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Created October 19, 2017 15:38
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Thread-Safe Singleton Pattern in Swift
/* 1. Class Constant : Lazy initialization is supported. Officially recommanded way */
class Singleton {
static let shared = Singleton()
private init() { } // prevent creating another instances.
/* 2. Nested Struct : Workaround for the lack of static class constants in Swift 1.1 and earlier. still useful
in functions, where static constants and varialbles cannot be used. */
class Singleton {
class var shared: Singleton {
struct Static {
static let instance: Singleton = Singleton()
return Static.instance
/* 3. dispatch_once : Traditional Objective-C style approach. */
class Singleton {
class var sharedInstance: Singleton {
struct Static {
static var onceToken: dispatch_once_t = 0
static var instance: Singleton? = nil
dispatch_once(&Static.onceToken) {
Static.instance = Singleton()
return Static.instance!
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