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Created July 31, 2019 08:30
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Amiga HelloWorld
ExecBase = 4 ;location of the exec.lib
OpenLib = -552 ;offset to the openLibrary function
OpenLibVersion = 34 ;minimum version to use
CloseLib = -414 ;offset to closeLibrary function
PutString = -948 ;offset to putStr() function
MOVE.L #OpenLibVersion,D0 ;place version of lib in data reg 0
LEA DosName,A1 ;place dos.lib name into add reg 1
MOVE.L ExecBase,A6 ;point to exec.lib's jump table
JSR OpenLib(A6) ;make the jump from exec.lib jump table
TST.L D0 ;check to see if D0 equals zero (fail)
BEQ.B NoLibError ;branch to the NoLibError routinue
MOVE.L D0,A6 ;addr reg 6 = base addr of dos lib
MOVE.L #DisplayString,D1 ;data reg 1 = 'Hello World'
JSR PutString(A6) ;make the jump from dos.lib jump table
MOVE.L A6,A1 ;base addr of dos lib moved to addr reg 1
MOVE.L ExecBase,A6 ;exec.lib addr move to addr reg 6
JSR CloseLib(A6) ;make jump from the exec.lib jump table
NoLibError: CLR.L D0 ;clear the register to zero
RTS ;quit
DosName: DC.B "dos.library",0 ;zero-terminated ASCII lib name
DisplayString: DC.B "Hello World",10,
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