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Forked from ctford/at_all.clj
Created March 12, 2012 22:24
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A short piano piece in Overtone
[ :only [at now]]
[overtone.inst.sampled-piano :only [sampled-piano]]))
(defn bpm [beats-per-minute]
(let [start (now)
ms-per-minute (* 60 1000)
ms-per-beat (/ ms-per-minute beats-per-minute)]
#(+ start (* ms-per-beat %))))
(defn from [timing offset] #(timing (+ offset %)))
(defn speed-up [timing factor] #(timing (/ % factor)))
(def scale 60)
(defn ground [note] (+ scale note))
(def note# (comp sampled-piano ground))
(defn chord# [chord] (doseq [note (vals chord)] (note# note)))
(def ionian #(let [interval (mod % 7)
note ([0 2 4 5 7 9 11] interval)
octave (quot (- % interval) 7)]
(+ (* 12 octave) note)))
(defn triad [scale root]
(zipmap [:i :iii :v]
[(scale root)
(scale (+ root 2))
(scale (+ root 4))]))
(defn lower [note] (- note 12))
(defn raise [note] (+ note 12))
(defn with-base [chord]
(assoc chord :base
(lower (:i chord))))
(def I (with-base (triad ionian 0)))
(def II (with-base (triad ionian 1)))
(def V (with-base (triad ionian 4)))
(def progression [I I II II II V I (update-in V [:base] lower)])
(defn rhythm-n-bass# [timing [chord1 chord2 & chords]]
(at (timing 0) (note# (:base chord1)))
(at (timing 2) (chord# (dissoc chord1 :base)))
(at (timing 3) (note# (:base chord1)))
(at (timing 4) (note# (:base chord2)))
(at (timing 6) (chord# (dissoc chord2 :base)))
(let [next (from timing 8)]
(if chords
(rhythm-n-bass# next chords)
(defn even-melody# [timing [note & notes]]
(at (timing 0) (note# note))
(let [next (from timing 1)]
(if notes
(even-melody# next notes)
(defn intro# [timing]
(even-melody# timing (take 32 (cycle (map ionian [5 4]))))
(rhythm-n-bass# timing (take 8 (cycle progression))))
(defn first-bit# [timing]
(-> timing
(from -1)
(speed-up 2)
(even-melody# (map ionian [2 4 5 4 4 2 4]))
(from 9)
(even-melody# (map ionian [-2 1 2 1 1 -2 1]))
(from 9)
(even-melody# (map ionian [-2 1 2 1 1 -2 1 2 3 4]))
(from 6)
(even-melody# (map ionian [-1 -2 -3 0 0 -3 0 1 0 -3])))
(rhythm-n-bass# timing (take 8 (cycle progression))))
(defn variation# [timing]
(-> timing
(speed-up 2)
(from 9)
(even-melody# (map ionian [11 11 12 9 7]))
(from 11)
(even-melody# (map ionian [8 8 9 8 3]))
(from 11)
(even-melody# (map ionian [8 8 9 6 4]))
(from 11)
(even-melody# (map ionian [11 11 12 11 8])))
(first-bit# timing))
(defn final-chord# [timing]
(-> timing
(from -1)
(speed-up 2)
(even-melody# (map ionian [11 13 14])))
(at (timing 0)
(chord# (update-in I [:i] raise))))
(defn play# [] (-> (bpm 160) (from 2) intro# first-bit# (speed-up 3/2) variation# final-chord#))
; (play#)
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