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Created June 5, 2016 13:20
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New algorithm when searching in Tribler
from itertools import chain
import os
import time
from struct import unpack_from
from twisted.internet import reactor
from Tribler.Core.CacheDB.sqlitecachedb import SQLiteCacheDB
from Tribler.Core.Utilities.search_utils import split_into_keywords
db = SQLiteCacheDB("/Users/martijndevos/Documents/fts_test/tribler.sdb")
def create_vtable():
db.execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION create_table;"
"CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE FullTextIndexMultiple USING fts4(swarmname, filenames, fileextensions);"
"COMMIT TRANSACTION create_table;")
def reindex_torrents():
time_begin = time.time()
results = db.fetchall("SELECT torrent_id, name FROM Torrent")
for torrent_result in results:
if torrent_result[1] is None:
swarmname = split_into_keywords(torrent_result[1])
files_results = db.fetchall("SELECT path FROM TorrentFiles WHERE torrent_id = ?", (torrent_result[0],))
filenames = ""
fileexts = ""
for file_result in files_results:
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(file_result[0])
parts = split_into_keywords(filename)
filenames += " ".join(parts) + " "
fileexts += ext[1:] + " "
db.execute_write(u"INSERT INTO FullTextIndexMultiple (rowid, swarmname, filenames, fileextensions) VALUES(?,?,?,?)", (torrent_result[0], " ".join(swarmname), filenames[:-1], fileexts[:-1]))
print "Reindexing took %d sec" % (time.time() - time_begin)
def search_in_db(query):
search_results_torrents = search_in_torrents_db(query)
search_results_channels = search_in_channels_db(query)
all_search_results = search_results_torrents + search_results_channels
for result in all_search_results:
print "[%s] %s - %f" % ('T' if result[2] == 'torrent' else 'C', result[0], result[1])
print "Results: %d" % (len(search_results_torrents) + len(search_results_channels))
def cmp_scores(res1, res2):
if res1[1] == res2[1]:
return len(split_into_keywords(res1[0])) - len(split_into_keywords(res2[0]))
elif res2[1] < res1[1]:
return -1
return 1
def search_in_channels_db(query):
search_results = []
keywords = split_into_keywords(query, to_filter_stopwords=True)
sql = "SELECT name, description FROM Channels WHERE "
for _ in xrange(len(keywords)):
sql += " name LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR "
sql = sql[:-4]
bindings = list(chain.from_iterable(['%%%s%%' % keyword] * 2 for keyword in keywords))
results = db.fetchall(sql, bindings)
for result in results:
scores = []
for col_ind in xrange(2):
score = 0
for keyword in keywords:
phrase_freq = result[col_ind].lower().count(keyword)
rightSide = ((phrase_freq * (1.2 + 1)) / (phrase_freq + 1.2))
score += rightSide
search_results.append((result[0], 0.8 * scores[0] + 0.2 * scores[1], 'channel'))
return search_results[:1000]
def search_in_torrents_db(query):
search_results = []
results = db.fetchall("SELECT DISTINCT, T.infohash, Matchinfo(FullTextIndexMultiple, 'pcnalx') FROM Torrent T, FullTextIndexMultiple LEFT OUTER JOIN _ChannelTorrents C ON T.torrent_id = C.torrent_id WHERE IS NOT NULL AND t.torrent_id = FullTextIndexMultiple.rowid AND C.deleted_at IS NULL AND FullTextIndexMultiple MATCH ?", (" OR ".join(split_into_keywords(query, to_filter_stopwords=True)),))
for result in results:
matchinfo = result[2]
num_phrases, num_cols, num_rows, avg_len_swarmname, avg_len_filename, avg_len_exts, len_swarmname, len_filename, len_exts = unpack_from('IIIIIIIII', matchinfo)
unpack_str = 'I' * (3 * num_cols * num_phrases)
matchinfo = unpack_from('I' * 9 + unpack_str, matchinfo)[9:]
scores = []
for col_ind in xrange(num_cols):
score = 0
for phrase_ind in xrange(num_phrases):
phrase_freq = matchinfo[3 * (col_ind + phrase_ind * num_cols)]
rightSide = ((phrase_freq * (1.2 + 1)) / (phrase_freq + 1.2))
score += rightSide
search_results.append((result[0], 0.8 * scores[0] + 0.1 * scores[1] + 0.1 * scores[2], 'torrent'))
return search_results[:1000]
def do_db_stuff():
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