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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Save devmacrile/81839728d6ec090b3ddf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple R wrapper function for the Sentiment140 API
# Wrapper function for the Sentiment140 API
# An API for a maximum entropy model trained on ~1.5M tweets
# The server will timeout if the job takes > 60 seconds,
# so if the tweet count is relatively high, the function
# will split the data into chunks of 2500 (fairly arbitrary choice)
Sentiment140 <- function(sentences){
# Load required packages
# Empy data.frame for storing results
results <- data.frame(text = character(),
polarity = numeric(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# API url
URL <- ""
chunk.size <- 2500
if(length(sentences) > chunk.size){
# used to prevent API timeout (60 seconds)
# by splitting data into smaller chunks
grps <- ceiling((1:length(sentences))/chunk.size)
} else grps <- rep(1, length(sentences))
# custom json conversion
for(i in unique(grps)){
chunk <- sentences[which(grps == i)]
json.text <- paste('{"text": "', chunk, '"}', sep="")
json.text <- paste(json.text, collapse=",")
json <- paste('{"data": [', json.text, "]}", sep="")
rsp <- POST(URL, body=json, encode="json")
rsp.cont <- content(rsp)
data <- rsp.cont$data
df <-"rbind", data)
results <- rbind(results, df)
# Example usage
my.thoughts <- c("I love this job",
"This job could be better",
"I cannot stand that one tv show",
"This book I am reading is incredibly enlightening",
"This book I am reading is incredibly boring")
scores <- Sentiment140(my.thoughts)
# Outputs a data.frame as such
# text polarity meta
# 1 I love this job 4 en
# 2 This job could be better 2 en
# 3 I cannot stand that one tv show 2 en
# 4 This book I am reading is incredibly enlightening 2 en
# 5 This book I am reading is incredibly boring 0 en
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Note this unfortunately breaks fairly easily when passed characters that conflict with the JSON accepted by the API. Haven't figured this out completely.

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