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Forked from JuanCanham/gist:2917132
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Save devluis/60d0ef940a9b42323e23 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
function getSignature() {
//pretty basic function for testing
if ( startupChecks()) { return; }
var email = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveCell().getValue().toString();
if ( email === "" ) {
Browser.msgBox("No email selected", "Please select a cell containing a user's email" , Browser.Buttons.OK);
var result = authorisedUrlFetch(email, {});
function setIndividualSignature() {
Logger.log('[%s]\t Starting setIndividualSignature run', Date());
if ( startupChecks()) { return; }
var userData = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Summary');
var template = getTemplate();
var row = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveCell().getRow();
if (userData.getRange(row, 1).isBlank() === true) {
var msg = "Please select a cell on a row containing the user who's signature you wish to update";
Browser.msgBox('No valid user selected', msg, Browser.Buttons.OK);
} else {
setSignature(template, userData, row);
Logger.log('[%s]\t Completed setIndividualSignature run', Date());
function setAllSignatures() {
Logger.log('[%s]\t Starting setAllSignatures run', Date());
if ( startupChecks()) { return; }
var userData = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Summary');
var template = getTemplate();
//Go through each user listing
for ( row = 2; row <= userData.getLastRow() ; row++) {
setSignature(template, userData, row);
Logger.log('[%s]\t Completed setAllSignatures run', Date());
function getTemplate(){
Logger.log('[%s]\t Getting Template', Date());
var settings = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Signature Settings');
var template = settings.getRange(2, 1).getValue().toString();
//Substitute the company wide variables into the template
template = substituteVariablesFromRow(template, settings, 2);
return template;
function setSignature(template, userData, row){
var groupData = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Signature Group Settings');
//Google Apps Scripts always deals in ranges even if you just want one cell
//getValue returns an object, so convert it to a string
var email = userData.getRange(row, 1).getValue().toString();
//quick exit if the user isn't in the domain
if (!checkUserIsValid(email)){
Logger.log('[%s]\t Skipping user %s',Date(),email);
//Substitute in group variables, e.g those for groups of users
//this must be done before filling out user specific data as it was added after initial design
Logger.log('[%s]\t Substituting Group Variables for user %s',Date(),email);
var signature = substituteGroupVariables(template, userData, groupData, row);
//Fill out the template with the data from the user's row to form the signatures
Logger.log('[%s]\t Substituting Individual Variables for user %s',Date(),email);
signature = substituteVariablesFromRow(signature, userData, row);
//The API docs say there is a 10,000 character limit
if (signature.length > 10000) { Browser.msgBox('signature over 10000 characters for:' + email); }
Logger.log('[%s]\t Sending signature for user %s',Date(),email);
sendSignature(email, signature);
Logger.log('[%s]\t Processing complete for user %s',Date(),email);
function substituteVariablesFromRow(text, sheet, row) {
//Generating two lists avoids the need to do lots of individual calls to the sheet
var tags = sheet.getSheetValues(1, 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn())[0];
var values = sheet.getSheetValues(row, 1, 1, sheet.getLastColumn())[0];
for ( v = 0; v < values.length; v++){
text = tagReplace(tags[v],values[v],text);
return text;
function substituteGroupVariables(text, dataSheet, lookupSheet, row) {
//this function is still not great but at least it makes use of getSheet
var tags = dataSheet.getSheetValues(1, 1, 1, dataSheet.getLastColumn())[0];
var values = dataSheet.getSheetValues(row, 1, 1, dataSheet.getLastColumn())[0];
var GroupVariables = lookupSheet.getSheetValues(1, 1, lookupSheet.getLastRow(),1);
//for each GroupVariable
for (j = 0; j < GroupVariables.length ; j += 3){
//find the column for later changing the value
for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++){
if (tags[i] === GroupVariables[j][0]){
//and build a lookup table to switch it out
var lookupTable = lookupSheet.getSheetValues(j+1,2,2,lookupSheet.getLastColumn()-1);
for ( k=0;k<lookupTable[0].length;k++) {
if (values[i] === lookupTable[0][k]){
text = tagReplace(tags[i], lookupTable[1][k], text);
return text;
function sanitize(text){
var invalid = ["[","^","$",".","|","?","*","+","(",")"];
text = text.replace(invalid[m],"\\"+invalid[m]);
return text;
function tagReplace(tag, value, text){
var regOpen = sanitize(UserProperties.getProperty('regOpen'));
var tagOpen = sanitize(UserProperties.getProperty('tagOpen'));
var regClose = sanitize(UserProperties.getProperty('regClose'));
var tagClose = sanitize(UserProperties.getProperty('tagClose'));
var regex = new RegExp("(.*)"+regOpen+'(.*?)'+tagOpen+tag+tagClose+'(.*?)'+regClose+"(.*)","g");
value = value.toString().replace("$","\\$");
if ((value !== "")) { value = "$2"+value+"$3"; }
value = "$1"+value+"$4";
//I'm sure this can be avoided by making the regex more complicated, but this will do for now
for(q=0; ((text.match(regex)) && q<128); q++ ){
text = text.replace(regex,value);
return text;
function sendSignature(email, signature) {
var requestData = {
'method': 'PUT',
'contentType': 'application/atom+xml',
'payload': getPayload(signature)
var result = authorisedUrlFetch(email, requestData);
if (result.getResponseCode() != 200) {
var msg = 'There was an error sending ' + email + "'s signature to Google";
Browser.msgBox('Error settings signature', msg, Browser.Buttons.OK);
function checkUserIsValid(user){
var userList = UserManager.getAllUsers();
for ( u=0 ; u < userList.length ; u++ ) {
if (userList[u].getEmail() === user){ return true; }
return false;
function getPayload(signature) {
//First line is needed for XML, second isn't but we might as well do it for consistency
signature = signature.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;');
signature = signature.replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/'/g, '&apos;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
//Unfortunately when inside app script document.createElement doesn't work so lets just hardcode the XML for now
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' +
'<atom:entry xmlns:atom="" xmlns:apps="" >' +
'<apps:property name="signature" value="'+signature+'" /></atom:entry>';
return xml;
function authorisedUrlFetch(email, requestData) {
//takes request data and wraps oauth authentication around it before sending out the request
// The scope from has to be URIcomponent encoded
var oAuthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService('google');
requestData['oAuthServiceName'] = 'google';
requestData['oAuthUseToken'] = 'always';
var emailParts = email.split('@');
var url = '' + emailParts[1] + '/' + emailParts[0] + '/signature';
var result = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, requestData);
if ( result.getResponseCode() != 200 ) {
//Do some logging if something goes wrong
//Too deep to give the user a meaningful error though so pass the result back up anyway
Logger.log('Error on fetch on' + url);
return result;
function onOpen() {
//add a toolbar and list the functions you want to call externally
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var menuEntries = [];
menuEntries.push({name: 'Set All Signatures', functionName: 'setAllSignatures'});
menuEntries.push({name: 'Set Individual Signature', functionName: 'setIndividualSignature'});
menuEntries.push({name: 'Get Signature', functionName: 'getSignature'});
ss.addMenu('Signatures', menuEntries);
function startupChecks() {
//Check that everything that is needed to run is there
//I don't check that any of it makes sense, just that it exists.
var requiredProperties = [];
//the help text looks pretty terrible but it is better than nothing
var oAuthHelp = 'Goto and register as an "Installed application" \n'+
'Then add the ClientID to authorised 3rd party clients \n'+
'With scope \n'+
'The script may then need authorising, this can be done by running one of the scripts from the script editor';
requiredProperties.push({name: 'oAuthClientID', help: oAuthHelp});
requiredProperties.push({name: 'oAuthConsumerSecret', help: oAuthHelp});
requiredProperties.push({name: 'regOpen', help: 'A character or sequence to go before sections to be substituded, e.g ${'});
requiredProperties.push({name: 'regClose', help: 'A character or sequence to go after sections that will be substituted, e.g } or }$'});
requiredProperties.push({name: 'tagOpen', help: 'A character or sequence to go before tags to be substituded, e.g {'});
requiredProperties.push({name: 'tagClose', help: 'A character or sequence to go after tags that will be substituted, e.g } or }$'});
var requiredSheets = [];
requiredSheets.push({name: 'Summary', help: 'A "Summary" sheet must exist that contains a 1 header row and 1 row per user, with no gaps in either the 1st column or row, the 1st row must be the users usernames'});
requiredSheets.push({name: 'Signature Settings', help: 'A "Signature Settings" sheet must exist that contains a the template in cell 2A and then has 1 header row and 1 row per company wide variable, with no empty header cells'});
requiredSheets.push({name: 'Signature Group Settings', help: 'A "Signature Group Settings" sheet must exist that contains 3 Rows (setting values, what to substitute, comments) with every third row containing a column header'});
var fail = false;
for ( s = 0; s < requiredProperties.length; s++) {
var property = UserProperties.getProperty(requiredProperties[s].name);
if (property == null) {
var title = 'Script Property ' + requiredProperties[s].name + ' is required';
var prompt = requiredProperties[s].help;
var newValue = Browser.inputBox(title, prompt, Browser.Buttons.OK_CANCEL);
if ((newValue === '') || (newValue === 'cancel')) {
fail = true;
} else {
UserProperties.setProperty(requiredProperties[s].name, newValue);
for ( s = 0; s < requiredSheets.length; s++) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(requiredSheets[s].name);
if (sheet == null) {
fail = true;
var title = 'Sheet ' + requiredSheets[s].name + ' is required';
var prompt = requiredSheets[s].help;
Browser.msgBox(title, prompt, Browser.Buttons.OK);
return fail;
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