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Created November 21, 2011 05:24
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Cannot recur across try
(defn property*
"The property* driver handles the work when testing a property. It
* a descriptive message for failure reporting
* a list of locals (also for reporting)
* a generator which takes the scaled size and returns the input
for the property
* the property test in form of a function of the generated
{:added "2.0"}
[msg locals gen prop]
(let [results (atom [])
report-fn #(swap! results conj %)]
(loop [n 1]
(reset! results [])
(if (< trials n)
(report {:type :pass})
(let [input (-> n size-scale gen)]
(binding [report report-fn]
(prop input))
(let [failures (filter #(-> % :type (not= :pass)) @results)]
(if (seq failures)
(report {:type ::property-fail
:message msg
:locals locals
:input input
:attempts n
:failures failures})
(recur (inc n))))
(catch Throwable t
(report {:type ::property-error
:message msg
:locals locals
:input input
:attempt n
:error t}))))))))
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