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  • name: create a directory and file and append content"
    hosts: deploy
    • name: create directory
      win_file: path=C:\hp\Sultan state=directory
    • name: create a file
      win_file: path=C:\hp\Sultan\index.html state=touch
    • name: adding content to the file
      win_lineinfile: path=C:\hp\Sultan\index.html line='

      Operating system is Red-hat

      when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "RedHat"

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Lab4 - Windows

-  name: Create a file on windows server server
   hosts: windows
     - name: Create a dir
         path: C:\hp\neetesh
         state: directory
     - name: Create a file
         path: C:\hp\neetesh\index.html
         state: touch
     - name: push contents to the file
         src: /home/tester/index.html
         dest: C:\hp\neetesh\index.html

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Lab5- Conditonals

-  name: Gather facts for Redhat and windows
   hosts: mix
     - name: Gather windows facts
         src: /home/tester/index.html
         dest: C:\hp\neetesh\index.html
       when: ansible_distribution == "window"

     - name: Get the linux facts
       lineinfile: dest=/var/www/html/index.html line='<html> <h1> This is Redhat machine </h1>  </html>'
       when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"

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