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Created December 28, 2019 00:05
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using Turing
using Turing.RandomMeasures
using Random
function stickbreaking(rpm = DirichletProcess(0.25))
# Data
data = [-2,2,-1.5,1.5]
# Base distribution
mu_0 = mean(data)
sigma_0 = 4
sigma_1 = 0.5
tau0 = 1/sigma_0^2
tau1 = 1/sigma_1^2
# stick-breaking process based on Papaspiliopoulos and Roberts (2008).
@model sbimm(y, rpm, trunc) = begin
# Base distribution.
H = Normal(mu_0, sigma_0)
# Latent assignments.
N = length(y)
z = tzeros(Int, N)
# Infinite (truncated) collection of breaking points on unit stick.
v = tzeros(Float64, trunc)
# Cluster locations.
x = tzeros(Float64, trunc)
# Draw weights and locations.
for k in 1:trunc
v[k] ~ StickBreakingProcess(rpm)
x[k] ~ H
# Weights.
w = vcat(v[1], v[2:end] .* cumprod(1 .- v[1:end-1]))
# Normalize weights to ensure they sum exactly to one.
# This is required by the Categorical distribution in Distributions.
w ./= sum(w)
for i in 1:N
# Draw location
z[i] ~ Categorical(w)
# Draw observation.
y[i] ~ Normal(x[z[i]], sigma_1)
# Compute empirical posterior distribution over partitions
mf = sbimm(data, rpm, 10)
samples = sample(mf, SMC(), 10000)
function sizebased(rpm = DirichletProcess(0.25))
# Data
data = [-2,2,-1.5,1.5]
# Base distribution
mu_0 = mean(data)
sigma_0 = 4
sigma_1 = 0.5
tau0 = 1/sigma_0^2
tau1 = 1/sigma_1^2
# size-biased sampling process
@model sbsimm(y, rpm, trunc) = begin
# Base distribution.
H = Normal(mu_0, sigma_0)
# Latent assignments.
N = length(y)
z = tzeros(Int, N)
x = tzeros(Float64, N)
J = tzeros(Float64, N)
k = 0
surplus = 1.0
for i in 1:N
ps = vcat(J[1:k], surplus)
z[i] ~ Categorical(ps)
if z[i] > k
k = k + 1
J[k] ~ SizeBiasedSamplingProcess(rpm, surplus)
x[k] ~ H
surplus -= J[k]
y[i] ~ Normal(x[z[i]], sigma_1)
# Compute empirical posterior distribution over partitions
mf = sbsimm(data, rpm, 100)
samples = sample(mf, SMC(), 1000)
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