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Forked from noprompt/strum.clj
Created December 24, 2016 14:30
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Macro for defining instrumented functions which verify their arguments and return values against specs.
(ns strum.core
(:refer-clojure :exclude [defn])
[clojure.spec :as spec]
[clojure.spec.test :as spec.test]))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Prelude
;; HACK: Currently, as of Clojure 1.9.0-alpha14, there is a bug with
;; conforming the spec `:clojure.core.specs/binding-form` where the
;; cases `{}` and `{:as x}` are parsed incorrectly as a
;; `:clojure.core.specs/seq-binding-form`.
;; SEE:
;; *
;; *
;; Redefine `:clojure.core.specs/seq-binding-form` to constrain it to
;; vectors only.
(spec/def :clojure.core.specs/seq-binding-form
(spec/and vector?
(spec/cat :elems
(spec/* :clojure.core.specs/binding-form)
(spec/? (spec/cat :amp #{'&}
:form :clojure.core.specs/binding-form))
(spec/? (spec/cat :as #{:as}
:sym :clojure.core.specs/local-name)))))
;; Redefine `:clojure.core.specs/binding-form` to reflect changes.
(spec/def :clojure.core.specs/binding-form
(spec/or :sym :clojure.core.specs/local-name
:seq :clojure.core.specs/seq-binding-form
:map :clojure.core.specs/map-binding-form))
(clojure.core/defn qualify
"Given a keyword or symbol, `named`, qualify it with respect to
`*ns*` unless it is already qualified."
(if (namespace named)
((if (symbol? named)
(str (ns-name *ns*))
(name named))))
(clojure.core/defn spec-key
"Given a keyword or symbol, `named`, convert it to a fully qualified
(keyword (qualify named)))
(clojure.core/defn find-spec
"Given a keyword or symbol, `named`, qualify it and look it up in
the spec registry."
(find (spec/registry) (spec-key named)))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Converting bindings into spec keys
^{:arglists '([[tag data]])
:private true}
"Given value as produced by conforming
`:clojure.core.spec/binding-form`, return a keyword for use in keyed
specs such as `cat`, `alt`, etc."
(defmethod emit-binding-key :sym [[_ sym]]
(keyword sym))
(defmethod emit-binding-key :seq [[_ {:keys [as]}]]
(keyword (or (:sym as) (gensym "sequential_"))))
(defmethod emit-binding-key :map [[_ {:keys [as]}]]
(keyword (or as (gensym "map_"))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Converting bindings into specs
^{:arglists '([[tag data]])}
"Given value as produced by conforming
`:clojure.core.spec/binding-form`, return a spec for use in `fdef`."
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Symbol binding emision
;; Binding form:
;; x
;; Conform value:
;; [:sym x]
;; Example specs:
;; ::x
;; any?
(defmethod emit-binding-spec :sym [[_ sym]]
(if-let [[spec-key] (find-spec sym)]
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Vector binding emision
;; Binding form:
;; [x :as xs]
;; Conform value:
;; [:seq {:elems [[:sym x₀],,,[:sym xₙ], :as {:as :as, :sym xs}}]
;; Example specs:
;; ::xs
;; (spec/and sequential? (spec/cat :x ::x))
;; sequential?
(defmethod emit-binding-spec :seq [[_ {:keys [as elems rest]}]]
;; TODO: Handle `:rest` values i.e. `{:amp &, :form [:sym zs]}`.
(if-let [[spec-key] (and (:sym as)
(find-spec (:sym as)))]
(if elems
`(spec/and sequential?
(spec/cat ~@(mapcat
(juxt emit-binding-key
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Map binding emision
;; Binding form:
;; {b₀ :b₀ :keys [x₀] :syms [x₁] :strs [x₂] :as m}
;; Conform value:
;; [:map {b₀ :b₀, :keys [x₀], :syms [x₁], :strs [x₂], :as m}]
;; Example specs:
;; ::m
;; (spec/and map? (spec/keys :req-un [::b₀ ::x₀])
;; (spec/and #(contains? % "x₂"))
;; (spec/and #(contains? % 'x₁)))
(clojure.core/defn emit-keys-spec
"Find all of the symbols (or keywords) which are either members of
the `:keys` field of `m` or represent a symbol binding for a key in
`m`. `{:keys [sym₀ sym₁,,,] symₙ :keyₘ}`"
(let [keys (reduce-kv
(fn [keys k v]
(cond-> keys
(keyword? v)
(conj v)))
(into #{} (:keys m))
(dissoc m :as :keys))]
:req [~@(filter namespace keys)]
:req-un [~@(map (comp qualify keyword)
(remove namespace keys))])))
(clojure.core/defn emit-syms-spec
"Find all of the symbols which are either members of the `:syms`
field of `m` or represent a symbol binding for a symbol in
`m`. `{:syms [sym₀ sym₁,,,] symₙ :symₘ}`"
(let [syms (reduce-kv
(fn [keys k v]
(cond-> keys
(symbol? v)
(conj v)))
(into #{} (:syms m))
(dissoc m :as :syms))
msym (:as m 'm)]
`(spec/and ~@(for [sym syms]
`(fn [~msym]
(contains? ~msym '~sym))))))
(clojure.core/defn emit-strs-spec
"Find all of the symbols which are either members of the `:syms`
field of `m` or represent a symbol binding for a string in
`m`. `{:strs [sym₀ sym₁,,,] symₙ \"strₙ\"}`"
(let [strs (reduce-kv
(fn [keys k v]
(cond-> keys
(string? v)
(conj v)))
(into #{} (:strs m))
(dissoc m :as :strs))
msym (:as m 'm)]
`(spec/and ~@(for [str strs]
`(fn [~msym]
(contains? ~msym ~str))))))
(defmethod emit-binding-spec :map [[_ {:keys [as] :as m}]]
(if-let [[spec-key] (and as (find-spec as))]
`(spec/and ~(emit-keys-spec m)
~(emit-syms-spec m)
~(emit-strs-spec m))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; fdef emission
(clojure.core/defn conform-binding-form [binding-form]
(spec/conform :clojure.core.specs/binding-form
(clojure.core/defn emit-args-spec
{:arglists '([args-data])}
[{:keys [args varargs]}]
`(spec/cat ~@(mapcat
(juxt emit-binding-key emit-binding-spec)
~@(when-let [{:keys [form]} varargs]
`(~(emit-binding-key form)
(spec/* ~(emit-binding-spec form))))))
(clojure.core/defn emit-args-arity-key
{:arglists '([args-data])}
[{:keys [args varargs]}]
(if varargs
(keyword (str "arity-" (count args)))))
(clojure.core/defn emit-arity-n-spec [bodies-data]
(fn [body]
`(~(emit-args-arity-key (:args body))
~(emit-args-spec (:args body))))
(clojure.core/defn emit-fdef
{:arglists '([defn-data])}
;; `:bs` is autological.
[{[tag data] :bs :keys [name]}]
;; Define a spec for ::name if hasn't been defined.
~(when-not (find-spec name)
`(spec/def ~(spec-key name) any?))
(spec/fdef ~name
:args ~(case tag
:arity-1 (emit-args-spec (:args data))
:arity-n (emit-arity-n-spec (:bodies data)))
:ret ~(spec-key name))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;; defn emission
(clojure.core/defn emit-defn [defn-args]
(let [[_ name fn-form] (macroexpand-1 (cons 'clojure.core/defn defn-args))
[_ & fn-specs] fn-form]
`(def ~name
~@(for [[arglist & fn-body] fn-specs]
(let [x (first fn-body)
pre-post-map (when (and (map? x)
(or (contains? x :pre)
(contains? x :post)))
fn-body (if pre-post-map
(rest fn-body)
(let [ret# (do ~@fn-body)]
(spec/assert ~(keyword (qualify name))
(defmacro defn [& defn-args]
(let [defn-data (spec/conform
`(let [var# ~(emit-defn defn-args)]
~(emit-fdef defn-data)
(spec.test/instrument '~(qualify (:name defn-data)))
;; Let's start by defining a simple increment function. In practice we
;; expect this function to take a number and return a number,
;; naturally.
(defn inc [n]
(+ 1 n))
;; We'll call it with the argument "foo".
(inc "foo")
;; Which will result in the following error:
;; java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
;; Not fun.
;; Let's specify what `n` should be by defining a spec for it, `::n`.
(spec/def ::n number?)
;; And redefine our function.
(defn inc [n]
(+ 1 n))
;; Let's try passing it the "foo" argument again.
(inc "foo")
;; And watch it fail with the following error:
;; Call to #'strum.core/inc did not conform to spec: In: [0] val:
;; "foo" fails spec: :strum.core/n at: [:args :n] predicate: number?
;; Nice. So now we're catching the incorrect argument at the time the
;; function is called which prevents us from propagating it to
;; subsequent calls and getting, potentially, useless error messages.
;; But what if we change the return value?
(defn inc [n]
(inc 5)
;; => "foo"
;; Hmm. That's not quite right. Remember, in practice what we want is
;; for `inc` to take a number and return a number. (We've deliberately
;; changed the function to return "foo" to set up the next example.)
;; Let's define a spec for `inc` — `::inc`.
(spec/def ::inc number?)
;; And try calling it again.
(inc 5)
;; This time we get an error.
;; Spec assertion failed val: "foo" fails predicate: number?
;; :clojure.spec/failure :assertion-failed
;; Now our function is failing to meet the spec for the return
;; value of `inc` described by `::inc`. So let's fix that.
(defn inc [n]
(+ 1 n))
;; And call it one more time.
(inc 10)
;; => 11
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