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Created July 15, 2019 16:52
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K Closest Points to Origin
package main
import (
func main() {
p := [][]int{
[]int{17, -45},
[]int{-72, -76},
[]int{21, 99},
[]int{-25, -19},
[]int{-48, 86},
[]int{86, -47},
[]int{59, -66},
[]int{-38, -16},
[]int{47, -44},
[]int{28, 96},
[]int{92, -64},
[]int{-62, -35},
[]int{-63, -87},
[]int{-83, 95},
[]int{25, -89},
[]int{30, -40},
[]int{-75, 93},
[]int{47, -21},
fmt.Println(kClosest(p, 9))
func kClosest(points [][]int, K int) [][]int {
h := NewHeap(K)
for _, c := range points {
p := NewPoint(c)
r := make([][]int, K)
for i, p := range h.points {
r[i] = p.coords
return r
type Heap struct {
capacity int
filled int
points []*Point
func (h *Heap) String() string {
return "\n" + h.StringTree(0, 0)
func (h *Heap) StringTree(i, d int) string {
r := fmt.Sprintf("|-%v %v\n", strings.Repeat("-", 4*d), h.points[i])
if 2*i+1 < h.capacity {
r += h.StringTree(2*i+1, d+1)
if 2*i+2 < h.capacity {
r += h.StringTree(2*i+2, d+1)
return r
func NewHeap(K int) *Heap {
return &Heap{K, 0, make([]*Point, K)}
func (h *Heap) Less(a, b int) bool {
return h.points[a].Less(h.points[b])
func (h *Heap) Swap(a, b int) {
h.points[a], h.points[b] = h.points[b], h.points[a]
/* This is a custom method to keep the heap length = K
* If there's space it does a simple heap.Push
* Otherwise if the new point is closer than the furthest (heap root)
* It does a heap.Pop and then a heap.Push with the new point.
func (h *Heap) Add(p *Point) {
fmt.Print("New point: ", p)
if h.filled < h.capacity {
fmt.Println(" -> Pushed, heap:", h.points, h)
} else if p.Less(h.points[0]) {
fmt.Println(" -> Popped, heap:", h.points, h)
} else {
fmt.Println(" -> Ignored\n")
func (h *Heap) Push(p *Point) {
// Assume h.filled < h.capacity
i := h.filled
h.points[i] = p
// Bubble up
for i > 0 && h.Less((i-1)/2, i) {
h.Swap(i, (i-1)/2)
i = (i - 1) / 2
func (h *Heap) Pop() {
h.points[0] = h.points[h.filled]
i := 0
// Bubble down
for 2*i+1 < h.capacity {
l, r := 2*i+1, 2*i+2
// There may not be a right child
if r >= h.capacity {
if h.Less(l, i) {
// Everything is in the right place stop
h.Swap(i, l)
// We've moved to the end of the heap so we can stop
if h.Less(l, i) && h.Less(r, i) {
// The current node is greater than both children so we can stop
// Otherwise swap with larger child and continue
if h.Less(l, r) {
h.Swap(i, r)
i = r
} else {
h.Swap(i, l)
i = l
type Point struct {
coords []int
sqdist int
func (p *Point) Less(q *Point) bool {
return p.sqdist < q.sqdist
func NewPoint(p []int) *Point {
s := p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1]
return &Point{p, s}
func (p *Point) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d(%d,%d)", p.sqdist, p.coords[0], p.coords[1])
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