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Created December 27, 2012 03:50
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Example of using datomic-simple in the REPL
(ns datomic-playground.core
(:require [datomic-simple.core :as ds]))
(def model-namespace :user)
(def schema
(ds/build-schema model-namespace
[[:username :string]
[:password :string]]))
(ds/create-model-fns model-namespace)
(ds/start {:uri "datomic:free://localhost:4334/datomicsimple" :schemas [schema] :repl true})
(create {:username "fred", :password "nothing"})
;; => {:id 17592186045420, :username "fred", :password "nothing"}
(create {:username "fred", :password "nothing"})
;; => {:id 17592186045422, :username "fred", :password "nothing"}
(find-first {:username "fred"})
;; => {:id 17592186045420, :username "fred", :password "nothing"}
(find-all {:username "fred"})
;; => ({:id 17592186045420, :username "fred", :password "nothing"} {:id 17592186045422, :username "fred", :password "nothing"})
(update (:id (find-first {:username "fred"})) {:username "notfred"})
;; => {:db-before datomic.db.Db@f7555f6a,
;; :db-after datomic.db.Db@d4add90f,
;; :tx-data #<ArrayList [datomic.db.Datum@da78f2c5, datomic.db.Datum@7eea0b8d, datomic.db.Datum@300259]>,
;; :tempids {}}
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