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Created May 15, 2024 07:03
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icinga tutorials: How to monitor Apache2 using icinga agent
Step 1 - Install icinga2 in Agent Server
8 apt update
9 apt -y install apt-transport-https wget gnupg
10 wget -O - | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/icinga-archive-keyring.gpg
11 . /etc/os-release; if [ ! -z ${UBUNTU_CODENAME+x} ]; then DIST="${UBUNTU_CODENAME}"; else DIST="$(lsb_release -c| awk '{print $2}')"; fi; echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/icinga-archive-keyring.gpg] icinga-${DIST} main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/${DIST}-icinga.list
12 apt update
13 apt install icinga2
14 apt install monitoring-plugins
Step 2 - Enable icinga2 Agent
root@ip-172-31-4-57:~# icinga2 node wizard
Welcome to the Icinga 2 Setup Wizard!
We will guide you through all required configuration details.
Please specify if this is an agent/satellite setup ('n' installs a master setup) [Y/n]: Y
Starting the Agent/Satellite setup routine...
Please specify the common name (CN) [ip-172-31-4-57.ap-south-1.compute.internal]:
Please specify the parent endpoint(s) (master or satellite) where this node should connect to:
Master/Satellite Common Name (CN from your master/satellite node): ip-172-31-12-175.ap-south-1.compute.i nternal
Do you want to establish a connection to the parent node from this node? [Y/n]: Y
Please specify the master/satellite connection information:
Master/Satellite endpoint host (IP address or FQDN):
Master/Satellite endpoint port [5665]:
Add more master/satellite endpoints? [y/N]: N
Parent certificate information:
Version: 3
Subject: CN = ip-172-31-12-175.ap-south-1.compute.internal
Issuer: CN = Icinga CA
Valid From: May 10 04:17:19 2024 GMT
Valid Until: Jun 11 04:17:19 2025 GMT
Serial: f0:c6:d1:1c:f0:78:1b:6b:2d:7c:20:4b:1b:50:3c:be:f0:25:a2:17
Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
Subject Alt Names: ip-172-31-12-175.ap-south-1.compute.internal
Fingerprint: 54 FD AD AC 55 39 7F 7A 5F C2 2D BB 09 22 BE 43 08 15 FB DF 0D F6 5C 2B 76 15 0F C 1 DD 29 00 7B
Is this information correct? [y/N]: y
Please specify the request ticket generated on your Icinga 2 master (optional).
(Hint: # icinga2 pki ticket --cn 'ip-172-31-4-57.ap-south-1.compute.internal'): 94deed8004eefccb459689dbc6fe1112543b01eb
Please specify the API bind host/port (optional):
Bind Host []:
Bind Port []:
Accept config from parent node? [y/N]: y
Accept commands from parent node? [y/N]: y
Reconfiguring Icinga...
Disabling feature notification. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
Enabling feature api. Make sure to restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect.
Local zone name [ip-172-31-4-57.ap-south-1.compute.internal]:
Parent zone name [master]:
Default global zones: global-templates director-global
Do you want to specify additional global zones? [y/N]:
Do you want to disable the inclusion of the conf.d directory [Y/n]: n
Now restart your Icinga 2 daemon to finish the installation!\
$ systemctl restart icinga2
Step 3 - Install Apache 2
26 apt-get update
27 apt install apache2
28 clear
29 ls
30 systemctl start apache2
31 systemctl status apache2
Step 4 - Verify if Mod_Staus module in Apache2
$ ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled | grep status*
$ sudo /usr/sbin/a2enmod status
Module status already enabled
Note - If you want to enable - follow this -
Step 5 - Enable Mod Status Module from icinga server
$ more /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/status.conf
$ vi /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/status.conf
$ systemctl restart apache2
<IfModule mod_status.c>
# Allow server status reports generated by mod_status,
# with the URL of http://servername/server-status
# Uncomment and change the "" to allow access from other hosts.
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
Require local
Require ip
# Keep track of extended status information for each request
ExtendedStatus On
# Determine if mod_status displays the first 63 characters of a request or
# the last 63, assuming the request itself is greater than 63 chars.
# Default: Off
#SeeRequestTail On
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
# Show Proxy LoadBalancer status in mod_status
ProxyStatus On
Step 6 - Enable Apache check in Icinga Server
49 cd /etc/icinga2/conf.d/
50 ls
51 vi commands.conf
object CheckCommand "check_apache_status" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [ PluginDir + "/check_http" ]
arguments = {
"-H" = "$address$"
"-u" = "/server-status?auto"
object CheckCommand "check_apache_status" {
import "plugin-check-command"
command = [ PluginDir + "/check_http" ]
arguments = {
"-H" = ""
"-u" = "/server-status?auto"
$ systemctl restart icinga2
$ systemctl status icinga2
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