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Last active April 28, 2024 09:24
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Python script to monitor server resources, alerting in slack
Server Monitoring script to alert in slack by by DevOpsRob
Download the slacker python module by running wget
Untar the file by running tar -xzvf slacker-0.9.60.tar.gz
Install the psutil module by yum install python-psutil -y
Enter the alert thresholds you would like to set in the variables section
For each alert, enter the slack channel name that you would like to notify in place of <slack-channel-name>
Install a crontab for this script to run at whatever poll interval you require for your monitoring. e.g. * * * * * /usr/bin/python /root/monitoring/
This script will also create a log file (/var/log/monitor.log) if it doesn't already exist and write the output of the server checks to it.
I highly recommend installing and configuring logrotate on this file
#Import python libraries
import psutil
import os
from slacker import Slacker
import datetime
import time
slack = Slacker('<insert-your-slack-api-token-here>')
#CPU Alerting
if psutil.cpu_percent() > cpu_threshold:'#<insert-slack-channel-name-here>', 'CPU ALERT - CPU usage is currently above %s percent' % cpu_threshold)
print (time.strftime("%c") + ' - CPU ALERT - CPU usage is currently above %s percent' % cpu_threshold)
with open(logfile, 'a') as file_handle:
file_handle.write(time.strftime("%c") + ' - CPU ALERT - CPU usage is currently above %s percent' % cpu_threshold)
print (time.strftime("%c") + ' - cpu is below %s percent' % cpu_threshold)
with open(logfile, 'a') as file_handle:
file_handle.write(time.strftime("%c") + ' - cpu is below %s percent' % cpu_threshold)
#Memory Alerting
if psutil.virtual_memory().percent > mem_threshold:'#<insert-slack-channel-name-here>', 'MEMORY ALERT - Memory usage is currently above %s percent' % mem_threshold)
print(time.strftime("%c") + ' - MEMORY ALERT - Memory usage is currently above %s percent' % mem_threshold)
with open(logfile, 'a') as file_handle:
file_handle.write(time.strftime("%c") + ' - MEMORY ALERT - Memory usage is currently above %s percent' % mem_threshold)
print(time.strftime("%c") + ' - Memory usage is below %s percent' % mem_threshold)
with open(logfile, 'a') as file_handle:
file_handle.write(time.strftime("%c") + ' - Memory usage is below %s percent' % mem_threshold)
#Disk Usuage Alerting
if psutil.disk_usage('/').percent > disk_threshold:'#<insert-slack-channel-name-here>', 'DISK SPACE ALERT - Disk space usage is currently above %s percent' % disk_threshold)
print(time.strftime("%c") + ' - DISK SPACE ALERT - Disk space usage is currently above %s percent' % disk_threshold)
with open(logfile, 'a') as file_handle:
file_handle.write(time.strftime("%c") + ' - DISK SPACE ALERT - Disk space usage is currently above %s percent' % disk_threshold)
print(time.strftime("%c") + ' - disk space usage is below %s percent' % disk_threshold)
with open(logfile, 'a') as file_handle:
file_handle.write(time.strftime("%c") + ' - disk space usage is below %s percent' % disk_threshold)
#Network Packet loss alerting
if psutil.net_io_counters().dropout > 0:'#<insert-slack-channel-name-here>', 'PACKET LOSS ALERT - The system is currently experiencing packet loss')
print(time.strftime("%c") + ' - PACKET LOSS ALERT - The system is currently experiencing packet loss')
with open(logfile, 'a') as file_handle:
file_handle.write(time.strftime("%c") + ' - PACKET LOSS ALERT - The system is currently experiencing packet loss')
print(time.strftime("%c") + ' - No packets have been lost')
with open(logfile, 'a') as file_handle:
file_handle.write(time.strftime("%c") + ' - No packets have been lost')
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