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Last active July 28, 2017 18:19
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// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Auto Format on Save
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param {bool} "auto_format_on_save"
// @default false
// Whether or not to run the `js_prettier` command automatically
// on every file save.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
"auto_format_on_save": false,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Debug Mode
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param {bool} "debug"
// @default false
// When enabled (true), additional debugging information about the command
// and configured settings will be printed to the Sublime Text Console;
// useful for troubleshooting purposes.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
"debug": false,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prettier CLI Path
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param {string} "prettier_cli_path"
// @default ""
// It's recommended to leave the "prettier_cli_path" value empty "".
// However, if Sublime Text has problems resolving the path to the
// `prettier` cli executable, you can explicitly specify the path here.
// If the `prettier_cli_path` setting is left empty (""), the path is
// resolved by searching locations in the following order, returning the
// first matched path:
// - Locally installed prettier, relative to the Sublime Text Project file's
// root directory, e.g.: `node_modules/.bin/prettier'.
// - The user's home directory, e.g.: `$HOME/node_modules/.bin/prettier`.
// - Look in the JsPrettier Sublime Text plug-in directory for
// `node_modules/.bin/prettier`.
// - Finally, check if prettier is installed globally,
// e.g.: `yarn global add prettier`
// or: `npm install -g prettier`
// nvm users are required to set an appropriate absolute `prettier_cli_path`
// (and absolute `node_path`), according to the target runtime environment.
// Examples:
// - macOS/Linux...: "/path/to/node_modules/.bin/prettier" (absolute)
// or "./node_modules/.bin/prettier" (relative)
// - Windows.......: "C:/path/to/npm/prettier" (absolute)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
"prettier_cli_path": "/Users/devonzuegel/.nvm/versions/node/v8.1.0/bin/prettier",
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Node Path
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param {bool} "node_path"
// @default ""
// It's strongly recommended to leave the "node_path" value empty "".
// However, if Sublime Text has problems resolving the "absolute" path to
// `node`, you can explicitly specify the path here.
// nvm users will be required to set an appropriate absolute `node_path`
// (and absolute `prettier_cli_path`), according to the target runtime
// environment.
// Examples:
// - macOS/Linux...: "/path/to/node"
// - Windows.......: "C:/path/to/node.exe"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
"node_path": "",
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allow Inline Formatting
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param {bool} "allow_inline_formatting"
// @default false
// Provides the ability to format selections of in-lined code, outside of
// the normally supported syntaxes and file types. For example, to format a
// selection of JavaScript code within a PHP or HTML file. When `true`, the
// JsPrettier command is available for use across all Sublime Text syntaxes.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
"allow_inline_formatting": false,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Custom File Extensions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param {array} "custom_file_extensions"
// @default []
// Additional custom file extensions to format.
// There's built-in support already for "js", "jsx", "ts", "tsx", "css",
// "scss" and "less" files. Any additional file extensions must be specified
// here (excluding the leading dot).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
"custom_file_extensions": [],
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Additional CLI Arguments
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param {object} "additional_cli_args"
// @default {}
// A key-value pair of additional arguments to append to the prettier
// command.
// Example:
// {
// "--no-color": "",
// "--single-quote=false": "",
// "--cursor-offset": -1,
// "--list-different": ""
// }
// NOTE: If choosing to specify additional cli args, it is assumed that each
// argument is supported by the prettier-cli. Otherwise, the command will
// fail to run, and errors will be dumped out to the Sublime Text Console.
// You can also enable the debug setting to inspect the generated
// command-line output passed to prettier; which is also useful for quickly
// troubleshooting issues.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
"additional_cli_args": {},
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Maximum File Size Limit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// @param {int} "max_file_size_limit"
// @default -1
// The maximum allowed file size to format in bytes. For performance
// reasons, files with a greater file size than the specified
// `max_file_size_limit` will not be formatted.
// Setting the `max_file_size_limit` value to `-1` will disable file size
// checking (default).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
"max_file_size_limit": -1,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prettier Options
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Native Prettier Options. For a complete list of supported options and
// acceptable values, visit
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
"prettier_options": {
// Fit code within this line limit
"printWidth": 85,
// If true, will use single instead of double quotes, except `.jsx`
// More info:
"singleQuote": true,
// Controls the printing of trailing commas wherever possible.
// Valid options:
// "none" - No trailing commas
// "es5" - Trailing commas where valid in ES5 (objects, arrays, etc)
// "all" - Trailing commas wherever possible (function arguments)
"trailingComma": "es5",
// Controls the printing of spaces inside array and objects
"bracketSpacing": false,
// If true, puts the `>` of a multi-line jsx element at the end of
// the last line instead of being alone on the next line
"jsxBracketSameLine": false,
// Which parser to use. Valid options are "flow", "babylon",
// "typescript" and "postcss".
// If CSS or TypeScript is detected in Sublime Text, the parser option
// will always be internally overridden and set to "postcss" or
// "typescript" respectively.
"parser": "babylon",
// Whether to add a semicolon at the end of every line (semi: true), or
// only at the beginning of lines that may introduce
// ASI failures (semi: false)
"semi": false
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