- Goto Download link https://studio3t.com/download/
- unzip tar using command
tar -xzf studio-3t-linux-x64.tar.gz
- goto folder command
- Check Security Group in AWS All Traffic Public
OR Add All Traffic toYour IP
- Also Can add using Custom TCP Follow here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/quickstart/latest/mongodb/security.html
- Now Connect MonDO using your public IP
- New Instance or Backup Instance Copy the private IP
- Now run in PUTTY
netstat -ntlp
to check which IP - Or Add New IP to
sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf
then (CTRL+Save) & (CTRL+x) - Then Restart
sudo service mongod restart
& check active statussudo systemctl status mongod.service
- Add also if using nodejs put the node js mongoDB private IP along with DB Name
I'm facing with an issue when connect to remote server using MongoDB version 3.0. I'm using the docker container for mongodb. Does anyone can help to resolve this issue