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Created February 26, 2016 03:43
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Write R data.frame to a Tableau data extract file (.tde)
# Write R data.frame to a Tableau data extract file (.tde) by building and executing
# a python script which utilizes the Tableau data extract API (a hack, yes).
# This, naturally, has a hard dependency on the TDE API, so is only available for
# Windows and Linux systems (unfortunately)
# Devin Riley
# October, 2014
writeTDE <- function(df, file, clean=TRUE){
# Get info about data.frame
cols <- dim(df)[2]
rows <- dim(df)[1]
colcl <- sapply(df, class)
colnm <- colnames(df)
nm <- deparse(substitute(df))
# Define a hash between R class and API data type
# API data type integer is a property of the extract API
hsh <- list("integer" = 7,
"numeric" = 10,
"factor" = 15,
"character" = 15,
"logical" = 11,
"Date" = 12)
# Define a hash between R class and API set functions and cast functions
fhsh <- list("integer" = c("setInteger", "int"),
"numeric" = c("setDouble", "float"),
"factor" = c("setCharString", "str"),
"character" = c("setCharString", "str"),
"logical" = c("setBool", "bool"),
"Date" = c("setDate", "datetime.datetime.strptime"))
# Define universal start to python script
python <- "import dataextract as tde\nimport os, time, datetime\nimport csv\n\nstart = time.time()\n\n"
# Create extract template with provided filename
more <- paste("try:\n\tos.system('del ", file, ".tde')\n",
"\tos.system('del DataExtract.log')\n",
"\ttdefile = tde.Extract('", file, ".tde')\n",
"except:\n\ttdefile = tde.Extract('", file, ".tde')\n",
"\ntableDef = tde.TableDefinition()\n\n", sep="")
# Append the tabledef code to the python script
python <- paste(python, more, sep="")
# Add column definitions to table definition
for(i in 1:cols){
more <- paste("tableDef.addColumn('", colnm[i],"', ", hsh[[colcl[i]]], ")\n", sep="")
python <- paste(python, more, sep="")
# Add table to extract with column definitions
more <- "\ntable = tdefile.addTable('Extract', tableDef)\n\n"
python <- paste(python, more, sep="")
# Write data.frame out to temporary csv file
# The Python script will iterate over this file, creating the TDE
write.csv(df, "temp.csv", row.names=FALSE)
# Define a csv reader
more <- paste("csvReader = csv.reader(open('temp.csv', 'rb'), delimiter=',', ",
paste("quotechar=", "'", '"', "'", sep=""), ")\n\n", sep="")
python <- paste(python, more, sep="")
# Create a row object
more <- paste("newrow = tde.Row(tableDef)\n",
" #ignore header\n",
"for line in csvReader:\n",
# One line of code per column for each row (i.e. nxn lines executed)
for(i in 1:cols){
if(colcl[i] == "Date"){
# Need to transform date variable
newline <- paste("\tdate = ", fhsh[[colcl[i]]][2], "(line[", i-1, "], '%Y-%m-%d')\n",
"\tnewrow.", fhsh[[colcl[i]]][1],
"(", i-1, ", date.year, date.month,\n", sep="")
more <- paste(more, newline, sep="")
# char, int, double just need different function names
newline <- paste("\tnewrow.", fhsh[[colcl[i]]][1],
"(", i - 1, ", ", fhsh[[colcl[i]]][2],
"(line[", i - 1, "]))\n", sep="")
more <- paste(more, newline, sep="")
python <- paste(python, more, "\ttable.insert(newrow)\n", sep="")
more <- "\ntdefile.close()"
python <- paste(python, more, sep="")
# Write python code to file and run
write(python, file="")
system("python", wait=TRUE)
# Clean up directory (if desired)
# If true, leaves only the TDE
if(clean == TRUE){
sapply(c("temp.csv", ""), file.remove)
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