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AWS Interview Questions and Answer Part – 38

What is an AWS region?

  • A region is a geographical area that consists of diffrent availabilty zones. Each region consts of 2(or more) Availability Zones.

What dose an AWS Region consist of?

  • An independent collection of AWS computing resources in a defined geography.

Which statement best describes Availability Zones?

  • Distinct locations from within an AWS region that are engineered to be isolated from failures.

An AWS VPC is a component of which AWS service?

  • Networking Service.

What is VPC?

  • Virtual Private Cloud

Which AWS service is specifically designed for developers to upload their code to and then it will automatically handle the provisitions of those resources that are required to host that code?

  • Elastic Beanstalk

Which AWS service allows you to run code without having to worry about provisioning any underlying resouces(such as virtual machines, databases etc)

  • Lambda

Amazon's highly scaleable DNS service is known as...

  • Route53

Which AWS compute service is specifically designed to assist you in processing large data sets?

  • Elastic Map Reduce

What is difference between Elastic Beanstalk & CloudFormation?

  • Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment, from capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling to application health monitoring based on the code you upload to it, where as CloudFormation is an automated provisioning engine designed to deploy entire cloud environments via a JSON script.

Which AWS service is used to CDN to distribute content around the world?

  • CloudFront

Where would be a durable place to store flat files on the AWS platform?

  • S3

Which AWS service would be the best choice for long term data archival?

  • Glacier

What AWS service consts of the following database services; SQL, MYSQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Aurora, Oracle?

  • RDB

What AWS service would you use primary for data warehousing?

  • Redshift

What AWS service is used for collating large amounts of data streamed from multiple sources?

  • Kinesis

You need to create new users to access the AWS console and to set password rotation policies for these new users. Which AWS service would best fit your requirements?

  • IAM (Identity Access Management)

You need to supply auditors with logs as to who provisions which resources on your AWS platform. Which service would best suit this?

  • CloudTrail

You need a configuraion management service to allow your system administrators to configure and operate your web applications using Chef. Which AWS service would best suit your needs?

  • Opsworks

You are a digital media agency and you need to convert your media files in to different formats to suit differenctde

  • Elastic Transcoder
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