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Last active August 24, 2023 18:01
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  • Save devonChurch/c8f43d0270fc71168cdf23765043f679 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"environment": "staging"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
(async () => {
// The chunks required to get this application up and running in an
// isolated context.
const isolationChunks = [
"main", // The bundle that initialises the application.
"remoteEntry" // This applications remoteEntry file.
// The chunks that point to the `remoteEntry,js` files for the other
// federated modules associated with the applicationthat will create
// the graph in conjunction with the `isolatedChunks`.
const remoteChunks = [
// References to the endpoints that we need to get the configuration files
// from to initialise the application again the current session.
const configChunks = [
"", // Global location config.
"../environment.config.json" // Per environment config.
// Grab our configuration files in parallel.
const [location, { environment }] = await Promise.all( => fetch(chunk).then(response => response.json()))
// Reference our configuration files against the global window so that
// our dynamic `publicPath` function can grab them when initialising our
// bundles.
window.__ENVIRONMENT__ = environment;
window.__LOCATION__ = location;
// Now that we have our configuration, lets get the javascript we need to
// initialise the application. We parallelise the requests to keep things
// speedy.
await Promise.all([
// Fetch the `remoteEntry.js` files for our federated dependancies.
.map(chunk => {
const { href } = location[chunk][environment];
return fetch(`${href}/remoteEntry.js`).then(response => response.text());
// Get files dedicated to running this micro front-end in isolation
// mode.
.map(chunk => fetch(`./${chunk}.js`)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(scripts => scripts.forEach(script => {
// Now that we have our scripts, let's inject them onto the page
// so that we can run out application initialisation sequence.
const element = document.createElement("script");
element.text = script;
"shell": {
"development": {
"href": "http://localhost:8000/"
"staging": {
"href": ""
"production": {
"href": ""
"appOne": {
"development": {
"href": "http://localhost:8001/"
"staging": {
"href": ""
"production": {
"href": ""
"appTwo": {
"development": {
"href": "http://localhost:8002/"
"staging": {
"href": ""
"production": {
"href": ""
"utilities": {
"development": {
"href": "http://localhost:8003/"
"staging": {
"href": ""
"production": {
"href": ""
* Allows static builds to change their `publicName` dynamically at run time rather
* than build time. This allows builds to be environment agnostic, where we can
* change from Staging, UAT, to Production with the same artefact and have the
* `publicName` update accordingly via some run time configuration.
* @class
class DynamicPublicPathPlugin {
* The Webpack hook to apply our plugin.
* @parem {Object} compiler - The Webpack compiler.
apply(compiler) {
compiler.hooks.make.tap("MutateRuntime", (compilation) => {
compilation.hooks.runtimeModule.tap("MutateRuntime", (module, chunk) => {
const isPublicPathRuntimeModule = === "PublicPathRuntimeModule";
if (!isPublicPathRuntimeModule) { return; }
console.log(`* Update "${}" dynamic public path`);
// We extract the variable "key" (the namespace to left of the equals sign)
// and leave the rest behind as we are going to build our own new value
// and assign it back to the variable.
const [key] = module.getGeneratedCode().split("=");
// Swap out the old static string value for a function that will run in
// the browser session and create a public path based on the current
// configuration.
// We create the `publicPath` from the "environment.config.json" and
// "location.config.json" configuration files that are saved as global
// variables in the browser `__ENVIRONEMENT__` and `__LOCATION__`.
module._cachedGeneratedCode = `${key}=(function() {
const { __LOCATION__, __ENVIRONEMENT__ } = window;
const { href } =[__ENVIRONEMENT__];
const publicPath = href + "/";
return publicPath;
return module;
module.exports = async (_, args) => {
return {
plugins: [
new ModuleFederationPlugin({
new DynamicPublicPathPlugin(),
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