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Devin Alexander Torres devinus

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devinus / gist:76ccdaf1467f75680f57c67f5a2b55ac
Created October 25, 2017 23:11 — forked from anonymous/gist:75d655df03dc5a906b887dd9b230491c
Getting fastboot POSTs working for ember serve:
// lib/post-middleware/package.json
"name": "post-middlware",
"keywords": [
"ember-addon": {
"before": "broccoli-watcher"
devinus / def.exs
Created October 9, 2013 21:31 — forked from josevalim/def.exs
def next_state do
(board, x, y) ->
cell = cell_at(board, x, y)
live_count = live_neighbors(board, x, y)
next_state(cell, live_count)
(_, x, y) when (x < 0 or y < 0) ->
def next_state do
devinus / elixir.rb
Created September 13, 2012 15:45 — forked from josevalim/elixir.rb
Elixir Homebrew recipe
# Install this recipe with:
# brew install --HEAD
require 'formula'
class ErlangInstalled < Requirement
def message; <<-EOS.undent
Erlang is required to install.
You can install this with:
devinus / elixir.rb
Created September 10, 2012 19:21 — forked from josevalim/elixir.rb
Elixir Homebrew recipe
# Install this recipe with:
# brew install
require 'formula'
class ErlangInstalled < Requirement
def message; <<-EOS.undent
Erlang is required to install.
You can install this with:
devinus / binding.js
Created September 6, 2012 20:32 — forked from anonymous/binding.js
Helpful SproutCore Binding Transforms = function (max) {
return this.transform(function (value, binding) {
return SC.typeOf(value) === SC.T_NUMBER && value < max;
}; = function (min) {
return this.transform(function (value, binding) {
return SC.typeOf(value) === SC.T_NUMBER && value > min;
devinus / gist:1602870
Created January 12, 2012 20:19 — forked from joewest/gist:1602792
build tools and junk

User interface for ember command


Sets up a new project.

$ ember init <project>

Would generate: