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Created March 27, 2010 09:50
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(ns geoip.analyze
(:use clojure.contrib.str-utils
[clojure.contrib.seq-utils :exclude [group-by]]
[ :exclude [copy]]
[clojure.set :only (union)]
(incanter core datasets io charts stats)
(geoip core))
(:import [com.maxmind.geoip Country
;; - Add -main [customer-name logfile top-n]
;; - Create filename of graph from args to -main
;; Initial Configuration
(def *logfile* (str *project-root* "/resources/" "nunya-business.log"))
;; (set! *print-length* 50)
;; (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn find-lines [#^String text file]
(fn [#^String line]
(< 0 (.indexOf line text)))
(line-seq (reader file))))
(defn of-IPs [coll]
(remove empty?
(pmap #(rest
#"Deny tcp src outside:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)" %))
(defn count-ips [logfile]
(remove empty?
#(assoc %1 %2 (inc (get %1 %2 0)))
(find-lines "Deny tcp src outside" logfile)))))
(defn add-country-codes [logfile]
(fn [m [ip cnt]]
(assoc m ip {:count cnt
:country (try
(country-name ip)
(catch Exception e "NO COUNTRY"))}))
(count-ips logfile)))
;; Serialization
(defn serialize-to-file [filename logfile]
( (str *project-root* "serialized/" filename ".sclj"))
(pr-str (add-country-codes logfile))))
(defn to-vec-of-maps [logfile]
(add-country-codes logfile))))
(defn reduce-country-counts [logfile]
(fn [a {:keys [country count]}]
(merge-with + a {country count}))
(to-vec-of-maps logfile)))
;; (defn to-incanter-structure [logfile]
;; (vec
;; (map
;; (fn [[country count]]
;; {country count})
;; (reduce-country-counts logfile))))
(defn to-incanter-structure [logfile]
(vec (map (fn [[country count]]
{:country country :count count})
(reduce-country-counts logfile))))
(defn save-graph [company, filename, date, countries, values]
countries values
:legend false
:title (str company ": Firewall Denials for " date)
:y-label "Number of Denials"
:x-label "Countries"
:vertical false)
:width 2560
:height 2560))
(defn save-graph-top-n [company, filename, n, date, countries, values]
(take-last n countries)
(take-last n values)
:legend false
:title (str company ": Firewall Denials for " date)
:y-label "Number of Denials"
:x-label "Countries"
:vertical false)
:width 800
:height 800))
;; For Testing -- Remove for release...
;; (incanter.core/view (incanter.charts/bar-chart ["a" "b" "c"] [1 2 3]))
(defn -main [& args]
"Usage: java -jar -Xms512m -Xmx2048m geoip.jar \"Customer\" \"/path/to/logfile.log\" 50 \"03/01/2010\""
(let [client-name (str (nth args 0))
logfile (str (nth args 1))
top-n (Integer/valueOf (nth args 2))
date (str (nth args 3))]
(if (=(nth args 0) "help")
(print-doc ))
(println "Parsing log...")
(def log-data
(time (sort-by :count (to-incanter-structure logfile))))
(println "Dividing schema...")
(def countries
(time (vec (map first (map vals log-data)))))
(println "Dividing schema...")
(def values
(time (vec (flatten (vec (map rest (map vals log-data)))))))
(println "Generating graphs...")
(save-graph client-name (str logfile ".png") date countries values)
(save-graph-top-n client-name (str logfile "-top" (str top-n) ".png") top-n date countries values)))
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