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Created June 17, 2017 21:21
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require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
const FREE_TIME = 1;
$user = [
"workHours" => [
["from" => "08:00:00", "to" => "16:00:00"],
["from" => "08:00:00", "to" => "16:00:00"],
["from" => "08:00:00", "to" => "16:00:00"],
["from" => "08:00:00", "to" => "16:00:00"],
"sessions" => [
"date" => "17/6/2017", "status" => "approved",
"from" => "09:00:00", "to" => "11:00:00",
"date" => "17/6/2017", "status" => "approved",
"from" => "16:00:00", "to" => "18:00:00",
"date" => "17/6/2017", "status" => "new",
"from" => "12:00:00", "to" => "14:00:00",
function toPeriod($workingHours)
$period = new stdClass();
$period->from = timeToNumber($workingHours['from']);
$period->to = timeToNumber($workingHours['to']);
return $period;
function timeToNumber($time)
return date('H', strtotime($time)) + date('i', strtotime($time)) / 60;
function freeAt($user, $newSession)
$workingDays = collect([
"Saturday", "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday",
$weekDay = date('l', strtotime($newSession['date']));
$newSessionPeriod = toPeriod($newSession);
$workingHours = $workingDays[$weekDay];
if (empty($workingHours))
throw new Exception("The user not working on {$weekDay}");
$workingHoursPeriod = toPeriod($workingHours);
if (!($newSessionPeriod->from >= $workingHoursPeriod->from
&& $newSessionPeriod->to <= $workingHoursPeriod->to)
) {
throw new Exception("The user work only from {$workingHours['from']} to {$workingHours['to']}");
$conflictSession = collect($user['sessions'])
->where('date', $newSession['date'])
->where('status', "!=", "new")
->first(function ($approvedSession) use ($newSessionPeriod) {
$approvedSessionPeriod = toPeriod($approvedSession);
if ($newSessionPeriod->to + FREE_TIME <= $approvedSessionPeriod->from) {
} elseif ($newSessionPeriod->from - FREE_TIME >= $approvedSessionPeriod->to) {
} else {
return true;
if ($conflictSession)
throw new Exception("This session conflict with a session from {$conflictSession['from']} to {$conflictSession['to']}");
return true;
try {
freeAt($user, ["date" => "17/6/2017", "from" => "12:00:00", "to" => "15:00:00"]);
echo "Yahoo!";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
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