDone: false,
resourcePath: global.devResourcePath
this.on('application:run-benchmarks', function() {
return this.runBenchmarks();
this.on('application:quit', function() {
return app.quit();
this.on('application:new-window', function() {
var _ref;
return this.openPath({
windowDimensions: (_ref = this.focusedWindow()) != null ? _ref.getDimensions() : void 0
this.on('application:new-file', function() {
var _ref;
return ((_ref = this.focusedWindow()) != null ? _ref : this).openPath();
this.on('application:open', function() {
return this.promptForPath({
type: 'all'
this.on('application:open-file', function() {
return this.promptForPath({
type: 'file'
this.on('application:open-folder', function() {
return this.promptForPath({
type: 'folder'
this.on('application:open-dev', function() {
return this.promptForPath({
devMode: true
this.on('application:open-safe', function() {
return this.promptForPath({
safeMode: true
this.on('application:inspect', function(_arg) {
var atomWindow, x, y;
x = _arg.x, y = _arg.y, atomWindow = _arg.atomWindow;
if (atomWindow == null) {
atomWindow = this.focusedWindow();
return atomWindow != null ? atomWindow.browserWindow.inspectElement(x, y) : void 0;
this.on('application:open-documentation', function() {
return shell.openExternal('');
this.on('application:open-terms-of-use', function() {
return shell.openExternal('');
this.on('application:install-update', function() {
return this.autoUpdateManager.install();
this.on('application:check-for-update', (function(_this) {
return function() {
return _this.autoUpdateManager.check();
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
this.on('application:about', function() {
return Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:');
this.on('application:bring-all-windows-to-front', function() {
return Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('arrangeInFront:');
this.on('application:hide', function() {
return Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('hide:');
this.on('application:hide-other-applications', function() {
return Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('hideOtherApplications:');
this.on('application:minimize', function() {
return Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('performMiniaturize:');
this.on('application:unhide-all-applications', function() {
return Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('unhideAllApplications:');
this.on('application:zoom', function() {
return Menu.sendActionToFirstResponder('zoom:');
} else {
this.on('application:minimize', function() {
var _ref;
return (_ref = this.focusedWindow()) != null ? _ref.minimize() : void 0;
this.on('application:zoom', function() {
var _ref;
return (_ref = this.focusedWindow()) != null ? _ref.maximize() : void 0;
this.openPathOnEvent('application:show-settings', 'atom://config');
this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-config', 'atom://.atom/config');
this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-init-script', 'atom://.atom/init-script');
this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-keymap', 'atom://.atom/keymap');
this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-snippets', 'atom://.atom/snippets');
this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-your-stylesheet', 'atom://.atom/stylesheet');
this.openPathOnEvent('application:open-license', path.join(this.resourcePath, ''));
app.on('window-all-closed', function() {
var _ref;
if ((_ref = process.platform) === 'win32' || _ref === 'linux') {
return app.quit();
app.on('will-quit', (function(_this) {
return function() {
return _this.deleteSocketFile();
app.on('will-exit', (function(_this) {
return function() {
return _this.deleteSocketFile();
app.on('open-file', (function(_this) {
return function(event, pathToOpen) {
return _this.openPath({
pathToOpen: pathToOpen
app.on('open-url', (function(_this) {
return function(event, urlToOpen) {
return _this.openUrl({
urlToOpen: urlToOpen,
devMode: _this.devMode,
safeMode: _this.safeMode
app.on('activate-with-no-open-windows', (function(_this) {
return function(event) {
return _this.emit('application:new-window');
ipc.on('open', (function(_this) {
return function(event, options) {
var _ref;
if (options != null) {
if (((_ref = options.pathsToOpen) != null ? _ref.length : void 0) > 0) {
return _this.openPaths(options);
} else {
return new AtomWindow(options);
} else {
return _this.promptForPath();
ipc.on('update-application-menu', (function(_this) {
return function(event, template, keystrokesByCommand) {
//return _this.applicationMenu.update(template, keystrokesByCommand);
ipc.on('run-package-specs', (function(_this) {
return function(event, specDirectory) {
return _this.runSpecs({
resourcePath: global.devResourcePath,
specDirectory: specDirectory,
exitWhenDone: false
ipc.on('command', (function(_this) {
return function(event, command) {
return _this.emit(command);
ipc.on('window-command', function() {
var args, command, event, win;
event = arguments[0], command = arguments[1], args = 3 <= arguments.length ?, 2) : [];
win = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.sender);
return win.emit.apply(win, [command].concat(;
return ipc.on('call-window-method', function() {
var args, event, method, win;
event = arguments[0], method = arguments[1], args = 3 <= arguments.length ?, 2) : [];
win = BrowserWindow.fromWebContents(event.sender);
return win[method].apply(win, args);
AtomApplication.prototype.sendCommand = function() {
var args, command, focusedWindow;
command = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ?, 1) : [];
if (!this.emit.apply(this, [command].concat( {
focusedWindow = this.focusedWindow();
if (focusedWindow != null) {
return focusedWindow.sendCommand.apply(focusedWindow, [command].concat(;
} else {
return this.sendCommandToFirstResponder(command);
AtomApplication.prototype.sendCommandToWindow = function() {
var args, atomWindow, command;
command = arguments[0], atomWindow = arguments[1], args = 3 <= arguments.length ?, 2) : [];
if (!this.emit.apply(this, [command].concat( {
if (atomWindow != null) {
return atomWindow.sendCommand.apply(atomWindow, [command].concat(;
} else {
return this.sendCommandToFirstResponder(command);
AtomApplication.prototype.sendCommandToFirstResponder = function(command) {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') {
return false;
switch (command) {
case 'core:undo':
case 'core:redo':
case 'core:copy':
case 'core:cut':
case 'core:paste':
case 'core:select-all':
return false;
return true;
AtomApplication.prototype.openPathOnEvent = function(eventName, pathToOpen) {
return this.on(eventName, function() {
var window;
if (window = this.focusedWindow()) {
return window.openPath(pathToOpen);
} else {
return this.openPath({
pathToOpen: pathToOpen
AtomApplication.prototype.windowForPath = function(pathToOpen) {
var atomWindow, _i, _len, _ref;
_ref =;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
atomWindow = _ref[_i];
if (atomWindow.containsPath(pathToOpen)) {
return atomWindow;
AtomApplication.prototype.focusedWindow = function() {
return _.find(, function(atomWindow) {
return atomWindow.isFocused();
AtomApplication.prototype.openPaths = function(_arg) {
var devMode, newWindow, pathToOpen, pathsToOpen, pidToKillWhenClosed, safeMode, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
pathsToOpen = _arg.pathsToOpen, pidToKillWhenClosed = _arg.pidToKillWhenClosed, newWindow = _arg.newWindow, devMode = _arg.devMode, safeMode = _arg.safeMode;
_ref = pathsToOpen != null ? pathsToOpen : [];
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
pathToOpen = _ref[_i];
pathToOpen: pathToOpen,
pidToKillWhenClosed: pidToKillWhenClosed,
newWindow: newWindow,
devMode: devMode,
safeMode: safeMode
return _results;
AtomApplication.prototype.openPath = function(_arg) {
var bootstrapScript, devMode, existingWindow, initialColumn, initialLine, newWindow, openedWindow, pathToOpen, pidToKillWhenClosed, resourcePath, safeMode, windowDimensions, _ref, _ref1;
_ref = _arg != null ? _arg : {}, pathToOpen = _ref.pathToOpen, pidToKillWhenClosed = _ref.pidToKillWhenClosed, newWindow = _ref.newWindow, devMode = _ref.devMode, safeMode = _ref.safeMode, windowDimensions = _ref.windowDimensions;
_ref1 = this.locationForPathToOpen(pathToOpen), pathToOpen = _ref1.pathToOpen, initialLine = _ref1.initialLine, initialColumn = _ref1.initialColumn;
if (!devMode) {
if (!(pidToKillWhenClosed || newWindow)) {
existingWindow = this.windowForPath(pathToOpen);
if (existingWindow) {
openedWindow = existingWindow;
openedWindow.openPath(pathToOpen, initialLine);
} else {
if (devMode) {
try {
bootstrapScript = require.resolve(path.join(global.devResourcePath, 'src', 'window-bootstrap'));
resourcePath = global.devResourcePath;
} catch (_error) {}
if (bootstrapScript == null) {
bootstrapScript = require.resolve('../window-bootstrap');
if (resourcePath == null) {
resourcePath = this.resourcePath;
openedWindow = new AtomWindow({
pathToOpen: pathToOpen,
initialLine: initialLine,
initialColumn: initialColumn,
bootstrapScript: bootstrapScript,
resourcePath: resourcePath,
devMode: devMode,
safeMode: safeMode,
windowDimensions: windowDimensions
if (pidToKillWhenClosed != null) {
this.pidsToOpenWindows[pidToKillWhenClosed] = openedWindow;
return openedWindow.browserWindow.on('closed', (function(_this) {
return function() {
return _this.killProcessForWindow(openedWindow);
AtomApplication.prototype.killAllProcesses = function() {
var pid, _results;
_results = [];
for (pid in this.pidsToOpenWindows) {
return _results;
AtomApplication.prototype.killProcessForWindow = function(openedWindow) {
var pid, trackedWindow, _ref, _results;
_ref = this.pidsToOpenWindows;
_results = [];
for (pid in _ref) {
trackedWindow = _ref[pid];
if (trackedWindow === openedWindow) {
} else {
_results.push(void 0);
return _results;
AtomApplication.prototype.killProcess = function(pid) {
var error;
try {
} catch (_error) {
error = _error;
if (error.code !== 'ESRCH') {
console.log("Killing process " + pid + " failed: " + error.code);
return delete this.pidsToOpenWindows[pid];
AtomApplication.prototype.openUrl = function(_arg) {
var PackageManager, bootstrapScript, devMode, pack, packageName, packagePath, safeMode, urlToOpen, windowDimensions, _ref;
urlToOpen = _arg.urlToOpen, devMode = _arg.devMode, safeMode = _arg.safeMode;
if (this.packages == null) {
PackageManager = require('../package-manager');
fs = require('fs-plus');
this.packages = new PackageManager({
configDirPath: fs.absolute('~/.atom'),
devMode: devMode,
resourcePath: this.resourcePath
packageName = url.parse(urlToOpen).host;
pack = _.find(this.packages.getAvailablePackageMetadata(), function(_arg1) {
var name;
name =;
return name === packageName;
if (pack != null) {
if (pack.urlMain) {
packagePath = this.packages.resolvePackagePath(packageName);
bootstrapScript = path.resolve(packagePath, pack.urlMain);
windowDimensions = (_ref = this.focusedWindow()) != null ? _ref.getDimensions() : void 0;
return new AtomWindow({
bootstrapScript: bootstrapScript,
resourcePath: this.resourcePath,
devMode: devMode,
safeMode: safeMode,
urlToOpen: urlToOpen,
windowDimensions: windowDimensions
} else {
return console.log("Package '" + + "' does not have a url main: " + urlToOpen);
} else {
return console.log("Opening unknown url: " + urlToOpen);
AtomApplication.prototype.runSpecs = function(_arg) {
var bootstrapScript, devMode, error, exitWhenDone, isSpec, logFile, resourcePath, specDirectory;
exitWhenDone = _arg.exitWhenDone, resourcePath = _arg.resourcePath, specDirectory = _arg.specDirectory, logFile = _arg.logFile;
if (resourcePath !== this.resourcePath && !fs.existsSync(resourcePath)) {
resourcePath = this.resourcePath;
try {
bootstrapScript = require.resolve(path.resolve(global.devResourcePath, 'spec', 'spec-bootstrap'));
} catch (_error) {
error = _error;
bootstrapScript = require.resolve(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'spec', 'spec-bootstrap'));
isSpec = true;
devMode = true;
return new AtomWindow({
bootstrapScript: bootstrapScript,
resourcePath: resourcePath,
exitWhenDone: exitWhenDone,
isSpec: isSpec,
devMode: devMode,
specDirectory: specDirectory,
logFile: logFile
AtomApplication.prototype.runBenchmarks = function() {
var bootstrapScript, error, isSpec;
try {
bootstrapScript = require.resolve(path.resolve(global.devResourcePath, 'benchmark', 'benchmark-bootstrap'));
} catch (_error) {
error = _error;
bootstrapScript = require.resolve(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'benchmark', 'benchmark-bootstrap'));
isSpec = true;
return new AtomWindow({
bootstrapScript: bootstrapScript,
resourcePath: this.resourcePath,
isSpec: isSpec
AtomApplication.prototype.locationForPathToOpen = function(pathToOpen) {
var fileToOpen, initialColumn, initialLine, _ref;
if (!pathToOpen) {
return {
pathToOpen: pathToOpen
if (fs.existsSync(pathToOpen)) {
return {
pathToOpen: pathToOpen
_ref = path.basename(pathToOpen).split(':'), fileToOpen = _ref[0], initialLine = _ref[1], initialColumn = _ref[2];
if (!initialLine) {
return {
pathToOpen: pathToOpen
if (!(parseInt(initialLine) > 0)) {
return {
pathToOpen: pathToOpen
if (initialLine) {
initialLine -= 1;
if (initialColumn) {
initialColumn -= 1;
pathToOpen = path.join(path.dirname(pathToOpen), fileToOpen);
return {
pathToOpen: pathToOpen,
initialLine: initialLine,
initialColumn: initialColumn
AtomApplication.prototype.promptForPath = function(_arg) {
var devMode, properties, safeMode, type, _ref;
_ref = _arg != null ? _arg : {}, type = _ref.type, devMode = _ref.devMode, safeMode = _ref.safeMode;
if (type == null) {
type = 'all';
properties = (function() {
switch (type) {
case 'file':
return ['openFile'];
case 'folder':
return ['openDirectory'];
case 'all':
return ['openFile', 'openDirectory'];
throw new Error("" + type + " is an invalid type for promptForPath");
return dialog.showOpenDialog({
title: 'Open',
properties: properties.concat(['multiSelections', 'createDirectory'])
}, (function(_this) {
return function(pathsToOpen) {
return _this.openPaths({
pathsToOpen: pathsToOpen,
devMode: devMode,
safeMode: safeMode
return AtomApplication;
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pjvds commented Oct 2, 2014

Did you ever create a pull request with a fix?

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