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Created December 12, 2009 21:41
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(ns cljex.core
[:use compojure,,,
(defn get-markdown-paths
[docs-path] ; must be the /full/path, no ~ allowed
(let [path ( docs-path)]
(filter #(re-matches #"(.*markdown)" %)
(map #(str %) (file-seq path)))))
(defn apply-markdown
[path-to-md write-to-path]
(sh "/usr/local/bin/markdown" path-to-md "-f" write-to-path "-x codehilite"))
(defn sort-ns
"Sorts the keys from the map returned by ns-publics for a given nspace into alphabetical order."
(vals (ns-publics nspace)))
;; modified print doc to pop the current clj documentation for a form into the markdown file of the same name
(defn print-doc-out)
;; temporary reference for the above fn
(defn print-ns-docs-to-file
"Prints the documentation for a given nspace to a file-name which is located on path."
[nspace, path-to-file, file-name]
(file-str path-to-file file-name)
(doseq [s (sort-ns nspace)]
(print-doc s))))
(defroutes main-routes
(GET "/"
(GET "/docs/*"
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