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Last active October 21, 2021 20:18
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  • Save devinrhode2/37727d116b723d9509cd7d7ff4726c64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save devinrhode2/37727d116b723d9509cd7d7ff4726c64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import { globby } from 'globby'
import pMap from 'p-map'
import execa from 'execa'
// typical high end is about 350mb (based on watching "xo" processes inside Activity Monitor)
// ~~lets go with 400mb to be safe~~
// Since we are grouping files together - we should have less oveerhead
// (node, yarn, xo wrapper, eslint wrapper, 1 ts process?) - lets go with just 350.
// prettier-ignore
async function init() {
// yarn xo-fix-all **/*.{ts,tsx}
const fileList = await globby('**/*.{ts,tsx}', { gitignore: true })
const guessOptimialThreads = () => {
let FREE_GB = parseInt(process.env.FREE_GB, 10)
if (!FREE_GB && fileList.length > 12) {
// a "good small commit" should be no more than 12 files (Devin's estimate)
`FREE_GB is not defined, defaulting to ${TYPICAL_FREE_GB}GB. If you have more free memory/ram, run: FREE_GB=12 yarn xo-fix-all`
const XO_CONCURRENCY = parseInt(process.env.XO_CONCURRENCY, 10) || guessOptimialThreads()
console.log('Processing', fileList.length, 'typescript files...')
// XO_CONCURRENCY is how many files we process at the same time.
// Instead of creating 1 thread for each file, we could put all these files into 1 chunk
// So if XO_CONCURRENCY is 5, then we send 5 files all at once to XO.
// Transform fileList from a flat list, to an array of fileList chunks
// const chunkSize = XO_CONCURRENCY
const chunkSize = 5 || process.env.CHUNK_SIZE // 1 is best UX, in case XO is ever buggy, you see buggy behavior as fast as possible.
let chunkedFileList = []
let numberOfChunks = Math.ceil(fileList.length / chunkSize)
for (let i = 0; chunkedFileList.length < numberOfChunks; i++) {
let thisChunk = fileList.slice(
i * chunkSize,
(i * chunkSize)+chunkSize
// assert chunked list still has same number of files:
if (chunkedFileList.flat().length !== fileList.length) {
console.error('chunkedFileList 2nd to last chunk:', chunkedFileList[chunkedFileList.length-2],)
console.error('chunkedFileList last chunk:', chunkedFileList[chunkedFileList.length-1])
console.error('original fileList:', fileList.length)
throw new Error('chunkedFileList does not have same length as fileList')
console.log('Going to lint', chunkSize, 'files per process')
console.log('With', XO_CONCURRENCY, 'parallel processes')
console.time('process all files')
await pMap(
async fileSpec => {
// idk maybe this is garbage. Should probably always be array, or never be array.
let files = Array.isArray(fileSpec)
? fileSpec.join(' ')
: fileSpec
const {all} = await execa.command(
// use defaults, since we are doing 1 file per thread?
`node --unhandled-rejections=strict --max-old-space-size=${
// Hopefully we don't need to heavily pad TYPICAL_XO_MEMORY_USAGE:
// 1. Theoretically should be avoiding some overhead by grouping
// 2. Some can be smaller, some larger, just need to hit good average.
// 3. Therefore, if we have memory problems, we need to increase this number, or make files smaller
TYPICAL_XO_MEMORY_USAGE * 1000 /*convert to MB*/ *
(Array.isArray(fileSpec) ? fileSpec.length : 1)
} --trace-warnings ./node_modules/xo/cli.js --fix ${files}`,
// maybe we can directly require/call cli?
// const cli = require('xo/cli.js')
// cli(file, {fix: true})
{ all: true, env: { FORCE_COLOR: 'true' }, reject: false }
if (all.trim()) process.stdout.write(all + '\n')
concurrency: XO_CONCURRENCY,
console.timeEnd('process all files')
// 28:08.830 (m:ss.mmm) - fix from "scratch", 14 files at a time. (f268409312e1fea740f6009bba4785cb7b6d9e49)
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devinrhode2 commented Oct 21, 2021

discarded changes (git checkout src) ran again..

362.92 real       339.22 user        81.19 sys

363/60 = 6.05 (6 minutes, 3 seconds)

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