In order to run Xorg apps on macOS you will need to install xquartz
brew install --cask --no-quarantine xquartz
And then configure it
defaults write org.xquartz.X11 nolisten_tcp -bool false
defaults write org.xquartz.X11 no_auth -bool false
defaults write org.xquartz.X11 enable_iglx -bool true
mkdir -p ~/.xinitrc.d
cat << 'EOF' > ~/.xinitrc.d/
xhost +
xhost +localhost
xhost +\$(hostname)
chmod +x ~/.xinitrc.d/
open -a XQuartz
No need to restart anything or log in/out.
You can then run Xorg apps easily:
docker run -e petedavidson887/xclock:0.0.1
Note that you will still need to explicitly provide the DISPLAY
env variable every time you run a Docker container. As far as I know there is no way to set a default env variable for all containers — at least not on Docker for macOS.
Run the following, then restart XQuartz:
defaults write org.xquartz.X11 enable_render_extension -bool false
If the misbehaving app is a Java app you can try adding the following option to your docker run
-e JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS='-Dsun.java2d.xrender=false -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false -Dremote.x11.workaround=false -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd -Dsun.java2d.renderer=sun.java2d.marlin.MarlinRenderingEngine -Djava2d.font.loadFontConf=true'
If you have the following error: libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
then you can attempt to add this argument to your docker run
Thanks for the easy to follow instruction. I'm on OSX 15.3 (24D60) M1 and I'm still getting this error:
Error: Can't open display:
:( Suggestions what needs to be updated?