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Last active April 26, 2024 01:52
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I am creating a form which would take inputs as a email id, username and password but this has to be inserted into Moodle Mysql database and when i login to moodle with the same username and passworde, it should allow login. I understand that moodle uses bcrypt with salt but i m not sure how to write this php code which would be alternate to moo…
// Moodle configuration file inclusion - adjust the path as needed
// User data
$email = ''; // Assume this comes from your form
$username = 'newusername'; // Assume this comes from your form
$password = 'newpassword'; // Assume this comes from your form, needs to be hashed
// Hash the password using bcrypt, compatible with Moodle's password hashing
$hashedPassword = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
// Prepare the new user data
$usernew = new stdClass();
$usernew->auth = 'manual'; // Assuming manual authentication
$usernew->confirmed = 1; // Active account
$usernew->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; // Main site
$usernew->email = $email;
$usernew->username = $username;
$usernew->password = $hashedPassword; // Use the hashed password
$usernew->firstname = 'Firstname'; // You may want to collect this in your form
$usernew->lastname = 'Lastname'; // You may want to collect this in your form
$usernew->timecreated = time();
$usernew->timemodified = time();
// Insert user into the database
$userId = $DB->insert_record('user', $usernew);
echo "User created with ID: ".$userId;
require_once('config.php'); // Adjust the path as necessary to point to Moodle's config.php
global $DB, $CFG;
// Replace these with the values from your form
$email = '';
$username = 'newusername';
$password = 'newpassword'; // Ensure this is appropriately secured in your form
// Prepare user new object
$usernew = new stdClass();
$usernew->auth = 'manual'; // Assuming manual authentication
$usernew->confirmed = 1; // Set to 1 to confirm user automatically
$usernew->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; // Main site
$usernew->email = $email;
$usernew->username = $username;
$usernew->password = hash_internal_user_password($password); // Hash password
$usernew->firstname = 'Firstname'; // Adjust as necessary
$usernew->lastname = 'Lastname'; // Adjust as necessary
// Additional fields like city, country, etc., should be set according to your needs
try {
$user_id = user_create_user($usernew); // Create the user
echo "User created with ID: " . $user_id;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Handle error
echo "Error creating user: " . $e->getMessage();
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