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Created October 10, 2012 17:09
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$ cd path_to_datomic
$ ./bin/rest 8080 free datomic:free://localhost:4334/
$ cd path_to_datomic
$ bin/transactor config/samples/
$ git clone codeq
$ cd codeq
$ lein uberjar
$ java -server -Xmx1g -jar ~/dev/codeq/target/codeq-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar datomic:free://localhost:4334/codeq
$ cd codeq
$ lein repl
(require '[datomic.api :as d])
(def uri "datomic:free://localhost:4334/codeq")
(def db (d/connect uri))
(def rules
'[[(node-files ?n ?f) [?n :node/object ?f] [?f :git/type :blob]]
[(node-files ?n ?f) [?n :node/object ?t] [?t :git/type :tree]
[?t :tree/nodes ?n2] (node-files ?n2 ?f)]
[(object-nodes ?o ?n) [?n :node/object ?o]]
[(object-nodes ?o ?n) [?n2 :node/object ?o] [?t :tree/nodes ?n2] (object-nodes ?t ?n)]
[(commit-files ?c ?f) [?c :commit/tree ?root] (node-files ?root ?f)]
[(commit-codeqs ?c ?cq) (commit-files ?c ?f) [?cq :codeq/file ?f]]
[(file-commits ?f ?c) (object-nodes ?f ?n) [?c :commit/tree ?n]]
[(codeq-commits ?cq ?c) [?cq :codeq/file ?f] (file-commits ?f ?c)]])
(d/q '[:find ?src (min ?date)
:in $ % ?name
[?n :code/name ?name]
[?cq :clj/def ?n]
[?cq :codeq/code ?cs]
[?cs :code/text ?src]
[?cq :codeq/file ?f]
(file-commits ?f ?c)
(?c :commit/authoredAt ?date)]
db rules "datomic.codeq.core/commit")
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