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Created October 23, 2011 22:42
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This program translates a user input phrase into pirate talk
hello ; ahoy
hi ; yo-ho-ho
pardon me ; avast
excuse me ; arrr
my ; me
friend ; me bucko
sir ; matey
madam ; proud beauty
stranger ; scurvy dog
officer ; foul blaggart
where ; whar
is ; be
the ; th'
you ; ye
tell ; be tellin'
know ; be knowin'
how far ; how many leagues
old ; barnacle-covered
attractive ; comely
happy ; grog-filled
nearby ; broadside
restroom ; head
restaurant ; galley
hotel ; fleabag inn
pub ; Skull & Scuppers
bank ; buried treasure
//Name: Rachael Devlaeminck
// Assignment: Lab 02
// Title: Pirate Translator
// Course: CSCE 270
// Lab Section: Section 01
// Semester: Fall 2010
// Instructor: David Wolff
// Date: 9/21/10
// Sources consulted: None
// Program description: translates what the use types into pirate
// Known Bugs: None
// Creativity: maintaining capitalization through translation using StringBuilder
import java.util.Scanner;
public class pirateTranslator {
private TranslationRule[] rules;
private int num;
private void loadRules()
//make sure the file can be opened
File file = new File("pirate_phrases.txt");
Scanner scan = new Scanner(file);
num = scan.nextInt();
rules = new TranslationRule[num];
for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)
String line = scan.nextLine();
String[] sl = line.split(" ; ");
rules[i] = new TranslationRule(sl[0], sl[1]);
catch(FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("File not found.");
public pirateTranslator()
public String translate(String s)
String[] words = s.split("[\\.!?\"]+");
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
String finalString = "";
String letter;
int count = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < words.length; j++)
count += words[j].length();
//test the first letter of the first word of the user input
if(j == 0)
//see if the first word of the string is capitalized and translate
if(words[j].charAt(0) >= 'A' && words[j].charAt(0) <= 'Z')
letter = words[j].substring(0, 1).toLowerCase();
words[j] = letter + words[j].substring(1);
for(int i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
String e = rules[i].getEnglish();
String p = rules[i].getPirate();
words[j] = words[j].replaceAll("\\b" + e + "\\b", p);
letter = words[j].substring(0, 1);
if (j == words.length-1)
result.append(s.substring(count, count + 1));
//if the first word is not capitalized
for(int i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
String e = rules[i].getEnglish();
String p = rules[i].getPirate();
words[j] = words[j].replaceAll("\\b" + e + "\\b", p);
if (j == words.length-1)
result.append(s.substring(count, count + 1));
//test the first letter of the rest of the strings in the array
//to see if it is capitalized and translate
//see if the first word of the string is capitalized and translate
if(words[j].charAt(1) >= 'A' && words[j].charAt(1) <= 'Z')
letter = words[j].substring(1, 2).toLowerCase();
words[j] = words[j].substring(0, 1) + letter +
for(int i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
String e = rules[i].getEnglish();
String p = rules[i].getPirate();
words[j] = words[j].replaceAll("\\b" + e + "\\b", p);
letter = words[j].substring(1, 2);
result.append(words[j].substring(0, 1));
if (j == words.length-1)
result.append(s.substring(count, count + 1));
//if the first word is not capitalized
for(int i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
String e = rules[i].getEnglish();
String p = rules[i].getPirate();
words[j] = words[j].replaceAll("\\b" + e + "\\b", p);
if (j == words.length-1)
result.append(s.substring(count, count + 1));
finalString = result.toString();
return finalString;
public void runInteraction()
String line;
String pLine;
pirateTranslator pt = new pirateTranslator();
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter a phrase.");
line = keyboard.nextLine();
pLine = pt.translate(line);
//Name: Rachael Devlaeminck
// Assignment: Lab 02
// Title: Pirate Translator
// Course: CSCE 270
// Lab Section: Section 01
// Semester: Fall 2010
// Instructor: David Wolff
// Date: 9/21/10
// Sources consulted: None
// Program description: translates what the use types into pirate
// Known Bugs: None
// Creativity: maintaining capitalization through translation using StringBuilder
public class PirateTranslatorMain
public static void main(String[] args)
pirateTranslator translator = new pirateTranslator();
//Name: Rachael Devlaeminck
// Assignment: Lab 02
// Title: Pirate Translator
// Course: CSCE 270
// Lab Section: Section 01
// Semester: Fall 2010
// Instructor: David Wolff
// Date: 9/21/10
// Sources consulted: None
// Program description: translates what the use types into pirate
// Known Bugs: None
// Creativity: maintaining capitalization through translation using StringBuilder
public class TranslationRule {
private String english;
private String pirate;
public TranslationRule(String e, String p)
english = e;
pirate = p;
public String getEnglish()
return english;
public String getPirate()
return pirate;
public void setEnglish(String newE)
english = newE;
public void setPirate(String newP)
pirate = newP;
public String applyRule(String english)
return pirate;
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