ℹ️ Enable iCloud end-to-end encryption:
- Nobody knows that, but iCloud actually supports end-to-end encryption (see “Advanced Data Protection for iCloud”) but it's disabled by default. If you care about data privacy, you should turn it on.
System settings
→Apple ID
→ SetAdvanced Data Protection
.System settings
→Apple ID
→ DisableAccess iCloud Data on the Web
- It supports almost all the native Apple apps, with the notable exceptions of iCloud Mail, Contacts, and Calendars. See official data protection matrix for more info.
- UnnaturalScrollWheels: Remove macOS's stupid mouse scroll/tracking acceleration. Configure as described here.
System Settings
→ SetTracking speed
to max.System Settings
→ SetScroll speed
to max.
- Fix slow initial key repeat (great for arrow keys)
defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 10
- Fix slow key repeat (also great for arrow keys)
defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1
- (Optional) Disable the accent marks overlay when pressing a key for a long time
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
- 🔥 BetterDisplay ($20 for pro): Custom resolutions, smooth fractional HiDPI scaling (e.g. for 2.5k screens), virtual screens, picture-in-picture displays, HDR brightness, screen control over DDC, and a lot more. It's an absolute banger.
- Drag a window by pressing Control ⌃ Commmand ⌘ + click anywhere in the window
defaults write -g NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture -bool true
- This is a huge quality of life improvement!!
- Make file proxy appear immediately (the little icon in the toolbar inside a window that you can drag to move the open file elsewhere)
defaults write NSGlobalDomain "NSToolbarTitleViewRolloverDelay" -float "0"
- yabai: Stunning tiling window manager that makes you super productive. Must have.
- It's a bit hard to configure though, no sane defaults.
- Use simple-bar or SketchyBar for a status bar that shows the list of spaces, the current one, etc.
- [TODO] Add my configuration
- [TODO] Review the network activity plugin for SketchyBar
⚠️ Some features require to disable System Integrity Protection and then configure the scripting additionecho "$(whoami) ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: sha256:$(shasum -a 256 $(\which yabai) | cut -d " " -f 1) $(\which yabai) --load-sa" sudo visudo -f /private/etc/sudoers.d/yabai
- This has to be done after each
- Don't automatically switch spaces when clicking on the dock.
defaults write com.apple.dock workspaces-auto-swoosh -bool NO
System Settings
→Mission Control
→ UntickWhen switching to an application, switch to a Space with open windows for the application
.- AltTab: Replace the built-in window-switching shortcut Commmand ⌘ Tab ⇥ to add previews, hide windows from other spaces, close windows with Control ⌃ w and Control ⌃ q, etc.
- Update: don't combine it with
or you will have a system freeze every few hours
- Update: don't combine it with
- Magnet ($7.99): Basic Windows-like window snapping to screen edges (+ shortcuts). No animations for snapping. Note that BetterTouchTool also embed this feature.
- Auto-mute output audio devices (except Bluetooth) when Mac wakes from sleep. Avoids blasting loud sound when you open your Macbook in public transport. Using Hammerspoon:
brew install hammerspoon
- Download SpoonInstall and unzip it to
- Create
with the following content and then reload Hammerspoon's configuration:
spoon.SpoonInstall.repos.devnoname120 = {
url = "https://github.com/devnoname120/hammerspoon-collection",
branch = "build",
spoon.SpoonInstall:andUse("AutoMuteOnSleep", {repo="devnoname120", start=true})
- Bluesnooze: Automatically switch off Bluetooth when macOS goes to sleep. This prevents it from connecting to e.g. Bluetooth headphones in its sleep, which can prevent your phone from connecting if no (or too limited) multipoint. Super irritating.
- ❗ Warning: your Bluetooth trackpads/keyboards will (obviously) not be able to wake your Mac from sleep if you enable this.
- Instructions:
brew install bluesnooze
- Open
- Click on the tray icon →
Launch on login
System Settings
→ TickLow power mode
- ×2 my battery time, and can't notice any difference in snappiness.
- Using touch id for
authentication:- Run
sudo cp /etc/pam.d/sudo_local{.template,}
- Run
sudo vim /etc/pam.d/sudo_local
and add or uncomment this line:auth sufficient pam_tid.so
- Run
sudo vim /etc/pam.d/sudo
Add the following line at the top if it's missing. Otherwise just close vim.auth include sudo_local
- Note: if it stops working after a macOS update then do these steps again.
- Run
- Always display the current path at the bottom:
→Show Path bar
- Or
defaults write com.apple.finder ShowPathbar -bool true
- Show file extensions:
→Show all filename extensions
- Show useful folders in the sidebar:
→ tick<home folder>
which has a house 🏠 symbol
- Don't keep open previously previewed files
defaults write com.apple.Preview ApplePersistenceIgnoreState YES
- Stop creating
files on network storages (WebDAV, NFS, etc.) and USB devicesdefaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true
System Settings:
- Disable notifications when screensharing
Notifications & focus
→ UntickWhen mirroring or sharing the display
(at the bottom)
- See Nikita Voloboev's macOS configuration for more settings.
defaults write
- Remove macOS MRT (Apple's antivirus that hogs resources)
sudo launchctl stop com.apple.mrt
sudo launchctl remove com.apple.mrt
sudo rm -f /System/Library/Launch{Agents,Daemons}/com.apple.MRT*.plist
# This one only works if SIP is disabled
chmod -R -x+X /System/Library/CoreServices/MRT.app
- Fix
high CPU usage (Spotlight indexing)System Settings
→Siri & Spotlight
→Spotlight Privacy…
→ Add the following paths:
/usr, /bin, /sbin, /opt, /private, /Library /System/Library ~/.cache ~/Library/{Caches, Logs, Application Support, Containers, Group Containers}
- You can find more paths to exclude in
's logssudo fs_usage -w -f filesys mds | grep -i mds | grep -v ' read '
- You will need to do that again at every macOS update (to be confirmed)
- When Macbook Air M1 is sleeping, external screens connected via USB-C keep waking up every few minutes and then go straight to sleep again.
- Workaround (source):
sudo pmset -a tcpkeepalive 0
sudo pmset -a powernap 0
- Disable
System Settings
→Optimized battery charging
- Change
System Settings
→Wake for network access
- Note: this will prevent
Find My
from working when your Mac is put to sleep
- Note: this will prevent
- See the reasons of the past wakes
pmset -g log | grep 'due to'
- Workaround (source):
- General
- Commmand ⌘ Option ⌥ Shift ⇧ v: Paste text without formatting
- Commmand ⌘ Control ⌃ q: Lock screen
- Commmand ⌘ Control ⌃ space: Open Emoji finder
- Commmand ⌘ Shift ⇧ /: Search in the currently focused app's menus
- See more on Apple's website.
- All text fields support Emacs-like text manipulation shortcuts.
- TODO: add examples of great native emacs-like shortcuts
- See this great list of undocumented fn shortcuts
- All text fields support Emacs-like text manipulation shortcuts.
- Finder
- Commmand ⌘ Option ⌥ v: Paste copied item and remove it from original location.
- Hold Option ⌥: Reveal path breadcrumbs.
- Right click on a breadcrumb to copy path or open in terminal.
- Commmand ⌘ ↑: Move to parent directory.
- Commmand ⌘ ↓: Open directory/file.
- Commmand ⌘ o: Does the same thing.
- Commmand ⌘ Shift ⇧ g: Go to path.
- Commmand ⌘ Option ⌥ c: Copy path of highlight file/directory.
- Commmand ⌘ Shift ⇧ .: Show hidden files.
- Make it the default:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES
- Make it the default:
- iTerm2
- Option ⌥ click: Move cursor of the command being written at the mouse position.
- Enable Commmand ⌘ ⌫ to delete a word in the command line.
→ tabKeys
→Key Mappings
→Natural Text Editing
- See iTerm2 cheatsheet for more.
- Other apps:
- Check Key Combiner's website for a list of the shortcuts for each app.
- Shottr: Free screenshot app + annotations + OCR zone of screen to clipboard.
- [22-04-22] v1.5.2 is 100% free. Newer versions are still free but show a nag from time to time to nudge you into buying the product for $12
- IINA: Awesome video player with great UI on top of mpv (way better than VLC).
brew install iina
- YouTube support:
brew install yt-dlp # better than youtube-dl
ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/yt-dlp /opt/homebrew/bin/youtube-dl
→Custom youtube-dl path
More active and up-to-date fork:IINA Plus- Edit: fork abandoned
- HandBrake: ffmpeg GUI that helps convert videos.
- ff·Works (22€): same but way better (more options, better UX/UI)
- Alfred: Spotlight replacement (search, browse, clipboard history, snippets, workflows).
- TODO: add my workflows
- Spark: Awesome productive email client with first-class multi-inbox, archiving/snoozing/sending later emails, etc. Must-have.
- Fantastical ($57/yr): Great calendar app. Event creation using natural language, first-class timezone + weather support
- Used to be much cheaper, should probably look for an alternative. Maybe CRON
- MeetingBar: Display time until next meeting in the status bar, and allow opening the meeting link directly.
- Karabiner: Remap macOS keys.
- 🔜 TODO share my config file.
- Finda: Dmenu equivalent that works on everything (open windows, tabs, browser history, etc.).
UI/UX tweaks:
- KeepingYouAwake: Prevent macOS from sleeping (temporarily).
- Dozer: Declutter macOS menu bar by selectively hiding icons.
- Muzzle: Disable all notifications when sharing screen.
- Side Mirror: Show second screen (projector) in a window on the main screen. Useful for presentations
- macOS-key-cast: Display an overlay with macOS keys you type. Useful for recording the screen with QuickTime.
- iTerm2: Way better Terminal than the default one.
- Shell/zsh programs
- Powerlevel10k: Awesome ZSH theme/plugin. Easy to customize. Works for many shells zsh (default on macOS), bash, etc.
- mcfly: Awesome shell
replacement for the default clunky Control ⌃ r (akareverse-i-search
). - z: Track most frequently used directories and then jump to them easily.
- SCM Breeze: Add numbered shortcuts to the output of Git, ls, etc.
- tealdeer: superfast unofficial client for the tldr pages (official client sucks).
brew install tealdeer
- ripgrep: Replacement for
. Blazing fast file search with sane defaults. - Zsh antidote plugin manager
- Plugins (add in
):- Extra command auto-completions:
- Fish-like grey autosuggestions:
- Syntax highlight for shell commands:
- Extra command auto-completions:
- Plugins (add in
- ncdu: visualize disk usage tree to find big files
- Syntax Highlight: Preview source code files with syntax highlighting in Finder's Quick Look (opened when pressing space on a file).
- TextMate: Fast & lean text editor with syntax highlighting. I use it to do quick file edits like I would in the terminal with Vim.
- OpenInTerminal: Open the current Finder folder in a terminal.
- DevUtils ($30/device): hacker toolbox. Convert unix timestamps, base64 decode, URI decode, JSON beautifier, test RegExes, etc.
- See DevToysMac for a free alternative
- See CyberChef for an offline webapp alternative
- See DevBox for a webapp-based alternative (free on the website, app is paid)
- Vnc connect: free VNC client that just works.
- Arq ($49.99 or $59.99/yr inc 1TB cloud): Sane encrypted incremental backups.
- Homebrew
brew analytics off
- TODO: or use env variable
- https://privacy.sexy/
Running Windows apps
- Parallels Desktop — Awesome seamless integration of Windows apps in native macOS Windows. Perfect bidirectional integration (can right-click —> open with macOS apps from Windows and vice versa).
- hyperenable — Disable Windows 11 intempestive Office popups that show up when pressing ctrl-shift-alt-win (I already use this combination as a hyper key on macOS)
More macOS defaults
configurations: https://gist.github.com/vraravam/5e28ca1720c9dddacdc0e6db61e093fe
- Amethyst: xmonad-like tiling window manager
- Bartender ($20): Menu bar customization + command palette for all menus and icons
- Proxyman: HTTP mitm debugging tool (like Charles Proxy and Fiddler)
- mitmproxy may be a better option
- RapidAPI: HTTP sandbox to test and create API
- Script for Windows snapping like Spectacle/Rectangle
- redo: interactively create shell function from shell history.
- alacritty: super fast OpenGL terminal emulator
- Can be used to run a command really fast with no warmup time (e.g.
,dash -c navi
, etc.) - See denisidoro/navi#348 (comment)
- Can be used to run a command really fast with no warmup time (e.g.
- zsh
plugin: surround command with parenthesis/bracket/etc. for easier editing - zsh
plugin: select the text under the cursor to outer delimiter boundaries (e.g."…"
, etc.) - zsh
plugin: same but with matching parentheses/brackets so that it works for nested parentheses/brackets - zsh
plugin: auto-close parenthesis/brackets/etc.- ❗ I'm not sure if it does it live (good) or once the command is run (bad)
equivalent but for dockerktop
: top equivalent but for kubernetes
- SoundSource: Fine-grained by-app sound control for Mac + precise audio EQ
- Typinator: auto-expand user-defined abbreviations.
- Keyboard Maestro: Automate tasks, create macros.
- Responsively: Test a website on many device screen sizes at once.
- Paw: Test REST APIs (Postman alternative).
- Hook: Create local perma-links to anywhere in any documents. Useful for cross-referencing stuff (+ use those links in Obsidian).
- Timing: App-usage time tracking, miles ahead of Apple's native feature
- Presentify: Annotate your screen while sharing it or presenting it to an audience.
- numi ($22): Calculator app in natural language
- Prizmo (80€): advanced OCR processing for documents (OCR, table detection, edge repair, resampling, resolution upscaling)
- MarginNote ($47): annotate books and documents
- CheatSheet: Show cheatsheet of all the shortcuts of the current app
- Better Mouse ($8): super powerful tool to configure mouse (e.g. Logitech Master MX 3) features such as ratchet/break point, DPI, bindings, etc. It's not mouse-agnostic but instead supports the specific features of each
- SteerMouse ($20): similar to Better Mouse
- Day One App: Journaling app. Claims to be e2e encrypted and to protect users' privacy.
- rcmd: Switch to apps directly using a option+letter shortcut.
⚠️ Conflicts with qwerty-fr. - PDF viewer/annotator
- espanso: Auto-expanding inline snippets with templating support.
- sloth: GUI that shows open ports/files/more for each running app
- peek ($7.99): awesome QuickLook plugin that supports a lot of file types
- Airpass: one-click on a icon in the menu bar to randomize MAC address to bypass public hotspot limits (max time, data cap, etc.)
- ShortcutDetective: find which application registered a given keyboard shortcut/hotkey. Useful in order to rebind keyboard shortcuts to something else.
- LosslessCut: The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing
- Mac Mouse Fix: Remove accelerated scroll, and general improvement fixes.
- 🙅♂️ Couldn't remove mouse acceleration, lacked other options I needed.
- MonitorControl: Alternative to Lunar
- 🙅♂️ Tried but randomly prevented brightness keys from working when coming back from sleep.
- XtraFinder: Finder improvements. Dual panels, copy paths, make symbolic links, always show folders on top of file lists.
- 🙅♂️ Not bad but too bloated/too many features for me. I rarely needed any of the added features.
- Rectangle: Alternative to Magnet. Windows-like resizing snapping edges.
- 🙅♂️ Sometimes windows don't return to their original size, and features randomly behave erratically.
- 🙅♂️ I suspect that the author keeps these bugs on purpose to promote their paid product (Hookshot aka Rectangle Pro).
defaults write -g com.apple.mouse.scaling -1
- 🙅♂️ Doesn't seem to work anymore as of macOS 12 (Monterey). Use UnnaturalScrollWheels instead.
- Lunar: Control the brightness of external screens via DDC (over HDMI/DP/DP USB-C/TB2&3/VGA/DVI). You can define different contrast and brightness curve for each screen to make them match visually.
- I used it in the past before I knew about BetterDisplaywhich is much MUCH better so I don't use Lunar anymore.
- Tracker Zapper: Watches the clipboard and automatically get rid of trackers from copied URLs (
, etc.).- 🙅♂️ [2025-01-31] hasn't been updated for 3 years